"Alarm, alarm. Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding. The sailors of the Qi State Navy in the port area of ​​Zhangyidao ran to their ship nervously. Many people are not dressed properly because they think that Koreans will not come back, and they believe that Koreans will not find this place. But now the Koreans are here.

"What's the matter?" Li Dong, who was asleep on the shore, asked an officer quickly.

"Sir, a South Korean warship came and attacked." The officer replied.

"How many people are there?" Li Dong asked.

"I don't know, but what we saw seemed to be only four warships, and they were quickly overwhelmed in one word." The officer said.

"Damn it. These Koreans really dared to rush over, call out our iron general ship, beat his mother, and let him see who it is." Li Dong said disdainfully at this time.

"Yes. Sir," the officer said.

The South Korean navy did not choose to attack at night because the hydrology here is not very clear. There are many reefs nearby. Once the reef hits, their ships will sink. This is a record given to the Qi people in vain. At the same time, their night battles will increase. A lot of difficulty. During this period, only a very small number of naval officers would choose to fight at night. First of all, the vision at night was extremely blurred, which caused a lot of trouble for the aiming of artillery. Even if a night attack is launched, one must first know the specific location of the opponent, and launch an attack without knowing the location. As a result, they shoot blindly.

If the South Korean navy chooses to attack at night, they will risk the danger of hitting the rocks and engage the Qi navy. The opposing side will fire regularly, and their artillery will be large in number and caliber. Once blindly shooting, the Qi State Navy has a great advantage. The South Korean navy relies on the wind. They have the upper hand, use the speed advantage generated by the wind to get close to each other quickly, then focus firepower in a fixed area, and then quickly leave. Because the opponent is shooting at a fixed rate, they must calculate the advance amount, and it takes a lot of time to adjust the shooting angle of the artillery due to the influence of the number of ships on the side. The accuracy of artillery that is difficult to reach at night can be achieved during the day.

"Attention, attention." Inside the South Korean navy warship, a gunner shouted loudly. After quickly approaching the Qi State Naval Port, the ship will quickly turn around and make a turn around 90 degrees. In this way, the muzzle will quickly appear in front of the opponent. In the process of impact, because it is the bow impact, their area is relatively small. When they turned around, it was when they opened fire. Now, they just have to wait patiently. Many gunners keep sweating on their palms, and they are very nervous.

"Wow." The bow artillery of the Qi State Navy began to show off. The caliber of the bow artillery is generally very small. The largest one is only three inches in caliber. Such artillery is not very powerful and accurate when firing at a long distance. The degree is very poor, so bad that it is difficult for the shells to hit the target.

"Don't worry, those artillery is not a threat to us." The artillery commander said loudly. Many gunners are still worried. The cannonball hit the sea, splashing a lot of water.

The bow artillery of the Qi State Navy played a very limited role. They just frightened the Korean warships and slightly changed their transportation trajectory, but that was how it worked. This kind of artillery is easy to operate, just placed on the bow of the ship to play a warning role. Now, their warships are making a tense U-turn, turning around in the harbor, and their movements are very slow, because without the help of sails, they basically rely solely on manpower. They need to complete a series of divine sails, leave the port, and change directions. It takes a lot of time. The nearby security ships seem to be aware of this problem, but they have the wrong wind direction, are far away, and are small in number, so it is difficult to play a big positive role.

"Left full rudder, left full rudder." The captain issued orders one after another. The warship entered a distance of four hundred steps. The order to change direction was quickly issued. The South Korean navy sailors turned skillfully.

"Turn around. All get ready. Aim. Do a good job ahead of time." The artillery commander shouted loudly. The huge inertia made his body lose balance. Some gunners grabbed the beam, or artillery. The gunner shouted loudly while propped on the beam. All the gunners are waiting nervously for orders.

The steering is very fast. The South Korean Navy completed their turn of direction cleanly. In contrast, the direction of the Qi State Navy’s turn is simply a mess. The scene was extremely chaotic, even though they were better prepared for combat. However, there are still big problems in organizational ability and adaptability. Especially when the ship turned to deal with the current situation, they were completely caught off guard.

"Damn it." Li Dong cursed loudly. Seeing such a scene, he also felt very helpless, because their people thought that the other party might sneak attack, but they didn't expect their own people to be so confused.

"Boom. Boom." Like an infantry platoon gun, the artillery of the South Korean Navy quickly turned and aimed at the port of the Qi State Navy. Then they made waves of lightning and thunder. It's like a punishment from the gods. It's just a moment. The Qi State Navy in the port was suddenly beaten, especially some merchant ships, their own anti-strike ability was weak, and they were bombarded by artillery. The sawdust they were beaten flew around. Many people’s heads and bodies were stuck with wood. Article.

"Boom." With an explosion, an artillery shell hit a **** ship. This kind of ship's anti-strike ability is weaker than that of a merchant ship. They mainly rely on speed and similar firepower to survive. An artillery shell accidentally hits an extremely weak one. On the deck, it hit the gunpowder keg. The violent explosion lifted the deck everywhere on the spot. The flames and air waves of the explosion ignited the sails of the **** ship.

"Strike out quickly, strike out." Li Dong shouted loudly. Too passive. Their situation is facing them. Too passive. The Korean warship quickly left here after a hit. They will not stay and launch a second wave of attacks. In that case, the situation will quickly turn against them.

"Very good. Very good." Shen value said after looking at the lost Qi State Navy with a binoculars.

"Sir, do we continue to launch the second wave of attacks?" the chief officer asked.

