The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2943: Strategic Reserve

"How can there be no reserve team for defensive operations? I must have a reserve team, enough reserve team." Li Xin said firmly. The Minister of Defense of Dawan still shook his head. The issue of Da Wan's defense was directly in front of them.

In order to defend Dawan well, Li Xin asked for more troops to be transferred and become a defensive strategic reserve team to prevent unnecessary troubles.

However, the Minister of Defense is under pressure from the Parliament. If the Parliament knows that a large number of troops have been removed, what the situation will be, he will definitely criticize it fiercely. This is a very troublesome thing, and he does not need to be a minister.

"No, if that's the case, I don't need to be a minister." The defense minister objected first.

"Without a strategic reserve team, how to defend in the follow-up defense." Li Xin said with some annoyance.

"You have to understand that Dawan's terrain is, in your west, is a vast plain. Defensive there, it is easy to be breached by the opponent, and then, no matter how many troops there are, it will be quickly surrounded, and the situation will be It has become a very crisis. I think you understand this. Therefore, you must assign a reserve team to me and let them serve as defense missions in important railway hubs and small towns. Or, once the railway line is cut off, we will all Everyone has to be beaten to death by the other party." Li Xin insisted.

This is Li Xin’s thinking. He knows that this kind of situation is very likely to happen. Dawan simply deployed his troops on the border. Dawan’s troops were already tense, and he also deployed a large number of troops on the border. It is a plain terrain, and the opponent can easily break through and surround them. Once the opponent breaks through, it may become a huge defeat.

In order to prevent this from happening, as well as more control and command. In the name of setting up an occupation reserve team, Li Xin asked for some defensive forces to be deployed and stationed along the railway line, so that sufficient supplies and reinforcements can be provided to them. In this way, it can also be guaranteed that Dawan will not fall in In the hands of the rest.

Dawan is very important to Qin. Qin State needs a lot of minerals. Once Dawan is quickly lost, it will be a huge disaster for Qin State.

However, there are big differences between the two. Although the Minister of Defense agrees with Li Xin’s views, after all, this General Qin has a lot of war experience. The most important thing is that he still has a secret weapon against them. It helps a lot.

But there are those damned legislators behind the Minister of Defense. Once those legislators hear that he has drawn back his troops and there is not much force at the border, he will definitely be dismissed. Moreover, if you change the term of the Secretary of Defense, who knows what will happen, so the Secretary of Defense thinks that Li Xin should change his mind. For example, he can set up some new units to form a strategic reserve team, such as some company-sized engineers and transportation. Soldiers and artillery units can also form strategic reserves. However, the total scale may be less than two battalions.

Faced with a strategic reserve team of only two battalions, Li Xin couldn't agree at all, because he planned to deploy at least one infantry division to defend various points, otherwise it would be difficult to defend.

One drew too much force, while the other gave very little. The contradiction seems difficult to reconcile.

"Everyone, everybody." The newly established Army Command, the commander is Li Qi, and his rank is only a major general, because Dawan has only three infantry divisions, and the rank system is established in accordance with the Qin rank system, and the brigadier general has jurisdiction over an infantry. Division, and above is a major general. The major general has only fought many defeats. He was promoted to this position because of more experience. Otherwise, if a specific commander was not needed, he could not be promoted to this position.

"Mr. Minister, I think this problem is easy to solve." Major General Li Qi said.

"It's easy to solve, my goodness, I don't know how my commander thought of this problem, how would you solve this problem?" The Defense Minister said displeased.

"We do need a strategic reserve team, but our actual situation is that we must also have sufficient troops to defend the border. After all, none of us want a border to lose a lot of land." Li Qi said. Li Qi believes that it is impossible for him to command such a large number of troops, because he does not have such a lot of experience at all, and he still needs the Qin State Advisory Group to give them correct command suggestions.

"Given that we don’t have much military power, we are unlikely to deploy an infantry division to defend the long railway line, and the logistics supply line is also very important to us, so I think we can deploy five to six. The strength of the infantry battalion to carry out such a defense. Unless we wait until a large-scale war breaks out, we are recruiting. Otherwise, it is difficult for us to do this." Li Qi suggested.

"Five to six infantry battalions." The Minister of Defense looked at Li Qi.

"I can agree to this condition, and I can accept it," the defense minister said.

Li Xin looked at Li Qi. The other party apparently adopted a compromise plan. This plan is not good. It is difficult to make big moves because it is not up to the bottom. Li Xin knows very well that if he wants to counterattack, he has the least on hand. With the strength of an infantry division, he has a regiment that can conduct mobile defenses. But currently, he only has five to six infantry battalions. There may be very few things he can do. This shows that his counterattack can only be controlled. On the scale of Liandaoying.

"This is our biggest troop draw. If we draw more, we may find it difficult to do this, let alone. We also need to defend the airship landing field. In short, there are many problems." Li Qi explained.

"Okay. That's the only way. This kind of plan is not very good, but it is not terrible either." Li Xin said helplessly.

In his opinion. This scheme is terrible. Because he did not achieve the expected plan, and the troops were further dispersed, this may be the best news for the rest.

"For the next plan, I think we should choose some mobilization orders, or in other words, I want to know how much military force Dawan can mobilize." After solving the problem of the strategic reserve. Li Xin focused his attention on the mobilization order, and he hoped that more troops could be mobilized through such an order. In order to supplement in time and form new combat units, after all, Dawan still has a great mobilization ability.

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