"It's hard to find a job for us. Although we have a lot of work, we know too few words. We have too few skills. Let's look for a job in security." Another soldier heard such a shout. Turn around and leave. After the retired cavalry heard. I feel very regretful. He felt that he should study hard while entering the team. I won't encounter such a thing when I come out.

Actually. In theory. These soldiers should receive a re-employment training, which is to teach them some life skills. In this way, they can quickly change their careers. However, this requires a fee and requires some companies to participate. The Army has such a plan, but the plan just stays on the plan, and there is no further change. This is the situation they face. But no one cares about these Huns. They are Huns. Not from the Central Plains. Retired soldiers in Guanzhong can easily find workers because their skill training is very simple. But the Huns, they first faced the popularization of language, writing, and some comprehension skills. This is for them. It's too difficult. In order to reduce the skills required to train new employees, many companies have chosen a detour. In this way, they can avoid such things from happening.

Champu State, on the way to the northern Para State. The long line stretched out.

"Fortunately for the infantry, the artillery has a big problem. And, I think, the Para country is ready." Captain Xu Bing said worriedly. He is a military observer sent by South Korea. He needs to observe everything he thinks can be observed. After solving the Western Occupy Kingdom. The Occupy Prussian State concentrated 70,000 troops to deal with the Para state, and another 50,000 troops were transferred to the Imre State. They have to deal with two countries at the same time. He strongly opposed it because it greatly dispersed the forces of Occupy Prussia. At the same time, decentralization of military operations also means that it will bring great logistical supply problems. But these occupying Prussian countries do not pay much attention. They believe that they have financial support from the Bank of Korea, and they surpass each other in weapons. Victory, for them, is just a matter of time.

"Yes, sir. But I think we were worried too much. They will win the war. Their opponent is just an army equipped with some cold weapons. They only need to concentrate their artillery to launch an attack. Maybe the war is over." Lieutenant Guo Chang said with a smile. He was very optimistic about this war. Xi Zhanpu was defeated in this way, only to concentrate the artillery on a fierce attack. Those civil walls will open a big button.

"Perhaps, we don't need to concentrate more artillery. If conditions permit, we may use some blasting techniques. In that case, artillery troops may not be able to arrive, and the infantry will have ended the war." Guo Chang said optimistically.

"Okay. Maybe you are right, I hope so." Captain Xu Bing nodded and said. Perhaps his worry is unnecessary. However, the road conditions in Zhanpu are indeed very bad, and many roads cannot be walked. The roads that can be walked are also very limited. For those heavy artillery. They simply cannot pass. At the beginning, when the Zhanpu people passed, they also used a lot of manpower to carry them. That is the artillery made by Zhanpu. The weight is very large, but the power is not as powerful as the artillery sold to them by South Korea.

After walking some distance. The artillery forged in the Occupy Prussia had to be returned. Because some passages were crushed by the front infantry, it was more difficult for the artillery to walk. They will face more difficult difficulties to fight. So, they just return. As a result, the number of artillery that can be concentrated in Occupy Prussia quickly reduced to less than 30 artillery.

The Zhanpu people lost their speed and at the same time their firepower. In the face of such a war, how many advantages they can use. Xu Bing didn't know. But what he knows is that the advantage is being lost a little bit, for the country of Zhanpu.

"Bang. Bang, bang." Just then. There was a burst of gunfire. Xu Bing took out his weapon and looked ahead nervously.

"What happened?" Xu Bing asked. He saw the front line chaotic.

"Boom." A huge explosion often came, followed by screams, curses, and howls. Xu Bing was far away, and the team behind became confused, but still couldn't see what happened in front.

Order gradually recovered amidst the officers' cursing and flogging. Xu Bing also gradually moved closer. Through an explanation from an officer, he finally knew what had happened.

"The gods. Those gods. I don't know where they got the explosives packs. They all carry a large number of explosives packs on their chests and backs. Then they set them on fire. They lie in ambush around, waiting for the army of Champa to pass by, They launched an attack. In this way, they rushed down. Many soldiers were killed and wounded. Although some soldiers fired, some people may be detonated, but the result still cannot avoid such things from happening." Xu Bing watched On a messy ground, many of the corpses of Occupy Prussian soldiers were torn apart. Internal organs, and some pieces of minced meat scattered on the ground. Blood stains were everywhere, and the explosion produced a blood mist. They stained the surrounding land red. This made every Occupy Prussian soldier passing by here feel terrified. Only a very huge explosion could produce such a situation. Some soldiers looked at this place with unusual expressions. More is vomiting. Even the veterans who had killed were not spared.

