Wei Guo, in the suburbs, the train is entering the final stage, his speed has obviously slowed down a lot. The people on the train started to salute themselves, and their expressions became much more relaxed.

The train is divided into different carriages. The high-level carriages are quite spacious. For example, Chen Yu's current location is in the middle carriage. They are all business personnel of the company on business trips, and the situation of the carriages at the bottom has become extremely complicated. The carriages there can squeeze in as many people as they can, because passenger transportation can't make much money, and the biggest source is freight. Therefore, in order to reduce costs, they try to earn as much money as possible on passenger transportation.

"Look at the **** outside Daliang City, you know I am in a hurry now." Chen Yu said.

"However, we have no money to dispose of these garbage. Urban garbage requires a lot of manpower." Gao Yuan said.

"Qin State Bank seems to be very uninterested in us. We cannot borrow the funds we need. If this is the case, it will be difficult for us to plan for the next step. This is a disaster for us." Gao Yuan said.

"Qin people are not enough, we will do it ourselves." Chen Yu said.

"We will do it ourselves." Gao Yuan said.

"Yes, come by yourself. We have merchants in Wei State, and Koreans have banks, so do Qi people, and Zhao Guo. No matter what, we still have a chance. Don't worry." Chen Yu said. Gao Yuan feels that this thing is difficult to do.

Bangla. A mixed residence of Hindi and Buddhism, the people here are people who have moved from traditional areas. When they come here, they are actually looking for a job, or they are farming here. Because of the nearby Chu people, Koreans have a lot of land, and they live by renting land.

The taxation of Occupy Prussia is very serious, and the taxation of Indy is also very heavy. Not only that, but the taxes of the northern states have become heavy. This directly caused quite a few people to run out and come here. Then they can live well. Although the tax revenue here is still relatively large, but the tax situation is much better than that of the Puritan and Indian countries. Some people are still willing to come here.

"Those Indians, as well as the Zhanpu people in the north, or other people, they are all here." A businessman said excitedly. Behind him, there were more than one hundred mercenaries. They were holding their own muskets, and their bright bayonets were on the muskets. They aimed at a distance, and there were three artillery aimed there.

"They all believe in Hindi or Buddhism. In short, there must be goddess religion in them. No matter what. Kill in. These people must die." The merchant said.

"Very good. The woman gives us, and the wealth in it also gives us." said the mercenary leader.

"Let's start, then," said the businessman. They are attacking a local settlement, which is nothing new to them.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The artillery fired quickly.

"Go on. Brothers, the women are all yours." The mercenary leader shouted loudly. Then they rushed up quickly. Those who encounter resistance will be shot immediately. Then used a bayonet to hit them fiercely. Then they set fire and killed people. For a time, the entire settlement turned into a sea of ​​fire, and a lot of screams came, and many people laughed. Those were the laughter of Chu people or Koreans.

In order to encourage a large number of Koreans, the Chu people took retaliatory measures, and any armed forces would be legal, the land and population they got. Wealth is legal.

In a village to the north where the locals live. The same tragedy continues. But this time, only a small number of South Korean soldiers participated. They only had one platoon. However, more than one battalion of native soldiers participated. In addition, there was a local police squad who frantically robbed the locals’ property. Killing the locals, the spoils they get are their own, and they are crazy to carry out such actions.

Inside Zhang Shi's office.

"A large number of Indians were slaughtered. They were all charged with infidels." Zhang Dalai said.

"Well, there are many things like this. The first and second regiments of the native soldiers are participating in such things. Our goal is to eliminate these heretics, but we kill too much, and we don't care." Zhang Shi said .

"It's just. Okay, sir." Zhang Dahui wanted to persuade the other party, but considering that Zhang Shi was unlikely to accept it, he had no choice but to admit such a thing.

"But we should consider the matter of the Northern Occupation of Prussia. I heard that the Indians have withdrawn from the north. However, the Occupation of Prussian nation has made extremely stalemate progress on the front line. As a result, their fighting conditions will become extremely unfavorable. If the Indian army moves south quickly after rest and recuperation, the Occupy Prussia will collapse. We must find a way to enter the Cypriot Nation. Moreover, let the local government know about this matter." Zhang Shi said.

"However, our troops are insufficient, and they are all robbing. Or participating in similar military operations, this is a huge disaster for us." Zhang Dahui said.

