The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3055: Cooperate with Yan Guoren

On the railway construction site of Yueshi to Indy, because of the special climate here, there is only snowfall in mountainous areas, and some areas are dry and drier all year round. This is really beneficial for construction. Unlike the territory of Qin State, the construction period was greatly restricted due to weather factors, which made it difficult for their projects to start.

"These Indian workers are developing very fast. If Qin people can deliver a large amount of materials in time, we can quickly lay a large number of railways." Yue's Railway Minister looked at the busy Indians and said. These Indians are recruited from India. They are given a certain salary, and the food is relatively high. The salary, plus the delicious food, makes many people extremely active. In their view, this kind of treatment is difficult to find.

"Yes, sir, but we still lack some labor. The Indian side provides a labor force of more than 200,000 people, but we still lack enough labor. If you want to speed up, you must find a way in labor. Said the assistant to the minister of railways.

"Well, I understand this, what you mean is, let us find a way to solve this problem. Let the Indians provide more slaves or labor, right?" said the railway minister. Qin State Bank provided a large amount of funds, although silver coins were used, this greatly met their funding needs. With these funds, they purchased a lot of materials and hired more labor.

"Sir, a problem has been discovered recently. The Tocharians are also building railways. They have found valuable resources in their territory. These resources are wealth. They plan to use those wealth to carry out the same as the Dawan people in the north. Effective construction. Therefore, they are also actively building railways. In this way, they also need a large amount of labor. Some Indians are moving northward, and the people of Qin are also actively coordinating this matter. If it is not reasonable for a long time If you want to deal with it," the assistant said worriedly.

"The Tocharians need it, and we also need it. This will cause a lot of tension. This is very troublesome for us." The assistant said worriedly.

"So, what I am worried about is that this will create a huge labor gap, and we must solve this gap. At the same time, make money from the northern Tocharians. After all, their money is very good for us." The assistant said To.

"Haha. I understand what you mean. What you mean is, let us make money from the Tocharians and build railways while transporting labor. As long as this demand exists, this is a big trade demand, right? ?" asked the railway minister.

"Yes. Sir. That's what I mean, we need to solve these problems," the assistant said.

"However, I thought about the fact that the Indian side can provide a part of the labor force, which shows that their labor capacity has reached a certain degree of saturation, although they will provide more labor force, but this will take time. In other places, we temporarily pay There is no possibility of providing labor," said the railway minister. The emergence of the railway sector is actually set to meet the needs of trade. If you want to trade, you must have a railway. Only the railway can bring prosperity to trade. This is a causal relationship, and it is also an inevitable relationship.

"Sir, I think, let's consider the Karachi people. They have a trading port. They are very close to the Koreans. Maybe they can do what we can't." The assistant suggested.

"Karachi, Korean, I understand what you mean. If they have slaves, they can be transported through there. A very good idea. As long as there is money to make, the former enemy is also a friend." The Minister of Railway said with a smile. . Soon a telegram was sent to the Yue government, then sent to Qin through the Yue government, and then forwarded to the South Korean government.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"That's it. There is oil on Zhang Yi Island, but we didn't find it. No wonder the Qi government wants to occupy Zhang Yi Island. This oil can bring a considerable part of the fiscal revenue, these Qi people." Han Shu has read the telegram. Speaking later. After the occupation of Zhang Yidao, the South Korean navy quickly sent out a telegram that reported the new discovery on Zhang Yidao. The secret of oil was naturally reported to Han Shu, after all, Han Shu also felt strange. Why did Qi State suddenly become interested in Zhang Yidao.

"My lord, we have now recovered Zhang Yidao. At the same time, we should take note. Our weak control over Southeast Asia, if all countries notice the changes in Southeast Asia at this time, they will quickly take action to seize the unknown islands in Southeast Asia. In that case, our situation will become extremely passive." Zhang Liang suggested at this time. He saw the Southeast Asian crisis behind Zhang Yidao.

After all, South Korea’s exploration of Southeast Asia is also very limited. The deeper it is, the more difficult it is to develop some of the resources in Southeast Asia. The tropical rainforest is extremely dense, and the cost of South Korea’s exploration is very high. The danger is also very great. The Korean knowledge probably knew about some islands and stopped further exploration. Later, the western continent was discovered, especially the continent with a large number of people. There were sufficient materials, dense population, and a large amount of trade wealth. It directly caused quite a lot of expedition forces to gather there, after all, the development cost of Nanyang is too high. This is why Nanyang suddenly disappeared from the eyes of Koreans. Because most of the islands do not have the value of development.

"That's right, Nanyang. We have ignored the important role of Nanyang, but currently we have no extra power to develop Nanyang. However, the coming military force can enter this area, and South Korea's naval power is extremely limited. Under such circumstances." Han Shu said worriedly.

South Korea’s naval power is indeed very limited. When they concentrate on expanding the Western Ocean, they have to give up part of the South Ocean affairs. After all, their attention and strength are very limited.

"Telegram. King." An assistant gently placed the telegram on Han Shu's desk.

Han Shu opened it and took a look. She also has no good way to develop Nanyang. Maybe there are some possibilities for oil, but there seems to be nothing that attracts them to develop other than oil.

