The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2881: Old debt and new debt

Qin State, Xianyang. Shangwen's prime minister's house.

"At present, the development of the north also requires a lot of financial support. Qin cannot focus on a development direction. Qin has a vast north. Now a large number of mineral resources have been discovered in the north, such as copper, coal, and some iron ore. These are all very important to the development of Qin." Yingyu said.

"Yeah. But the development of these places requires banks to do such things. I think you should understand this." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, but there are many directions for the development of banks, and banks can’t make more funds available. State Zhao. Yan State and Chu State in the south. This is the eastern direction, while in the north, a lot of money is needed. Infrastructure construction is mainly focused on railway construction. Not only that. In other directions, we need more financial support too much." Yingyu said.

"Do you mean that there is no working capital in the bank?" Shang Wen nodded, he was aware of the bank's problem. In Qin State, banks and financial industries are the main taxpayers in Qin State, and the tax revenue of banks accounts for half of the taxes in Guanzhong. If finance is added, this number will increase further. It can be said. Much of Qin's growth is based on financial growth, of course. This is not only the simple matter of financial growth. However, the role of finance is very obvious. It not only activated the economy of Qin, but also activated the economic development of the six countries and Qin in other regions.

"Yes, I think so. In my opinion, Qin should further relax its monetary policy, especially the government's efforts to expand infrastructure construction." Yingyu said.

"If you add the military expansion of Dawan and Tocharo, the situation of the bank will become worse. There are too many funds needed, and there are too few places to provide funds. In this way, the bank will Difficult to operate, in the end, funds will become less and less. In the end, it is difficult to develop. The role of banks is to make funds flow. At present, banks have done this, but. Funds, the bank’s liquidity is declining." Yu said.

"Qin Guo is currently encountering big problems. For the moment, banks are unable to provide such assistance. The main reason is that the liquidity of funds has become less and less. We cannot further expand such regional influence." Speaking of.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"Qin State needs banks to provide sufficient funds in Dawan and Tochar to purchase sufficient bonds. These countries can provide a lot of mineral resources as collateral. However, in this case, a large amount of bank funds will fall into it. The situation in the future may become difficult to control." Shang Wen said. Shangwen needs to solve the safety problems of Dawan and Tocharo, but such safety problems require sufficient funds as a guarantee, and Qin's financial funds must not be able to come up with such a lot of money. The government also borrows money to maintain such things. However, banks can do it. Therefore, Shang Wen needs to do the work of Tong Bank, and he needs the support of the bank to do so. However, at present, the bank does not have such a large amount of sufficient funds. Mainly, the bank has borrowed a large amount of gold coins from the Yue government. However, the Yue government has been unable to repay the funds borrowed by the banks. On the other hand. in the north. Qin needs more funds to solve more problems. For example, infrastructure construction and so on. All these require financial support from banks.

"I want to know, what kind of solutions you can provide to the government?" Shang Wen asked. He needs to solve such problems.

"Issuing bonds. Banks purchase, mainly using metal currency to purchase. Then, mortgage a part of the bank's currency issuance rights, allowing the issuance of a certain amount of currency, and expanding currency issuance. To meet the needs of the North, in the Western Regions, we can use A large number of gold coins can meet the needs of all parties. However, in the north, there is the actual control area of ​​the Qin State. All places are controlled. The paper coins and gold coins of the Qin State are the same. The North has become The traditional currency area of ​​the Qin State. Therefore, as long as more currency issuance is increased, the currency problem in the north can be solved. At the same time, the government borrows a large amount of debt, in addition to repaying the previous debt, it can also use a large amount of fiscal funds. Stimulate economic development, especially in the northern regions." Yingyu said.

"So, Dawan, how can Tocharo's debt problem be solved?" Shang Wen then asked Yingyu. For things like issuing more bonds and increasing currency issuance. Shang Wen felt that it should be considered carefully. Because of consideration from the government and banks. The bank’s measures may earn even higher profits. This is a very beneficial move for the bank.

"This. The only way is to exchange old bonds for new bonds at a high price. This is the only solution." Yingyu said.

"Yeah. Okay. This is the best way I have gotten." Shang Wen nodded and expressed his thanks. For solving the problems of Dawan and Tocharo in the Western Regions. Shang Wen had a preliminary idea.

