The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2903: Landing on Wadao

Dawan, Ministry of Defense.

"This is a reconnaissance photo just sent by a lieutenant colonel of the Ministry of Defense of Qin State." An intelligence officer of the Ministry of Defense of Dawan said worriedly.

"What do these photos say?" the Secretary of Defense asked at this time. He is very curious, but he wants to know what Qin's purpose is?

"We have noticed these things. From the sky, we can see that there are a large number of cavalry forces gathering in the border area," the intelligence official said.

"What?" the Secretary of Defense asked somewhat surprised.

"Yes, sir, the Qin people's photos show that there are a large number of sabbath cavalry being assembled. The purpose of these cavalry may be us. If this is the case, we must be prepared for defense." The intelligence official said.

"Damn it." The Minister of Defense Dawan began to look at the photos carefully. From the photos, it is easy to tell the situation of the cavalry gathering, because most of these photos were taken in the snow and looked like black horses. It's easy to tell.

"Qin people tell us how many sabbath cavalry there are?" the defense minister asked.

"About ten thousand. Although the military strength is not very large, as time goes by, I think the Parthians will be further strengthened. At present, the Qin people's aerial reconnaissance has not found a large number of artillery units. Once artillery appears, our situation But it is very bad. They can easily tear our positions apart. At the border, we have only three dissatisfied infantry divisions. I think it is difficult for them to resist a large number of attacks by the other side." Speaking very not optimistic. The Secretary of Defense frowned and did not say anything. He knew that nothing could be more practical to add equipment to strengthen defenses in time.

Qin Guo, the Ministry of National Defense, a firearms manufacturer is discussing something with the officers of the relevant weapons procurement department.

"According to what I understand, sir." The businessman was holding his briefcase. He was holding a stack of papers. There were photos in these papers. These were experimental data and photos of their various firearms.

"Our pump-action shotgun can kill the opponent on a large scale within a distance of 20 to 50 steps. I know that this distance is not much for the army to purchase." The businessman said.

"It's true." The lieutenant colonel nodded and said. He knows the performance of the opponent's shotgun very well. Qin's equipment is also equipped with shotguns. Qin's weapons are equipped with some, but they are mainly for special places, such as searching for rooms and using them in trench operations. . The long rifle is obviously not suitable for trench warfare, especially when capturing the opponent's trench. The rifle can only be fired after being pulled. It has a natural disadvantage in terms of rapid fire, and the bullet is point-shaped, which is difficult to hit in the first time. The opponent then made the opponent lose its combat effectiveness, and the only effective weapon was a pistol. However, pistols had big problems in terms of power and storage of ammunition. This had to make Qin Jun think about equipping them with something that could cope with this situation. Firearms, shotguns, are popular in this situation.

In fact, Yueshi also has shotguns, but their shotguns are all flintlocks, which is very troublesome to load. First of all, the propellant cannot be loaded too much, and more marbles are necessary. But the power is great, but the rate of fire is extremely slow. Only cavalry units will consider using it.

"So, we need to equip such a weapon." The businessman persuaded.

"No," the lieutenant colonel said, shaking his head.

"You know, now the Qin Army is reorganizing. The demand for shotguns is not very large. The combat needs to be widened, that is, field battles. There are not many trench battles. There is only a small amount of equipment. The Qin Army already has such equipment. You won’t need a lot of such guns. Too many is a waste. I think you should understand this.” said the lieutenant colonel.

"No, no, sir, I think you have misunderstood it. I mean, sell it to Dawan, I know Dawan needs such a gun." The businessman stopped the other party and tried to convince the other party.

"Well, I'll give you five minutes. I hope you can convince me. Okay?" The lieutenant colonel said while looking at the watch on his wrist.

"Well, I know the defense situation of Dawan. The Dawan government does not want to expand their armaments. In this way, they will withstand the attack of the Parthians. They cannot bear such an attack. They only have three dissatisfied members. The infantry division is in the border area, it is difficult to resist the opponent's attack, right?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes, that's right, there are four minutes left." The lieutenant colonel nodded and said.

"So, the Parthians will bypass or attack directly behind the Parthians, so they enter the town. However, in towns, the narrow streets pose a great threat to the cavalry, but the Parthians must attack. If the Dawan people form more militias, the militiamen will need too much training to master the use of such shotguns. In the narrow streets, the advantages of the shotguns will be brought into full play, which is extremely powerful. The weapon, which has a very high damage to the sabbath cavalry." Said the businessman.

