South Korea, Xinzheng.

"This Zhang Yidao belongs to our South Korea, and we clearly marked it on the map. The Qi people openly occupied our islands. This is fighting with our South Korea. This is a blatant war." Han Shu was extremely annoyed. Speaking of. After receiving the telegram from Zhang Xiongdao, Han Shu was very angry.

"This matter must never be forgotten. It must be reported to the Qi government immediately, otherwise, we will go to war." Han Shu said.

"Your Majesty, is the current situation a bit too anxious? After all, if the current war starts, it will be very unfavorable to our South Korea. Military expenditures have increased rashly. If these military expenditures are spent on construction and colonial expansion, it will be of great concern to us. Colony development is very beneficial, but if it is used for this, I think we should not allow the war to be further expanded at this time, or to be controlled with restrictions, and absolutely not to erupt on land." Zhang Liang suggested.

"Yeah. We only need Zhang Yidao, an island not to try. Our purpose is very simple." Han Shu said.

"My lord, it's best to limit it to the sea. It can't be further expanded. If it expands, there will be a big problem." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, I understand. It seems that we must find a way to solve this problem." Han Shu said.

"Yes, my lord, the problem can only be solved if the war is limited to naval battles. I think we can blockade the Qi State warships and go south to reinforce Zhang Yi Island, and finally expel the military personnel on Zhang Yi Island. We must control the war. In naval warfare. Use our advantage in the navy to further expand our advantage." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. You are right. Our advantage is in the navy, and we don’t need to expand the war. After all, a large-scale war is too expensive for us. We can’t support it at all. We only need Zhang One island." Han Shu decided to arrive.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Look, the problem is here." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi with a smile.

"We just said wait and see, and the result came all of a sudden. The people of Qi seemed to be doing it very quickly. They even occupied Zhang Yi Island, which is a South Sea island occupied by the Koreans. The people of Qi State blatantly Occupation, coupled with the recent fierce competition in maritime trade, I think the matter may not be small this time. The South Korean government is bound to take a series of measures." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. However, it is best for us to form a series of pressures. We must never allow them to expand the war on land. Maritime problems can only be solved at sea. It must not be expanded." Shang Wen said.

South Korea, Ministry of the Navy.

"Order, all South Korean naval warships immediately block all navigation channels. Inspection of passing ships, all Qi State warships, all inspections and seizures." The Secretary of the Navy drafted a telegram.

"Sir, do you really want to do this?" the recorded lieutenant colonel asked curiously.

"Yes, all navies have entered a state of emergency combat readiness. This is war, understand?" said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Yes. Sir." said the lieutenant colonel.


"These Vietnamese soldiers. How are they?" Huangzhou Governor asked his militia commander.

"The more soldiers are more powerful than the Mongolian soldiers. Unfortunately, they can understand very little of our words, and they are very combative. We don't have to worry about this. They can also be in the sweltering weather. Adaptation, that is." The commander said worriedly.

"What are you worried about?" Huangzhou Governor asked.

"I am worried that the more soldiers will not understand us and will not obey our orders. You must know that we only give them benefits before they come to the soldiers. If there is no profit, they will not do this. I am worried. , Their loyalty is really a big problem." said the commander.

"Haha, loyalty, as long as there is enough money, the loyalty of these more people is definitely not a problem, and we gave them the guns they wanted, and we have funds." The governor said at this time.

"The most important thing is that they are far away from here, do they have a choice?" the governor said.

"This. It's true," the commander said.

"Let them learn our language, organize them, and let them have a certain fighting capacity, and then they will be sent to the south of the Western Continent. There are other places where a large number of soldiers are needed," said the governor.

Jiaozhou, Qingcheng Port.

"Wow!" A group of South Korean Marines suddenly rushed into the civilian port, as long as it was a merchant ship from Qi State. Occupy immediately and seize.

The crew who docked in Qi State were quickly detained.

"Why catch us? Why catch us." Qi Guo's crew shouted extremely dissatisfied. But they were still driven off their merchant ships by the South Korean Marines.

"Here. Why is this?" a Qi businessman asked a South Korean Marine Corps officer next to him.

"Why?" A captain's officer looked at each other.

"Because your Qi country has occupied our islands, our territory has been infringed greatly. You said, should we do this? All are detained, don't kill them." The captain ordered. Many seafarers still don't know what happened. But the opponent is the army, and they have no way.

Inside Wuyue Port.

"The merchant ships of Qi State should not go out to sea. Those **** South Korean navies will be detained as long as they go out. If they resist fiercely, they will be shot by artillery." A Qi merchant said tremblingly on the port pier.

"What?" other Qi businessmen asked loudly.

They were very surprised by such a thing, because everything came too suddenly.

"Why?" other businessmen asked curiously.

"I also learned some news just now. It was said that our Qi navy occupied an island in South Korea. The Koreans were very angry and acted quickly. However, we do not have naval power in this area at all. The navy, we can't go to sea either. Our net worth and lives are on this ship." said a businessman.

"We can't afford to lose at all. We can't afford to play at all." Another businessman said.

"The problem is that the Korean warships are blocked and we can't get out. We will lose one day's money after waiting for a day. We can't afford to lose this money. This **** Qi State Navy, I really doubt if they can make it through. Those **** South Korean navy.” Other Qi businessmen said.

"If you fight, it will cost a lot of money. If you don't have money, you can't afford it at all," said the Qi State businessman.

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