Karachi City.

"The place we are going to this time is the Kingdom of Seth, and then through the Kingdom of Seth, we can reach other places. For example, to the east is the Kingdom of Sabbath, and to the north is the hinterland of the Kingdom of Seth, and then to the north. It is the Jewish nation established by those Jewish people." Zhang Si explained.

"Well. How about going west?" General Hasi asked.

"The situation there is still unclear, but it is a place of black people. What about their combat effectiveness? We still don't know very well." Zhang Si told the information he had.

"Our people are seriously inadequate in fighting. The Seth can beat the Parths to the ground, and the Parths may be the same as the Yueshi." Hasi evaluated the combat effectiveness of all parties.

"I think our battle is still seriously inadequate. If only defense is okay. I think we should go to the black area to the west. I don't know what your opinion is?" General Hasi asked Zhang Si, General Hasi The South Korean government wants to continue to expand abroad, but their troops are scarce. Many of their troops are scattered on the western continent. This makes their troops stretched and it is difficult to concentrate further, but the Seth country Need more troops. More troops are needed to get there for defense.

"My opinion is that when we go to the west, we don’t know much about black people, but people there report that the people there are still tribes and their weapons are still very backward. This is very useful for us. We You can do this." Zhang Si said.

"Okay, I am recruiting soldiers. There are already more than 2,200 people involved. If there is a little more time, I think it can reach 3,000. If this is the case, our military strength may be further increased. We There are many things that can be done." General Hasi said.

"Well, don't worry about materials. The merchants will provide us with more materials, but I am worried that our combat effectiveness is still insufficient. This requires us to train well in order to provide more combat troops." Zhang Si said To.

"Sir, sir." At this moment, a communications soldier ran over quickly.

"Sir, we caught a group of Yue people outside the city. They said they were here to negotiate. We still don't know what to do?" The signal officer looked at General Hasi.

"What? Negotiations?" General Hasi looked at the communicator and then at Zhang Si.

"Maybe the contract was signed. Why don't we go and see what happened?" Zhang Si suggested.

"Okay. Let's take a look." General Hasi nodded in agreement, and the two immediately went to check each other's situation. After all, they still didn't know what Yue's intentions were.

Yue's Deputy Finance Minister. Amin, he was sitting in his seat very calmly, he knew he had to wait patiently now. He just came to deliver some news. These news are good for Yueshi, Karachi, and the Koreans behind Karachi.

"What's your name?" General Hasi asked when he came in.

"My name is A Ming and I am Yue's Deputy Finance Minister. I came here to explain important things to you. This has a lot to do with you." Deputy Finance Minister A Ming said.

"Well. Okay, I'm Hasi, and everyone else calls me General Hasi, the city defense commander in Karachi. It was I who defeated your Yue family." General Hasi introduced himself.

"Well. I know you, General Hasi, but I'm not here to fight war, but to build a railway. Even if it's just a highway, it must be completed." Amin said.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Si asked curiously.

"I am the Minister of Finance, and I don’t care about military matters. I think you should be very clear that the two countries are not likely to go to war. The people of Qin need trade, and we Yueshi people also need trade. We can export a lot of what you need. We can discuss things with the Indians, such as arms, and other resources. There are also some supplies that have arrived here." Amin said.

"Therefore, the future of the two countries is peaceful. Peace brings trade and prosperity." Amin said.

"You can keep talking." General Hasi said.

"This is what the people of Qin mean. Our parliament has agreed to continue to issue new bonds. However, a railway must be built to connect the Qin State Western Region Railway and the Yuezhi Railway, and then arrive at Karachi and Indy. At the beginning of the negotiation. The people of Qin will provide us with a lot of funds, which is very inadequate. However, to open up the railway line, you still need your help. This railway is very important to the development of the two countries." Said the minister.

"Well, it's really important." Zhang Si said.

"This is your purpose?" General Hasi asked.

"Yes. The war is over. Peace has arrived and we should enter a period of prosperity. We don't look like war anymore. We are also tired of war." Amin continued. Immediately General Hasi transferred the opponent to the Karachi consuls. After all, such things are no longer what he can manage.

"What do you think?" General Hasi asked Zhang Si.

"He is right. Karachi no longer needs war. We are tired of war too. Both sides are tired of war." Zhang Si said.

"Do you think peace has arrived?" General Haixi asked with some suspicion.

"Yes. Generally speaking, the government's financial funds are limited. For example, the Yue people, most of their funds were previously consumed in the war. The profit of the war is land, but this may not be enough to repay the war. It is possible that war will further increase this consumption. Therefore, in order to make up for the consumption of war, they may choose to build. After all, it will be very unwise to continue fighting." Zhang Si analyzed.

"And trade, trade with us can bring great profits. This is why they develop trade. However, building this railway requires a lot of financial funds, so that the Yue government will not have enough money. The funds from the government will be invested in the war, so peace should come." Zhang Si said.

"You said, would we agree?" Hasi asked.

"Well. I don't know, but if it were me, I think I would agree. After all, the prices of goods from Qin people are also good. After all, the arrival speed of the Korean ships is still not enough, and the trade demand is still great." Zhang The Secretary said so.

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