"Therefore, we must actively prepare. We must know that Zhanpu still owes a large amount of funds to our bank. If the bank becomes unstable, what will they do?" Zhang Shi said.

"What I know is that bankers will definitely be anxious." Zhang Shi said.

Inside the office of Han Shu, Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The war of the Yue family is over. But our war is about to begin." Han Shu said.

"If the Indians go south, what will happen? They will affect the development of our war in Occupy Prussia. This is for us. Especially the banks, I can think that the banks will definitely mobilize us more. Accuse." Han Shu said.

"My lord, in such a situation, we can only provide more supplies to help them, but I am worried that there are too many Indian troops. A large number of troops will cause our losses. What we have to worry about now is the bank In terms of whether they will bear such pressure, if we print Indians, our profits will be very substantial." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded.

"The Indians were attacked by the Yues in the north, and the Indians suffered relatively large losses. Not only that. If the Indians rush into the war against Champa, their state will become Very exhausted. In this state, if we launch a bigger attack or win, the situation will be very beneficial to us. From this point of view, fighting Indy is not a bad thing at all. "Zhang Liang said.

"What you said is very reasonable, but you have thought about it. If the bank asks to withdraw capital, the Zhanpu country without financial support will soon be destroyed. In that case, what will the bank do?" Han Shu asked.

"My lord, we must provide them with more funds. If the bank retreats, the situation will be very troublesome." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. We need to give the bank a large degree of support, but this kind of support, what do we need to do?" Han Shu said.

"My lord, why don't we take this opportunity to promote our banknotes in Zhanpu. At present, we don't have as many gold coins to support them. The only way is to use banknotes, because banknotes can be widely promoted. However, gold coins However, it cannot be cast as soon as possible because a large amount of gold mines are needed. Although we have a large amount of gold reserves in our hands, we still need to use those gold reserves in more directions. Recently, the people of Qin people are willing to use their technology stocks or technology patents. To exchange a large amount of gold reserves, if we can achieve this goal, we will control the currency initiative of the country." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. Not bad. Not bad." Han Shu nodded. Compared with gold coins, banknotes still have many advantages. When Zhao Guo resumed the circulation of metal currency, South Korea was reluctant to restore gold coins. The reason was that banknotes. The superiority of the currency is far greater than that of the metal currency. Because metal currency is restricted by raw materials, paper currency has no such restriction.

"Such a proposal, we need to discuss it with the bank. In this case, it is very useful to us." Han Shu said.

Dawan State, Ministry of National Defense.

"Sir, there is a small matter." A major officer said to the Secretary of Defense.

"What's the matter?" the Secretary of Defense asked. He is looking at a report. Dawan is fully investigating. They want to collect their own soldiers who are suitable for combat. Once they are all mobilized, how much their war mobilization capabilities are.

"It's such a sir. We often find a gang of gangsters to rob the train from the Qin State for the storage of supplies. We have already lost a lot of property. Although the loss is not a lot compared to the supplies we have stored, the situation may not be good for us. ." said the major.

"A group of robbers. Just send troops to destroy them." The Defense Minister said.

"But, sir, this matter may be a bit troublesome. Based on their limited vocabulary, we know that they may be, they may be." said the major.

"Say what?" the Secretary of Defense asked.

"They speak sir. They are fluent in Qin dialect and have a northern accent. According to our judgment, they may be retired soldiers of Qin State, and their skills are very good. This is the basis for our judgment, and this is for us. This is troublesome." said the major.

"What?" the Secretary of Defense asked, standing up.

"Yes, sir, according to our many judgments, this is the case. The materials they robbed are what they need, military cans, a lot of blankets, and some arms. If this continues, ours The materials will be robbed by them, because their personnel may be further expanded." said the major.

"This situation must be told to the people of Qin, otherwise it will be very troublesome for us." The Defense Minister shook his head and said.

"I need to draw up a long telegram." The Secretary of Defense said.

Qin State, Xianyang, Shangwen's prime minister's residence.

"Whose letter came from?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen.

"Oh. No, it's a letter written by a retired Huns soldier, a retired engineer sergeant, and then mailed over at the recommendation of a colonel." Shang Wen said.

"Retired Huns soldiers." Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen strangely.

"It's not very strange. The Huns are also soldiers. The situation after their retirement is very troublesome, mainly because their work skills are not enough. Many factories do not need them, and the engineers are okay. The mines also need a large number of engineers to carry out blasting. "Shang Wen said.