Wei State, Daliang Railway Station. The new consul of the new Liang who has just taken office. Chen Yu was sitting on the train thinking about his next plan. On the side is his newly appointed Finance Minister, Gao Yuan, a real estate businessman. He was when Chen Yu's was not yet on stage. He provided a lot of financial support. He also got the position of Finance Minister as he wished. In fact, he got this position with only one purpose. With rights, you can get more wealth.

"Consultant. What are you worried about now?" Gao Yuan asked Chen Yu in a low voice. Chen Yu visited Zhang Er when he got the position. Zhang Er was very puzzled about this, and didn't know what he had done wrong. It is very difficult for him to understand that Chen Yu was able to take the stage. However, Chen Yu was unwilling to say more. He just thought that Zhang Er did not do very well in that position. That's it.

"Oh. Nothing. Me." Chen Yu stopped thinking about Zhang Er.

"I'm just thinking, what should we do next? Daliang still needs more funds. Only with more funds can we solve all the problems. You must know that our books still lack at least more than two hundred. Ten thousand gold coins can carry out such a development. It is half a tael, and half a tael of more than five million is needed. This is a big challenge for us." Chen Yu said.

"Well. This is indeed a big problem. And it's very tricky." Gao Yuan said. He knows this very well. Because he knew that this problem needs to be solved very difficult. He knew it before he took the stage. Wei's financial strength was extremely weak. It's too weak to solve all the problems, but after coming to power. He felt that all financial funding problems must be resolved after the problem was resolved. He will have the opportunity to make a fortune.

"I don't know, does Mr. Gao have any good ideas in this regard?" Chen Yu asked Gao Yuan.

"Well. I am in a real estate business. I think we should consider some issues on the land." Gao Yuan said.

"The land is money. We only need to sell some land. These land is ours and we can get more land. There are also some land occupied by civilians, and we can rebuild it through their shanty towns. Move to a new place, and then Carry out the renovation of the house. I think this can be done. However. This requires a lot of infrastructure renovation. In addition, there are more factory areas. Only in this way can more people gather here for this. Large-scale production." Gao Yuan said.

"Selling land is one way, but the revenue from land sales is still too small. At most, it is hundreds of thousands and a half taels. This is not enough to meet Wei's needs." Chen Yu said after hearing this. He also knows this. Selling land can get some land transfer fees. However, these expenses still cannot fundamentally solve Wei's financial problems. Moreover, the Wei government needs a lot of funds to develop public utilities, although public utilities are very promising. He has seen a book on economics from the State of Qin. Perhaps it was the research of a certain Qin State economic researcher. He believes that the better the infrastructure, the faster the economic development, and the government plays an active and stimulating role in economic development, rather than waiting for economic development without doing anything one-sided. This view comes from the stimulus of war and the artificial promotion of economic growth. After all, Qin has such an example. Qin made his fortune by war. It's just that after reaching a certain stage in this way. His effect was not obvious, and Qin turned to another economic policy, a policy of free economic development. Qin State currently uses such an economic policy.

But Zhang Er developed in accordance with the state of Qin's free development. However, this economic policy was ineffective to Wei Guo. Because Wei Guo continued to develop like this to no avail. That's what Chen Yu thinks. Although I don't know the specific reason. But he believes that his economic policy is correct. He needs to change this development situation.

"We must go to Qin State. With the financial support of Qin State Bank, the parliament will not let us increase taxation. They oppose such tax increase. This is the main reason why we have the support of the parliament." Chen Yu said.

"Only by issuing more bonds. To develop more public utilities, in the future, we can give up the stocks of public utilities in our hands to repay these debts. But at present, we must get the support of Qin Guo. Must. "Chen Yu said.

"Yeah." Gao Yuan nodded. Although he didn't know why Chen Yu did this, he felt. This may be the right thing to do. As long as it is beneficial to the development of Wei, especially the massive infrastructure construction. These are all engineering projects, and no one can win such a project without government approval. This is an absolute opportunity to make a fortune.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"The prime minister." Many bankers and factory owners saluted Guo Kai. Guo Kai is very useful. He feels that this is what should be the case.

"Okay. You all sit down. How about? Developing public utilities. How about?" Guo Kai said directly. Guo Ming sat down and took out his notebook habitually. It recorded some things, which had a great influence on the development of Zhao Guo.

"Our bank resolutely supports the development of Prime Minister Guo." A middle-aged banker first stood up and said.

"Yeah. Not bad." Guo Kai nodded and said.

