"The newly formed company is still unable to form a new combat unit. According to the analysis of the people of Qin, the Parthians are likely to eat our army in the encirclement next. The three infantry divisions lack sufficient effective firearms. Under such circumstances, They will not be able to resist for long, and the possibility of the entire army being destroyed is very high." The Defense Minister said to Li Mo.

"Is there no way for Qin people?" Li Mo asked, because the loss of three infantry divisions had a great impact on his position as prime minister. He has to deal with such things.

"There is no way. The people of Qin can mobilize without reinforcements. Their troops are all being assembled. This will take time. Our railways cannot satisfy Qin's large stock of materials. The most important thing is that our troops are all newly formed. There is no way to fight, lack of training, lack of weapons, and the organizational capabilities of the officers are all very challenging, so the whole thing is more troublesome." said the defense minister.

"Three infantry divisions were eaten like this?" Li Mo said.

"I don't want this, but the distance is very long. If we want to rescue them, we must **** Huangshi Town back, but we simply don't have decent mobile forces in our hands. It is impossible to rescue them." The Defense Minister said.

"God." Li Mo suddenly became helpless in this situation, and he didn't know how to solve this problem.

"Is there no good way to solve this problem?" Li Mo asked. He was very unwilling.

"No. Sir. We have thought of any method. Qin has already used the armored train to carry out an assault, but the effect is very limited. The Parthians destroyed all the railways between us and Huangshi Town. The armored train cannot advance if it can't move forward. Although our artillery and weapons are very powerful, we still can’t do anything in the face of the absolute superiority in the number of Parthians. The only way is to accept this situation.” The Minister of Defense said.

"Okay. Let's think of a way to push this matter over." Li Mo said. He must consider the consequences of the loss of three infantry divisions in Dawan. This is the effect of the annihilation of the entire army.

For Tocharo. Cabinet meeting.

"The attitude of the people of Qin is a bit unclear, but one thing is certain. The people of Qin don't want us to do this with symbolic significance." said the defense minister.

"We have expressed our attitude." The Minister of Finance said puzzledly. Through the Wenyang Bank of Qin State, Tocharo expressed his willingness to stand on the side of Qin State, and the dispatch of troops was only a symbolic meaning of dispatching troops. It can be said that, in this case, Tocharo’s interests are maximized, but the people of Qin understand the Tocharo people’s mind well, and their telegram reply expressed their hope to form an alliance with Tocharo and Dawan. To deal with the Parthian nation together, and the great influence of the existence of the Parthian nation was explained in the telegram. Most importantly, the people of Qin state explained the influence of the existence of the Parthian people and the relationship between Tochar.

"But the alliance the Qin people need is an alliance, that is, they need us to make a combat posture. This is a powerful combat posture, let us send troops to fight. Large-scale fighting side by side with the Qin people." Speaking of.

"Oh my God, if we do this, it will increase our financial burden. We can't afford the consumption of a large army. The formation of an army is enough to buy weapons and provide all kinds of materials. Think about this, our money is more than the river. Even faster." The Minister of Finance has already shook his head. Obviously such a thing has exceeded his expectations. This is absolutely impossible, and it will be difficult for them to accept such a thing.

"Qin people’s ideas are very reasonable, but I think I should take a gamble. This is a gamble. The existence of the Parthians has indeed suppressed the development of our Tocharians. Think about it, our arms business is doing very well. But the Parthians arbitrarily prevented us from doing this." The Minister of Defense said.

"Currently our business is bleak. The reason is that we have not opened up markets everywhere, and without the guarantee of the military, it is difficult for us to get a market. Without a market, we would have no taxes, and without taxes, there would be no fiscal revenue." Speaking of.

"Yes, I also think so. If we only participate in this battle symbolically, the result can be imagined. We may get the least spoils, even if it is not the least, it may not be too much." The Minister of Economy said .

"Furthermore, the mass accumulation of military materials, as well as the expenditure of the army, can stimulate our economic development. This is what the people of Qin did. When we open the door of the Shaman, we can get more things. These are just one of our investments, investments." The Minister of Economy said.

