"Hey hey, hey hey." The calls from the staff kept coming, and many of the calls were unclear because of explosions and gunfire.

"I see. I see. Those who tell you, hold on, you must hold on, the reinforcements will arrive immediately, hold on." Some staff officers said loudly while holding the phone.

But Li Xin was looking at some reports in his hand and then at the map. It seemed that he seemed to be relaxed, which was very different from the nervousness before.

Perhaps when the war really came, he calmed down instead.

"How is the situation?" Li Xin asked his staff at this time.

"Sir, Dawan is too nervous. Some positions were not attacked, but they said they were attacked. Fortunately, our people investigated it. Otherwise, it would cause us a lot of trouble." The staff officer said. Li Xin nodded, indicating that it was made. Li Xin also has five battalions of reserve teams, all of which he has drawn from various divisions. In order to obtain these combat battalions, he expended a lot of effort. Because many troops complained that their strength was insufficient and the front of their defense was very wide. Li Xin knew that this was indeed the case for them. However, Li Xin gave them the freedom of flexible defense, that is, they can meet tenacious defenses. After the attack, he can shrink to the second and third line of defense.

"The First Infantry Division and the Third Infantry Division have shrunk to the second line of defense. The Second Infantry Division has been attacked by rockets on a large scale. The loss may be relatively large, but they have also given up the first line of defense. Normal." The staff officer reported.

"Have you received a report that they were attacked, that is, the attack initiated by the Parthians?" Li Xin asked at this time.

"No, it seems that the Parthians would launch an attack, but they did not launch an attack. This is very strange," the staff officer said.

"Pay attention to the movements of the 1st and 3rd Infantry Divisions. The Parthian attack may break through from there. Order the reserve teams of the two battalions to be ready at any time. The attack may start at any time." Li Xin ordered.

"Yes. Sir." The staff officer quickly left the arrangement.

The division headquarters of the Dawan First Infantry Division.

"Sir, let's retreat to the second line of defense if we don't resist. Qin people know. Will we be shot? We are giving up our position." A major said worriedly.

"Fart, Lao Tzu is active defense. It is the flexible defense that Qin people said. Lao Tzu gave up. It is to save your lives." The brigadier said impatiently.

In fact, the Brigadier General was worried that his troops would be attacked on a larger scale. Instead of waiting on the front line for the Parthians to attack, they should take the initiative to retreat to avoid the edge of the Parthians. In fact, the Brigadier General was still a little scared. After all, it was the first time they fought like this against the Parthians.

"Sir. Sir." At this moment, a captain shouted loudly.

"That's it." The brigadier general said displeasedly. He wanted to reprimand the other party, after all, yelling like this would easily scare the soldiers.

"Sir, the Parthians, the Parthians have been killed. They did not launch the artillery attack, so they rushed over. They have already occupied our first position. It is estimated that it will not take long before they will attack our second position. Come up the road." The captain reported.

"His mother, all entered the battlefield, no one was allowed to retreat. Resistance to the end, otherwise, I will kill him." The brigadier general knew that the rest person was still coming. He decided to keep his position, and if he retreated, he would definitely be killed by the Qin people. It's better to resist for a while and see how it turns out.

"Sir, shall we give a rescue and let the troops send troops to top us all at once, otherwise, we will lose our position." The staff officer went up to suggest it at this time.

"Yeah. That's right, we can't stand up to such a long attack." The Brigadier General said.

Inside Li Xin's headquarters.

"The First Infantry Division said. They encountered an offensive from the Parthians. They have already occupied the first line of defense. Shall we rescue them?" the staff officer said. Li Xin looked at the sand table. There are many points where the Parthians choose to attack. The initiative is in their hands.

"Go, give them two infantry battalions. No more." Li Xin thought about it. He felt that as long as he had a reserve team in his hands, the situation could be well controlled.

Qin State, the General Staff.

"The battle within the encirclement has started. Li Xin's report said that they also used rockets. It seems that the Shaman plan is to eat our people in the encirclement." Yang Duanhe said worriedly.

"I feel that time is still a bit short, can the rest of the people be ready?" Wang Jian asked.

"This is not clear, but sir, is our military observation group withdrawn? After all, the situation is not good." Yang Duanhe said.

"No. Wait a minute." Wang Jian said.