"We also firmly support the development of Prime Minister Guo. This public undertaking is a huge change for Zhao Guo. This change far exceeds that of King Zhao Wuling. This is my first great leap forward for Zhao Guo." A young man Said the banker extremely exaggeratedly. This made many bankers notice the other party, but the other party didn't care at all, just smiling and talking.

"Okay. Okay. You can make money, and you can contribute to the development of Zhao Guo. That is, you have made a great contribution." Guo Kai is very popular with such flattering. This is the first time someone has said this. But he feels in a very good state. Very good. Perhaps, in the history of the State of Zhao, such a great figure really should have appeared. but. Guo Kai believes that the reputation is good. It's better to have something practical.

"Zhao Guo wants to develop more public undertakings, but also needs you. First, you need to provide more bank funds to support. Second, you also need factories. You have not only received financial support, but also The expectations of more people in Zhao’s country. Without these, it is still difficult for you to develop. Therefore, you must cooperate sincerely. Let us seek the development plan of Zhao’s country." Guo Kai stood up and said. Everyone nodded and said. However, Guo Kai still needs to solve more financial funds. After all, banks, factories and enterprises are involved. The government must also do something, which Guo Ming reminded him. The government has no more funds. Will become extremely passive. This is not a good thing for the Zhao government.

But how to solve such a thing. Guo Kai still has no better solution.

Ministry of Finance of Dawan.

"This is a solution sent by Qin State Bank." The Minister of Finance said to the Minister of Defense.

"I don't understand this, you know, I am in charge of national security. If something goes wrong with national security, I need more funds. Dawan now needs to expand at least four infantry divisions, and then can expand more infantry. Division." The Minister of Defense said.

"I know. I know, but if the financial problem is not resolved, everything will be very difficult to proceed." the Minister of Finance said.

"Okay. Let me take a look." As he said, the Minister of Defense looked like a suggestion from Qin Guo Bank.

"What do they mean?" the Secretary of Defense asked.

"Old bonds are exchanged for new bonds. Purchase at a high price. In other words, the ratio of our exchange is higher. Only in this way can Qin's bank agree to lend us more funds." The Minister of Finance said.

"In other words, the Qin government cannot come up with such a large amount of funds, but they need more bonds, which means that we pay a higher price." The Finance Minister said helplessly.

"If you do this, won't our Dawan government suffer serious losses?" said the defense minister.

"Yes, but the security problem we are facing is a catastrophe. If the Anthropod launches an offensive, just as you say. In that case, Dawan's economy will suffer a great collapse. At that time. The Dawan government may no longer exist. The only way to avoid this situation is to issue more bonds, and use the funds of the newly purchased bonds to resolve the previous bonds. In this case, the government needs to buy first Old bonds, or high-priced converted bonds can solve the fiscal problem. It's just that the government needs more mortgages." The Minister of Finance said.

"The cost of this war is too great," said the Secretary of Defense.

"So, we don't want to see war, but the war takes the initiative to find us. Sometimes, we can't help it." The Defense Minister said.

"The same is true for Tochara. They will also face actions like the Shabbat. We must plan early. If we don't plan like this, the situation in the future may be more passive." The Minister of Finance said. The Secretary of Defense nodded and said.

Qin State, north, a small railway station. Qin State Cavalry 34th Regiment Temporary Station. The regiment headquarters was very busy, and more troops arrived here. They got new orders. Except for some soldiers who passed the exams after being promoted to non-commissioned officers. Many soldiers were ordered to retire.

"We recruit workers over there, maybe we can try it." A Huns cavalry who had just retired told another soldier with the retirement notice in his hand.

"I. I don't think it's possible. The other party is very demanding. At least elementary school degree. You see, the above requires more than 500 words, but I only have 300." Another soldier said worriedly.

"Try it, don't try it, how do you know," said the lead retired cavalry. He only now knows what is the use of studying in the first place. Their cavalry regiment issued a new order. Their regiment no longer exists. That is, their designation has been revoked. Many soldiers were retired. But they couldn't find some good jobs, and some bought tickets. They plan to go back and take a look. Others plan to stay here. On the one hand, they need to find some other jobs. Look at the opportunities here. They think there are many opportunities like this.

"No, no. You know too few words. Moreover, it is not easy to manage. Maybe those farms also need you, but the mines and factories. Your proficiency is not good." Speaking of.

"The army is also true. It doesn't train you. It disbands you." The person in charge continued.

"The cavalry are all out of here. We want engineers and blasting is the priority." The recruiter shouted loudly.

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