The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3056: Handan, the city of fog

State of Zhao, Handan. The winter morning should be cold. However, Zhao Guoren got up very busy and rushed to their factory. The factory has a lot of orders. They may not be able to solve all the problems after they have been busy for several years. They are excited and satisfied. After all, not every place has such jobs, and all their sources of livelihood come from factories.

Food, clothing, and use. With the increase in wages, they began to save money to buy a house on their own, and they have the ability to buy a lot of delicious food. This is a problem they had never thought of before.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu a violent call they are heard as they suddenly heard a violent call but some just shook their heads.

"What happened?" asked the puzzled worker.

"Oh, it's not this foggy weather yet." A middle-aged worker said to a young worker.

"What's wrong with this fog?" the worker asked puzzledly. Maybe it was because I was young, or maybe I didn't notice it. Therefore, he didn't know that Handan already had a new name, Wudu.

Because Handan has a large number of factory areas built here, especially the steel plant has a large scale, plus a variety of other factories, glass, power generation, cement, and coking plants and so on. A large amount of pollutant gas is emitted over the city of Handan. In summer, there is no sunlight in the suburbs. The situation in winter is getting worse. There has been no large-scale snow and windy weather recently. As soon as it entered the winter, the city of Handan was shrouded in thick fog.

The fog has caused various diseases. Many elderly people have ended their lives because of breathing difficulties. Although the living standards of Zhao people have been greatly improved, people's life expectancy is also increasing. However, deaths caused by this air pollution are still increasing.

"Air pollution, the Qin people’s newspapers have long reported this situation. However, we can’t manage this at all. If those factories are stopped, we won’t be able to work. If we can’t work, who will pay the salary? "The middle-aged worker said. At their age, being able to work and earn money is much better than their previous work in the fields. They are not willing to lose such an opportunity.

"You see, these days, old people are dead, and people are getting old. The air is bad. And it's difficult to breathe, so that's what happened." The middle-aged worker said.

"This. Isn't this killing us?" The young worker felt very worried when he heard this. After all, he still wanted to live a few more years.

"Hehe, listen to me, live well, it doesn't matter. This matter. Who can say for sure, you live better with pollution, what can you do without this pollution?" the middle-aged worker said . Then I went to work.

Such things, as soon as winter entered, the death rate in Handan began to rise, not only that, but also more and more patients with respiratory diseases. Some young children also have to wear masks. After all, the pollution situation in Handan is too serious. A large number of factories discharge pollutants unscrupulously.

Inside the Zhao Wang Palace.

"No way. The widow can't stand the weather anymore. It was the same last year, this year, and it is so gray every day. The widow can't stand it." Zhao Wang complained. In the weather last year, Handan could still see some sunny days, but with the rapid development of industry, this year, Zhao Guo entered winter and there was not even a sunny day. Such days were very uncomfortable, so Wang Zhao couldn't bear it anymore.

"The widow is going to Julu. Maybe it will be better over there, or go to Daijun. Anyway, I can't stay in this place. It's too boring." Zhao Wang said very worried.

"Go, give Guo Kai an edict, the widow is going to leave this **** Handan. Damn, it's all foggy." Zhao Wang cursed, and the waiter on the side had to nod and agree.

Guo Kai's prime minister's house.

"Mist City. Mist City." Guo Kai was helpless.

"Prime Minister, the situation in Julu is the same. There is an important train transfer point, where a large amount of coal passes through it, and the locals also make coking. The air pollution may be worse than that in Handan." The assistant worried to Guo. Speaking of opening.

"Haha. How is the situation in the north? I heard that Daijun is a good place with mountains. Although it is colder, it can still live." Guo Kai asked.

"This. Prime Minister, the situation may not be as good as Julu. There is a lot of coal in that place, and there is a lot of dust. In addition, coking. Coal washing and transportation of coal. It can be said that the situation is very bad." The assistant also said helplessly.

"What?" Guo Kai exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, Prime Minister, Zhao Guo has this situation everywhere, and there is no way to change it. After all, this is what Zhao Guo relies on. If it is changed, the situation will be very, very bad. In many cases, we are also forced to do so. "The assistant said helplessly.

