"The Neptune's meaning may be very clear, that is, let us further integrate the naval power. According to the current situation of our navy, the next step, the development of the South Korean navy may be in the far west. In other words, we The next development plan may be in Rest, Seth, and places where black slaves appear, such as Sori." said the navy deputy. The Deputy Chief of the Navy is equivalent to the Deputy Secretary of the Navy. He is mainly responsible for some other affairs. There are many tasks, but it is a position that can only be handled by all-rounders.

"But the problem is that our naval power is still in a critical period of development. With the emergence of new warships and warships, there are still quite a few technical problems that need to be resolved. However, our integration period cannot keep up with our future conflict areas. . It's really a troublesome problem." The Secretary of the Navy said, scratching his head.

The South Korean navy does have a big problem, that is, more and more areas controlled by their territories, new colonial strongholds appear one after another, and many places need the protection of Korean warships, but the South Korean navy is still too powerful. Weak. The expansion of the territory, their strength has not greatly improved.

"Sir, the only solution is to increase funding. With sufficient naval expenditures, many problems can be resolved." said the navy deputy.

"I am also very clear about this, but you should know more about how to solve this problem than I am. The current naval development requires more and more warships, and the territory is also getting bigger and bigger, unless we conduct research on these strongholds. Outside of more effective management. It seems that there is no better way to solve this problem." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"So, sir, we have drawn up a new division plan. The plan is probably to divide our current naval power into three large areas." The deputy chief said.

"Talk about it," said the Secretary of the Navy. With the further extensive expansion of the region, effective management becomes the best way. South Korea needs to manage these places, and most of the problems can only be solved if they are managed well.

"We need to establish the East China Sea Fleet between the Queen Strait and Qingcheng Port. They have several fleets stationed on Queen Island or between other islands, mainly to establish some stable port bases. Their task is to protect us. The merchant ships in the area are safe in the area, and to eliminate as many threats as possible. In this case, their task will be a little easier. Given that the current situation in the East China Sea is better, I think we don’t need to put a lot of funds for the time being. On this, they can use some second-hand warships or warships with low technical content to complete such a task." said the navy deputy.

"Next is Nanyang. We want to establish the Nanyang fleet, which also has several fleets to maintain mobility. Their main scope of activities is Queen Island. Song Island, as well as the major islands in Southeast Asia, are responsible for the maintenance and security protection of South Korean maritime forces in the region. They can also develop the major islands in order to complete the direct control of the island. The dividing line is on the Zhangxiong Strait, on Zhangxiong Island." said the deputy navy chief.

"Yeah. Yes, is the Western Fleet next?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Yes, they are based in Bangla, Sri Lanka, and Karachi. Seth and other countries' ports. In this case, our regional division is better. The current focus area is the Western Fleet." The Navy Deputy Chief said .

"I think we should build another mobile fleet. Strategic mobile fleet." At this time the Secretary of the Navy said.

"This. Sir, I don't think we can do this yet, because it requires a lot of funds, and we may not be able to do this ourselves." said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"Well, let's randomly place the strategic maneuver units in other areas. Or we can temporarily transfer them to establish a strategic maneuver fleet. In this way, it can also meet our needs." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"However, Seth, do we want to manage the Parthian nation well? The King's office clearly made us pay attention to that direction, especially in the direction of the Parthian people. Their sense of existence is very important to us. Important.” The Navy Deputy Chief emphasized.

"Of course. The new warship launched in the water will be dispatched to that place." The Secretary of the Navy said.

This shows the strong support of the South Korean Navy. The future regional development may be concentrated in the Far West.

Qin State, Prime Minister's Mansion. Shangwen is paying attention to the Parthians' attack on the encirclement.

"The specific situation is still unclear. We just know that the Parthians launched an attack. We don't know the tactics of the attack." Meng Yi said.

"Well, regardless of these, we can only abandon them. The significance of the Dawan army in the encirclement is that their resistance can win time, and we need to provide a large amount of materials to Dawan. And achieve more as soon as possible. Give them the support of the project. After all, they need our help." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, they do need our help, but I think we should further expand our alliance circle, for example, let the Tocharo side join in, although the Tocharo government has expressed its willingness in this regard, but let They joined in on a large scale and sent more troops to participate. We must give them great benefits. Moreover, we also need military power from Dawan." Meng Yi said.

"It is indeed feasible to increase our ally." Shang Wen said.

"It is true, but we need more resources or some supporting projects to help the Tocharians participate in the battle." Meng Yi said.

"What should we do?" Shang Wen asked. He knew that for the Tocharians to join in and put in more power, greater benefits should be given. This benefit is more materials or greater benefits in the post-war situation.

"War indemnities and occupied land. In addition, in terms of railway rights and interests, we should give them a certain amount of loans, the proportion of which should be greater, and the rights and interests of the Sabbath country in the future, this is what we should consider, if not With enough benefits, I think they will not participate in such a battle, let alone make such a choice. They themselves know very well what they still need to do to get them to send troops." Yi said.

"I understand. In other words, we have to give them greater benefits to solve our problems." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, some benefits must be given to Tocharo." Meng Yi said.

Qi State, Laizhou, the election activities here are in full swing. Some well-known businessmen and generals have become members of parliament. And Tian Dan became the president of course. However, Qi people are still more concerned about the nomination of the prime minister, because they know that the prime minister is equivalent to the prime minister of all countries. He is mainly responsible for economic affairs, and development requires a lot of work.

