"Mr. Reporter, look, that's it. How can we eat canned food? This is a human finger." An old woman said to a Qin reporter with a sad face. The finger was a little black, and after being processed by a meat grinder, some bones were exposed. It looks terrifying.

"Oh." The reporter turned his face away and covered his mouth. He felt very sick. How could this can of food be so sick. Even eating meat can eat some human flesh.

"Remove these cans first, otherwise it will be too disgusting." Qin Guo reporter said helplessly. Because those ignorant Qi people even showed them canned food.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Reporter, what should I do about this matter?" the old woman said in horror. They originally thought that the canned food could be eaten delicious, but as a result, they actually had human fingers. They also meant chicken paws at first, but they turned out to be human fingers. If the imagination is enriched, who knows Is there any other meat in this can, for example, human flesh? This is something they can hardly believe.

"Okay. I want to know. Where do these cans come from?" Qin Guo asked reporters to control his vomiting desire.

"Well, it's true that all of our cans were stolen. The mouth of our family was used to drive horses and carts and sell goods. These cans are all exported to the south or go to other places. I I don't know what these places are for." The woman said.

"Oh." The reporter recorded. What he knew was that Wei State had a large number of cans of this kind. They imported a large number of cattle and sheep from the north of Qin State, and cattle and sheep skins were used to process some light industrial products, such as leather boots, leather shoes, and some belts. Beef and lamb have become the main sources of canned food. However, the cost of this kind of canned food is extremely low and the taste is not very good. The Qin army dare not purchase it on a large scale because many soldiers complained that there is no beef in it, only starch. There is a lot of wheat in this kind of thing, and the price is cheap, so , There is not much meatiness in the can, only a lot of starch taste. In order to ensure that soldiers can eat these things with a good taste, they dare not purchase such foods on a large scale.

But these foods can be preserved for a long time and can be exported in large quantities to other countries, such as Bangladesh. Ignorant soldiers are willing to eat such things every day. Seafarers also consume such food for a long time.

There is a large trade between Wei and Qi, mainly importing these cheap goods, leather products, canned food, and a large number of light industrial products, such as clothes. Qi’s military uniforms come from Wei because the population of Wei is even greater. They are denser, their labor costs are very low, and with a large number of freight railroads, this is much better than Qi’s local manufacturing.

"In other words, these cans were produced by Wei Guo?" the reporter asked.

"Yes. That's the case, but the guy in my family said. They said that this factory seems to be run by a Korean and produced in Wei." The woman said.

"Oh. Let me take a look at the packaging." Qin Guo reporter looked at the packaging of the cans tremblingly. The manufacturer is a company registered in South Korea. They are mainly responsible for food production. However, the specific production is owned by a food manufacturing factory owned by Wei Guo Daliang. The packaging is a bit vague, it seems that the cost is not a lot.

"I see." Qin Guo reporter recorded it. he knows. This is a food factory jointly built by South Korea and Wei Guoren. This is a typical black-hearted food factory. This kind of thing has been exposed in the Qin State, but it did not attract people's attention. If the title is attractive this time, it will definitely attract huge attention. The reporter thought.

These food factories united by South Korea and Wei have a great cost advantage because their labor costs are extremely low. In addition, they have tried their best to reduce costs. The excessive reduction in costs has brought great quality problems, such as this The second thing is like this. In order to feel that there is meat, they added all the rat meat. At the same time, they also collected some sick and dead meat and added it, including quite a lot of meat of unknown origin. And human flesh may be added at this time. They think that the meat grinder will mix these meats together. Anyway, they don't eat such things themselves, thinking they know too well what these meats are made of. Stool, dead meat, some bones, and smelly meat, even flies were stirred in. Some are canned, some are ham.

In order to speed up production as much as possible and expand the number of products they produce, the meat grinder has changed from three or more times to one, so it is not difficult to explain what happened. Daliang is a chaotic city, and there are no longer a few people who disappear every day. They don't know how they disappeared. The food factory may be one place where they dispose of corpses. Naturally, it makes people feel very vomiting when such a disgusting thing happens.

Within Bangla. The chaos here is getting bigger and bigger.

"Puff." Several local soldiers' auxiliary soldiers waved their machete and chopped off a local man's head. Their weapons are extremely crude, a machete imported from Zhao, which is cheap and sharp. This is the knife they used to chop sugarcane, but now they use it to chop people. And it was a large-scale killing. They wore Central Plains costumes and clothes. This was one of the main characteristics that distinguished them from the locals. In addition, some red cloth strips were tied to their arms, with Korean characters or Chu characters written on them. Said that they are people who listen to South Korea and Chu people dispatched.

