The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2879: I'll leave it to you

Cabinet meeting of Dawan. The new Cabinet Prime Minister Beckham watched the previous cabinet members discuss the security situation in Dawan.

The prime minister of Dawan was replaced by the parliament. They believed that the former prime minister was extremely procrastinated in dealing with the infrastructure needed for the economy. and so. The new prime minister was immediately replaced.

With the rapid development of the mining industry in Dawan, especially the further increase in demand from the Qin State, the construction of railways has met the needs of transportation, which has greatly accelerated the development of Dawan’s minerals. However, the foundation of Dawan The facilities are still very incomplete. They need to spend more time and energy to solve their final branch traffic problem. However, the Dawan government’s tax revenue is insufficient and it is difficult to have enough financial funds for further development. Moreover, the previous government still has a lot of money. The existence of large fiscal debts is mainly with the help of Qin State Bank. Without Qin State Bank, their financial crisis would have broken out long ago. It is impossible for the Dawan government to build a Dawan Railway to appear.

However, Trusting Cabinet Prime Minister Beckham is extremely worried. His name is a Tocharian name, his mother is Tocharian, and his father is from Dawan, because his father is a wealthy businessman. The Parliament nominated him as the new Prime Minister. He did not dissolve the cabinet immediately, because he still had a lot of things he didn't know about the government, such as the fiscal revenue status. But he hadn't understood the situation, and immediately got a worrying thing. That is, security issues.

"If the Parthians invade us, we need at least ten infantry divisions to effectively defend against the enemy's offensive. These infantry divisions must be full. In this way, the strength of the infantry may exceed 100,000 or more." Speaking of.

"Oh my God. In this way, our financial funds will be unbearable." The Minister of Finance said first.

"I know this, but the rest of the people you know are bandit minds, they will immediately attack us. They will destroy our railways. Communication lines, and more minerals. Then we will Lost a large number of mineral areas, those mineral areas are our main source of economy. They are our tax revenue. Once lost, the situation will become extremely unfavorable for us." The Minister of Defense said.

"This, I know." The Minister of Finance said. Regarding this view of the Minister of Defense, he very much agrees that if they lose the source of those taxes, the situation will only become extremely bad for Dawan’s finances. However, if this is not done, what will be the result, that is, their fiscal system will completely collapse.

"But the financial funds simply don't have that much money to support your arms expansion plan. The most terrible thing is that we don't know whether your immediately expanded army can hold on to the Parthian offensive. According to what I know, you only have Three dissatisfied infantry divisions. They can't reach the state we need." The Finance Minister said with some dissatisfaction. The Ministry of Finance has allocated some special funds, but in fact, the three infantry divisions still cannot improve their combat effectiveness. This made him some conclusions that spending money could not achieve the effect of their spending.

"I understand this, but that's the truth." said the defense minister.

"We have a lot of problems. At present, we cannot recruit more soldiers. The salaries of miners far exceed the salaries of soldiers. There is no future for being a soldier, but miners can bring great salaries and change their lives. . We can only solve this problem completely with a higher salary." said the defense minister.

Dawan is a relatively special country, because the population of this country is not very large. Although there is no detailed data to explain the total population of Dawan. However, most of the men suitable for military service in this country are engaged in mining production, and minerals have brought great wealth. The salaries of miners are also relatively large. This leads directly to the fact that many men are unwilling to serve as soldiers, and their salaries are very low, and only the poor will go. But their first consideration is to be a miner. And the risks of being a soldier far exceed the risks of ordinary miners. This makes many people's enthusiasm for joining the army extremely low.

"Well, in short, I can't satisfy you with these problems. You know, I can't do this at all. We lack too much financial support. If you want to expand ten infantry divisions, or there are other operations. For the unit, the only way is to levy taxes." The Minister of Finance said while looking at the new Prime Minister.

"Taxation is impossible. Parliament will not collect taxes. Unless the Shabbat comes here, it is impossible." Beckham said.

"However, according to the situation of the Minister of Defense, the situation is indeed extremely unfavorable to us. The innocent fortress between us and the Parths can be defended, and our minerals have brought great wealth. The Parths certainly It will launch an offensive like this. But the people of Qin are unable to provide the help we need in time. Besides, the cost of garrisoning of the people of Qin is also needed. This makes us very embarrassed." Beckham said.