"We don't care about the election of this congressman, but we must note that we need a prime minister who is capable and effective to develop the economy." A Qi businessman said with a wine glass.

"I don't know, who will Mr. President nominate?" a worker asked. The consequence of this election is that the people of Qi are generally concerned about politics. They finally know that they have the right to vote and that they can vote for people they think are suitable. As long as they are from Qi, register and vote. They felt their political rights exist for the first time. Such rights stimulated them to participate in politics and listen to some news about politics.

"I think Mr. Lou Jinglou will be nominated. Mr. Lou is very good at managing the economy. Mr. Tian Heng’s general mansion, he has been managing logistics before, and providing a lot of financial support, oil, trade, and other neighboring companies. The series of factories are all his plans. This is a great contribution. I think this person is very capable, even if he does not seek a position in the government, I think his personal strength should not be underestimated. He can become A well-known businessman, maybe he will become a member of Parliament this time." said a Qi countryman.

"Yes. I'm talking about this Mr. Lou. His mind is very clear. It is quite remarkable that he has adopted a low tax policy for those of us who can bring a lot of profits in the maritime trade." The businessman clearly supported Lou Jing. To. Because Lou Jing's low tax policy played a great role in restoring Qi's economy. Lower taxes give enterprises and commercial organizations a small burden. Without that much burden, they naturally develop very quickly. This is unimaginable for others.

Inside Lou Jing's mansion. Lou Jing is hosting two different ministers. Although Lou Jing’s appointment as the prime minister has not been officially announced, it has already been understood internally. Lou Jing will become the first prime minister of Qi. The Department of the Navy and the Department of War will become military units under his jurisdiction. The Department of Defense has not been placed in his cabinet. It is rumored that the Department of Defense may be abolished in the military, and the establishment of the Staff Department will continue to exist, and the retention and abolition of the Department of Defense Question, Lou Jing can't manage that much anymore. What he cares about is the present.

"Sir Lou, the navy was destroyed by the South Korean navy. To build the navy, it will cost a lot of money. Not only that, the future navy will need more money, we. It is really impossible to come up with such a lot of money. The navy is established." The Secretary of the Navy said embarrassingly.

"There is also our army. Our army is about to become a police force. This can't go on. The South Korean army is participating in operations, and we must also have combat missions. Otherwise, it will be difficult to maintain it with less and less funding. The army’s combat effectiveness will soon be rapid. I heard that all countries are changing weapons and equipment. This is a very big challenge for us. We can’t go on like this. Otherwise, the situation will become extremely unfavorable, so it’s best for now. The way is to find a way to solve our current problems." The Secretary of the Army said.

"Well, I know all the problems you are facing. The navy needs a lot of funds to rebuild. I understand this very well, but Qi's economy is also recovering." Lou Jing waved his arm and said. He knew what the anxious Secretary of the Navy wanted to say.

"I know what you want to say. The navy is very important and very important. Indeed, in the future development, Qi will need a navy. Inseparable from sea trade, we need a large amount of naval power, in addition to the army, the Qi State Navy. The reason for this failure is that we have lost an important foundation. This foundation is that we have no overseas colonies and no overseas berthing ports. The information aspect is also pinched in the hands of the Koreans. Undefeated, really. It doesn't make sense." Lou Jing said.

"What the chief said is that we were very moved by what we heard," the Secretary of the Navy said.

"But this is not to say that we will not develop. We need more naval power. We need more navies to do more things." Lou Jing said.

"So, we need the navy. The next development is to develop and strengthen the Qi navy and build more advanced warships. This requires the introduction of a lot of funds and technology. In addition, the army needs the help of the navy to send them to us. In the future battlefield, let them join the battle. Only war can bring more benefits to Qi. We have to learn from the Koreans." Lou Jing said. The Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of the Army looked at each other, and they felt that this prime minister was very difficult. For them, it was a new opportunity for rebirth.

Inside Li Xin's headquarters.

"Sir. How do you know that the 1st Infantry Division will be attacked by the main force of the Parthian attack?" a staff officer asked curiously. Just now, all the reserve teams in Li Xin's hands were dispatched. The 1st Infantry Division was indeed met by the main force of the Parthians. They took a sneak attack and entered the opponent's position. Unfortunately, the Dawan people gave up their position in the first place. And the Anxi people who sneaked up did not know why there were no Dawan people on the battlefield. When they were about to launch an offensive towards the second front and expand their battle results, the Dawan people and Anxi who came back collided with Anxi, their will to fight. The weaker Dawan First Infantry Division collapsed after a little contact and retreated to the second line of defense. Fortunately, the Parthians did not immediately launch an offensive, and the reserve team arrived in time at this time. Wan people are advantageous. The Parthian offense also became meaningless.

However, the entire Dawan army had huddled up to the second line of defense, and the line of defense they had been so hard to build just gave up.

"Because the Parthians are a group of robbers, they will only come sneakily. If they come in an upright manner, the situation may be extremely detrimental to them. This is a situation that we must face. Under such a situation, we Stay vigilant and have sufficient reserves in hand, and any mistakes can be resolved." Li Xin said with a smile. The staff nodded to express understanding.

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