In Wei, a large number of food processing plants closed down or closed down, which caused many Wei workers to lose their source.

"Oh, how can this be good?" a young Wei Guo worker said worriedly.

"Let's just find a job. Let's talk about it. I feel annoying to do stinking things every day." Another young worker said impatiently. They are not bad, and the salary is paid to them in advance. However, they don't know where the factory will be moved. I just knew that the factory was going to move. A few days ago, a lot of cans were shipped away. I don't know where it was shipped. After all, that is not something they can manage.

"Oh, I'm not the same as you. You haven't got married yet, and there are three children in my family. My family depends on my salary to live." The worker said distressedly. For him, this job is very important, because this job can bring a lot of salary. As the urban population gathers and wages increase, people are far more stable than before. At the same time, A large number of migrant women, especially from Goguryeo and women on the peninsula, most of them arrived here with ships. Female resources have become an important commercial resource and have been trafficked here. Before they wanted to get married, they might spend some setbacks, mainly to accumulate some savings, but now the increase in wages and salaries has made it easy for them to complete such things, and coupled with the sale of a large number of female resources, this is far better than It is much easier for them to get married and raise their relatives, which has led to a rapid increase in the population, especially the birth rate, which has seen a blowout increase. However, once these factories relocate and leave, they will lose their jobs, and their newly-born children will not be able to feed their children. This is a great pressure for these workers who have lost their jobs.

"If it doesn't work, follow me to sea, I have a friend from Qi, and they are all actively going to sea. I heard that there is gold everywhere in the overseas country. If you just bend over, you can get rich." The unmarried workers persuaded this. .

"Oh, I'm different from you, I've already dragged my family around. It doesn't work. It seems I have to find a job elsewhere. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to survive." said the worker.

The road from Wei State to Qi State is said to be a road, but it is a road that has undergone rough construction. This kind of road tamped the roadbed and then laid some fine stones. In this way, the traffic of the road is greatly increased. Big.

There were long carriages on the road, all of which came from Wei.

"What's going on these days? Canned food is delivered every day. This canned food. Can you eat it? It seems to come from Wei Guo." A coachman said to a businessman on the road.

"These things are probably canned human flesh from Wei State. If you want to eat it. Your diarrhea is all light. It is troublesome if the ghost of human flesh keeps up with you." The businessman frightened.

"Oh, I still don't eat this thing. I don't want to eat this can anymore. I'm just curious about where this can is to be transported." The coachman then asked.

"You don't want to eat it. Some places want to eat this kind of food, Goguryeo, the peninsula, and the farther Southeast Asia, Western Ocean, anyway, some places. Did you see the machine in the car in front?" At this time, the businessman pointed to the car in front. Speaking of.

"Those are all meat grinders, and there are also some mixing machines. These things have to be shipped to Qi. Maybe those Wei merchants have already established new factories in the Qi region." The merchant said.

"What, canned human flesh has moved to Qi State. This is not a canned human flesh. Are we Qi State people minced meat?" The coachman said displeasedly.

"It is estimated that it is canned sea fish, fish meat, what are you worried about?" the merchant said unhappily.

"Oh." The coachman nodded, then relieved.

Qi State, outside of Laizhou Port, there are already a large number of Wei State food factories here. The Qi government accepted them very generously and provided them with a lot of preferential policies. For example, their tax revenue is only 1% in order to attract them to come here. On the one hand, it can increase employment, and on the other hand, it can As long as the amount of tax is large enough, a large part of the problem can still be solved.

Qin State, Western Regions, Li Xin's headquarters. Li Xin received instructions from the General Staff to prepare a counterattack plan regarding the invasion of Dawan.

"Counter-attack. How to fight back?" Li Xin said helplessly.

"Our troops are currently being reorganized, and their combat effectiveness is unknown. The Dawan people in front of us are very optimistic." Li Xin said helplessly to his staff. He was not very emotional about the counterattack against Dawan.

"Sir, the Dawan people actually made such remarks recently. They believe that the Anxi people will not attack them. They think it is the people of Qin that are frightening them." A staff officer said.

"Frighten them. Just kidding, can we scare them?" Li Xin said.

"The main problem lies in finances. The Dawan people have made some money from selling minerals. They are unwilling to put a lot of money on military defense, because in that case, it is a pure consumption of money, so they are unwilling to do this." Speaking of.

"Sir, in this regard, we should think that the Parthians will launch an offensive and take the most severe offensive measures. We must make relevant preparations." The staff officer said.