"What I want to say is that those small towns and mineral towns themselves are defensive fortresses. If they can defend against the attacks of the sabbath cavalry, after all, they have done this before." The Minister of Economy who sat at the end said. His task is relatively easy, because Dawan currently only has two kinds of economy, one is the mineral economy, which is the development of a large amount of mineral resources, which is the main one. The other is agriculture. Agriculture is mainly based on grazing. However, a large number of pastures are squeezed, and their scale is not very large. In addition, there are some plantations, mainly Qin people grow a kind of cotton here. He didn't know why Qin needed so many things. He hadn't seen anything like that before. But it can bring certain economic benefits, so he doesn't care about it. It can be said. His task is relatively easy.

"No, those are a mob. What they face is only a small group of sabbath cavalry who can still play a role. Once a large-scale invasion. As long as there are artillery, they lack training, and they can exert organized and effective resistance, they will definitely be quick The collapse of the country. This is an unfavorable situation for us in itself.” The Defense Minister said.

"Do you have a solution to this problem?" Beckham asked the Minister of Finance.

"Unless we borrow, but we have already borrowed a lot of debt. We must pay off the current debt before we can borrow. However, the key depends on the attitude of the people of Qin. If they lend us, I think the problem may be. It won't be big," said the Minister of Finance. Beckham nodded. He was thinking about some of his own things. Judging from the current situation, those mine owners would absolutely not agree to taxation rashly, and their support for this war would become extremely ambiguous. And his position is definitely not going to go on, but there is no tax on how to solve the income problem. This made him a headache.

Tochar, rest in peace at the border.

"There have been more and more conflicts recently. The Parthian soldiers have publicly robbed the property of our arms caravan. They have caused a lot of losses. We have closed the trade port. However, the Parthian people are increasingly provoking our borders. "A Colonel Tocharo said. He wears a metal helmet and some metal armors, but his clothes are beginning to be close to Qin's military uniforms, which looks a little different, but most of the Tocharian soldiers do this. Those Tocharian soldiers are very sensitive to protective equipment. Very important, mainly because of the high value, or passed from their grandparents. But they accept new weapons, muskets, artillery. Perhaps they think that their metal protective gear is still useful.

"Well. What do you think of our security situation? I mean. Will those damned Parthians attack us?" the Secretary of Defense asked.

"This, sir, I don't know. But. I think they may attack because the Parthians are always so bold. Although we have built some fortifications, they are large in number. And the fighting is fierce, we can't beat them. Said the colonel.

"Well. Well, there are some things, I think, you border guards must be mentally prepared. The Parthians have encountered a lot of trouble in the Kingdom of Seth, I think, they may find some wealth from us, they will You'd better be careful when attacking us." The Minister of Defense kindly reminded.

"This. Sir, if this is the case, we must be prepared for defense." said the colonel.

"Yes, this is a big problem. Money is needed in many places. Without money, this problem can't be solved at all. Damn it. Very damn." The Secretary of Defense said.

Tocharo’s senior officials were reminded by the Qin government that they believed that the Parthians’ military operations in the west had failed and that they might invade Dawan, but Tocharo might also face a high risk. Ming was against such a high risk. risk. This had to make the Tocharians vigilant.

but. Both countries ordered a fiscal crisis. The situation in Dawan is better to say that as long as they raise some taxes, the problem may be solved, but their parliament is unwilling to do so. On the other hand, the Tocharians also made some money in the arms business, but they didn't want to expand this money into the army. This was unfair to them, but the arms business of the Parthians was broken. It made them unable to do this kind of trade, and Tochar needed a new source of income. Their situation was even more tragic than the situation of the Dawan people.

North of Qin State. Inside the Northern League Club. This is a place where both Mongolian and Eastern state congressmen like to come. They like to meet here to exchange their development experiences. Make the development of East and West Mongolia better.

"Everyone, the price of copper in Xianyang has risen to a new height, and the price of iron ore is also rising. Because the demand for steel has become larger and larger." A middle-aged congressman said.

"I think this is an opportunity for our Northern Alliance. Our exploration team told us that in Mobei, Monan, and the remote Moxi, even though they are extremely desolate, there is no one to live in, and there are no cattle and sheep. I am willing to go there. However, copper mines are found there. As long as we excavate those copper mines, they will develop rapidly, and wealth is beckoning us." The middle-aged congressman said. He is a member of the Eastern Montgomery State. He got reliable news. In the area north of Mobei in ASEAN State, which is today's Outer Mongolia, they found a copper ore belt, which usually means that there are a lot of mineral resources. And extend along this ore belt. Simon State will also get enough copper deposits, but some prospecting pairs have gone deep into Moxi because they believe that there should be another ore belt there, because their exploration results show that these are two different ore belts.