"But the problem is that our Tocharo has entered a state of war. Whether we can make a lot of benefits in this state is still unknown." Other ministers said. They are very worried that war will have a great impact on Tocharo, but think about it, war can also bring great excitement. The most important thing is that Qin people participated in the war, which is different.

However, Tocharo still did not discuss a clear attitude. They felt that the risk of war was still too great. This is not suitable for them. However, if the war is not launched, the situation of the Tocharians will become even more unfavorable. In such a situation, it is better to take a fight.

On the front line of Dawan, in the encirclement, the night's cold was pressing. Dawan officers repeatedly emphasized increasing the number of patrols, but many soldiers were still reluctant to go. They all huddled up beside the bonfire.

"We have been surrounded, everyone knows this." said a sergeant. He said, roasting a can of canned food. The other soldiers drooled. Before, they thought that canned meat was not very tasty, but after they were surrounded, the food was still restricted. Now they also think that canned meat is very tasty. Only veterans will get canned meat, and many recruits no longer know the taste of canned meat.

"Sergeant, can we still go out?" a recruit asked. They are surrounded here, and many people are worried. After all, they also want to get out alive.

"I don't know, maybe it can. We can only hope that the Qin army's reinforcements will arrive as soon as possible. After all, the Anthians can't beat them. With the support of the Qin people, our reinforcements may come." The sergeant said comfortingly.

"Okay. I still have some wine here. Everyone can warm up with a drink," the sergeant said. Saying that the sergeant opened the wine and took a sip and gave it to the other soldiers. Other soldiers opened their mouths and drank some and gave it to other people. The days of siege made these people despair, fear, and a series of pessimism. Many people feel that the atmosphere is very depressing, and they feel that they are depressed and out of breath. After all, it was the first time they encountered such a thing. Surrounding is hard to say.

"How is our situation?" Li Xin asked the staff officer on duty next to him.

"Sir, our defenses are all actively being built, and many hidden castles have been built. They can play a very important role." The staff officer said.

"No, I'm not talking about this, morale, how is the morale of the people in Dawan? They must be very low, right?" Li Xin said.

"This, sir, after all, it is the first time that the Dawan army has encountered such a thing. It is excusable for such a thing to happen," the staff officer said.

"Well. Low morale cannot guarantee how long our defense will last. It is impossible to have reinforcements in the country. This has been clearly determined." Li Xin said.

"Okay. Let our people strengthen their defenses and pay attention to alertness. Perhaps in the next few days, the Parthians will launch attacks." Li Xin said. He hasn't slept well these days, his eyes are scarlet, he knows that the more cold the Dawan army will lose concentration, which gives the opponent a big chance.

On the defensive garrison of the Second Infantry Division of the Dawan Army, a company's sentinels are gathering to cook. They are considering their food. With the reduction of supplies, many people have begun to think of ways to get some food. The source of food is very simple, it is stealing. Most of their attention is focused on the food, instead of observing the movement of the positive rest. Even by observing them, they can't notice anything. After all, the rest are secretly assembled. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"Woo woo woo." At this moment, a roar came.

"What's this sound?" A lieutenant officer asked the people around, but everyone just shook their heads.

"Boom, boom boom." The explosion sounded.

"Ah." Immediately after a scream, many Dawan officers and soldiers were still in shock. They had never expected such a thing to happen.

"Offensive. Offensive, no, the Parthians have launched an offensive." The officer on duty who responded tremblingly said. But soon, the sound of the explosion covered them.

"What's the matter?" Li Xin fell asleep in the headquarters. But the sound of the explosion woke him up all at once.

"It was an explosion, from the position of the 2nd Infantry Division of Dawan." The staff officer said.

"Did the peacekeepers attacked?" Li Xin said.

"It should be so, sir. But. How could the Parthians mobilize so many artillery at once. The density is still very terrible." The staff officer said.

"No, that's not artillery, it's rockets." Li Xin reacted immediately.

"Quickly, send the report and tell the staff that the fighting here is fighting." Li Xin reacted immediately.

"We figured out the situation, we were afraid of a sneak attack by the Peacekeepers, but the Dawan army could not withstand such an attack. We must send the reserve team to where it is most needed." Li Xin said.

"Yes, sir," the staff officer said.

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