The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3092: Radio technology

"Take down the heating equipment," Lieutenant Lu Cai said to his sergeant Li Bu.

"Sir, this, why, you know, this weather is very cold, plus we fly high. This. In the sky, I can't stand it." Sergeant Li Bu said.

"This time we won't be able to fly very high. Our goal is to open a passage. A flight suit is enough." As Ensign Lv Cai said, he put a thick hat on his head.

"Oh my God. Without heating, people will freeze to death and kill people," the sergeant said. The Flying Tigers decided to dispatch half of the airships to explore a new route, which was too far away. The straight-line distance is more than 700 miles, but one round trip is basically enough for them to return. However, they have installed an auxiliary fuel tank this time. It is said that it is made of aluminum alloy, which is very light and light, which makes them feel incredible. But they still want to add a few more fuel tanks, after all, they still plan to come back, and some unnecessary things have to be removed.

Airships are special aircraft. In addition to the special conditions at high altitudes, some airships are equipped with heating equipment and some electric heating equipment. They have a small generator that can provide limited power. The power is mainly provided to wireless equipment. This equipment occupies A lot of space. But they are still willing to tear down the **** heating equipment or the radio. All fools understand what kind of disaster they will face if they lose contact in the air.

In order to maintain some body temperature, they had to apply a lot of antifreeze oil on their hands and put on heavy flight suits. Qin's flight suit was a cashmere jacket. From the northern region, this garment is made of leather. The inside is made of wool, so it looks very warm, but no matter how high you fly, the freezing resistance of this kind of clothing is very limited. Especially in such cold weather. They are to explore the route, and this task determines that they must control the altitude in a new unit, about 500 meters in the air. At this distance, the opponent’s artillery and rifle are not very threatening, and they can see the ground clearly, which requires a lot of patience. And meticulous observation. Qin Jun has already started to use the new length unit. Although some officers still don't understand, they feel that the meter unit is a bit redundant, or closer to step, but to them, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Okay. After disassembly, we will equip the fuel tank. We will come back when we get there. If we bring people, we may get lost. We have to make a mark. We don't want to fly in vain." Lu Cai said.

"Yes, sir, I see. Your Straight Flush is the best airship. He is like your little daughter-in-law." A corporal worked with a wrench. The cold weather made him feel uncomfortable, but he still took down the heating equipment.

"Hehe. I like straight flushes, you know? The squadron leader loses to my straight flush every time he plays poker. He can bring us good luck. You should be grateful for straight flushes." The ensign said.

Playing cards have been spread among the Qin Army. This game is very popular among many officers and soldiers, not only Qin Army, Korean New Army, Zhao Jun, but also Qi Jun and Chu Jun. They all like this game, game. There are many types, and it is easy to carry. Most importantly, in other armies, these playing cards can be gambled. This can bring a lot of fun. You must know that life in the military camp is quite boring. They don't want to make their military camp life so uninteresting, so they become very active and gamble. In addition, some troops are stationed outside. There is no place to spend money near them. No one wants to make money behind these stinky soldiers. Those women who sell skin and meat are out. So, gambling is their only pleasure.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Electricity. Zhao Guo is really generous." Han Shu said after seeing the report of Guo Kai's coal meeting. South Korea’s collection of information is quite complete. They value intelligence very much. Simple business information will also be analyzed by them to find out some of the country’s confidential information. Coupled with the existence of commercial espionage, the espionage industry has developed rapidly. Because the information of this era, because of the appearance of the telegraph, began to expand rapidly, and people became sensitive to information. In particular, business intelligence often contains a country's economic development strategies, diplomatic methods of response, and so on. These have a big impact.

"Master, I think we should also pay attention to the use of electricity. For example, in shipbuilding, iron armor requires a lot of electric welding technology. In this regard, we have certain mature technologies, but we still have some profound technologies. Not mastered. In addition, electricity is needed in many places. For example, electric welding is an example. In addition, I heard that there are electric furnaces that can better control the temperature. This is an important basis for us to get a good gun steel, telephone, telegraph . And all kinds of places need electricity." Zhang Liang said.

