On a road outside Rika, on this road, a group of Indian soldiers are advancing cautiously, with a very large gap between the groups. The Yueshi were not far away, but they did not launch an attack. The Indian state looks a little nervous.

"Boom." There was a huge explosion, and the three soldiers walking in the front were submerged by the explosion. An Indian soldier blew up on the spot. The explosion tore apart the Indian soldier. The Indian soldier's head flew up to the sky with a chest, and one arm was twisted and swayed. Many Indian soldiers would not see this scene, because they lay on the ground, and then watched the smoke from the explosion dissipate tremblingly. Some soldiers still had some pieces of meat on their heads, and then they threw away these things nervously.

Then they continued to advance like this, but, it can be seen that many of them are scared, because they know that they themselves do not know when they will set foot on such a landmine.

This is a landmine planted by the Zhao State advisory group. The Indians don’t know what a landmine is, and they don’t understand why such a situation occurs on the road. As more and more Indian troops arrive inside, their Logistic supplies can no longer sustain them to continue such military operations. Their army is huge, and they rely heavily on logistics supplies. The southern line of the Yueshi cut off their connection with the rear, so that their food reserves would quickly drop. At the same time, the airship bombing of the Qin people aggravated this difficulty. Their condition was very unfavorable, and the Indians decided to go south quickly. Leave this place. Fortunately, the Yueshi people did not launch pursuit operations on the northern line, which reduced their pressure a lot.

But here, they ran into trouble. Zhao Guo's advisory group laid some mines here. Their marching team walked well, and suddenly there was a stage explosion. Many people died on the spot, and more people were killed. The people in front set off a landmine in the back, and a landmine blew up a clay pot. They didn't know how Zhao Guoren did this. The clay pot in the back of the hall exploded in their air, splashing out many iron nails. There are also pieces of iron and stones, these things have caused a lot of casualties. At first they didn’t care. After all, this kind of thing still happened in many places, but what happened afterwards caught them off guard, because there were more such bombs exploding, they could not bear such a loss, and many people were caught for no reason. Blown to death. By this time, they realized the existence of landmines.

But their method is extremely stupid. They sent a team of soldiers to walk in front until they stepped on a landmine, and the people behind then walked along the road. Although this is safe, it is extremely inefficient, but the Indians will explore more of these ways. As a result, their forces are dispersed. The traffic efficiency is extremely low.

"Sir. It won't work. We still can't stop the Indians from retreating. Although the Indians don't attack us, we can't defend such a place, but we can't let the Indians retreat like this." A lieutenant worried. Said to Lieutenant Colonel Bara.

"I also want to resist and block their retreat path, but in fact we can't do this at all. You see that they have a lot of troops. If they attack us vigorously, I believe that we are absolutely super But for three days. If we can't hold on for three days, we will be beaten by the other side, and we will lose this time." Lieutenant Colonel Bara said.

"But, sir." The lieutenant was still worried.

"Don't worry, just look at their situation and you will understand." Lieutenant Colonel Bara said. Then he patiently waited for the opponent's attack.

But when another pair of Indian soldiers got up and continued to explore the way. Two gunshots came, and the gunshots were extremely crisp. Two Indian soldiers fell down.

The other Indian soldiers lay down yelling. Many people looked around in horror. They saw some places where the smoke floated. They knew that each other was nearby.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." After a little preparation. A team of Indy Musketeers came up. They were the kind of large guns, which were heavy but powerful. After firing a pass. The Indians did not let the soldiers come forward to chase them, and then they continued to advance, but they did not advance far and they encountered the same attack again. Then they stopped and shot again. Then they sent soldiers to chase, but the pursuer was hit by a landmine, and then the Indians stopped sending people out. In this way, the Indians advanced a certain distance, and the Yues shot cold guns. When the Indian fired back, the opponent retreated. Such harassment greatly delayed the progress of the Indians. However, the Indians still have some people leaving here, but compared to their team, they leave fewer people. Such tactics greatly delayed the Indian military operations.

Inside the headquarters of General Sharp.

