The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2902: South Korean Navy

Dawan, border, the winter here comes earlier, and the camp of the Dawan border army is already covered with snow.

The front of the defensive position of the Dawan 3rd Infantry Division.

"In such a cold day, the army coats sent by the people of Qin are not warm enough," said a Dawan second-class soldier. He kept trembling and his feet kept beating back and forth. This would warm his body, but the cold wind still blew him and retracted his neck.

"We are watching here, everyone else went to the fire. It's **** it." A sergeant said dissatisfiedly. Only those who are poor and the lowest in Dawan will serve as soldiers, and those with a little money don't even think about such a thing. Therefore, their conscription work is difficult to do.

"Sergeant, I am worried about the rest of the people on the opposite side. Will they attack? In that case, will we be killed. In that case, it would be too bad for us." The second class asked worriedly. Compared with the cold, death made these soldiers more frightened. Soldiers discuss this issue every day. Some people think that the Parthians will be killed because the Parthians are greedy and barbaric, and they are interested in any wealth. Others believe that the Anthians will not do this because they have a very good relationship with the Qin State. If the Anthians attacked, they must consider the relationship between the Qin people, and the Qin people would take extreme retaliatory measures to solve such problems.

Considering the Qin people's revenge, the Parthians are unlikely to choose to attack. In this way, their problem is solved very well.

"I don't know, but what I am worried about is that if they do come over, we can't resist it at all. We must consider a way out." The sergeant said.

"Really? Sergeant." the private soldier asked.

"It's true. Look here. We only dug some trenches, built some bunkers, and those barbed wire fences. But look at our company. The company originally had more than one hundred to two hundred people, but it was actually only sixty. Up to eighty people, with such a strength, how can we resist the attack of the Parthians? Our people in Dawan are very rich, but they are not willing to fight. What should I do? I have no way. I can only look at this. Something happened." The sergeant said helplessly.

"Damn it," the second class scolded.

"This is something that can't be helped." The sergeant said helplessly. For their prospects, some soldiers are still pessimistic. They believe that they simply cannot defend against such a situation.

State Qin, Ministry of National Defense.

"The Dawan people are really relieved. Under such a situation, they are still full of optimism." Wei Liao said with some dissatisfaction.

"Sir, we have provided false information to the Dawan people as planned. We hope their Ministry of Defense can persuade the parliament to provide more funding to increase their defense capabilities." said a lieutenant colonel.

"False information is one thing, and the key is the Dawan people. They must effectively resist the insane attacks of the Parthians. Only if they can resist, can Qin have the power to participate. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Qin to do such a thing. It's impossible to let go of your hands and feet and do a lot of work." Wei Liao said.

"Yeah. But the Dawan government is very rich. I think, at this point, the Parthians should launch an offensive. After all, the wealth here is enough to make them feel very shocked." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Hope." Wei Liao said.

Dawan, the Ministry of National Defense, and the Minister of Finance rushed in anxiously.

"Look at this, this is from the Sabbath." The Minister of Finance looked at the Minister of Defense. The Minister of Defense looked at the other party, and he felt that something big was about to happen. As for what kind of thing. he does not know. He had received orders before. Parliament believes that war will not break out. The reason is simple, the cold winter is not conducive to war. This requires a lot of materials, and the demand for such materials will far exceed anyone's imagination.

"This is." The Secretary of Defense looked over quickly.

"The Parthians are borrowing money again, are they borrowing money from us this time?" the Secretary of Defense asked in an unbelievable tone.

"Yes, they are like that. They want to borrow money from us. They think they have lost the battle against Seth and need a lot of money, so they think of us. We have money, they think so." Speaking of.

"What do you mean?" the Secretary of Defense asked.

"I don't want to borrow." The Finance Minister said. The Secretary of Defense shook his head. He could think of the attitude of the Parthian nation. This may be a prelude to their offensive, because borrowing money is only a reason. After borrowing the money, they can not repay it, but if Dawan does not borrow it, they can personally grab it. The logical thinking of the rest.

"It's not that we don't want to borrow, they won't be able to borrow it." The Defense Minister said.

"If you put it this way, the Parthians are planning to attack us?" the Minister of Finance asked.

"Yes, that's it. I have always thought this way before. We should strengthen our armed progress, but it will not be allowed for a while. Now it is fine. The problem can be solved." The Defense Minister said.

"Well, I will leave this matter to the parliament to discuss, and I hope they have a very good suggestion." The Minister of Finance said.

