"According to our preliminary statistics, we can quickly establish more than 100,000 militias after the mobilization order is issued. However, the combat effectiveness of these 100,000 militias is uneven." The Minister of Defense said to Li Xin worriedly.

"The worst thing is that there are certain other organizations in it, and it is still difficult for us to organize them effectively," said the defense minister.

The statistics of Dawan people are very efficient. However, their organizational efficiency is extremely low. They just set up militia teams, but the number of militia teams is different. For example, some small towns are sparsely populated, and their militia teams have only more than 30 people, and some are even less. , There are only a dozen people. There are more people who are unwilling to participate. They think the militia is stupid and not enough.

But those people are also counted in.

"Huh. I think the organization is very poor. At the very least, we should follow the formation of the army, how many companies, battalions, regiments, divisions, non-combatants, and how to command them. We should all establish them. Otherwise, we should build them. . Once the Parthians attacked in, all the situation would be defeated." Li Xin said.

"Okay, let me record, but we need to arrange manpower to do such a thing. There are not many people in the Ministry of National Defense. Most of them are stocking more military supplies." The Minister of National Defense said helplessly. The parliament of Dawan is very stingy. They continue to cut unnecessary government expenditures. One person is almost used as five people. This is absolutely crazy behavior, but the Dawan people did just that. For them, these people should do the same with taxpayer money.

Li Xin still doesn't know this point. He believes that the Dawan government should do such a thing well.

State of Qin, Xianyang, in the prime minister's residence.

"This is a telegram from the Indian side. The Indian coup d'etat is still very complicated. At least we know that there are four forces competing, and such a coup will further weaken the Indian side's power." Shang Wen said . Wei Liao has already seen the situation in this regard.

"At present, Meng Ping and the others have got a four princes of Indy. There are hundreds of thousands of troops on the border and the Indian side, but most of them are mobs. The elite troops have long been lost. They are fighting in the Indian capital. Some of the prince’s personal soldiers. But most of them are elite troops. The combat effectiveness is relatively strong. However, the situation in Indy is very panic." Wei Liao said.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, we don't have many forces to intervene. The most is, we send airpower to carry out a bombing, but that's it." Wei Liao said. Subject to transportation conditions. Qin's assistance to India is very small.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded. Make it clear.

"I think these are not the situations we are currently encountering. We should be clear about what we need now?" Meng Yi expressed his own views.

"For this four prince, we still don’t know what the other party’s name is. The most serious thing is that we don’t know what the other party’s attitude is. Although the other party has said that they can promise to do a lot of things, but, what conditions do we need? "Meng Yi said.

What Meng Yi said is indeed correct, the conditions, what kind of conditions can satisfy the Qin State.

"We need to open up the Indian government's trade, as well as their railways, road transportation, and their financial sector, etc. Only in this way can we further control their military, finances, and economy." Meng Yi said that he thought The areas that should be controlled.

"I think we should be very clear that the current situation of the Indian government is very bad. First, we must help them quell the rebellion. A stable Indy is the Indy we need most, and an extremely scattered Indy is against We don't have any benefits." Shang Wen added.

"Only after the new Indian government meets our conditions can we further solve their problems. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to help them. We will lose any interest in this." Shang Wen said.

"I think there is no shortage of such people in Indy," Wei Liao added. It is true that the Qin government does not lack a representative who lacks sufficient strength, but for Indy, Qin needs a stable Indy, and it is best to be able to peacefully transition to an area that Qin can control.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The Zhanpu Nation has stepped up its offensive against the Imre Nation, and their reinforcements have arrived, but they launched a rocket attack, and the effect is not very good." Zhang Liang reported.

"However, I think we should further weaken the Zhanpu country. In Bangla, in our military training, there is no power to control the Zhanpu country. The most important thing is that we have not made relevant preparations. After occupying Inmur State, China may cross the Indian border. In that case, our preliminary agreement with Qin will lose its effectiveness. This is something we absolutely cannot hope to see." Zhang Liang said.

"I am also very clear about this, but the current means of restricting the other party is only limited to the provision of weapons and logistics supplies. These, those merchants can meet the needs of the Zhanpu people." Han Shu said.

"So, we need to restrict the other party from doing this. We can let them go to other places, but we can't stay in Bangla Port. If the time is too long, it will cause trouble." Zhang Liang reminded. With the further control of the Occupy Prussian State, the sphere of influence of the Occupy Prussian State has increased a lot. Behind all this is the help of the Koreans, but the Zhanpu people are not satisfied with this. They are still expanding wildly. They think that they can defeat Indy, as long as they have sufficient weapons.

"Well, concentrate a lot of weapons in Seth and the Sabbath country. Don't occupy the country. We must suppress the country. Otherwise, the problem will become extremely serious." Han Shu thought about it. . The South Korean government really does not want to see a rising Occupy Prussian country, the other side is very powerful. For the South Korean government, this is not a good thing.

Therefore, when the Occupy Prussian state still lacks a solution to the last country, South Korea absolutely takes restrictive measures to limit the further expansion of the other's power. This is a potential trouble for South Korea. Unless they are resolved, it will be difficult for South Korea to maintain its sphere of influence in Bangladesh and the Occupy Prussian state.

Therefore, South Korea must do it, and Seth, the need to rest in peace is the reason for the South Korean government. At least they knew that Karachi also needed such support. This is the reason for the South Korean government.

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