"Yes, that's right. There are two minutes left." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Think about it, if the Dawan militias use flintlocks, it is difficult for them to master such weapons under intense combat conditions, and the flintlocks have a high level of malfunction. Bullets fly around, and the effect of smoke is added. , I don’t know if I hit the target. If you use a shotgun, the power will be greatly expanded. The most important thing is that the militia has an advantage. Although it is expensive, it can solve the problem." Shangwen said .

"Okay. There are still thirty seconds left." The other party said.

"My words are over," the businessman said with a helpless shrug. he knows. Whether you can convince the other party depends on how the other party feels about this matter. The demand for shotguns is indeed very small, and the market is relatively narrow. People are more willing to buy powerful rifles because the shooting distance is very long, not only that, but there is another factor that is that the shooting distance of the shotgun is too close. At such a short distance, many people usually use pistols instead of shotguns. This directly leads to the narrowing of the shotgun market. In order to sell such weapons, businessmen can only analyze market demand. This is the birth of Qin Guoxin's knowledge of sales. Because more business activities require such sales.

"Your analysis is very good. Indeed, Dawan may indeed be broken through the defensive line. This is inevitable. I think so, but with a shotgun, I think I can write you a letter of recommendation. You can Think about it." The lieutenant colonel said after thinking about it. He felt that what the other party said was correct, because Dawan’s situation is very suitable for such a situation. A large number of shotguns are tasteless in the Qin State firearms market. His price is not comparable to that of a pistol, but the combat distance is the combat distance of a pistol. , Only the army can use it in the trenches. Even the Yue army doesn't like this weapon. The reason is that its price is more expensive than the price of a pistol. They would rather be equipped with a portable machine gun than use such a weapon. Although his bullets are relatively cheap, the guns are very expensive, which directly leads them to not use such weapons.

"Well, thank you very much, thank you very much." The businessman said thankfully.

"No. This is what you should do. You convinced me. I just thought about it. Maybe it is better to use weapons to solve some problems," said the lieutenant colonel.

"Thank you very much." The businessman thanked again.

In South Korea, in the bank club, this is a private gathering place for bankers of Korean commercial banks. They will enjoy the superiority brought by high consumption here. The wine imported from Qin State and the pleasing feeling brought by the women of the Western Regions made these bankers feel very superior.

"Have you heard?" a middle-aged banker put down his glass and said.

"The queen wants to issue more bonds. To solve some of the financial difficulties." said the middle-aged banker.

"The Korean government already has the support of the colonial economy. I don't think so much financial funds are needed? Just construction. Those colonial economies are enough to make up for the fiscal and taxation problems." A young bank successor was puzzled. Asked.

"The problem is not here. The Queen wants to expand the navy. I heard that the Admiralty Department is already formulating related plans. The naval warships must exceed 1,000. This is a huge naval plan, which requires a lot of money." Middle-aged Said the banker.

"Oh my God, a thousand ships, this will cost a lot of money." The young man said in surprise.

"So, the problem lies here. The huge demand for fiscal funds must force the government to issue more bonds, and these bonds are entirely based on future economic conditions to gamble. You know, I think it might be better than It is expected that, after all, the colonial economy can bring great development. There are many things we need at this time, such as ivory, wine, and a large number of slaves. These are the pillars of economic development. South Korea needs a lot of trade. Trade needs ships to transport, but Zhao, Qi, Chu, and even Yan are considering shipbuilding. In this way, the navy problem will become very urgent. Therefore, we need more naval ships. ." said the middle-aged banker.

"But recently, something happened in Handan, Zhao Guo. The price of bonds is getting higher and higher, and the prices of new-style bonds are getting lower and lower. This is a huge volatility. Because the government needs more financial funds, this way , We have to issue more bonds to solve the problem, because we all know that the parliament does not agree to increase taxation. In that case, the burden on enterprises is very large, which is very detrimental to economic development.” said the middle-aged banker.

"So under such circumstances, the bond market in the future may be better than expected. Because the government is issuing a large number of bonds, its price will fall all the way, and the price of old bonds will rise all the way, and after a period of time in the future, it will be There has been a large number of bonds rising, and the government is issuing such a large number of bonds." said the middle-aged banker.

"They need to raise a lot of funds in a very short period of time. With such a large amount of funds, retail sales can't get it back at once. The only way is to underwrite. But underwriting requires someone to come up with such a large amount of funds. People to underwrite. The answer is, banks, we banks need to underwrite these bonds, because only we have that much money. That’s the problem.” said the middle-aged banker.

"So is we going to underwrite so many bonds in the next step?" the young man asked.