"I think those people are a pack of wolves. They will not fully consider such a thing. In my opinion, that's it." The Defense Minister said. It is easy for the Secretary of Defense to think that the Parliament is considering its own security issues, and they will implement the borrowing business. In that case, Dawan is undoubtedly helping future enemies, but such things will happen. And it is very likely to happen.

Wei Guo, big beam.

The gate of the police department. This is the police force established by Chen Yu, but they are recruiting more people to join the police. The gap is as high as 25,000 people.

"If you are a policeman, is it the same as we used to, you don't have to do anything?" a young man asked curiously. The police’s standards are very strict. The age limit is between 18 and 25. The local residence certificate is provided. At the same time, strict physical examinations, interviews, and three months of military training are required after passing the qualifications. Many people are discouraged, but the treatment is pretty good. The monthly salary exceeds 120 and a half. However, there are very few training periods, only 30 and a half. This is obviously not enough for them. But thinking about how they feel after being a police officer, they think it is very cost-effective, because the police have a variety of gray income. This is what attracts them. Some improper people always think that the police should be like this. Therefore, there are still quite a few young people to sign up.

"Next." The recruited official shouted loudly. Many people came forward with forms.

Inside Chen Yu's office.

"Recruiting so many police officers, there is still a large part of the funding gap. Even if we sell all of the beams of land, we will not be enough. This is a disaster for us." Gao Yuan said worriedly.

"I know. These people will be useful, and they will directly bring us great benefits, don't worry." Chen Yu was very relaxed about this, but Gao Yuan was still very worried because he felt that something was going on. It's not that simple. Chen Yu looked at the long line outside and said.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"My opinion is very simple. Only the large-scale use of government funds, that is, the large-scale purchase of funds by the Qin State Federal Bank Reserve Committee, can solve all problems." Shang Wen said.

"In the north, we can use paper money to buy shares in banks and large railway companies. This way they will have sufficient funds for development, and the mortgaged shares can be sold on the Qin State stock market. In this way, it can cause Great investment effect." Shang Wen said.

"In the Western Regions and other metal currency regions, Qin State Bank, the premise is that we need to provide them with more banknotes and incorporate Western Regions into the Qin State's banknote system. The main premise is that bonds are issued and Qin State purchases , Use a lot of gold coins to buy, so that they have money, and then we invest in goods, the gold coins return to the bank, and then issue new paper money, or bond repayment, the price of paper money is further degraded, and then converted into paper money area. Speaking of.

"If you continue to expand the gold coin area, it may have a great impact on Qin's trade, which is not conducive to the expansion of Qin's influence. Qin's purpose is to expand the area of ​​paper currency influence, that is, more areas use Qin's banknotes and then To achieve the effect of currency aggression." Shang Wen said.

"In this way, Qin State needs banks to obtain more extensive rights and interests. This expansion of rights and interests is very risky. Because banks may do some risky things, and such risks are difficult to control, what will be the result?" Meng Yi said worriedly.

"If we don't do this, we will not be able to solve all the problems. Think about it. At present, all countries lack sufficient funds to solve their own construction problems. If the banking system is not active, it will be difficult to further develop such things. Also. In other words, if you want to make the economies of various countries further prosper, you must rely on banks. Banks are not active and it is difficult for the economy to become active." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"Well. Maybe your reasoning is right. But we must think clearly about debt, which is a huge debt, so that we can buy those countries." Meng Yi said.

"This may be one reason." Shang Wen said. Shangwen plans to activate the bank, that is, through the Federal Bank Reserve Board, to provide more banknotes to the bank, and the bank will further expand the banknotes to major economic regions through a series of financial means such as banknotes, gold coins and bonds. In this case, Qin The country’s paper currency effect will be brought into play, instead of being limited to metal currency, Qin State has made a beautiful currency in order to retreat and advance, and at the same time it can greatly activate the economic development. For example, the country of Yan is still in use. Qin's paper money, while using a large amount of metal currency will also bring a considerable amount of gold reserves to Qin. This is a financial war, an invisible war.

"Ding Ding." Just then. The phone rings in red, which usually indicates an urgent matter or a call from King Qin.

"Yes. King. Yes, King." Meng Yi answered the phone. The respectful tone let Shang Wen know that this came from King Qin.

"What's the matter?" Shang Wen asked after seeing Meng Yi put down the phone.

"The king asked us to enter the palace, mainly to explain the bond." Meng Yi said.

"Bond?" Shang Wen asked curiously.

"Yes, in my opinion, the king may also agree with your plan. Buying large amounts of bonds from various countries helps them develop their economies." Meng Yi said.

