The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2883: Conditions for negotiation

Qin State Staff.

"According to the feedback we have received. It seems unlikely that Dawan will expand more troops at once. Even their current three infantry divisions cannot meet the full force in time. The situation is very bad." Yang Duanhe said To.

"Well. We should have thought of this situation." Wang Jian said.

"Yes, the reason explained by the Ministry of National Defense is that the wages of local miners far exceed the wages of soldiers. In this way, it is very uneconomical to be a soldier. If it is a poor place, it's okay to say, but a rich place, In rich places, it is more troublesome for soldiers to recruit." Yang Duanhe said.

"I remember that Dawan seems to have its own militia. Since they can't meet this kind of organization, we have to put all our hopes on the opposing militia organization." Wang Jian said.

"But. Those militiamen." Yang Duanhe said very worried. He knows that the role of the militias is very limited. You must know that those militias have not yet received any military training.

"I know. You have to say that those militias don't have much fighting. If they are allowed to fight in the street, they may be able to fight barely. However, they have no military experience. As a result, their combat efficiency is extremely low and their will to resist is extremely low. Weakness. In this way, problems are prone to occur." Wang Jian said.

"But if you look at the problem of their soldiers, many people in Dawan are reluctant to be soldiers. They know that they are in danger, but they want others to do such things, and they themselves are unwilling to do such things. The consequences are very serious." Wang Jian said.

"The only way is to mobilize and involve all the militiamen. We have to give them certain military training so that the Dawan people can build defenses in depth. Relying on their cities and small towns, they can effectively resist." Wang Jian said.

"Well. In this way, the Parthian cavalry assault will not have much effect. Unless they are equipped with a large number of artillery, they will not be able to break through the defense in depth." Yang Duanhe said.

"But we need them to establish a stable defense system, and the militiamen to carry out effective training, otherwise, everything will be unable to defend against the attacks of the Parthians." Wang Jian said. With the popularity of cavalry, especially the price of artillery, after the cavalry is equipped with firearms, the assault ability is greatly enhanced. The cavalry can easily tear a hole in the defensive line, and then suddenly plunge into it, once a large encirclement is created. The warring party is prone to chaos and siege wars are prone to appear. This made Wang Jian feel that a new era has arrived. The previous wars rarely reached siege and annihilation, but with the emergence of firearms, siege and annihilation are possible. Sex becomes higher.

Rest in peace, reports on the Yueshi battlefield show that a siege battle based on cavalry assault is taking shape. This is a brand new tactic. Battles and tactical innovations will bring about new revolutionary developments in the military operations of various countries.

Faced with such progress. The only way is to increase the defense in depth. This is the only thing they can do.

Zhao Guo. Handan. Li Mu's staff.

"You see, the latest combat methods have been greatly reformed. On the Yueshi battlefield, this is what we have seen. The Yueshi people are equipped with three brigades. There are about seven regiments or more cavalry units, and they are equipped Quite a lot of horse artillery. Firearms have been greatly strengthened." Li Mu said.

"In contrast, the Indian defenses seem to be relatively dull. They just built a series of fortifications and defensive fortresses along the border. Once the Yueshis break through from the front line of the border, the rear It will be extremely empty, and a large number of logistics supply warehouses and passages will be blocked by the other party. After the blockade, the logistic supply capabilities of the Indians will be extremely weak, and their combat capabilities will become extremely weak. In this way , A huge war of siege and annihilation will be formed." Li Mu said.

"However, sir, according to the report of the officers of our frontline observation group. The Yue people are seriously inadequate, and there are quite a lot of Indians in the encirclement. Their order is not considered extremely chaotic, and Yue The Clan is currently unable to eat such a large number of main Indian forces in one go. Unless they add another 100,000 people, only in this way will they be able to eat hundreds of thousands of Indian troops." Li Zuoche said.

"Yeah. You are right, but what we have to pay attention to is that the future war situation will develop toward this state. More troops will be equipped with cavalry to increase their assault capabilities, and then attack the weak in the rear. The link formed a huge breakthrough. We have to notice. The combat capability of the engineers is also very outstanding. Even if it is a very stable fortress, as long as there are enough places to put enough explosives, they will be exploded." Li Mu said .

"In contrast, if the Qin people launch an offensive, they will attack from the north and from the plains in the direction of Luoyang and Xinzheng, bypassing our tightly defensive Taihang Mountain defense zone. If the Qin people break through our defensive positions, they will attack A threat to Handan, especially along the Xinzheng to Handan railway, once the Qin people control such a railway, it is definitely fatal enough." Li Mu said worriedly.