"No. I am afraid that the opportunity is not that easy. The first wave of attacks is that we are quick, and when the second wave of attacks, the other party may be prepared, so our task has been achieved. Moreover, our main purpose is to provoke the other party. In the next step, the other party will definitely come out to fight us, we just have to tease them far away and get the upper hand. Don't fight them." Shen value said. His purpose is simple, to make the opponent feel threatened.

Sure enough, the Qi navy soon came out to fight. They used the Iron General warship as the core, and the **** ships formed a fan-shaped formation to protect their flanks to attack each other. However, the South Korean Navy did not fight against them, but kept away from them. , Keep a safe distance between the two, and never attack again.

"Damn it. Koreans, they are really cunning." Li Dong scolded angrily. They kept chasing the Korean warship, but the speed of the chasing warship was unable to chase it up, mainly because the speed of the Iron General warship was too slow. As for the **** ships on both sides, their speed is very fast, perhaps faster than the speed of the Korean warships, but doing so is undoubtedly suicidal, because their warships simply cannot withstand the opponent’s round of attacks, and they have lost the iron general. After the effective fire support of the warships, their existence became a threat instead. As a result, for a long period of time, the Qi State warship pursued the Korean warship, but the opponent could not pursue it at all. Korean warships have the upper hand. When the Qi State Warship decided to return, the South Korean warship followed. If the Qi State Warship carried it a little, the opponent might come back all of a sudden. In the first round of attacks, the Qi people had already lost two **** ships and a merchant ship, and their ship was severely damaged. It is difficult to travel again without a half-month repair.

"Damn it, **** Korean, **** it. If you have a kind, just have a head-to-head contest with grandpa and play this kind of trick. Damn it, it's too yin." Li Dong cursed extremely annoyed. The South Korean warship followed the other side in the dark. Li Dong was extremely annoyed by such tactics. When retreating, the opponent will follow closely, and attack, and they will not be able to hit the opponent. They will hide away and ignore, the opponent is always a threat, and they will attack themselves from time to time. Cause a lot of confusion.

At this time, the naval battle was still very heavy, because a lot of firepower was arranged on both sides. Only by maximizing their own firepower can they effectively strike the opponent, but the South Korean Navy knows this well, and they do not give the opponent such a chance. The Qi State Navy was very angry.

Inside Huangshi Town.

"Without reinforcements, there can be no reinforcements at all." Cheng Liang said in his headquarters.

"You know our situation. The temporarily recruited militiamen only have muskets, and you saw them on the battlefield today. Many militiamen fired without seeing the target at all. The ability to fire the muskets is quite remarkable, and Quite a few people, the guns were filled with more than twelve rounds of ammunition. The barrels were filled with bullets and propellant. There were also some soldiers who were bombed by the bullets they loaded. Oh my god. It's really amazing. "Cheng Liang said helplessly.

A major looked at his commander, and he made his own proposal. When the people of Qin were powerless and unable to reach, they could only hope to send reinforcements in the country. But what are the reinforcements? The militias that are urgently conscripted, their combat effectiveness, they I saw it myself.

Those militiamen have not received good military training at all. Usually they can fire a musket, but in a war environment, people are prone to make mistakes in a stressful environment.

"Besides, our militia is a group of infantry. Without the support of artillery, cavalry, and engineers, it is impossible to accomplish such a thing. I think you know this very well. The support is only infantry. This is our defensive operation. That is very unfavorable." Cheng Liang said.

"I think the offense of the Parthians is very strange. First of all, their offense became very weak at the beginning, as if to test us, but we shot wildly. Not good." Just in the analysis. Cheng Liang suddenly stood up and said.

"No, it’s not very good. The Parthians are testing us today. If they know that we don’t have artillery, they will launch a full-scale offensive, and our position is on the mountain. Good. Not good." Cheng Liang said in a loud voice anxiously.

"Sir. Sir, I think we are in a hurry," his adjutant persuaded.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The Parthians have launched an offensive. The war has broken out, but the situation of the Dawan people is still very bad. They only have militiamen in their hands, and these militiamen have not received good military training, although their war mobilization capabilities are relatively broad. , Can provide sufficient troops, and their financial situation is also very good. I think they can quickly expand their army." Wei Liao said to Shangwen.

"Well, the Dawan people are also very clear about this, but we have to understand that the Dawan people have a lot of power in the parliament. They need to distribute some of the power to the government so that they can form a war cabinet to be responsible for all affairs, such as supplies. , As well as a series of issues such as military training and command, only the government has sufficient power to do more things." Shang Wen said.

"Well. This is a political matter, but what I know is that you must buy enough time to do these things, otherwise, the Anxi people will not have that much patience and will be given a fatal blow." Wei Liao said .

"Yeah. It's true." Shang Wen said. For the Dawan government, the first thing is to buy time, and then to quickly solve their current problems. For example, the government's cabinet is given greater powers, and the power of the Dawan Parliament is too great. This limits the enthusiasm of the government, but everything takes time. Without time, it is difficult for them to do this.

Dawan, Huangshi Town, Beishantou position.

"Then, what is that?" A militiaman in charge of the security watched in surprise at the flames that suddenly rose on the ground, and then something dragged the flame, and the long smoke behind it flew into the sky.

"That is, what is that?" The militiaman asked the Dawan soldier next to him in surprise.

"I don't know." Dawan soldier shook his head and said. He didn't know what it was, these things suddenly flew from the rest of the position, and they didn't know what it was.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." Then there was a burst of explosion, and the sound of the explosion was very messy. It was mainly the aimless shooting of rockets, but it quickly became meaningless. Pay attention to the public account: Qingxiang Bookstore, receive free reading benefits

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