"Look at this. Chu people and Qi people unite. Chu people want to mediate the conflict between us and Qi people, this Chu country." Han Shu said after reading the telegram.

"Yeah." Zhang Liang read the telegram quickly, but he was worried about the people of Qi and Chu. Once the people of Qi and Chu unite, the threat to South Korea will become very great.

"Prince King. What I am worried about is the union of Chu and Qi. Once these two countries are united, the threat will be very great." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"I also think that the Chu people and the Koreans have come together. For us, it is not a small thing. But I have an idea, can we win over the people of Yan, Yan and Qin in the north? The attitude is not very obvious, but the country of Yan is very weak and their naval construction has been in the embryonic state. If we can develop the navy of the country of Yan, let them develop quickly. I think this problem can be solved greatly. We can hold back a part of the Qi navy’s development. At the same time, we give them certain rights in Southeast Asia and let them develop. After all, Yan also has a great desire for colonies.” Han Shu put forward such an idea. . He feels that this idea is very in line with the interests of the Koreans. In this situation. The Koreans unite with the Yan people, help the Yan people develop, and contain the Qi navy, which is very beneficial to South Korea.

"The king has one more thing." Zhang Liang said at this time. This matter is temporarily resolved in this way.

"What's the matter?" Han Shu asked curiously.

"About Karachi. The Yue people build railways with Karachi, as well as the Yuezhi to Indy railway. At the same time, the Tocharians in the north are also building railways. The speed of construction is very fast, because they found a lot of They hope to meet their financial expansion needs by exporting these mineral resources.” Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. Very good, are they short of money?" Han Shu shook his head and said. She feels that this should not be the case, because the Tocharians have the help of the Qin people, and they will provide a lot of financial support, not only the Tocharians, but also the Yue people. If necessary, the Indians will also give them a lot. Great help, it can be said that everything is unknown.

"No, they don't lack funds, they lack enough labor. The Indian government has provided a considerable amount of labor. But this still cannot meet such a large demand. The only solution is to import from us." Zhang Liang Speaking of.

"Yeah. I understand." Han Shu nodded.

"What you mean is that we need to develop further places as soon as possible, such as the Far West region, or those black slaves." Han Shu said.

"Yes. This is a huge demand. As long as this demand exists, there must be a reason for it." Zhang Liang said. Zhang Liang was also very helpless. This was the will of capital, and he could no longer change this will.

"Yeah. Good. You come to formulate relevant policies so that we can catch those black slaves as soon as possible. They will build railways, and the plantations in the future will also need a lot of slaves. In short, we must do a good job." Han Shu arranged To.

Dawan, Li Xin's headquarters.

"Are there any trends from Dawan people?" Li Xin asked his staff.

"They are enlisting more people to join the army, but they must wait a few months before they can quickly put into combat. I think it is still unknown whether their combat effectiveness can be effectively improved." The staff officer said worriedly.

"Well. It is obviously extremely unrealistic to allow those Dawan people to support us in a short time." Li Xin said.

"However, we can't give up like this, but only Qin can provide true support." Li Xin said.

"Sir, do you let the country continue to send reinforcements? After all, we are already in the encirclement. We only have the Dawan army in our hands. Their combat power may quickly lose their will to fight after hearing the term encirclement." Speaking of worry.

"In that case, we might." The staff did not dare to continue. He knew that those Dawan people could do anything to survive.

"I know this. But there are still some things that cannot be done at present." Li Xin said.

"The Parthians are coming fiercely. They have at least hundreds of thousands of troops, and they only advanced to Huangshi Town, only when their forces are further dispersed. When they advance to the exhaustion of their offensive, our army will appear. "Li Xin said.

"In this way, our situation may be very bad." The staff officer said worriedly.

"Yes, but there is no way. The Shah people are still very powerful. Control the news as much as possible and don't leak it. In addition, strengthen the resistance of the Dawan army and tell them that if they relax their guards, their situation will not be Great." Li Xin said.

On the position of the Dawan army.

"Have you heard?" Dawan soldiers in the trenches gathered together to prepare a fire. The cold weather makes them want to do nothing. They just want to sit by the stove to warm up. If they can drink hot tea or other beverages, they will feel very happy.

"What? What kind of news is there?" Some soldiers curiously inquired about some news. They are now in a very dangerous situation. Although there is no fighting, they know that there are rest people around, and they may kill them at any time. . This makes many people nervous. But things must go on.

"We are surrounded." said a corporal.

"Really, one of my partners is engaged in logistics in the rear. He said that there is not much military power behind, and the incoming materials have stopped. The shadow of the rest have appeared in the surrounding area. Is this not enough to explain the problem? Is it?" said the corporal.

"Don't talk nonsense, if such news is false, you may have been shot." The other soldiers said in disbelief.

"This is true. The partner said that military supplies have begun to be restricted. In other words, we are really surrounded. If you don't believe it, you can wait and see." The corporal said unconvinced.

"Keep your voice down, the military police are patrolling. Once something that cannot be resolved occurs, your situation will become troublesome." An veteran said worriedly. Seeing the military police coming, they curled up, after all, cold is their greatest enemy. The military police left after a round of inspections. They mainly guard against improper speech, such as speech that we are surrounded.

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