The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2874: Indian peace talks

"It is good if there is a piece of land that produces oil," the boss said.

"But, can we hold this place? This land needs to be bought with money, and we don’t need to spend it at that time. But the land has not been obtained. The loss of money is vain. This oil is a good thing, but we still don’t need it At the time, after all, our ship transportation is also very time-consuming, and it is still worthwhile to ship the gold." The boss thought for a while and said. The man nodded, feeling that what his boss said was right. After all, Basra could not keep it. What else can they do.

And on the other side. Zhang Bi discussed an important matter with Guo Xiang, Zhang Xi and others.

"We already know that Basra can no longer defend. There are not many troops there. Moreover, the Parthians are unstable, and many people are planning to escape. The Seth people are launching a fierce attack." Zhang Bi said.

"The Parthians found us. They believe that Basra should belong to us. They are willing to provide us with some soldiers. The prerequisite is that we must hold Basra." Zhang Bi said.

"Basra is difficult to defend. I don't know how many troops the Seth have. Not only that, we also need more soldiers to garrison. From this point of view, it is difficult for us to defend Basra. However." Zhang Xi Speaking of time.

"However, there is one thing we can do. That is." Zhang Xi said hesitantly.

"But what?" Zhang Bi asked.

"My idea is this, but it has not been confirmed. I heard that it took only a short time for the Seth to go from defense to counterattack. It can be said that it took almost a short time from the offensive to the collapse of the Parthians. It's hard to react." Zhang Xi said.

"Right." Zhang Bi nodded and said. The Koreans didn’t know much about this war, or they were very detailed. Because of language and lack of geographic knowledge, they could not reach the battlefield at all, and it was difficult to provide the necessary security guarantees, which made it difficult for them to move. However, they only learned about the war from the Parthians. With the help of combat engineers, the Seth people began to actively use gunpowder weapons, but they were more blasting techniques, and the Parthians could not master such technology. They just Use a musket to shoot. They are just establishing a stable defensive position, and I am afraid they will lose their final advantage in front of the combat engineers who excavate fortifications. This is extremely unfavorable for them.

"They spent too little time from defense to offense. I believe that their logistics supply will definitely have problems, but I don’t know the specific situation. If they encounter trouble in Basra, then the Seth people’s troubles can be. It's really big." Zhang Xi said.

"I don't understand." Zhang Bi said.

"Well. It's like, their offensive strength is getting weaker and weaker. Their arms have reached the limit. Within the limit, they are unlikely to have the strength to hit each other because they cannot do enough. Strength to lay a fortress, we need to strengthen Basra, if the Seth people are at such a limit, I think their situation will be extremely bad." Zhang Xi said.

"Yeah. But at present we don't know if there is such a possibility. Under such a situation, all kinds of things can happen." Zhang Bi said.

"Yes. It's very correct. The key is that we don't have soldiers to mobilize. Without sufficient troops, we can't do many things, but I think we can take a risk. As long as the country can dispatch a batch of troops to us urgently, In other words, they can solve a lot of logistical supply problems. We ask the Shabbats to hold some places for us, and if we can provide them with some help, I think we can take down Basra." Zhang Xi said with some risk.

"The problem is, I don't know what it means to be local, whether they are willing to take a risk, if they don't want to, we can't do anything." Zhang Bi said.

"Yes. This is correct, we really can't do anything. The crux of the problem lies here." Zhang Xi said.

"Well, I will draft the telegram. I hope that the country can carefully consider our opinions." Zhang Bi said.

South Korea, Xinzheng. The telegrams from Seth became the best level, as soon as they arrived, they would quickly reach Han Shu's office.

"Go and find Prime Minister Zhang and the Minister of Defense." Han Shu said to an assistant beside him. When I saw the telegram, Han Shu thought this matter was very serious.

"Huh." Han Shu stood up and put down the telegram seriously.

"The King." Zhang Liang arrived first, and his office was near Han Shu. The Secretary of Defense was farther away, and he arrived later. But Zhang Liang already looked like the telegram handed over by Han Shu.

"What do you think?" The Secretary of Defense has not seen the telegram. Han Shu couldn't wait to ask.

"There are many key points in this matter that need attention." Zhang Liang handed the telegram to the Secretary of Defense and said. He knew that Han Shu urgently needed some advice. But he can't provide more advice, because they don't know many things.