"Very well. Your battalion is very good. But I need to disassemble your troops. The two companies you brought will advance to Simon. And Rika. There is a great need for reinforcements, so go ahead. "Sharp said to a cavalry major. The major wanted to explain something. But General Sharp's order has been issued. The major only had to salute and obey such orders. General Sharp dismantled all the incoming reinforcements. The strength of a battalion was evenly distributed among the various points by him, and then he reinforced the other reinforcements that came, and then dismantled it again, and distributed it little by little to where he thought it was necessary. In this way, General Sharp still did not have enough in his hands. The reserve team dealt with various emergencies, but his various points have been strengthened, there is no way, he has too few troops. At present, he has only seven battalions with a little more than defending the entire southern front. Compared with the strength of the Indians, he still can't defend the opponent's large-scale southward. This is the least he can do. And dismantling the troops became his last choice. In such a situation, he still needs more troops. More troops are needed to resolve the situation in the south.

Inside Moran Command.

"Our only way is to move the flanks, and our northern line of troops to go south, but in this case, our northern line and the flanks will become extremely weak. If the Indians change direction and attack our flanks again, the result will be How?" Meng Ping said.

"The entire army going south will be surrounded." Moran said. This is the situation that Moran is facing. On the one hand, he wants to guard against the Indians to evacuate south. They are evacuated, they have not defeated each other. If they defeat the opponent, their condition may be better, but the enemy has not collapsed.

"Yes. If this is the case, the situation is very bad for us." Meng Ping said.

"The only way is to draw troops from other places. However, the entire Yueshi seems to have used up the last reserve team." Meng Ping said.

"Yeah. The only way is for the **** Indians to negotiate with us, but the war is not over yet, and the war will go on before the peace talks are over," Moran said. The Yueshi people no longer have any more troops they can provide for this war. The war consumed too much of their troops. This makes them extremely embarrassed. And Meng Ping has no good solution to this war.

Chu State. In Wuyue area, Chen Ping is looking at the plan of the future Haicheng.

"Minister, in the Wuyue area, there are already 232 factories. In addition, there are more shipyards. The warehouses and docks are concentrated on the seaside. Along the coast, more residential areas appear here. The Wu people and the Vietnamese people are all concentrated here. The development speed here is very fast." A local official said that his local accents are relatively well controlled. Some words are quite understandable. If the speed is fast enough, he can't understand it at all. At the pier, the local accent is completely shrouded, and there are often fights there. The reason is that the locals and the foreign merchants erupted in conflict.

"We need to plan here, you know, in the future, we will build Haicheng on the basis of this Wuyue area." Chen Ping said. Chen Ping's idea is very simple. Naturally promote the construction of Haicheng. Haicheng is a port city. It is different from a city in the traditional sense. He does not need a city wall, that is to say. His military defense is of little significance, and the focus is on his economic development. Not his military function.

"I know." The official said.

"So, I decided that our urban development should be built along the coastline, that is, the port and dock facilities began to extend inland. Step by step inward development, of course. We can also develop along the coastline from north to south. In short, we There are two ways to develop." Chen Ping said.

"I know. I know." The official said while looking at the map. Chen Ping gave him gestures. He was worried that the other party did not understand his thoughts. Chen Ping's idea is correct. Because most of the development of coastal cities is like this, they will develop along the two development roads of the coast and the inland. The coast can provide more ports and docks to expand the future development area of ​​Haicheng, and the inland development can provide more China’s resources and market are extremely beneficial to the State of Chu.

"So, the road at the beginning should be developed along these two main lines as much as possible, and then a series of branch lines should be established. Then, to develop Haicheng, we must comply with these two as much as possible. The layout of the city should not Four squares, he is a polygon, without any rules." Chen Ping emphasized. The official nodded to show that he understood.

"However, we have to pay attention to some things, and learn from the northern cities, Daliang, and large cities such as Handan, Qingcheng, and Xinzheng. Their cities are all concentrated too much, which is not conducive to development. We have to establish a stone connection. A well-developed transportation network will consciously decentralize the functions of the city from the beginning. In this case, it is also very important when it comes to layout." Chen Ping said.

"Minister, the coastal area can be used to build office space for many banks, but there are already occupied. Shall we let them go?" said the official.

"No. This is commercial competition. Let business participate in it. Let us not participate in it. This has a very bad impact on us. Do you understand?" Chen Ping said. The official nodded. Chen Ping learned from the urban layout of Xinzheng, Handan, Qingcheng and Daliang, and he found that the layout of these cities was very poor. There is too much concentration, and concentration has brought about many urban problems. For example, excessive concentration of population has brought about a lot of public security problems. In addition, traffic is too congested. Chen Ping wants to solve such problems from the beginning, and the development of the city It cannot be seen from the current point of view. He must leave some room for development in order to provide a better development path for the city.