"If it weren't for you to remind me, I might have forgotten. Where did our electricity come from? You know, our electricity is supplied by ourselves, and the coal needed by the surrounding power plants can come from Zhao Guo. Now Zhao Guoyi Rising, it is not good for us." Han Shu said worriedly.

"Yes, King, the key is that the use of electricity is very important. Most of the machinery and equipment require electricity." Zhang Liang said.

"That's right, this problem must be resolved. It is okay to buy a large amount of electricity from a country, but we must solve our energy crisis in the future. This can't go on. If this is the case, there will be great danger. "Han Shu said worriedly.

"This. Lord, we will solve it." Zhang Liang said. Han Shu nodded. She still believes that South Korea has a great energy defect. With the rise in energy prices, mainly coal prices, the importance of energy lies in the security issues of various countries. They believe that ensuring the energy security of their own countries is also one of the important security measures. Think about it, cut off Energy supply is equivalent to cutting off the blood of one's own country. This is a very dangerous thing. Countries do not want such problems, but this is the beginning of power supply. The more development, the more this problem becomes. It's getting worse.

Zhao Guo, Ministry of the Navy.

"Radio. This is very expensive." The Secretary of the Navy said, looking at the report in his hand.

"Sir, I think you have seen it too. This kind of thing is so precious because it is expensive. The people of Qin can already manufacture such equipment. We also have research in this area, but it will cost a lot to put it into use. Long time." said a Lieutenant Commander. There was also a lieutenant colonel who kept nodding his head in affirmation.

"Sir, you can look at the results of the Battle of Queen Strait, and the situation of the Korean Navy’s blockade war. The Qi’s navy lost in communications. The reason why the Koreans were able to win this war was that they used With cables, our current cable situation is far inferior to the Koreans. The Koreans control almost all overseas cable communications. Under such circumstances, when we encounter such opponents in the future, we are dumb and deaf. We just saw what we could do. In the same way, if we can't hear, we can't speak, people can easily bully us. This is a great passivity for us. It is difficult for us to win such a naval battle." said the lieutenant colonel.

"I understand this, and I understand what you said, but you also know that our funds are very tight, and many places need money. Your radio equipment is not cheap. There will be maintenance and training in the later period. This. The people of Qin will not give us such technology in vain." The Navy Secretary said.

"Sir, I think we can delve into this kind of technology until we will. We can also sell it to others." said the navy lieutenant colonel.

"Then we earn from them what we paid for, and more." said the lieutenant colonel.

"This. Who would use this thing?" said the Secretary of the Navy. He thinks this radio equipment is too expensive. Moreover, it is not stable. Over a certain distance, it may not be possible to guarantee that such a signal can be transmitted.

"This, sir, it's very simple. The Qi State Navy is our next home. They suffered a huge loss in communications during the Queen Strait Battle. They don't want to suffer such a loss again, so they will definitely buy new ones. Communication equipment, and this radio is the new communication equipment." The other party said with a smile.

"Yes, sir, you should understand that in their consideration, as long as we have control. We can earn money from the Qi people. The Qi people cannot be ganked twice on one issue. In that case, they will It's too short," said the lieutenant colonel.

"Yeah. What you said makes sense, but this is not cheap, and a lot of other equipment needs to be built. This. It costs too much. If it doesn't work, what do you do?" said the Secretary of the Navy. He saw a lot of negative reports on radio. For example, telegrams without cables are stable. Many times, they need to send out signals repeatedly, but the advantage is that they can quickly receive signals and respond, which is better than cables. Telegram is much easier to use. But this problem is also very big. Instability, you need to build a tower to forward the signal. This is a sum of money, not a small amount of money.

"This, sir, the problem is solved. We can sell it to other people, and we can earn the money. However, the opportunity is lost. But it is very passive." Said the navy lieutenant colonel.

"Okay. Me, I agreed." said the Secretary of the Navy.

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