"The Ministry of National Defense has its own plan. They should be able to stick to it for some time. The longer they stick to it, the more time for the Dawan people to prepare. We should see this and let them continue to stick to it. Very advantageous." Wang Jian said.

"Yeah. Okay." Yang Duanhe nodded, the meaning of the Dawan army in the encirclement was here. Only by constantly consuming the offensive power of the rest can they effectively achieve their goals. This is war, and consumption is also a tactical strategy.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"We help Anxi people, the people of Qin should be very clear, but they are also willing to let us continue. But for this war." Han Shu shook his head at this time and said.

"The king is not optimistic about Restoration?" Zhang Liang asked at this time.

"Yes. I am also not optimistic about the rest of the people, they are a bunch of waste, can be used waste." Han Shu said. This statement stunned Zhang Liang.

"We want the Anthians to owe us a lot of money. We can take advantage of the opportunity to open their country. The people of Qin can use violence to open their country, but we can use bonds to let them owe money to open the country. , Because they can't repay the bond, we are just very suitable to ask for the debt." Han Shu said with a smile. Han Shu’s method is very simple. They will lend money to each other. They will buy a lot of arms, weapons, and various materials, and these money will soon enter the hands of merchants and banks. This will stimulate South Korea to rest in peace in Seth. The pulling effect of this kind of trade is very powerful, and if it is so powerful, it can allow South Korea to quickly open up local trade.

"My lord, we must also be able to demand debts." Zhang Liang reminded. Zhang Liang felt that, given the current situation of South Korean naval power, it is very likely that the Parthians will not pay back the money because the distance is too far away. The South Korean Navy still lacks the ability to proactively attack a large country, coupled with the extremely long transportation supply line, this is a huge disaster for them. The amount of money spent will be very large.

Not only that, the South Korean navy does not have such a large capacity to conduct operations. The army is dispersed. The Ministry of War can send only a handful of troops and cannot conduct larger-scale operations. They rely on local soldiers to carry out operations. Combat, and on the other hand, the South Korean Navy is undergoing transformation, and many things need to be done. Fighting at this time does not seem to be a good opportunity.

"Don't worry about this. The peacekeepers will take a long time to deal with the people of Qin. This time is enough for us to rectify our armaments. Moreover, in Seth, our garrison is also increasing. The navy will have more powerful artillery, and we will A big surprise for the rest." Han Shu said with a smile.

For the people of South Korea and Qin, the belligerence of the Parthians gave them a great opportunity for expansion. If the Parthians hadn't taken the initiative to jump out, it would be difficult for them to seize such an opportunity to go to war. But now, if they jump out, the situation will be better. Great changes have taken place, after all, they found it on their own.

Seth country. Inside Guo Xiang's office.

"The number of banks that have arrived recently is increasing. And they generally want to go to the country of Shah. The local meaning is very clear." Guo Xiang took a telegram and said to his assistant. There are some things he is still unfamiliar with.

"Sir, I think local means lending money to the rest. And the more the number, the better." His assistant said.

"Just kidding. You and I all know that the Anthani people are going to be poor and crazy. If they are not poor and crazy, how can they go to Dawan. This country fights when it is poor. This is a very bad problem. At this time, borrow money. Give it to them." Guo Xiang said, shaking his head.

"No, this absolutely won't work. If you continue to borrow money like this, they won't be able to repay it. This is a bad debt for us." Guo Xiang shook his head and said.

"Sir, maybe the above means that, deliberately let the rest of the people can't afford it, they can't afford it, so let them mortgage things, or sell things to us, if they don't, let's call." The assistant said.

"Fight. We don't have many useful troops in our hands." Guo Xiang said unconfidently.

"Sir, don’t worry about this. I heard that our navy defeated the Qi State Navy, and there will surely be new warships arriving here. At that time, we were not afraid that the peacekeepers would not repay the money. If they did not repay the money, let’s fight. When they reach the position of paying them back, the interest at that time exceeds the principal. I think this is a local idea." The assistant said.

"Repay the principal and interest?" Guo Xiang said while looking at the other party.

"Yes. Only in this way can we get greater benefits. Moreover, when they took the money here, we sold it to them again. Isn't it good for them?" the assistant said.

"Okay. That's it." Guo Xiang said.

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