The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3080: Government borrowing

"Li Xin can rely on the reserve team to solve the problem of the Parthian offensive, but their reserve team may not have much time to deal with it." Wang Jian said to Yang Duanhe.

Li Xin solved the Parthian offense by releasing the reserve team. In fact, the Parthian offense may be more tentative in nature. Because their large-scale force buildup will take some time.

"Did the rescue operation begin?" Wang Jian asked Yang Duanhe.

"This is the action of the Ministry of National Defense. The specific situation is not known yet, but I think it should be possible to start." Yang Duanhe said.

"This thing cannot be possible, it should be necessary. If that happens, Qin will have a large number of officers captured. This is the shame of the Qin army. In that case, the king must completely erase the kingdom of Anxi from this land. No." Wang Jian said.

"Actually, I think that after the Parthians fight this time, their main force will be lost, and then countries will take the opportunity to take a bite." Yang Duanhe said.

"At that time, I didn't kill myself, and I didn't have much breath." Yang Duanhe said.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"What do you think of the Admiralty's distribution plan?" Han Shu and Zhang Liang said while taking a walk.

"Very good, but we can't build Zhang Liang's mobile force with our current capabilities. This is a great passivity for us." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"Without enough reserve teams, it is impossible to prevent possible dangerous situations. At that time, we may enter a passive situation." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, I am also worried like this. After all, we have sufficient military power to solve many things. Without the strategic reserve, things will be passive. However, we can be drawn from other regions. Although passive, It's still quite powerful." Han Shu said helplessly. The only way for the strategic reserve team is to take temporary draws. After all, South Korea’s currently expanding area is too large.

"Next, we have to consider how to develop. After all, it takes more money to build a larger fleet. Without such a lot of funds, we simply can't do such a thing." Han Shu said.

"My lord, in the long run, we still lack sufficient funds to develop the navy. The amount of funds required is quite large. Without raising taxes, it is difficult for us to solve all the problems. However, we The funds needed are still considerable. In this way, the problem will become prominent." Zhang Liang said.

"Yes, I also thought about this problem, but how to solve it? Is there any way?" Han Shu asked.

"This. King, there is only one solution, that is, issuing bonds, issuing a large number of bonds, and building a navy. This is the only solution." Zhang Liang thought about it. This may be the best way to solve all problems.

"Issue national debt." Han Shu said.

"Yes, at present we need to develop the economy, we cannot increase taxation, because it is not yet time to increase taxation. Once taxation increases the burden, the development of enterprises will lose vitality. And if we blindly increase colonial taxation, we The situation will become very unfavorable. Therefore, the only way at present is to issue treasury bonds. In this case, we do not need to increase taxes, but can solve our financial problems. The development of the Navy is imminent." Zhang Liang said .

"Well, that's right, once there is a problem with Seth, the situation will develop towards a situation where we are out of control. At that time we did not have a reserve team to deal with such a situation." Han Shu said.

"In this case, as long as our future income exceeds our interest, maybe the government's project will earn it back. Just do this." Han Shu confirmed.

Chu State. Inside Wuyue Naval Shipyard. Xiang Liang is looking at the target with a telescope. Those are small boats, mainly for experiments.

"Sir, can you see the target?" an engineer asked.

"Those boats, nothing? What I want to know is how you sunk them. I don't think you have any warships for combat. How to solve it?" Xiang Liang asked.

"Sir, this is still a secret, you will find out in a while." The engineer said with a smile. Xiang Liang shook his head to express his understanding. He just took the telescope to observe the situation carefully to see if there was any abnormality, but he found that the situation had not changed.

"Boom." While Xiang Liang was observing, there was a huge explosion, and Xiang Liang was startled. He didn't notice any signs of gunfire, and the boat was blown up all at once.

"This. It was lost all at once?" Xiang Liang asked in surprise.

"Yes. Sir. It was blown up all at once. If it were a big ship, there would be a huge hole under the ship, and then the water would fill in quickly, and the ship would sink." The engineer said.

"I see. This is the offensive method of your new weapon, attacking from underwater? Right?" Xiang Liang asked.

"Yes, sir. And the destructive power is amazing." said the engineer.