The killing of heretics quickly turned into a unilateral massacre. As long as they believed in religion, many people were killed except Confucianism from the Central Plains. The distrust of the Koreans, coupled with the suspicion of the Chu people, and the illegal behavior of some native soldiers, there are not a large number of priests here, they can only make a small fight, but this is a huge storm of massacre. They couldn't stop the already crazy native soldiers and the killing behaviors of the thugs who followed them.

"Set fire and kill them these infidels." The native soldiers, mercenaries from the Kingdom of Chu, are all soldiers of the Kingdom of Chu. They may not be considered very powerful characters in battle, but they can deal with these unarmed locals. Without hesitating to unfold their method of slaughter, the people of Chu are easy to kill in the first place. And those native soldiers and entourage who followed the Chu people became their little ghosts.

"Ah." The family was burned alive by the fire, and they screamed. But it made these demons yelling with excitement, they were very happy, and so happy. Those screams became the best songs, and some native soldiers danced to dance, killing some people from time to time to add to the fun. The frenzied killing has begun, and many people have been excited about being killed.

In Zhang Shi's office, representatives of major Korean banks are discussing things quietly.

"Are there too many killings recently? I heard that many local people have been killed. Many farms have no one to find, and this kind of thing can't happen anymore. Otherwise, there will be problems with farm management." A bank representative said worriedly.

"I don't worry about such things. Those heretics are really hateful. We work for them, and they retaliate against us. They pretend to be pitiful. We give them a certain reward and let them live. What is the result? They attacked our caravan and caused us to suffer great losses. For such things, we should punish them and let them know how powerful we are. Dealing with such people, I don’t think we need to be too kind. We should follow our approach. Otherwise, they think that our countries from the Central Plains are too easy to bully." Another business representative said.

"Yes. That's right. For such things, we should kill them. Let them know how good we are. Besides, we are also good. To hire those people, we still need some compensation, but if they are all slaves. , Our costs will be reduced quickly. This is an important reason for the increase in the interests of all of us. For such factors, we should be greatly encouraged." Other bank representatives said one after another.

"Hey, I said, we are a bank and we are doing banking business. When we come here, we are here to do business, not soldiers, nor those thugs with thick arms and thighs who set fire to death with rifles." The man with a beard stood up and said with some dissatisfaction.

"This is the military government of Menggla State, South Korea. We are here to pay attention to the war in the northern Occupy Prussian country. You know, the Champpu country came with our money. Do you know that. Northern India? The local people were defeated by the Yueshi people." The eight-character Hu man said with his hands behind his back.

"I know." Many people said.

"They also signed a contract and heard that the Indians have already withdrawn their troops." Others continued.

"Understood. We should worry about our side. If the northern Champa country continues to fight the Indians, do you think the Champao parliament will win? For now, according to the frontline observation officer's report. After the Occupy Prussian State divided its troops and bombed the northern states of Para and Inmur, their offensive power was greatly weakened. If the arrival of the Indian army is added, the situation will be very unfavorable for the Occupy Prussian State. I think, It may not be known that the Champa National Congress was beaten back to the original point, or that it was beaten to the mainland all at once. In that case, what should we do with our money?" asked the man with eight characters.

"Yes, in this case, we don't even have the capital." Some bank representatives said worriedly.

"No, we have to talk to the military government about this matter and ask them to send troops to help us immediately. If not, our bank will be finished." The bank representatives said anxiously. In fact, they are worried about the loss. In fact, their loss is not very large. The Occupy Commonwealth has purchased a lot of arms, and these arms have entered the pockets of merchants. They have heard of depositing in commercial banks, and finally returned. In their hands. They just lost a nominal loan, nothing more.

Inside Zhang Shi's office.

"The situation in the north is developing very badly. The Occupy Prussian country divides its forces and attacks the two countries in the north at the same time. How courageous they are, and that is, how long their heads are, and they can't stop concentrating their forces on one. . Now I have to fight two." Zhang Shi did not pay attention to the development of the situation in the north. All he knew was that the Occupy Prussian Congress attacked the north, but what he did not expect was that the situation suddenly changed. The Indians moved from the north to Yueshi. People got rid of it. This made him feel very depressed.

"Sir, I think this matter is not very simple. After all, we need to pay attention to many things." Zhang Dahui said.