"First, we need to know how many days Basra can defend? Time, time is the key. Second, how long do we need to be able to provide sufficient soldiers. If necessary, I think they can retreat to their defense. As long as we occupy the coastal area and do not control Basra, I think it’s okay.” Zhang Liang said.

"As far as we know, Basra is very important, sir." said the defense minister. He used an army vocabulary. The chief is the honorific name of the subordinate to the superior. Perhaps the Secretary of Defense thinks that the situation is very dangerous, so he blurted it out.

"We can lose Basra and retake it again, but Basra must be in our hands. As for the reinforcements, we just have to wait patiently. If necessary, Chu people can also provide soldiers. However. From the recent telegram Look, there may be no place nearby that can provide soldiers. It looks very bad. The combat effectiveness of the native soldiers is very poor, so they can defend. It may be barely possible." The Minister of Defense said.

"We need to contact the people of Chu. We must get help from the Chu army. We hope they can mobilize troops quickly. However, we must also do something, which is to collect or collect all those troops. Come out, we need sufficient troops to do this kind of thing." Han Shu ordered.

"However, Lord, we still need a reason." Zhang Liang reminded. The teacher is famous, this is the habit of the Central Plains countries.

"It's very simple, let's mediate that war. We did it for peace, for the peace of both sides." Han Shu said. After Zhang Liang heard this, he looked at Han Shu. Obviously, he felt that such a reason was a little absurd. The weak South Korea was mediating in such a region.

Chu State Pengcheng.

"Did you see? Our agreement has not been reached yet. The Koreans have rushed to find them, and they can't stay idle at all." Fan Zeng said.

"There is no way for such a thing. They have had a lot of trouble in the Kingdom of Seth. They want to occupy Basra. Open a gap. They call it the Far West. That area, for them, is very Important. However, we can't just look at the Far West. We also have to take some actions. Perhaps this is an opportunity for us." Chen Ping said after reading the telegram.

"Yeah. You're right. We can't keep looking at a western continent. There are already too many resources on this continent. We need to look farther away. Now we just occupy any part of us and we can see Site." Fan Zeng said.

"Send this telegram to the chief of staff. I think he will understand what to do." Fan Zeng handed it over to an assistant at this time, something like this. Need an assistant to solve it.

Qin State, Xianyang. The Qin government does not know about Basra. The South Korean government seems to have forgotten to tell Qin such things. However, Qin's Ministry of National Defense only sent some strange telegrams.

"It is said in the telegram. The rest of the troops have been withdrawn. They have encountered a lot of trouble in the Kingdom of Seth." Wei Liao said.

"Who knows what will happen to them." Meng Yi looked at the telegram and said.

"I just think something is wrong. Many situations are very abnormal for us. For example, here, why did they retreat and what happened there? These are things they don't know." Wei Liao said.

"Well, we don't know what happened yet. However, we should pay attention, we have received too little news." Meng Yi said. Meng Yi attributed the problem to their lack of information gathering ability. But Wei Liao was only sensitively aware of some problems. Beyond their unimaginable place.

Yueshi, the northern line. At the station of the Third Regiment of Yue's Infantry, their sentry brought an arms dealer.

"Sir, his name is Pavlo, from Tocharian." A lieutenant officer introduced.

"We caught him at the border. He himself said that he was an arms dealer. We know that he has transported more than 500 rifles to the other side." The lieutenant said of the result of the interrogation. Major Meng Ke is the battalion commander of the 3rd Infantry Battalion of the 3rd Regiment. Most of this battalion is recruited. Perhaps because of the recruits, their vigilance is relatively high.

"Well, I see." Meng Ke nodded and said.

He saw that the Tocharian named Bavlo had many wounds on his body. These wounds were not very serious, but they were ugly enough, and there was blood on his fingers. There are both on the corners of the mouth and on the nostrils. These are skin injuries, which are not serious, but. This embarrassed the other party. At least it can be painful for a while.

The soldiers of the Yue family at the border hated those arms dealers, especially the smuggled arms dealers, because many of their companions died on the arms and weapons they sold. Unless these people have connections with the military. Once caught, he will be severely beaten. If they cannot pay a ransom, they will be shot. This is for them. This is a very simple matter.

"Let's talk about it, how much ransom you plan to pay." Major Meng Ke regarded Pavlo as an ordinary arms smuggler. He believes that as long as the other party pays a large ransom. They can solve everything.