"Okay, let's go and see. What kind of weapon is this?" Xiang Liang asked.

"Mine, sir, the new weapon is called sea mine." The engineer replied. Xiang Liang is overjoyed. This is the new weapon of the State of Chu. After using some sealing materials, the people of Qin invented sea mines. These mines were transferred to the people of Chu. The people of Chu planned to use these mines against the iron-clad warships of the people of Qi. Yes, but now, they plan to use them to deal with potential enemies in the future. Such secret weapons are still in the stage of great secrecy. The Koreans didn't even know that there were such weapons, and they didn't even know that there were such weapons.

Qi State, in Tian Dan's mansion, there are so many people here these days, it is not the newly-elected congressman. It is the newly appointed ministers, officers, or other people who come here. There are so many people here, too many to their deaths.

"Mr. Lou, do you have any plans to develop Qi State?" Tian Dan asked directly without being polite, after all, Lou Jing's appointment was about to come down. The next step is to form a cabinet. Although the military position in the cabinet was appointed by Tian Dan, Lou Jing still has the right to appoint him in terms of economic construction.

"The problem is very simple. To develop Qi's economy, but to develop Qi's economy, we need to give full play to the government's ability, and to give full play to the government's ability, we must have strong financial funds to support it." Lou Jing said.

"There is a problem with money." Tian Dan immediately shook his head when he heard this. What the Qi government currently lacks is money. Without money, it is difficult to solve the problem.

"The money problem is easy to solve." Lou Jing said.

"Oh. I don't know how Mr. Lou solves such a thing?" Tian Dan asked curiously.

"Issuing bonds, a large number of bonds, in this case, we don't have to tax, individual enterprises have vitality, and the economy can continue to develop. If this continues, the problem of funding can be solved." Lou Jing said.

"Issuing bonds. Does this mean that the new government is about to borrow heavily?" Tian Dan asked worriedly.

"The President does not need to worry. The interest rate will not be too much, and the funding problem can be solved. Qi’s domestic market is relatively narrow. If it continues to develop like this, it may be difficult to achieve development. Therefore, the next step is to open up other The market, for example, overseas colonies, this is a great development for us." Lou Jing said.

"You mean we are going to rebuild the navy?" Tian Dan asked.

"Yes, President. We must do this. Without overseas colonies, it is very difficult for us to develop. It is to bear the interest. We must do the same. Borrowing money is the only way to solve the current best solution, so as to maintain the vitality of our country. With this vitality, we are able to repay our debts, even if we borrow more debts, the problem can be solved." Lou Jing said. This is the method Lou Jing came up with, and it is the same as Zhang Liang. They all require the government to issue more bonds so that the government has more financial funds to do more things. Only in this way can the government be able to do more things, such as building a navy or developing more. The army expands the colony, these are the things the government should do. Bonds can avoid large-scale taxation and thus affect the economy. This is the best way.

"Well, you carry on with your plan, Prime Minister Lou." Tian Dan said. At this time, Tian Dan could only give a lot of power to Lou Jing.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"I heard that the Koreans in the Kingdom of Seth loaned money to the Shamans to help them fight the war, and there is a lot of material support. If this continues, it will be detrimental to us." Meng Yi said.

"Let them do it, we don't have to worry too much. This kind of thing is normal. I think Koreans have the truth of Koreans, and the journey is very long. This is a very good point for us. Rest in peace The fate of man has been decided." Shang Wen said lightly.

"However, I am worried that if this is the case, the war will enter a longer confrontation stage. This is not a good thing for us." Meng Yi looked at Shangwen and said.

"Look at this, everything is spent by the Dawan people, and we also have them, but relatively speaking, there are not many. The Dawan people are going from a rich person to a debt-laden person." Shang Wen laughed Speaking of passing the telegram to Meng Yi.

"Dawan people also want to borrow money?" Meng Yi asked.

"Right." Shang Wen nodded and said. This telegram comes from Wenyang Bank. Wenyang Bank wants to know how creditworthy the Dawan government is? Does the government support the continued lending, and if so, can they continue to lend to the Dawan government? After all, the Dawan government is now frantically issuing bonds, which means that the financial funds of the Dawan people are exhausted.

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