The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3088: The first slaves

Rice from the south of Chu, plus grains from Qin. It is difficult to directly suppress the increase in food prices. If this is not the case, it is difficult to explain that facing such a situation will cause people's lives to become more difficult. However, in response to this situation, all parties did not pay too much attention to it. After all, the price of food has not risen, and other increases are more acceptable to them.

Dawan Country, Tubao, this is a simple fortress, because this is the main point leading to the core hinterland of Dawan, but because of the dangerous terrain here, it is not suitable for living, they just built some holiday cabins here. The rest is not defensive at all. But the rest of the people came. Everything here must change, and the nearby militias are also aware of the important role here. Once they control this place, the logistics supply of several nearby towns will be cut off. Because a railway line is under the earthen fort, they built a simple earthen fort defense here. Fortunately, the defensive force of the Parthians is not very large, once a large number of troops arrive here. The logistics supply lines of several nearby towns are cut off, and the situation will become extremely dangerous.

"This railway line is very important." Li Zuoche said while looking at the surrounding terrain with a telescope. It belongs to the over hilly area of ​​plains and mountains. A railway just passes under the earthen fort. In this way, a situation of condescending protection is formed, of course. Once the Parthians occupy here, the situation here will become extremely bad. The Parthians can easily cut off the railway line. In that case, if the nearby towns do not get supplies, their situation may be worse. It becomes bad.

"Sir, we also know this very well, but our task is to reinforce the nearby towns. Not here." Li Ding said worriedly. Their order was very specific, to go to a certain town to strengthen the defense.

"No. It's more important here, you can't lose it, your company, defend here, build a position here, and, have you seen the two nearby hills?" Li Zuoche rejected Li Ding's suggestion.

"Yes, sir, I saw it." Li Ding said.

"Let the other two companies establish circular positions on the two hills, especially to erect artillery on them. As long as someone approaches, they will hit me fiercely." Li Zuoche said. There are two low hills around the Tubao, these two small hills just protect the two wings of the Tubao, and the firepower net can be formed between the three positions, which can effectively kill the other side, which is an excellent defense. After seeing the position, Li Zuoche naturally strengthened the defense here. Before, the Dawan people had only militias, and they were already very good at defending the earthen fort. They would never strengthen the defenses on both wings, but Li Zuoche knew that once the Parthians had solved their enemies, they would turn to deal with them. In that case, the situation would become unfavorable for them. This is a change in the game. Not much time is given to them.

"Okay. Don't say anything. Quickly strengthen the defense. Arrange the mortar position here in the earthen fort." Li Zuoche said. The Dawan army is very wealthy, and they are equipped with all kinds of weapons. They are equipped with hundreds of thousands of rifles that are loaded with bullets. Those were single-shot rifles without magazines, and Dawan people actually bought them very rich. Not only that, but also artillery artillery, although the range of the mortar is not very long, it can greatly enhance the firepower of the Dawan people in combat. In addition, there were some water-cooled heavy machine guns. The battalion did not get them because of the small number, but Li Zuoche got two rapid-fire guns. In this case, his long-range firepower has been greatly strengthened. In addition, there is no need to worry about his logistical supplies. The Dawan people have spent a considerable amount of financial funds to purchase a large amount of ammunition. It can be said that this kind of wealthy combat method still makes it difficult for Li Zuoche to adapt.

Having said that, the Dawan army began to build a position on the top of the hill, because the Parthians did not have artillery. They only have rockets, but the rocket attacks are not very powerful. They can only kill face targets on a large scale. This kind of protection is still very easy to solve, as long as a safety hole is built.

"If the Parthians come, they will suffer heavy losses." Li Zuoche said. For his subordinates, they can only conduct such defensive operations. You must know that the Dawan people have never fought in a single battle, and they don't even have the official designation of the army. Can only be named after their commander. For example, his combat unit is the Li Zuoche combat group. He can detain combat units smaller than him. As long as the opponent has no combat missions, this command method is extremely chaotic, but there is no way. The Qin people cannot integrate these operations. Unit, this requires a large number of officers.

Dawan. Cabinet meeting.

"We have purchased enough weapons. A large amount of ammunition is produced. I think it can be produced in Qin's military factory for more than a year." The Minister of Finance said.

"Our funds are already empty. If it weren't for our recent savings and good performance in Dawan, we have some credit. It would be difficult for us to continue to borrow money from Qin State Bank." The Minister of Finance said anxiously. He also knew that war was very costly of financial funds, but what he didn't expect was that such a cost of funds was actually consumed, and a large amount of funds was sent out like water.

"Well, this is not enough, we still need a lot of funds, at least five million gold coins." Li Mo looked at the report in his hand and shook his head and said.

"Five million gold coins." The Minister of Finance looked at each other in surprise. He thinks that the other party must be mad. This is a lot of money, which has far exceeded the size of 15 infantry divisions.

"Yes, you need such a lot of money. Don't worry, the money is worth it. Did you know? The people of Qin will completely solve the problem of the Sabbath country. This is a very important thing for us." Li Mo said To.

"Qin people told us that they are uniting Tocharo. If Tochar was involved, we would be able to completely wipe out the entire Parthian army, and the main force of the Parthian troops would be completely lost. In that case, our situation would be lost. Become extremely advantageous. In addition to these, we will launch a counterattack to completely solve this **** Sabbath country. Only then can we expand westward in great strides, and our Dawan country will solve all problems well. Moreover, a large number of troops have been established. We have only expelled the Parths and they will come again. In that case, the problem will not be fundamentally solved. I have repeatedly explained this problem." Li Mo said.