"I'm not an ordinary arms dealer. I have letters from the Indians on the opposite side. It's in the middle of my clothes. There are letters from the seals to you. Those letters are about peace." Pavlo said.

"What?" Major Meng Ke looked at Pavlo in confusion.

"I know the Indians. The high-ranking officials of the Indians were shocked by the bombing of you, the things flying in the sky."

Pavlo said.

"That's an airship." Major Meng Ke reminded him kindly. Many Tocharians are not aware of the existence of airships. After all, they don't have much military knowledge.

"Well, I get it. That's an airship." Pavlo said.

"You carried out an arson operation in a frontline military warehouse. The Indians were very shocked." Pavlo said.

"It's a bombing, not an arson." Major Meng Ke seemed to show his military knowledge on purpose.

"Yes, it's bombing, it's bombing." Pavlo said.

"Their morale was very low. Many Indian soldiers knelt on the ground and waited for your bombing. As a result, many of them were burned to death. They were very scared, they knew. You can carry out such bombing many times. So, they are very worried about their morale and future operations. Now, the situation is very unfavorable for the Indians. You surrounded them from the south. There are about 700,000 troops, more than one million people in this huge In the circle of encirclement, if you shrink the encirclement, the situation may be very unfavorable for the Indians, so they plan to negotiate with you." Pavlo said.

"Oh." Hearing such news. Meng Ke felt very strange, or a little surprised. He unexpectedly heard such a shocking news here. He didn't know whether he believed the news, or let the news disappear, he was a little at a loss.

"This." Meng Ke suddenly didn't know what he should do.

"What I know is that the Indians have found any way they can find to seek peace talks. They need such an opportunity, and you must give them such an opportunity. I don't know how many of you have, but I think that at least it should There is an army of one hundred thousand people, one hundred thousand people, eating more than one million people, I don't think it is possible, your appetite may not be as good." Pavlo said.

"Damn it." The famous sergeant next to him gave him a vicious gesture. Pavlo felt very uncomfortable in his stomach.

"Okay. Sergeant, he is here for the peace talks, and the information he brings is very valuable to us. I think the regiment and the top will be interested. Don't hurt him." Major Meng Ke said.

"Yes. Sir." The sergeant stood still and said.

"You will get the treatment you deserve, and we still need you, but you need to wait for this matter. After all, this is not a trivial matter, but I'm very surprised why the Indians send you. Couldn't they send one? A very reliable person?" Meng Ke asked.

"They are afraid of you, afraid that you will kill them. They are all cowardly people. They are not soldiers at all." Pavlo said.

"But they will wait for my contact. If I can succeed, I will get a lot of money, but it depends on your situation." Pavlo said.

"Yeah. I see. You can go down." Meng Ke said. He immediately reported the news to the headquarters. They need such a news too much.

Karachi. Inside the private office of General Hasi.

"This news, others don't know yet." General Hasi handed Zhang Si a document he had written.

"Peace talks?" Zhang Si asked after seeing it.

"Yes. Yes, the peace talks. The news is still just received from the north, do you know? I heard that a country called Qin State helped the Yue people. They used a flying thing and set it on fire from the sky." Hasi said.

"Oh. I know. That's Qin, the most powerful country in the Central Plains. It's a kind of airship that can fly to a high position. What they throw should be a kind of incendiary bomb." Zhang Si said.

"Airship. My goodness. When I heard the news, I really thought it was a **** from the sky." General Hasi shook his head and said.

"If I have a chance, I would like to see such an airship. It is a magic weapon that can fly into the sky." Hasi said.

"That's very simple. We can do it now. But we need to collect some materials. But I am still shocked by the news. If Qin people participate, the situation in the north will quickly tilt." Zhang Si said.

"Can I tell our homeland this news?" Zhang Si asked.

"Yes, of course, but can you really go to heaven? Such weapons are very important to us." General Hasi said.

"This, I understand. But we are in trouble. The homeland asked us to gather a large army to Seth. The problem now is that we don't have such an army at all." Zhang Si said embarrassedly.

"Well. If you can build us such an airship, I think the military affairs can be resolved easily." General Hasi proposed such a deal.

"Well. Well, I will provide such things, but I need to provide such talents from the local area." Zhang Si said.

"This is no problem, my army will lend it to you." General Hasi said.

"This. Thank you very much, then." Zhang Si said happily. This question is very embarrassing to him. Because it makes him feel very difficult, but now, this problem. It has been solved very well. But he needs to provide an airship.

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