"This shows that our decommissioning training is very bad. It is a very bad thing for us to do well with those retired soldiers, and they will cause a lot of trouble." Shangwen said.

"Is the prime minister here?" Wei Liao said at this moment.

"What's the matter?" Shang Wen asked.

"Dawan Ministry of National Defense. They told us one thing that their supplies were often robbed by a large group of horse bandits. They believed that those horse bandits, based on some evidence, they believed that they were all from the State of Qin. If this is the case for the retired cavalry personnel, the situation may be for us." Wei Liao looked at Shangwen and said.

"It seems that we must solve this matter." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi. Then he handed the letter in his hand to Wei Liao.

"Look at this, the skills of retired soldiers are very bad. They can't adapt to this society, which is extremely bad for our development. If the situation continues to develop like this, we will not be able to control this situation to develop." Shang Wen said.

"This is a bad thing we did ourselves." Shang Wen said.

Inside a cave in Dawan.

"Brother, we have so many materials, we can expand more manpower. In this way, more materials will appear in front of us." Meng Lang said.

"Don't be kidding. If this goes on, the Qin government will send troops in if they know it. In that case, can we escape? Why don't we stop here, these things are enough." Baima said.

"But, will those people agree?" Meng Lang asked.

"Yeah, will those people agree? They won't agree at all. This is not the time when we want to stop." Xu Bing shook his head and said. Although they wanted to stop, more and more people attached themselves to them. As a result, it would be difficult for Xu Bing to stop.

A private room in a hotel in Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The King is right. If we promote banknotes, our expenses are very simple. It's just that we need to pay a large amount of gold reserves." A banker said.

"That's how it is said, but if you think about it, we have opened the Bangla market, and this has mastered huge currency issuance rights. Isn't the wealth on the western continent ours." Other bankers said.

"Yes, that's correct. Tomorrow's meeting will discuss this issue. If this issue is resolved, all the conditions will be extremely beneficial to us." said a middle-aged banker.

Bankers still agree with banknotes, because banknotes are worthless pieces of paper. If they are promoted, it will be a worthless business for them, but the key is that they have to get it. Currency issuance rights, especially paper currency issuance rights.

State of Zhao, Handan. The research room of an arsenal.

"I heard that South Korea has already obtained the secret recipe for powerful gunpowder. As a result, the range and power of the bullet have increased a lot." A young researcher said worriedly.

"Yes, I heard that the power is about the same as Qin's bullets. The most important thing is that the gunpowder has no residues and is the same as Qin's bullets. But the black powder bullets we use are not powerful enough, not only that, alas, no Said." Another elderly researcher said.

"Sir, maybe we should not improve the method of muskets, but make some new muskets. However, without major improvements in bullets, all our advancements will be ineffective." The young researcher said.

"The formula of gunpowder is not only used on small bullets, but most importantly, it can also be used on cannonballs, so that the cannonballs can hit farther. The range is farther." The researcher said.

"I also know that bullets are the key, but we can't find relevant information at all." The researcher said helplessly. Zhao Guo’s lack of chemistry prevented them from making further breakthroughs in the technology of smokeless powder bullets. They could make metal fixed-load bullets. However, the core powder formula of the bullets was not in their hands. This had a great impact on them. .

South Korea, Xinzheng. Firearms research room.

"Damn it. What happened?" A middle-aged researcher rushed in excitedly. The hand of a musketeer was blown off. The soldier resisted the pain, but couldn't bear the consequences of breaking his finger.

"Damn it. Alright. You will be well taken care of." A researcher said to the Musketeer.

"How about the new musket?" the researcher asked.

"Sir, you saw it too. It's blown up. The quality of our steel is not good enough. Although we have adopted some new technologies, such as the use of bronze, we still can't complete the experimentation and design work of firearms well. "An experimenter reported.

"Okay. Go to heal first." said the researcher who came in.

"The power of the new type of ammunition is too great. We couldn't find the right metal to make the barrel. The pressure of the barrel is very high. After our test, our gun can only withstand the pressure of black powder, but it cannot withstand the pressure of the new type of gunpowder. Stress." The experimenter reported.

The difference between firearms and muskets is their bullets, after the invention of the flash hider. Firearms are being converted to firearms, but the state of metal in South Korea is really poor. They have mastered the smokeless powder technology, but they cannot master the steel technology. As a result, they still cannot master good firearms. This has brought South Korea's gun development into an embarrassing stage. Researchers cannot satisfy this situation.

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