"These god-wife teaches, believers are too. It's crazy." Lieutenant Guo Chang shook his head and said after seeing it. It is difficult for him to understand. The fanaticism brought about by this religion will make such a move. What kind of situation can make people so crazy.

"I don't understand either. However, this kind of thing happened. Suicide, such a situation, people must reach a desperate situation, or extreme fanaticism to do this." Captain Xu Bing said. Lieutenant Guo Chang looked at the surrounding situation. They still cannot understand what the source of fanaticism brought about by religion is.

But Li Shiqi has already begun to do such a thing.

"I learned about the religions in the Western Continent. They have Hindi religion, and there is also a kind of Buddhism. In addition, what kind of restraint, and Shiva, etc.. There are so many religious beliefs. Unclear. You don't know how many religions there are on the Western Continent." Li Shiqi said to Liu Ji.

"You said, why are there so many religions on this western continent?" I heard several religions that Li Shiqi said. Liu Ji feels his head is very big. Because he has never heard of these religions. Goddess teaches. It was only after he came here that he knew about such things. In fact, the Western Continent is not truly unified. In fact, the entire Western Continent is still a mixture of multiple ethnic groups and multiple tribes. These tribes all have their own religious worship. Coupled with the influence of foreign religions, this has enriched the development of religious culture on the Western Continent. The result of the abundance is religious chaos. Faced with such a chaos. Liu Ji had a headache looking at it.

"Well. I think there is only one way, and that is to unify religion. There is only one religion. This can solve all problems." Li Shiqi said.

"Yeah. I think it's okay. Just how to unify, you can see. I use Confucianism to teach and inspire those people, but some people, such as goddess religion. They just have prejudice against us. In addition, there are some believers who think they are Foreign religions are extremely resistant to us. Only those desperate will join us. This has a very big impact on us." Liu Ji said.

"This." Li Shiqi couldn't say anything. Because he did. Although many people who join Confucianism are desperate. Although Confucianism developed very fast, he still encountered resistance from local religious forces. In their view, these foreign religions are all cults. Join, you will become the devil. This is what they think.

"I think there is only one way to unify." Liu Ji thought for a while and said.

"I don't know how to do it?" Li Shiqi asked.

"Killing. Qin people's method. They deal with these stubborn religious elements like this. Killing. Only killing can completely solve all problems." Liu Ji said. After Li Shiqi heard it, he shuddered. He wanted to shake his head, but after all he didn't shook his head to express opposition. Because Confucianism is indeed facing such a situation, the only way for a foreign religion to stand firm is to demonstrate. Demonstrating to the local forces is their only way.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

South Korea Security Conference.

"In Menggla. And near more commercial strongholds, the goddess has launched guerrilla operations against us. They continue to attack our living strongholds, caravans, and some villages attached to us. They continue to develop believers and treat us. Take active countermeasures, although the harm caused by these countermeasures is relatively small. However, with the passage of time, I think the problems will soon be exposed. I think they will attack our military camps, police stations, etc. Yes. It poses a direct threat to us." The Secretary of Defense said worriedly.

"What are your measures?" Han Shu asked.

"Killing. Only indiscriminate killings can solve all problems." The Secretary of Defense said.

"I oppose it. If we do this, it will cause huge economic losses," the Minister of Finance said.

"The problem is that we did not do this and we have already caused huge losses. We all know that the colony of Bangla provides us with generous financial support, but that is based on commercial taxation, which requires Great commercial order, but the goddess religion has posed a great threat to our commercial order. Their sabotage actions have seriously interfered with our commercial activities." The Minister of Defense said.

Han Shu thought on the sidelines. Mengla is indeed very important to South Korea. The main reason is that Bangla can provide some financial support. This kind of support. It is the necessary foundation for Korea to develop public utilities. However, this kind of support is now threatened. Should South Korea take drastic measures to kill and solve all problems, or wait for it to continue to worsen the situation.

However, Han Shu believes that South Korea cannot wait this way, and cannot wait too passively this way. It will be extremely passive if this continues.

"My lord. If we kill too much, the entire foundation will be completely destroyed. If we want to build it, we will spend more time." An economic official said worriedly.