Parliamentarians don't care about these academic issues, even if they want to understand, they can't understand what it means. But they know what these mineral belts bring. Wealth, a lot of wealth. This will make them extremely wealthy.

"However, we still need railways. If there is no railway, we dug up all the copper mines and piled them up into a copper mountain. We can't do this either. I think you should know this." Said a congressman in his fifties.

Although it sounds like it has reduced the atmosphere that many Members have just cheered up a lot, this is indeed a question they must consider. If there is no railway transportation, it will be useless for them to dig out more copper ore. This is a fact.

"We should mortgage those minerals and get more bank loans. In that case, we can build a series of copper mine production sites. And those railways can help us transport these copper mines." The middle-aged man The councillor said.

"The idea is very good. The question is, will the bank do this?" said the fifty-something congressman. Other lawmakers had to discuss such a possibility.

However, many people are optimistic. In their view, this is an easy business to develop. The north has mineral resources and the south needs these things. The bankers in Guanzhong will focus on every financial business that can bring business. The demand for mineral development in the future will become extremely large. This is very obvious. They believe that the bank will lend them a lot of money, and there is nothing to worry about.

Wei Guo, big beam. Inside the parliament hall. Zhang Er is facing the accusations of lawmakers.

"I think. Mr. Zhang understands very well. The law and order situation in Daliang City will be very bad. It has reached a terrible stage. I don't know why Mr. Zhang doesn't solve such a problem?" a member of Parliament asked.

"The government does not have enough financial funds to solve this problem. I think the reason is very simple. Without money, we can't hire those police officers. They can't play their role." Zhang Er said helplessly. In this regard, he once asked the parliament to increase fiscal tax revenue for construction in this area, but he was rejected. Because those councillors are all factory owners, they are unwilling to pay more taxes.

"Also our road conditions. Daliang is a very large city, but there are only a few standard highways, that is, asphalt roads. The rest are dirt roads. In addition, the terrain of the girders is low. This causes great drainage problems. For such a problem, I think the government can't shirk the blame." Other congressmen criticized.

"Okay. I can only attribute these problems to financial problems." Zhang Er said.

"So, does Mr. Zhang have other ways to solve such a problem?" an elderly congressman asked bluntly. He didn't like to linger like this anymore. Zhang Er's inaction made the situation of the beams become somewhat elusive. They can't stand this situation to continue. They need to change this situation. The changed situation is that they need the Zhang Er government to do something.

"Well, I think, there should be no more. Because the only way is to levy taxes, but you don't think taxes should be levied, so I can't solve such problems." Zhang Er hesitated for a moment, and then said.

"Okay. In that case, I think, Mr. Zhang Er, we need a new leader who can solve all the problems. We can't let Daliang City deteriorate like this. If this continues, investment and business development will all In the midst of a huge disaster." The old congressman looked at Zhang Er and said.

Zhang Er heard such words. He felt a little unbelievable, he felt that he couldn't believe it. he thinks. The parliament was abandoned. This is an unbearable feeling.

Zhang Er didn't react for a long time.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, well, I know it is difficult for you to accept, but we still have to tell you that we must dismiss you from your position, because the beam needs a new solution, and we cannot look at the security and road conditions in beam city. , And the stagnation of various facilities. This will greatly affect our development, which is absolutely fatal for us." A member of the Diet said to Zhang Er. But Zhang Er's ears buzzed, he couldn't hear what the other party was saying, he might not hear it anymore. He felt that his ears were deaf. always. Zhang Er himself didn't know how to describe his own state at that time. He feels light and light.

"Carry out. Carry out." A congressman waved his arm. The two policemen carried Zhang Er and left the parliament hall. Chen Yu looked at Zhang Er who was carried out. Zhang Er fainted in the parliament hall. He did not expect that Zhang Er could not bear such a blow, which made him feel that the other party was simply unbearable.

"Mr. Chen Yu, are you ready?" An elderly congressman looked at Chen Yu who walked in.

"Yes, I am ready. I can start anytime." Chen Yu said.

"Okay, we are very happy to hear what you said. We will hand over to you now. I hope he can get further development." said the congressman.

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