"But we don't have the relevant troops. It takes quite a while for the General Staff to transfer the reorganized troops to us. We simply don't know how powerful those troops are." Li Xin shook his head and said.

"Although there are more air units, they need the protection of ground troops. Without ground troops, their operational significance will no longer exist. Why don't you pay attention to these things above?" Li Xin said to himself.

In the Yueshi frontline station, some newly established Yueshi commercial banks quickly entered here. They issued bonds on behalf of the government and also purchased a large number of bonds.

"This is three hundred acres of land, how can I give five gold coins. This is too little?" a second-class soldier said extremely annoyed. This is a trophy land bond issued between several of their soldiers.

"Less. You can go to other banks to see, I have already given you a lot. Do you know?" a Yueshi Bank person in charge said impatiently.

"You can give you four gold coins and five gold coins at most for your 300 acres of land. I don't think it is easy for you to serve as soldiers, so I gave it to you." said the person in charge of the bank.

"We went to the battlefield and exchanged our lives." The soldier said helplessly.

"I know. But, this thing is worth so much money. You know, it's not a lot of money at all. And the bonds will only grow more and more. I tell you, early change is good, the army in the south I heard that the Indy River is almost here. There is a lot of land there, and there are also large areas of slaves. You should take more land?" said the person in charge of the bank.

"Next one, hurry up one." The bank staff shouted loudly. The soldiers behind hurriedly exchanged the bonds in their hands into gold coins.

These banks are all commercial banks jointly established by the Yue’s Councilor and Qin State Bank. They have only a little money, and they have a lot of money to lower the price of land bonds, and these land bonds will eventually be recovered by the state, because this requires a lot of money from the Yue’s government. Using trophies, land, and slaves to exchange them, the members of the Yue clan who saw profitability set up their own commercial banks and arbitrarily lowered the price of the land bonds held by the soldiers. The 300 acres of land has actually fallen to three. The price below gold coins, and the trend is likely to fall further. Members and Qin State Bank are squeezing the fruits of Yueshi’s victory in the battle against Indy in this way.

Outside Moran's command carriage, Moran looked helplessly at his soldiers holding the land bonds they had worked so hard to exchange. A large amount of land bonds were paid out as soldiers’ salaries, but the price of such things has been severely depressed. , The soldiers’ efforts were stolen.

"This is a group of robbers, thieves. Repeated thieves." This is Moran's evaluation of the bank.

"They also paid a great price. This is an unsolvable problem." Meng Ping persuaded. He knew that the bank’s trick was just like that. After the victory, they would use very despicable means to obtain the fruits of the soldiers’ victory.

"Hmph, if they do this, it will cause dissatisfaction among the soldiers, and there will be a lot of rebellious emotions. If the soldiers mutiny, the situation will be very unfavorable." Moran said worriedly.

"If something like this happened, they would have forced it themselves. Damn it," Moran scolded.

"Let's pay attention to the situation of our southern route. According to the latest telegram, the Indians have retreated to the east bank of the Indy River. They are building fortifications, and our pioneers have just arrived there." Meng Ping said To.

"Soldiers like this, will they move forward?" Moran said, worried about the emotions of his soldiers.

"I think it should be." Meng Ping said. On the west bank of the Indy River.

Zhao Fang took two lieutenants Zhao Jun to check the situation on the east bank of the Indy River with binoculars. After the Indians retreated to the east bank, they quickly burned the pontoon bridge, and they also built fortifications aggressively. The trenches they dug have covered the entire east bank. The most terrible thing is that they are still digging.

"These **** Indians, they are digging desperately. Are they trying to bury themselves in." Zhao Fang put down the telescope in his hand and said. Another part of the Zhao Guo advisory group is teaching Yue's engineers to remove those mines. Those buried landmines posed a threat to the Indians, as well as the Yueshi people. The Zhao people had to remove those landmines. Landmine warfare performs well in such defensive operations, but it is also very good. Because of the lack of a large number of landmines, an effective landmine area could not be formed, so the Indians went south. Those mines that have been bypassed have become a problem that the Yue people must solve. Zhao Fang is writing a report to evaluate the role of landmines in this war. He believes that when the number of landmines is scarce, their role is very limited. The only way to achieve great results is to expand landmines. The number of landmines is more extensive.

"Sir, those Indians don't have artillery. Without muskets, even if they have them, their numbers have been discarded a lot. With such a low morale, I am afraid it is still difficult to defend such a place." A lieutenant said.