"Yes, sir, the worst thing is that our Zhao State is extremely weak. With only one hundred thousand troops, one hundred thousand people can't defend such a vast area." Li Zuoche said.

"So, we have to implement mobile defense strategies based on our own characteristics." Li Mu said.

"Come and see." Li Mu said.

"Zhao State Handan currently has three main railway lines, one from Qin State, one from Xinzheng, and one to Yan State. The three railways are the main defensive lines. If the forces are allocated in three directions, Zhao The country’s military strength will become extremely weak, and it will be difficult to carry out a second resistance.” Li Mu said.

"However, if we concentrate our main reserve forces in Handan, which is an important railway hub, through railway transportation and the attacking role of armored trains, we can quickly play a big role on these railway lines. For us, it is very easy to do." Li Mu said.

"Therefore, the defense of our country of Zhao will depend on railways in the future. Without railways, it will be difficult for the country of Zhao to do a lot of things well." Li Mu said.

"Yes, I understand." Li Zuoche nodded. Zhao Guo's situation is very bad. But Li Mu believes that Zhao's security can still use some new technologies to achieve mobile defense, and the railway can easily transport a large number of personnel and materials to the war zone. Moreover, the reaction time is very short. Taking advantage of this, Li Mu felt that he could achieve the purpose of mobile defense.

Guo Kai's prime minister's house.

"As far as banks are concerned, such things are easy to say. It's just the old debts before." Guo Kai said to the special representative of Wenyang Bank.

"We already hold a large amount of old treasury bonds. These treasury bonds account for a large part of our liquidity. If it goes on for a long time, it will be very unfavorable to us." The special representative said.

"I understand this, but, I think, Zhao Guo needs more funds to do more things. We can replace the borrowed debts with new debts." Guo Kai said with some embarrassment. Guo Kai wants to build public utilities on a large scale. The only way is to borrow on a large scale, increase the government’s fiscal revenue, and then spend on a large scale, so that Zhao’s economy can grow further. But if you do so, Need to pay off old debts. The solution Guo Kai thought of was to exchange old debts for new debts, high-priced exchanges.

"We can exchange it at a high price. In this way, the value of the old bonds will rise rapidly. This is definitely beneficial." Guo Kai assured.

"This." The Special Representative was a little embarrassed.

"You can ask for instructions. These bonds can be circulated in the market. Zhao Guoguo has such a special window to do such things. I know you can have so many bonds. Don't worry, you will make a lot of money. "Guo Kai promised. The special representative said it was very embarrassing.

"Well, let me ask for your instructions. Maybe there are new ideas in the headquarters." The special representative said.

"Thank you so much. Thank you so much." Guo Kai said with a smile. The only bank that can accept a large number of bonds is Qin State Bank. The local banks of Zhao State are difficult to achieve such a huge bank's ability to purchase bonds with their capital scale. If that way, their bank funds will be exhausted.

Yueshi North Line. On the battlefield controlled by the Yueshi, Pavlo felt a little bit cold. Because there is an important person beside him. Prince Bally, Bally used such names among the nobles among the Indians. He didn't know the meaning of such names, but he knew. This prince is a man of real power. He has one hundred thousand elite troops in his hands and is equipped with more than half of the guns. Although there is no artillery, he is still a combat force that cannot be ignored.

"I want to see your sir. Supreme sir." Prince Barrie said straightforwardly to a lieutenant colonel who came to be in charge of the contact. The lieutenant colonel obviously did not expect that the other party would speak the Qin dialect, and he was relatively fluent.

"This is very crucial for both of our countries. This is my personal letter. I hope to bring you someone who can be responsible. I hope he can see such a letter. I will not leave here until there is no clear answer. I will wait here forever. I need your results. This is very important to us." Prince Barry said.

"Okay. I'll take it for you." The lieutenant colonel looked at the other side and nodded. Watching such a big man vigilantly nearby. This is the first time they have come into contact with such a character.

In Moran's office, two important ministers are in Moran's private office. Meng Ping is also included.

"I still need at least 50,000 troops to completely block the southern front and launch an attack. But I need more artillery troops. There are too many Indians. They will launch ant-like crowd tactics. Our guns There is no way to kill them all." Moran said about his plight again. He hoped that the defense minister and finance minister on the opposite side would allocate more military personnel and more military combat materials.

"Impossible." The Secretary of Defense looked at Moran and said.

"What?" Moran asked puzzledly. He needs more troops to solve the defense problem on the southern front, because an army of 50,000 can't eat more Indians in one go. A telegram from the south tells him that the Indians are trying to get rid of constantly. For the blockade of the Yue family, they need to go south, so that the Yue family will need more troops to do this kind of thing.

