"What are these native soldiers gathering for?" the South Korean businessman at the port of Mengla asked curiously. They have just arrived here, and many things are still unclear.

"They are going to expedition. I heard that they are going to a very far country in Sori." said a local Korean businessman.

"Oh. This, it costs a lot of money." The South Korean businessman then asked.

"Hey. It's better to send these individuals away. These native soldiers don’t have much ability to fight, which will increase the trouble. They collect money here, and the national government returns them. These individuals, compare them as soon as possible. Good." The local businessman said impatiently.

"You know. These guys are very weak in combat effectiveness. I heard that the blacks over there are not very strong in combat effectiveness. Therefore, it is appropriate for these native soldiers to go there. Moreover, this time they are going out for the expedition, regardless of their situation. How is it? Anyway, this matter is resolved." The local businessman said.

"Oh." The Korean businessman just nodded to express his understanding, but he didn't understand why these native soldiers were hurriedly sent away by the government. He doesn't understand here either.

In fact, this is something that the South Korean government planned long ago. In their view, these native soldiers are useless, they are not good at fighting, and many soldiers are corrupted and corrupted very seriously. Usually they are fine with collecting taxes, but once the fight comes, it's hard to say how much they can survive. Moreover, with the high salaries of native soldiers. More and more locals have joined in. Among them, there are quite a lot of native soldiers without military status, but they are still willing to become native soldiers. The reason is that native soldiers can collect taxes. In the process of collecting taxes, they Can get some benefits. Although they cannot be blackmailed against South Korean businessmen, there is no such good consultation with locals, or Indians, Menglais, and Champus.

The prosperous area of ​​Bangla Port. This area is the area where Korean banks are concentrated. At first, some tea and sugarcane trading houses gathered here, then silk, tea, and then cotton, but I don’t know when it started. The trading house quietly moved away because of the good location. The business is prosperous, the rent required is very expensive, or the location is not cheap, those trading houses can support it at the beginning. But later, when the Bank of Korea arrived, they withdrew from those places because they were no longer fit to stay in that place.

Inside the headquarters of a bank.

"Is there a lot of recent banknotes issued? If this continues, Bangla's economy will collapse." A young banker worriedly said to the middle-aged banker next to him. They are all local big bankers, and the local banknotes in Bangla are issued by them. There is no way, the government borrows money, they still need to pay a large amount of taxes, and a large amount of metal currency transfers need to be done by them. If you leave the bank, the South Korean government's control of Bangla may be paralyzed.

"It's very troublesome about the affairs of this country. They borrowed a lot of debts. If they don't pay them back, what should we do? This is a big shortfall." said the middle-aged banker.

"I don't know about this. This Zhanpu country is still fighting. They are fighting endlessly. Even if they don't fight, they can't survive on their own." The other party said.

"Well, it is true. If they continue like this, it will be difficult for us to control their situation. But let's think about our own situation. At present, we need a lot of solutions to the situation in Bangla and the issuance of banknotes. Many, I heard that because of the issue of too many banknotes, the treatment of the native soldiers has decreased. If these native soldiers had not gone out to fight, they might have caused very bad conditions to the mainland." The young banker said worriedly To.

"No, I am also worried about this. However, there is no way. Trade is so developed and requires a lot of capital. Metal currency has already arrived in our hands. The local area needs these metal currency, and a large amount of metal currency has been withdrawn. It is very unfavorable for us. We can only use paper money. Otherwise, if there are less metal currencies, there will be less paper money circulating in the market. It is very pitiful. In this case, we can't keep this situation at all." said the middle-aged businessman.

"Oh, yes. But, banknotes without gold reserves can easily depreciate. This. Such things may have a great impact on our trade, and we have to guard against such things from happening." The young businessman worried. Speaking of.

"No, but there is no way. The local area needs a large amount of metal currency. The metal currency is transferred away. We can't ship it back. We can only use banknotes. Besides, some local people lose money. We have nothing to do with us, as long as we Just make more and more money," said the middle-aged businessman.