"Parliament is unlikely to agree to such a thing." The Finance Minister said, shaking his head.

"No. They agreed. They agreed to my request. I explained to them that the long-term harassment of the rest of the world poses a great threat to us. This threat is a huge poison to us. We To get rid of such poisoning, we must have short-term pain. In other words, we must cooperate with the large-scale westward advancement of the Qin army. Moreover, the people of Qin have united with Tochara, and the Tocharians are also deeply poisoned by the Parthians, and their trade cannot start They also have territorial requirements. Faced with such needs, they are naturally willing to cooperate with us. Now, what we have to do is to solve this problem. Solve this problem thoroughly. Therefore, five million gold coins are not counted. What." Li Mo said generously. The Minister of Finance can only shook his head secretly. He knew that these five million gold coins would take more than ten years of the financial capacity of Dawan to pay off, and this was still in the case of rising copper prices. If once there are some problems with copper prices. They may face a financial crisis for more than two decades, and this possibility is all there is.

"Okay. Let's think more about the economy. I think our production cannot be stopped. Otherwise, the entire Dawan economy will be paralyzed." The Minister of Economy said. He felt that Dawan's economy must not be stopped. In that case, their situation will become even worse.

"Yes. That's right. Our economy must not stop and continue to develop." Li Mo nodded in agreement.

"But the problem is that a large number of young and strong laborers are on the battlefield. How to solve the problem of mining minerals? We need a lot of labor. Without labor, it is difficult for us to solve such problems." The Minister of Economy said. The labor problem has become more acute again. Before the Dawan people were able to participate in the mineral production, but now, a large number of young and strong laborers are participating in the army, and only women and elderly people can still use it. As a result, their mineral production has suddenly stopped a lot. This is absolutely bad for Dawan's economy.

"We can use slaves, a large number of Indian slaves, we can import from the South, for example, from Yueshi. There are other places where we can get the slave resources we want." The Secretary of Defense said. He also knows very well that if there is a problem with the financial funds of the Dawan army, the problem for the Dawan army will become very big. Moreover, the Dawan army has bought too many weapons. Keep placing orders, it is really difficult to meet their needs without sufficient funds. Therefore, he must also ensure that Dawan's economy develops. Otherwise, it will be difficult for him to continue to receive sufficient financial funds.

"Okay. Just buy slaves from Yueshi or India. As long as we have enough slaves, we don't have to worry about it, and don't worry too much." Li Mo said. The other party was helpless and could only nod his head in agreement. In this way, the economic policy of Dawan has been settled. A large number of slaves are used to enter the mineral industry.

Tocharo cabinet meeting.

"It seems that we can only solve our current dilemma if we participate on a large scale. The Minister of Defense is right." The Minister of Economy said.

"Our domestic market is small, and the things we produce can only be sold to Yueshi people and Anxi people. The demand for Yueshi people will not be great, they can get them from Qin people. Therefore, our market is mainly aimed at Shabbats, only Shabbats can meet our needs, so we need to solve this problem with Shabbats. Instead of participating on a small scale like ours, it is better to participate on a large scale to get greater benefits." The Minister of Economy said.

Several ministers in other cabinets have to look at it this way. After repeated weighing, they felt that participating in this war was not without benefits. The telegram sent by the people of Qin said that they were willing to provide a new loan to solve their railway problem, of course. Qin State did not let go on the issue of garrison. After all, before repaying the railway loan, the people of Qin State could not take risks like this. This was their demand, and the minerals and commodities they found needed to be exported, and they needed railways. Both parties have great demand. At this point, neither side has a problem, but the problem lies in the post-war distribution of the Parthians.

"We have territorial requirements for Rest. This is not excessive. After all, what is our purpose is that our land here is not fertile, relatively barren. Occupying Rest, we can get more land. To solve our difficulties in development Problem.” The Minister of Economy said.

"If the people of Qin can agree to this, I think we can still accept it," the Minister of Economy said. This is what the Tocharians want, and they want their territorial requirements to be met.

Yueshi. domestic.

"Oh, who are these people?" The Yue people were looking at the black slaves passing by in front of the houses they had just built. The Yue slave traders kept beating them. The black slaves wore simple clothes and their shoes seemed to wear. Not used to it, they are used to walking barefoot and wearing shoes all at once, which makes them even more funny, but they must learn to use shoes, otherwise, it is difficult for them to walk a long way to reach their destination. Some northern railway project construction sites are coming up.

"Black people. They are all slaves. Look at them." A slave trader grabbed a little slave and said loudly. And he opened the other's teeth and said. It's like looking at an animal.

"It's so dark, won't you bite?" the curious Yueshi asked.

"No, they are very docile. No one escaped along the way. They have never been here, so we don’t have to be afraid of them. They will all go to the railway construction site in the north, where they will do well. Own work." Yue's slave trader said with a smile. Saying that he drove the slave forward. These blacks were the first slaves. Their main purpose is to build a railway, and they still feel very strange to this place. After all, they were the first slaves to arrive here, and the climate here is also very special. Many of them got sick and died because of the inadequacy of the soil and water, but they were lucky to eat well, otherwise, they would die a lot of people.

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