"Well, that's right, it's a pity that the Yue people have exhausted their power. They can't send more military forces to here. Their vanguard forces barely got here, but their army has many factors. Unable to solve such a problem, the people of the Yue family no longer have the strength to further launch larger-scale operations. This is their own factor." Zhao Fang said.

Qin State, the General Staff.

"Karachi, I think if the people of the Yue family want to fight Karachi, they will definitely fail." Wang Jian said after reading the telegram sent by the Yue family.

"Well, they are already exhausted. They have just won the battle. They don't know how the Karachi people are preparing. Facing such a huge fortress, they still lack relevant preparations. The most important thing is that they are terrible. Logistically, if the Karachi people have sufficient mobile forces, I believe their situation may become very passive. We should prevent them from further attacking Karachi, a strong fortress city." Yang Duanhe said.

"Well, it's okay to just let them try. Only then can they know how dangerous their situation is." Wang Jian said indifferently. The people of the Yue family seemed to have been stunned by the victory. They believe that Karachi is an important port city, which is very conducive to their trade with other parts of India. Therefore, they value such a city very much and hope to take it down. Karachi is located on the west bank of the Indy River, where it was originally For those belonging to the Yueshi, according to the agreement between the Indy and Yueshi.

But it seems that the Karachi people did not recognize such an agreement, after the news came. The parliamentarians called for a war to take down Karachi. Moran resolutely opposed, because their road conditions were very bad. From the northern route to the southern route, there was barely a road, and their four-wheeled carriages could go. It was their engineers who allowed a large number of Indian prisoners of war to build temporarily, but such a road still couldn't satisfy the Yue people to control the entire area they occupied. Their supply line is very long and long, which is very unfavorable for their next military operation. If this continues, their situation will be very bad. This is the reason for Moran's opposition, but the high-level leaders are extremely optimistic. They believe that such a war must go on.

Qingcheng, Jiaozhou, South Korea.

"This is an iron armored ship. Such a ship is made of iron armor. This iron armor is sufficient to withstand the large-caliber artillery of Qi State. The iron armored ship is driven by two steam engines with more than 500 horsepower. The ship is more than half of the average ship. In this way, more space and power can be provided. Artillery can also be placed on it." A young ship designer came up with his own plan.

"Iron armor, we know armored ships, but can such ships be launched. You know, iron will sink to the bottom of the sea?" a person in charge said worriedly.

"According to the principle of buoyancy, it will not sink to the bottom of the sea, as long as there is enough space, and our company has just acquired some boiler companies, and their welding technology is very strong." The young designer said .

"The cost may be higher. After all, iron armor is used, but once such a ship is manufactured, the advantages will be very obvious." The designer continued.

"Well, we need to report to the Admiralty. If they are willing to purchase such ships, we can build them. However, we can only build some small experimental ships. If they are too big, they may not be used." Another person in charge said . They are more interested in iron-clad ships, but the cost is extremely expensive. An iron-priced ship suddenly exceeds 10 million won. This is an unbearable point for them. If the price can be further reduced, or reduced to a few Millions, maybe they can still accept it. Such a price makes them feel too expensive. The designer nodded helplessly. After all, their plan was passed.

In order to deal with Qi’s Tiejun-class warships, the South Korean Navy had to adopt some new technologies, which directly prompted the South Korean research department to use new warships such as iron armored ships to deal with Qi’s warships. However, no new conflicts have arisen between the two sides , The naval battle will not break out too soon for the time being. However, the two sides have already launched relevant technical research.

Zhao Guo, Handan, the prices of old bonds are gradually rising, but there are simply not so many bonds in the market for speculation and investment activities, and many people simply cannot buy such many bonds.

Wenyang Bank, Handan Branch.

"This is the above order. We need a lot of funds, so these bonds must be released, and we will get a lot of gold coins." The bond supervisor said with a telegram.

"But the price of bonds has risen again." A person in charge asked.

"I know, it's because of the rise. Don't manage it, think of a way, and let it go." The supervisor said.

"Well, it happens that Zhao Guo has established a bond market. We can take the opportunity to sell such a large amount of bonds, but we need some time. After all, the number of bonds in our hands is very large. If we sell in large amounts, it will be greatly depressed. Price, this is a relatively large loss to us, so I don’t recommend that.” The person in charge said.

"Finish as soon as possible, this is an order." The supervisor left after speaking. The person in charge shook his head. He thinks the price of bonds may still rise, after all, such prices are very tempting. No one would refuse such a large profit margin.

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