The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2986: Local naval battle

Tian Heng's General Mansion.

"According to the latest news received. Many of our merchant ships have been seized. Even if they were not seized, they were blocked in the port of Chu and could not come out. If this continues, it will have a great impact on our merchant shipping, and the blockade will be for a long time. , Our situation, it may be." Qi State Navy Minister said worriedly.

"This is a telegram from the Koreans. They already know about Zhang Yidao. Maybe they don't know that there is oil on it. As for the blockade, I think they might be because we occupied Zhang Yidao. "Tian Heng said at this time.

"Sir, it is not suitable for a large-scale war at this time, and once the two sides fight, it may be extremely disadvantageous to us. At the same time, if we send warships to blockade, our situation may be very bad. So. The current situation is We are not good." said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Well. If we just retreat like this. The Koreans will look down on us, and the people of Zhao will also look down on us. Now that the critical moment has come, we should just retreat like this," Tian Heng said.

"Sir, our Qi's naval power is to develop, and it may not be able to solve such problems. Therefore, in such a situation. I think we should not do such things." The Secretary of the Navy suggested. The Secretary of the Navy is well aware of Qi’s current naval situation. They simply don’t have much military power to fight the South Korean navy. Although there are armored ships appearing, on time, this does not mean that they have enough naval power to balance. The military power of both sides.

"Sir, you can't start the war rashly." The Secretary of the Navy persuaded.

"Well, we are not going to war, we just broke through the other side's blockade and taught them a lesson, nothing more. You know?" Tian Heng said.

"This." The Secretary of the Navy is still very embarrassed. He is too aware of Qi's naval power. In a very short period of time, to catch up with a naval power that has been developing for a long time, he still feels very inappropriate.

"The purpose of fighting is not to continue fighting, but to fight for something. We have occupied Zhang Yi Island. We can occupy other islands even if we give up Zhang Yi Island. In short, this island should not be given up easily. The purpose of fighting is to Strive for some favorable conditions instead of continuing the war. That's it." Tian Heng said. The Secretary of the Navy nodded helplessly.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside a railway station of the military.

"Be careful, this is a new weapon, be careful." A captain in charge of transportation said to his men. They are pushing carts cautiously and loading a large number of cargo boxes on the train. The war has made the navy need a large number of new weapons to deal with those iron generals with iron armor. Some of these weapons were still in the experimental stage, but now they have received orders. A lot of transportation is going out because the war needs them.

While navy personnel are transporting a large number of new weapons to Qingcheng in Jiaozhou, South Korea’s military test department is also actively researching new weapons. For them, the war has arrived. If there are not enough new weapons, their The army will be in a disadvantageous stage. In order to win the initiative, they have to actively develop their heads, put them in a high-speed rotation, and let them actively develop many new weapons.

"Machine artillery. This kind of weapon is good. I heard that this is a weapon from the Zhao State Army. Originally, a project of Zhao State was to treat the machine artillery as an anti-aircraft artillery. I think it can be used for naval battles. After all, he can launch quickly." said a naval engineering researcher.

"The firing rate of machine guns is still very low. How can such weapons be used here? The opponents are all large-caliber artillery. It's a joke if you run to such a close place. At the very least, you need to be equipped with rapid fire. Weapons like artillery are no good. And, don’t forget one thing. Qi is also equipped with iron general-class warships with iron armor. They have great protection and encouragement. Machine guns are unlikely to have a lot of Great use." Another engineering researcher retorted that for such a weapon, they initially thought it would be of little use.

Zhao Guo gave up the barrel manufacturing technology, in addition to the metallurgical technology of some small-caliber artillery. This allows South Korea to solve their gun needs. On the other hand, Zhao Guo received a new-style gunpowder formula, and both sides have made great progress. But Qi State didn't even know anything about it.

Qin State, the General Staff.

"Blockade, this is completely a new combat situation, and a future war will not simply take place on land. There are also seas, the blockade of the Korean Navy, and the maritime trade of the align countries will cause great losses. As time goes by, the loss will further expand. Unless the two sides can reach an agreement, a partial naval battle will form. This is the first large-scale frontal maritime conflict." Wang Jian was seeing South Korea blockade Qi. When China Merchant Shipping made the announcement, there was such an idea.

"However, we don’t know how to fight at all. Although Qin’s navy has already existed, we have no possibility of using them. The most important thing is that the navy is a fully-technical service. They have great requirements for military technology. All of them are armored warships. I think they can only be penetrated unless they use large-caliber artillery. Otherwise, it will be difficult to defeat them." Yang Duanhe said.

"Do you think Qin State pays too much attention to matters on land?" Wang Jian suddenly asked such a question.

"What happened on land?" Yang Duan asked Wang Jian in a puzzled way.

"Yes. On land, the Qin State used to focus on land and ground operations, and even the air battles revolved around the ground. However, once it happened at sea, should we let those army soldiers swim over and fight? Obviously it is impossible to happen. The only explanation is that the sea does have a greater advantage than the land. Therefore, we must pay attention to this. It is the prime minister’s long-term view. The ocean seems to be us. Ignore the role of the ocean. But there is no other way." Wang Jian said inexplicably.

"Who let us have a large piece of land in our hands, if there is no army, we will lose this piece of land." Wang Jian said.

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