This bank meeting discussed the issue of re-issuing large-denomination banknotes, which they had considered before. They decided to issue banknotes with a face value of 100. The earliest banknotes were worth the same value as the metal currency. Later, the metal currency rose slowly and the banknotes began to depreciate. However, the banknotes at that time were only one yuan and five yuan. The smaller ones are just a few cents. Then there were ten yuan, fifty yuan, and then one hundred yuan. The interval between the processes is getting shorter and shorter, which shows that the number of banknotes issued by banks is increasing, and many of them can no longer be satisfied with small-denomination banknotes.

This time they decided to issue thousand-yuan banknotes in order to meet market demand, which is the demand for banknotes. The depreciation of paper money is too fast. It's hard for them to adapt when it's almost here. However, paper money is still in great demand. After all, trade is still relatively developed and everything must be carried out.

However, they are still very worried, because they have no gold reserves in their banks, and if they do not have gold reserves, they will issue banknotes indiscriminately. The consequences are quite serious. But they can't think about these things anymore.

A large amount of metal currency flows out of Bangla, the main destination is the local area, where a large amount of metal is needed, and the lack of a large amount of metal currency here results in further depreciation of banknotes. Issuing large-denomination banknotes is a satisfying demand, but in reality This will only aggravate the already serious rate of devaluation of banknotes.

South Korea, homegrown.

"The price of coal has gone up. This cloth has also gone up, and the food hasn't gone up. If the food goes up again, it will really be unaffordable. Forget it. This cloth, don't buy it." One woman said to another woman.

"That is, the price of coal is rising, my home, the stove dare not burn for a long time." The woman left and said.

"I don't know what's going on. It's because our money is worthless. Or is this thing worth it. How did the price of goods rise all at once." said one of the women.

"No, I also think this thing is weird, but I heard people on the street say that these were all caused by the people of Zhao Guo. If it hadn't been for them to increase the price of coal in a large amount, there would be no such thing as today. "The other party said so.

"I think we should take some measures against Zhao Guo. If it weren't for them, we could have such a thing, this floral cloth, forget it. Let's go and check the price of the vegetables." The woman said, she went to the vegetable market. went.

With the influx of a large amount of metal currency, Qin State Bank kept closing. However, I don’t know what’s going on. The metal currency on this market seems to be inexhaustible. More and more metal currency enters. This causes the currency of the metal currency used by Zhao Guo to start to depreciate, that is to say, it needs to be spent. More metal currency is used to buy more goods, and the rise in coal prices is naturally a phenomenon on the surface. Driven by the price of coal, the price of coke has risen, followed by the price of iron, followed by various iron products, and the price of newly manufactured carriages has also risen a lot. Even the train tickets have gone up a bit. People don't know why it rose, but they spread their grievances on Zhao Guoren. They all think that these are caused by Zhao Guoren's random increase in coal prices.

In fact, it was only caused by the influx of a large amount of metal currency. Qin State has worked very hard to collect these metal currencies, but still cannot satisfy the arrival of more and more metal currencies. Rising prices are a natural thing.

"How can we suppress this price increase?" Han Shu looked at the newspaper and asked Zhang Liang anxiously.

Zhang Liang looked at Han Shu and didn't know what to say. He also didn't know why prices rose suddenly, but fortunately. The price of food has not risen, otherwise, there will be a large-scale food shortage and the situation will be very serious. The current low food prices are terribly low, mainly because the people of Qin have more subsidies for agriculture.

In Qin, agriculture has gradually become a backward industry. A large number of slaves are used, as well as the use of some machinery, farm farming, and the emergence of a large number of animal husbandry areas in the north. Cereals and meat products are difficult to digest, and in order to prevent food crises. . The Qin government always subsidizes, and banks have to make some interest-free agricultural loans in order to obtain some tax-free projects. This has led to more and more grains in the farms, and farmers feel headaches about grain consumption. Not all of the food can be used to make wine. This has caused the price of alcohol to drop a lot. People have begun to consider not burning gasoline and alcohol. In addition to Qin's agricultural subsidies.

Chu is also a crazy country. Their southern colonial states also produced large-scale rice, and a large amount of rice entered Korea and other countries from Qingcheng. Naturally, the price of food cannot rise.

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