"Yes, that's it, we will make a lot of money. The amount may be astonishing." The middle-aged banker said with a smile. Bankers are extremely sensitive to price fluctuations, and they always estimate future market conditions based on current conditions. This is investment, but also a kind of speculation.

In fact, many Korean bankers already have such considerations. In their view, to solve the government's bond problem is to solve their own economic problems. This is a relationship of interdependent development.

The Wakai Strait, which is today's Tsushima Strait. A fishing boat from Qi State is breaking through the waves.

"Head, are we really going to catch those Japanese men?" a middle-aged man with a big beard asked.

"Yes. Haven't you heard? The southerners on the peninsula and the Goguryeos in the north are all organizing ships to go to Wa Island. The people there are small and lack resistance. They use primitives. Weapons, we hold these muskets, even with bayonet can solve the problem, and those on the hired peninsula, even if they die, we don’t need to pay for it. This is a good deal. You know, don’t you know. The Goguryeo people in the north are desperate. They are mining, and the people of Yan are doing the same, but they don’t have people, they hire people, it’s too expensive. They can’t afford it. They can’t afford the money, and the southerners can’t use it. The southerners on the peninsula pay it back. There will be riots. The Goguryeos dare not use them. And the southerners still want to use these Japanese to make money." The captain said.

"So, they all went to the Wahai Strait to arrest people. These people are very good slaves." The captain said. They were originally a cargo ship, but after hearing such news, they decided to come out to make a fortune. After all, it was hard work to transport the cargo. There is no reason for those who are away from the boat to not make money. In this way, they need a large number of slaves to do so.

And Wadao is their purpose. The southerners on the peninsula, as well as the Goguryeos in the north, they did so immediately. Because there is a large demand for such labor in the mine, they must do so to get a considerable amount of compensation. This is what they are going to do.

In fact, when the war was still on the peninsula, people from the peninsula had already gone there to capture slaves. Residents on Wa Island. Some indigenous people from the locals, some of the peninsulas who came from the peninsula for the first time, they mixed together to form the early residents of Wadao Island. Because of their relatively low competitiveness, their population is relatively large, but they are sufficiently scattered. The main reason is that the local environment is relatively harsh. However, as the demand for slaves further increased, the main reason was that the slave population in the South could not be transported quickly. The Japanese people here became their early slaves.

"Arrived. Arrived. We are on the island." A sailor shouted loudly. When they saw a land, they shouted loudly. Wadao Island was once recorded in the logbook of the Koreans, but the Koreans did not excessively operate here, but the Qi people discovered the value here because of the demand of slaves.

"Brothers, that's a good musketeer, just go up and spray some of them. After killing a few people, they will know that we are great. Then things will be easy. Brothers, get ready." The captain shouted. Many sailors are nervous and excited holding their weapons, and they feel that they will definitely be able to make a fortune.

North of Qin State.

"The situation in Dawan is unstable, and the future demand for copper mines should depend on us. If a war breaks out, the demand for copper will become even more tense." A Northern member of Parliament told another member of Parliament.

"But we don't have much money to mine. The most important thing is that railway transportation needs have become more extensive. Now that the winter has entered, we cannot carry out such activities." Another member of the Diet said.

"Don't worry, we just need to open the mines. As for the railway, it is not bad to wait until the Dawan War is fought. In this case, they will naturally notice us here. We only need to dig out the minerals. As for the money issue. . Funding is not a problem.” The member said.

"You know? The banks from Guanzhong have already planned to lend us more funds. We only need to get the mining certificate. As for the labor, the Goguryeo people will provide it to us. There are also various kinds of southern Labor demand, they will meet our needs, rich, it is not a problem." The congressman smiled and said, holding up a wine glass.

"Oh. In this case, that would be great." Another member of the Council said.

Qin's bank has entered the north. Because of the demand for minerals, the north will become a new investment hotspot, because minerals can bring huge wealth, and this wealth is stable. With such a purpose, the investment effect comes here naturally. Under such stimulus, the mining of minerals in the north will enter a new stage.

Seth country.

"The Parthians are very anxious. They have opened five trade ports for us, but we have not provided them with the weapons they want, mainly because no merchant ships have arrived there." Guo Xiang worriedly said to Zhang Bi.

"We can't guarantee their rights. This is the first point. Doing business first guarantees your own safety. I think you should understand this." Zhang Bi said.

"Those who are in peace do not have good intentions. The businessmen are still very worried. The most important thing is that their reputation is very bad." Guo Xiang said.

"I know this. But we can't solve this problem. Only the government can suppress the other party." Zhang Bi said.

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