“City’s sewage must also be paid attention to. We cannot discharge it into the sea nearby. We have to build sewage treatment facilities. In addition, we must consider the impact of the rainstorm season. The city’s drainage system can be connected. Oh such a problem." Chen Ping said. Daliang is a city that was established without considering the city's pollution discharge, but it is no wonder Daliang, because Daliang is right in the lowlands, otherwise it would not have been flooded by the Qin army's water attack in history and eventually destroyed the country. However, Da Liang did not do this well, because he did not take many things into consideration. Such as sewage system. In the main urban area of ​​Daliang, the commercial area may have better sanitary conditions, but in the surrounding civilian residential areas, the sewage conditions there are extremely bad. Mosquitoes raged in the summer. The disease spreads very quickly, but the Liang government is powerless to solve such a problem. Chen Ping must take this into consideration.

"Understood. Understood." The official nodded and said.

"Just follow this kind of thing." Chen Ping said. Benefit from the taxation of ports and terminals. Haicheng can develop under such conditions.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Tochara. Both governments in Dawan sent telegrams." Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen and said.

"They all said. They will face a lot of financial pressure because they are unable to collect taxes. Then their military expansion will not be able to achieve this. In the telegram, the Tocharians even wanted to think by luck, The main attack direction of the Parthians is the Dawan people. They think that the Dawan people will be attacked but they will not." Meng Yi said.

"If the Parthians turn to attack them. In that case, things will become extremely bad." Shangwen said.

"Yes. So, we change this situation and let them understand this. However, they must solve the financial problem if they want to expand their armaments. In this regard, they still lack such an experience." Meng Yi said.

"The General Staff and the Ministry of National Defense believe that the Qin State has not completed the army's reorganization work, and they have not enough troops to invest in this war. Therefore, we must let them complete this work. Their armaments It must be expanded to deal with threats from the west, especially the Dawan people." Meng Yi said.

"How do you think we should solve it?" Shang Wen asked.

"I think we must carefully consider this issue. However, the solution lies in the bank, not us. The bank can expand their banking business to Dawan people. However, Dawan people have already borrowed a lot of funds for construction. Railway. If we borrow funds to expand our armaments, we are very worried about their situation." Meng Yi said.

"If they can't repay, it will be very bad." Shang Wen said.

"Yes. This is what we have to consider. I think the bank also understands this, but how to solve it depends on how the bank does this thing." Meng Yi said. Shang Wen nodded in agreement. but. He has not yet thought of a good solution for the specific method.

At the headquarters of Qin Wenyang Bank, Wenyang Bank is the representative of Qin's major banks. Wenyang Bank always represents the interests of Qin State Bank.

"Copper prices are rising wildly. Zhao Guo kept buying large amounts of copper to cast copper coins. It seems that everything has returned to the original point." Yingyu said.

"Yes. Coupled with industrial demand, there is room for copper prices to rise further, not only that. The exploration of copper mines is becoming more and more. We have discovered a large number of copper belts in the north. These coppers Ore belts can bring a lot of copper ore. However, the north lacks enough railways to transport them. We need to invest in those railways, and they can mortgage these copper ore belts. Of course. There will be more wood transported from there. "Xiao He said.

"Yeah. But you can take a look at this. Dawan, Tocharo has a war threat. They are threatened by war from the Shamans. They must expand their armaments. Only in this way can they guarantee safety. However, they have already borrowed. With a lot of funds, if they borrow again, they will have a big debt crisis. Along with the debt crisis is their military crisis." Xiao He said worriedly.

"If this happens, our bank will have to bear a lot of debt pressure. However, from the perspective of Dawan and the development of the copper industry in the north, they have great prospects and the industry’s profit expectations are very large. The risk is At present, it can still be controlled, but we must participate, or get those copper minerals." Yingyu said.

"Well. These industries can indeed reduce risks, but we also need to think about it. After all, the debt problem. If they can't liquidate their previous debts, the new debt will squeeze the old debt problem, which will make their economy , And our bank has entered an unsolvable situation. That kind of problem will become extremely dangerous." Yingyu said.

"Well. This issue must be considered, but we need to investigate it clearly. There should not be too many problems. If there are too many problems, it will have a great impact on us." Yingyu said.

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