"Of course I know to pay attention. But, look at this matter, Zhanpu's appetite is not small. Unfortunately, their stomachs are so small that they can't eat anymore. If this continues, I think they can stand still there. , That’s not bad. However, it’s very unlikely to let them break their belly and eat it. Coupled with the continuous development of the situation in the north, the situation in Occupy Prussia may be very bad. The only way is for them to get us. Or yes.” Zhang Shi thought for a while and wanted to say.

"Or they increased their reserve forces, and their military strength suddenly increased to more than 200,000. In that case, the entire Occupy Prussian nation might become a huge military camp. However, their financial capabilities simply cannot sustain such a huge military. Consumption. They have no money, even taxation cannot support it. In the next few years, they will not be able to repay it at all." Zhang Dahui said.

"I know, if they win this war, or if they get what they want in the end, what will happen to us?" Zhang Shi said.

"Besides, the king's meaning is very simple, it is to promote paper money. Only in this way can a large amount of gold coins enter our hands. This is a very good thing for us." Zhang Shi said optimistically.

"However, sir, if we fail, the consequences will be disastrous. We will suffer huge losses. From the current point of view, the situation in Occupy Prussia is not very good. They are unlikely to win such a war. Moreover, the Indians will join in. , The war situation will be very unfavorable for occupying the country." Zhang Dahui said.

"Well. I know, but we have to do things like this, which is related to our interests. Business people will also support this." Zhang Shi said.

Occupying the Prussian State, the northern front.

"This is the northern line of Champa and the front line of Palau. The war has become extremely stalemate. In the field, the main army of Palau has been defeated by the gunmen and artillery of the Champa country." Song Major Pu wrote in his diary. Outside the camp, the artillery rumbling.

"However, the city of Palau has not been able to be defeated for a long time. The soldiers of the Occupy Prussia are still very brave. They charge again and again. The artillery can easily open their rammed earth, civil walls, wood chips, and dirt. When they dance, there are still a few smaller Palauan corpses, meat, grenades, and solid shells, which will cost them a lot of casualties. The opponent's musketeers and artillery no longer exist. Maybe they still have a little power, but They still stick to this **** city." Major Song Pu looked outside. The wounded soldiers of Zhanpu Kingdom sat at his door and wailed. The patrol expelled them. This is a place they can't get close to.

"The battle situation has become extremely stalemate. The Occupy Prussian army launched three offensives, and they were all repelled. They blasted open the city wall easily, and then the musketeers quickly entered it, but this way, the power of the musket and the advantage of the range. The roads are blocked by all kinds of bombed wastes. Palauans will run out from various places to assassinate the soldiers of the Occupy Prussian country. They may be women, old people, military officers, or nobles. They are all involved. Their safety is a desperate way of playing. The artillery and muskets of the Zhanpu people are not useful at all. The two sides are fighting fiercely and they are unable to fight at all. The Zhanpu people are very disadvantaged in the short-handedness." Song Pu Said the major.

"That is, we concentrated our forces and pushed the artillery into the city. Those **** Palauans did not know where they were killed, and the artillery was lost. Under such conditions, the Champus could not launch a more powerful attack. They The army gradually lacked strength, and the encircling circle showed signs of loosening. Yesterday, a team of several thousand people entered the city. This is a successful reinforcement for the other side after we surrounded Palau for a few days. This is not a good phenomenon. We. More troops are needed for reinforcements, but this situation cannot continue." Major Song Pu put down the pen in his hand.

The sound of the cannon stopped. The Occupy Prussian army launched an offensive again, but the scale of their offensive was getting smaller and smaller. From the initial division scale to the current continuous platoon scale, the offensive became weaker and weaker. For them, it was just one thing. During the disaster, many soldiers felt that something was wrong.

"Reinforcements, reinforcements, only more reinforcements can completely solve these problems, but where are the reinforcements?" Major Song Pu said, watching the attack outside the tent.

"The Occupy Prussian nation now has no army, no reinforcements to send over. The country is conscripting troops, but the effect is not good. They lack sufficient preparation, no money, no money to solve these problems." Prince Holly found Song. Pu later talked about the dilemma they are currently facing.

"I know that only reinforcements can completely solve the problem. But the problem is that we don't have any reinforcements. You have come over with bad news that the Northern Dynasty will send troops to the south. This possibility has already appeared. The situation is very serious It's not good, it's not good for us." Prince Holly said. He is Palau's coach, but now he is very worried, worried that the offensive will be met with great resistance, and he can't bear such pressure. For such a young coach, he is still very difficult to bear.

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