"My God, there is no day that can get better. If the king wants to find a good place, I am afraid there is not yet." Guo Kai said, shaking his head. Zhao Wang’s request was not excessive, but Zhao’s actual situation was like this, and many places were polluted. The huge economic effects brought by coal. If coal production and a series of related industries are stopped, Zhao’s economy will quickly regress. This is an indisputable fact, because Zhao’s economy is built on the level of coal. Based on the pollution industry. Without such pollution, there would be no economic development in the country of Zhao. This is a process of inevitable connection.

"Wang Zhao may not even have a place to rest." Guo Kai said embarrassingly.

"This. Prime Minister, it's not that there is no place, there is a place, but this place is not something we can control." The assistant suggested in a low voice at this time.

"What do you mean?" Guo Kai asked curiously.

"Oh. It's like this, Prime Minister, I heard that some Zhao country businessmen went to the warm south as soon as winter came. Especially in Nanyang, and other places, where winter is as warm as spring, or to say, Even in summer, the air is good, but it's a little humid. The living facilities are almost there. If some living facilities are built there, I think the problem will be solved." The assistant suggested at this time.

"Just kidding. Those places are the places where the criminals are exiled. Should the Prime Minister exile Wang Shang to the desert island in the south?" Guo Kai said with great dissatisfaction.

"No, no, no. The prime minister misunderstood." The assistant hurriedly explained at this time. After all, if you don't explain it, it's a crime of treason, and this is going to be shot.

"I mean, we can learn from those Zhao merchants. When the weather is bad, let the king sit on the boat and go south. Life there is much better. We can build some palace facilities. In this way, all problems will be solved. It can be solved. The weather is good. The air is good, and the climate is also very suitable. The most important thing is that it may be a holiday resort." The assistant said.

"The Prime Minister, it is already difficult to find such a place in the territory of Zhao. The territory of Zhao is originally a place of bitter cold. It is difficult to meet the needs of the king in such a place. In winter, it is cold and uncomfortable. The most important thing is The problem is that many places simply cannot live on. Under such circumstances, the pollution is serious and it is too difficult." The assistant said embarrassingly.

Guo Kai touched his chin and nodded in agreement. The problem is indeed this, Zhao Guo simply can't find such a pollution-free place. Many places are polluted, but I'm afraid I can't find a better one. In addition, winter is already cold. It is difficult to meet Zhao Wang's needs.

"But, we don't have a navy, and if we do, we need a ferry. This. It's hard." Guo Kai said embarrassingly.

"Prime Minister, the current shipbuilding technology is very high. Moreover, taking advantage of this time, we can expand the territory southward. This expansion of the territory is a great achievement, and all countries have expanded their colonies aggressively. This is also true for our country of Zhao. A good thing, so we still need such a colony and develop the navy." The assistant suggested at this time.

"But in this way, we need to build our own naval power, which will cost a lot of money. But we also need something like this." Guo Kai thought. He felt that what the assistant said still had some truth.

South Korea, on Queen’s Island, the officers’ meeting is still going on, and it’s going on very enthusiastically.

"I think we should learn from the Qi State Navy. The defensive power of warships is also very important. What we destroy is only Qi State's **** ships. That kind of warship itself does not have much technical content, and any artillery shells can fight. However, the iron armored ship, this may be a huge trend in the future. There is no protection. This ship is easy to be knocked down. Our ships are loaded with boilers. Wooden armors can’t protect against artillery shells at all. Equipped with artillery with a larger caliber and a greater rate of fire. For example, if we use a new type of propellant, one of our ships’ shells will be gan off.” A navy lieutenant colonel stood up and said.

"That is, there are new artillery. We were not hit by a shell from the other side, but we were killed several times by our own artillery. This is not worth it." Some officers concurred.

"I said, everyone, you all said adding artillery and iron armor, but the reason why this ship runs fast is because of the steam engine. But the steam engine is also a horse made of iron. When they can't afford it, this, You must also consider, otherwise, who can pull so many things, the final speed will still be the same as Qi's iron armored ship. This is not the tradition of our South Korean navy." Some officers objected.

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