The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3038: Sharp supply and demand

"Boom. Boom. Boom." Dawan's Beishantou position instantly entered a sea of ​​flames, and many soldiers were bombed to death before they could react.

In Dawan, in the parliament hall, the formal meeting has not yet begun. Members will gather in twos and threes to discuss some things, mainly to communicate some things. They are not interested at all about what happened in Beishantou, Huangshi Town, they just think The rest of the people did not hit them here, it was all right.

"The attitude of the people of Qin is very important to us, and we need the support of the people of Qin. This war came very suddenly." said a member of the Dawan Congress.

"That’s true. Only the people of Qin can deal with those terrible Parthians. I got terrible news from the frontline officers. Those officers told me that those barbarous Parthians would chop off our people’s heads. Some At that time, they would force our surrendered soldiers to stand naked in the cold wind for more than twelve hours, oh my God. For twelve hours, the living will be frozen to death." A member of the Diet said worriedly. With that said, the other councillors couldn’t help but shudder, because they felt that if they were caught by the rest, they might also be dealt with in this way. In the past few days, they heard a lot of rumors, for example, a small town The residents were all caught. Because the weather is very cold, many men cannot bury alive directly, or it is very troublesome to chop off their heads. Because the rest of the people may be in a hurry, they thought of such a way to strip the person naked, and then let the other person stand. In cold weather. Whatever freezes to death freezes to death. Even people who were not immediately frozen to death would get a serious illness later, and the Parthians took all the winter clothing, they were very poor. For them, everything in the Dawan people is good. They will find a way to take away what they think can be taken away, so they are normal and freeze to death those who did not freeze to death in the first time. This is a terrible penalty, freezing. When I heard this. All the Dawan people felt a wave of cold hitting their backs. In order not to freeze to death, they decided to cooperate with the people of Qin to completely drive away the damned rest.

"Cooperating with the people of Qin is okay, but the people of Qin are a little slow. We need time. Recently, the people of Qin put forward an idea that they think is feasible. They think that our parliamentary system does not conform to wartime regulations because we control the government. Too strict. Many things are difficult to develop." A member of the Council said at this time.

"I am opposed to this. We know that the new Dawan country belongs to all Dawan people, and it is our parliament that can reflect the interests of Dawan people. We represent the situation of all Dawan people, and the government is our entrusted management. People, they cannot represent the interests of all of us in Dawan, so we should directly manage such things." A middle-aged congressman objected.

"But the people of Qin pointed out the problem, and we are also very clear that the attacks launched by the Parthians were far earlier than we expected. The people of Qin started to send warning signals a long time ago. The government has repeatedly emphasized this point, but As a result, our parliament needs to have repeated discussions. We have missed this opportunity several times. Just imagine if we can regulate some issues to the legal level, then we have the right to do some rights-regulated things. Instead of discussing specific issues, we leave these specific matters to the government to do. For example, the Ministry of National Defense plays its role in national defense, and the Dawan Border Force Command can have great command power to direct their operations. The army is defensive and offensive. This is of great help to the stability of our government. At least such things will not happen. The offensive of the Parthians has been launched for several days, but we have been arguing, and the government departments But we need to watch us arguing and come up with a reason to act. The army's business is to decide, not whether we come up with a good plan." A member of the Diet said. Other lawmakers agreed.

"I think we should give the government more rights. Let them do more things. The current situation is very critical." The congressman continued.

"I object." The middle-aged congressman objected again.

"What about our parliamentary status?" The middle-aged congressman asked such a question simply.

"We are the same as Qin's parliament. We are responsible for drafting bills. To pass bills, as long as the government can act in accordance with the bills. The most important thing is that we still control the financial situation. The government is just the government we hired in accordance with the agreement. Butlers, they need to do a lot of things. We want the housekeeper to manage our villa well, but we can’t limit the housekeeper’s expenses just because the housekeeper spends too much. In that case, the housekeeper can’t do anything. What is the use of such a housekeeper?" said the congressman.

"Therefore, we should give the government more rights and let them have greater rights to mobilize all our resources to fight during war. If we don't want to be killed in the next battle, or freeze to death, we will There should be less controversy, and the government should be given greater powers in some key areas. We need us to do this," said the congressman.

The other members nodded in agreement.

Dawan really needs to give their government more rights. Many things have caused the government to do nothing because of the restrictions of the parliament. If in development, this kind of government inaction may play a role. After all, the parliament has replaced the government in determining some fiscal expenditures. They just made decisions in major economic areas, such as mining in Dawan and building railways. However, in the war, this kind of parliamentary wrangling played a very limited role. Because they waste a lot of time on arguing, but the rest are using this time to launch a large-scale offensive. At this time, they need to give the government more rights. No matter what happens, the government needs to make a decision. Whether it is correct or not, they need to make a decision. Otherwise, it will be difficult for their affairs to develop further.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The Dawan people have convened their parliament to discuss this matter. However, the government may be given more powers to exercise the power of war. But what I am worried about is the attitude of the Dawan people. Will they take command of the army? Leave it to us, we must know that according to their command level, a large number of troops will become cannon fodder when participating in combat." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"We cannot take the initiative to tell them about these things for the time being. If we do this, we may cause the other side to be alert or dissatisfied. This is very unfavorable for our next step of controlling Dawan. We only Let them bring it up by themselves. Or, they will think of this after they have suffered a major blow. Now, what we should care about is military orders. We need a large number of military orders. Let the Dawan government spend more Funds." Shang Wen said.

"According to the latest prices in the futures market, because of the sudden offensive operations launched by the Parthians, the prices of copper mines and a series of minerals have risen very sharply. This is an important reason why we must interfere in this war." Shang Wen said To.

Qin State absolutely does not allow such prices to continue to rise, which is too threatening to Qin State's production.

Qin State, Xianyang, futures market.

"The matter has been figured out. The Parthians launched an attack on Dawan, but Dawan did not even know it. As a result, a large number of Parths have directly invaded the inland of Dawan, and some mineral towns have been attacked. Attack. But the Qin government doesn't seem to have prepared too many troops. It seems that it will take some time to resolve this matter." Li Wen's assistant said to Li Wen. Li Wen didn’t pay attention to the futures market. He didn’t notice this until one day when he heard that the price of copper had risen sharply and he saw the quotation of copper prices. From the stock market, he mainly made some copper mine stocks and some Technology stocks, these technology stocks are mainly concentrated in electricity, steam engines, new power. Real estate stocks are also a point of his attention, especially in the construction industry. He feels that construction stocks will have big movements. However, he has a lot of funds, and he noticed some abnormal movements in futures.

"The situation seems very bad. This war may take a long time to end." Li Wen said after reading the report.

"Yes, many companies expressed concern in this regard. They are a little disappointed with the government. They hope that the Qin government can quickly solve this problem. However, in the winter of the war, Dawan has only one railway, which is a large-scale transportation force. It will also take more than a month, and there are still a lot of supplies, which will delay the war for a long time," the assistant said.

"Very good. We also buy copper mines, as well as silver mines. I need to hold long for the fire list of gold mines. I think more." Li Wen said. The war caused supply and demand to become extremely sharp. The demand has become great. However, the supply is decreasing, which greatly stimulates quite a lot of people to hold multiple orders. Because of the high demand, a large amount of electrical machinery production requires a considerable amount of copper wire. And these are behind the increased demand for electricity. But production cannot meet the demand for so much copper, so the price will only rise, rise, and rise again. This is why Li Wen is long. Although the price of copper has risen to an astonishing price, Li Wen believes that it will continue to rise.

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