"Well, let's go to the palace to see the situation." Shang Wen said.

Inside the Xianyang Palace. Inside King Qin's side hall.

"Qin can fully purchase a large amount of bonds. Doesn't Yan want to build its own navy, and build more railways and roads? The widows think that Qin can print more banknotes to them, and it is not that Qin does not have it. Such a lot of money." King Qin said to Shang Wen.

"My lord, how much currency to print is not something we can decide. This is determined by the bank. The bank will do it according to the market's performance, and the government cannot arbitrarily increase the supply of currency. In this way, it will bring the market to the market. It's a lot of trouble." Shang Wen said.

"You mean, don't buy bonds anymore?" King Qin asked.

"No, no. We will buy," it's just handed over to the banks to handle such things. They are very familiar with such things, and the government can only govern the banks and handle some political matters. "Shang Wen explained.

"Leave it to the bank. Well, it's feasible." Qin Wang immediately understood that the bank is a profitable business unit, and although the government can participate in it, it will greatly weaken the role of the bank in the banking business that the government participates in, even though the government can do the same. Do, but King Qin is also very clear that the government is far less flexible and reliable than banks. Sometimes, the government's jurisdiction over banking business may become more rigid. In that case, it will be extremely detrimental to them. This is something they don't want to see, so King Qin nodded in agreement with such a thing.

"In this way, it is left to the bank. The government has government affairs. If the government participates in it, it will inevitably cause fierce reactions from various countries. This is an absolutely unfavorable situation for us." King Qin said .

"In order to avoid such things from happening, the prime minister is right to use a large number of banks to participate in it, but we must ensure that the interests of the banks are not lost as much as possible." Qin Wang said. The banks in Guanzhong have actually formed a group, relying on common interests. These banks actively participate in foreign financial activities. Bank representatives will also form a kind of oppression on the government. However, Qin Guo currently needs these banks to do these things.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"What if the Occupy Prussian State, or the Sabbath State, does not return our money? You know, this kind of thing is very likely to happen. If our military strength is difficult to maintain, if this kind of thing happens, it will be difficult for us to be the first. Time to cope with it. Especially the Sabbath country, this country is difficult to consider." Han Shu said. Regarding the issue of lending money to the Parthian nation to buy arms, although after the money is loaned, the Parthian Assembly immediately purchases the arms, and then the money will enter the hands of the Koreans again, and at the same time, the Koreans will deposit in the bank and finally enter the bank because of the arms Things are hard demand, and only South Korea can provide such a large amount of arms. There are not many options for the Parthian nation.

"However, if you don't borrow money, it will be difficult for the Shah to develop. As for things after borrowing money, we can only rely on our military capabilities." Zhang Liang said.

"However, the Shah is very far away from us. The worst thing is that our commercial power has arrived there, but the navy power is not enough. In this way, our navy will need to be expanded. Military expenditure will increase. This is my worst. Worrying question." Han Shu looked at the map and said. Trade with the Parthian nation can only rely on sea transportation, not land transportation.

"The King, Karachi, Seth, and other continents that may emerge in the future, these all need naval power to maintain, if there is no navy, I am afraid. Moreover, we now particularly need naval power to do so, if we do not let us It is difficult to do such a thing." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, you are right. We do need naval power. Without a navy, it would be very difficult for us to do such a thing. Moreover, we have been delayed too much on the western continent. This area must be expanded. Come, the Navy will be the top priority for development." Han Shu said.

"So, we need to expand naval power and expand our advantages in the field of merchant shipping. War can bring great profits, and maritime trade can expand our sources of finances and taxes. This is a virtuous cycle. Without such a cycle, we are very It's hard to maintain." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. You are right. That's it. Actively build naval forces. Our number of warships is maintained at least 1,000. No, we can maintain our supremacy above the scale of 2,000." Han Shu said .

"Just in this way, we need more financial funds." Zhang Liang said.

"Borrow money and issue bonds. Every country has plans like this, and Wei will do it. They sold all the land. So can we. Our South Korean family is much more powerful than Wei. If we don’t do this, , How can there be a tyrannical navy". Han Shu said. Zhang Liang nodded in agreement. After all, bond issuance is the only way to rapidly increase fiscal power. Increasing taxation is obviously extremely undesirable. In that case, it will greatly affect economic growth. Domestic taxation cannot be increased, but colonies can increase it. It's the Korean way of thinking. After all, they rely on more trade to support their economic development. Without these, the navy could not be established at all. The South Korean Navy’s Thousand Naval Warships Program.

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