Indy River, inside the Indian Army camp.

"In other words, Indy, Yue's, and Qin will join forces to build this railway. Indy will eventually get this railway, but the initial control of this railway is mainly concentrated in Qin and Qin. Among the two governments of the Yue family, the Indian government can only regain control of the railway after repaying a large amount of debt." Meng Ping explained to Prince Rahal. Prince Rahal nodded.

"The most important thing is that in order to effectively manage this railway, the Qin government and the Yue government have the right to garrison troops along the railway to ensure the smoothness of the railway. I wonder if the prince can accept it?" Meng Ping asked.

The Qin government and the Yue government united and signed an agreement with the future government of Indi to ensure that the construction of the railway to reach the capital of Indy would be exhausted.

The successful construction of this railway will effectively unite Yueshi and the Indian government. Qin State achieved the purpose of controlling the area by controlling the railway.

"This, I understand. But, in this way, can we get a lot of military loans and military material assistance?" Prince Lahar obviously didn't understand. Just in this way, we can get sufficient funds and supplies. Support, which made him feel a little puzzled, because it was so easy to get things. Instead, he felt a little at a loss.

"Of course not. The Indian government needs to open up trade rights, allowing the Qin and Yue government to invest locally, while allowing Indian workers to go in and out of various places to export labor. The Qin and Yue government retain the right to build railways. In terms of tariffs Above, the Qin and Yue governments have great tax exemption or tax reduction rights.” Meng Ping explained.

"In other words, does the Indian government have to use taxation to subsidize it?" the other party asked.

"That's the case. Only in this way can the Indian government's funding problem be solved. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the Indian government to get sufficient financial support." Meng Ping said.

"Well, can I think about it?" Prince Rahal asked.

"Of course." Meng Ping said with a smile.

"That's great. I need to think about it carefully, but it won't take too long." Rahal said. In fact, Rahal at this time has already decided to sign this treaty. Although this treaty does not seem very reasonable, it can get a lot of assistance. With this assistance, a new Indy Army can be established and then control Indy. Although Indy is now in many crises, Indy is still The most powerful country on this continent. It's just that he has lost a lot, and the chaos of the situation will only exacerbate this chaos. Lahar decided to re-establish a new Indian country, but this requires a lot of strength and a lot of troops. Without these, it will be difficult to form. Thought of this. Rahal is even more certain to sign such a treaty.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The bank has agreed to the Yueshi people's request that new bonds can be issued, but the old bonds need to be exchanged at a high ratio." Meng Yi said.

"At the same time, Qin also needs to solve some other issues, such as Tocharo and the Indian side. I heard that the Yue government is also negotiating with the Karachi government. The South Korean government already knows about this, but they seem to be not I am not willing to participate more, and the attitude towards building the railway is not clear enough." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

It can be said that South Korea’s development model is to build ports and then develop. As long as the port is in control, the South Korean government will have a lot of control, because the port can easily deliver goods. But Qin’s approach is different. South Korea came from the sea, while Qin arrived from land. The cost of land transportation far exceeds the cost of sea transportation, which also makes Qin's progress slower than South Korea, because Qin does not have the advantage of cheaper sea transportation costs.

However, the Qin State can rely on railways to reduce this increase in costs. Controlling the railways is equivalent to controlling the lifeblood of all countries. Therefore, the State of Qin needs to expand railway construction on a large scale to achieve this goal.

It can be said that these are two different development models, each of which has its own characteristics, which requires considerable time for construction. But there are conflicts and common points.

"We can subsidize some things that Koreans can't do, such as some construction materials. Moreover, both sides are for trade, and our products are not much different from them." Shang Wen said.

"Well, it can be said that this is indeed the case, but I am worried that the South Korean government will think so, just see their attitude? If we disagree, we can only persuade as much as possible." Meng Yi shrugged and said. To.

"Okay." Shang Wen nodded and said.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Qin people built a railway from Yuezhi to Karachi. In this case, Karachi will have a railway. Through railway transportation, a large amount of Qin goods will arrive there. What will happen to our trade?" Han Shu said very worried. .

"It will be affected a bit, but how much is the impact? It also depends on the type of goods transported by Qin State." Zhang Liang said.

"So, they will have a big impact on us." Han Shu said.

"My lord, this still needs to be talked about from the commodities between Qin and South Korea. At present, Qin's commodities, especially for the Western Regions, are mainly aimed at a large amount of arms. It can be said that Qin is selling a large amount of arms. These munitions are of high quality, and the price is not cheap. It can be said that we are indeed inferior to Qin in this respect, but Qin does not do all of them. They can also produce some backward technologies for production. For example, factories such as cement and glass. They mainly invest in the construction of factories. But our situation is different. The main exports are some light industrial products and hardware products. These are closely related to the locals. The two sides have not conflicted yet. Place." Zhang Liang said.

"The only difference is that both sides have a great demand for raw materials, but South Korea has a great demand for agricultural products. If we can transport some of the things we need through the Qin people’s railway, and at the same time, we can unite with Qin. With a lot of help, I think we should agree to let the Karachi government build this railway, because the Karachi government spends a lot of financial funds, which will have great benefits for us to further control and control. For example, in terms of funding, we will provide it. The benefits let them know. In this way, they can be controlled." Zhang Liang said.

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