"But without a safe environment, we simply cannot do such things. Under such a situation, I think you should understand what we lack is security. Security has threatened our economic activities. This is what constitutes us. The threat is huge," said the defense minister.

This is indeed the case. The South Korean government is now considering more security issues or more economic issues. This time makes it difficult for South Korea to weigh. And Zhang Liang was also thinking about the problem with his head down, and he remained silent throughout the meeting. Because he also felt very embarrassed. In addition, they are not very clear about the specific situation of Bangla. They understand that if they are dealt with rashly, the situation will become very bad.

Bangla Port Police Station. A large number of police officers are stationed here in Bangla, and it is also the police command hub of Bangla Port. South Korea has established a large number of police here. They maintain law and order and collect taxes. These are their two important responsibilities. The purpose of South Koreans establishing police is to maintain local order and collect taxes.

"The current situation is very bad for us. The above is very unhappy. We need to catch the priests and take drastic measures against them. In short. I don't want to see another attack like this. This is too much of a threat to our Bangla police. It is too big.” Bangla Port Police Chief said loudly to his detectives. Their public security situation is getting worse and worse, more caravans have been attacked, and this situation cannot be contained. Faced with his extreme dissatisfaction, and asked him to solve this problem as soon as possible, if not, they have to consider another matter, that is, whether to replace a police chief. The chief of the police is a Korean, and the inspector is a Korean and a local, that is, a Mengla, of course. There are also some foreigners serving as inspectors, but they mainly rely on the strength of the locals to maintain order and pay taxes, but now this situation has changed. Their role cannot be played out, which makes the police chief very anxious.

"Those clergymen are very difficult to catch, sir, they are hidden among ordinary people. We don’t even know that those people are clergymen. Those people are ordinary people. It is very difficult for us to start. Just now, I also received one Report. A teenage girl, he actually attacked one of our police officers. He killed the police officer." An inspector said worriedly.

"I don't care about police officers, and I don't care about ordinary people, or god-wife. I want you to solve the problem." The chief of police said.

"If I lose my seat. Don't try to keep your seat. There are those churches of goddesses who have laid hands on you, for your property, and for your wives and daughters. Think about it." The chief of police threatened. .

"Sir, as long as we think we are suspicious, they are the goddess. They can be arrested, right?" an inspector asked tentatively.

"I don't care, as long as you can solve such problems, you can do so. I only ask that such assault cases should not be further expanded. Understand?" The police chief said. Many inspectors looked at each other, and perhaps they understood what the chief of police meant all at once.

Not long after the meeting ended. Many police arresting people still appeared on the streets of Menggla.

"We suspect that you are the goddess. Get arrested." A Bangla police officer said to a Bangla street vendor.

"We, no, no." The other party said as much as possible in the more official Central Plains language. But the Bangla police never stopped. After speaking, arrest people.

"Give it money, we give it money." The vendor said. He said that he stuffed some money into the policeman's pocket. The policeman looked at it and felt a lot. Then it stopped.

"Well. You are a good person, not a goddess religion. The goddess religion must not be believed. They are all cults. Do you understand?" the police said. Then after they warned, they walked towards another stall. The blackmail continued. The arrest of the goddess teaches them a good opportunity for extortion.

"Go, spit at the goddess. If you don't vomit, you are the goddess teach." An inspector grabbed a passerby and said. Other passersby were also controlled. This was the method that the inspector came up with. Several policemen carried a statue of a goddess full of saliva. Only goddessists would not spit. Those who spit were good people, and those who did not spit were arrested. But regardless of faith or not, people dare not spit at the gods. This is disrespectful, but now everything is out of control.

"I. I don't vomit." The passerby said tremblingly.

"Grab it, this is a clergyman, grab it quickly." The inspector waved his arm and said that several policemen rushed forward. Grabbing the opponent is a beating.

"Next, hurry up, next." The inspector said loudly. Several civilians wanted to escape. But it was quickly caught. After catching it. They were immediately controlled. This is a goddess believer. For how to deal with these people, it is not the goddess who pays the money, but the goddess teaches the one who can't pay. They would do everything possible to know the whereabouts of the goddess religion from the other side. For a while, the people in Bangla Port were panicked, except for Koreans and Chu people. Some wealthy agents also had to pay to get one. The life-saving peace symbol. After all, the goddess teaching is not that fun. Goddess teaching has made the entire South Korean government nervous. But they have to do this again, because the goddess teaching has caused a lot of losses to them, and they have to catch all the goddess teachings.

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