"We don't have enough troops to provide you. Currently, Yueshi has allocated most of the troops to you. There is also." The Minister of Defense looked at the Minister of Finance. He hoped that the Minister of Finance could resolve such a topic. For him, it is very difficult for the general to accept such a thing.

"The other thing is that Yue's financial capacity has been exhausted. We have just received two million gold coins from the Qin people. However, once the gold coins are used up, everything is gone. The war has reached such a level. If you follow your request If they come, two million gold coins are not enough. Therefore, we do not want the war to continue. We hope to end the war as soon as possible." The Finance Minister looked at Moran and said.

"Is this a reason?" Moran asked.

"Yes, this is the reason. It is a very sufficient reason. No one has enough funds to do such things. No. The Yue government does not have enough financial funds to do such things. In many cases, we It is impossible to meet this demand. If this continues, it will pose a great threat to us. The Yue government will collapse. In order to avoid such a situation, we can only hope that the general can end the war." The Minister of Finance said.

"For now, our Yueshi has already occupied a lot of initiative. The Indians decided to send a big man to negotiate. Their negotiation conditions are very impressive, that is, the Indians have physically withdrawn from our southernmost line. Distance, they will pay us quite a lot of gold coins every year to subsidize our finances. And, allow us to buy slaves from India. Such conditions, land, population. Gold coins, these are enough. "The Minister of Defense said.

"To be honest. I think we are unlikely to eat the Indian army of hundreds of thousands. This result is very satisfying for us." The Defense Minister said.

"Well, it's just that I hope we can follow our military deployment before receiving the final ceasefire order." Moran said.

"Yeah. Okay." The Secretary of Defense looked at the Secretary of Finance and nodded, agreeing.

After the departure of the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Finance. Moran looked at Meng Ping.

"I also think that the outcome of such a war is acceptable." Meng Ping said.

"Yes, we can accept gold coins, land, and population," Moran said.

"However, these are not enough. Our military operations are not considered very successful. This is a semi-successful military campaign." Moran said.

"I think we have achieved our goal. However, for now, it is really difficult for us to eat the hundreds of thousands of Indians. Their combat power still exists, and they can continuously launch attacks. However, we, ammunition, and personnel are not in place. As a result, our situation becomes extremely unfavorable. At present, we still need to continue to pressure. Only in this way can we gain more advantages. War may be for us. , Is over. What we need to do is a finishing touch, this work must be done." Meng Ping said.

"Okay. Okay. That's it." Moran looked at the map and said.

Qin State, Shangwen's prime minister's residence.

"This is the news that Yue's side just got." Wei Liao said to Shang Wen. Shang Wen was reading the telegram quickly. After reading it, he quickly handed it to Meng Yi, who also quickly read it.

"This means that Yueshi's war can be over." Shangwen said.

"No, Prime Minister, there is a very important final stage. Only when the Indians accept more unfavorable conditions can the war end. This is something that the Yue people must fight for. However, for now, the Yue people also insist. It won't be long." Wei Liao said.

"Yeah. However, the situation is still very favorable to the Yue family. What do you think?" Shang Wen asked.

"I think that some decisive measures should be taken to carry out aerial bombings to aggravate this panic and take a favorable posture in the negotiation. In this case, more conditions will be fought for." Wei Liao said.

"Well. It's not just blocking. If necessary, we will also make them aware of something. This is a telegram from South Korea. If you tell the Indians about this news, what will the Indians think?" Shang Wen said and handed it to them. Sent a telegram to Wei Liao. Wei Liao nodded after reading it. This telegram comes from South Korea. The Occupy Prussian nation is fully attacking two northern countries, which are within the traditional sphere of influence of the northern Indian government. Once lost, the impact is very bad. This can lead to a large-scale collapse of the back of the Indian government. The Indians absolutely do not want to see such a situation happen. In this way, the situation is very conducive to negotiations with Yueshi people. After reading the telegram, Wei Liao nodded, agreeing with this approach. Then he left quickly. This is Qin's most important negotiation condition.

The South Korean side is also actively planning their own affairs.

National Security Conference, the third meeting. There was no clear decision at the meeting. The South Korean government has not yet decided whether to massacre the locals, those who are in the crowd, or to protect their taxes and endure such things. Han Shu needs a clear decision. However, at the meeting, all parties have It is difficult for Han Shu to decide what strategy to adopt to carry out this kind of thing. Because what all parties say is very reasonable. In this situation. It is difficult for them to make wise decisions.

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