The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3093: Can't find the target

On the road from Qi State to South Korea, Qi State does not have a railway to the outside world, and the road is not very good. In fact, it is just a solid foundation and some fine stones. But now, Qi State’s roads are everywhere. It is a carriage, and these roads have not been repaired in time, so these roads are still bumpy.

"Oh, Prime Minister, this way. It's bumpy." In an official resting place. Lou Jing's assistant said worriedly.

"This road really needs to be repaired." Lou Jing said.

"Prime Minister, this road really needs to be repaired. However, if we have a railway, the bumps may be better, and we also need a railway now in Qi." The assistant said at this time.

"I also know this. Qi's trade does require a lot of railways, which can greatly increase our trade volume. However, the money is not easy to get." Lou Jing said.

In fact, he was already thinking about this issue when he was walking on the road. But the problem is that even if funds are issued, developing overseas, and rebuilding the navy is a top priority. It may be difficult for these funds to have the remaining funds from them to build railways, how to build railways, and to raise funds. Lou Jing is trying everything possible.

"Prime Minister, we can go to the Koreans to think of ways, maybe they can lend us such a sum of money to solve this problem, if we get such a lot of funds in the future colonial expansion, we can solve this problem. "The assistant suggested.

"It's not impossible, but the relationship between the two countries has just eased, and it is not yet time to borrow money. As long as South Korea no longer blocks our overseas trade, I will be very happy." Lou Jing said.

"This railway matter should still be resolved from the railway. Otherwise, the situation will be difficult to resolve. Tell me, do you have any requirements from South Korea?" Lou Jing asked his assistant.

"The Korean side has no requirements. They seem to have put a lot of attention on easing relations with us," the assistant said.

"The domestic situation is a bit complicated. As you know, the country is rebuilding the navy. The Navy Department plans to introduce a new technology, but this technology is very expensive for us. They want to increase some technical costs. But. "The assistant looked at Lou Jing worried.

"What technology?" Lou Jing asked.

"Radio, Prime Minister, you know, last time, we suffered a heavy loss. The big reason is because of the inconvenience of communication. Our navy simply cannot get accurate information. This is a huge disaster for us. "The assistant said.

"So, the Admiralty chose new communication equipment. Radio." Lou Jing said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, this kind of equipment is very advanced, mainly because there is no need to lay a large number of cables. Prime Minister, you know, most of the submarine cables are now in the hands of Koreans. With this technology, Korean communications There is a big guarantee. In contrast, Chu people are also actively laying their own cables. However, this kind of cable laying takes a long time. Chu people are unlikely to take the initiative all at once. People from Chu are not good enough, let alone us." The assistant said.

"You're right." Lou Jing nodded. The Koreans, who are in a communications monopoly, will never allow such things to happen. Therefore, the only way is for them to find ways to solve such technical problems. But how to solve it? This is a lot of problems.

"The radio can avoid this situation. If we occupy a few points in the future, we can control most of the communications. These are all communications, and we can communicate on the move at any time. This is quite remarkable. Even the Koreans. We can't do this. With this kind of technology, we have a lot of initiative." The assistant persuaded.

"Well. Money can be spent more, things have to be done. Okay. That's how it was decided. We decided to buy such technical equipment and equip it for the navy. As long as the navy can bring great benefits, such an investment , It is worth it.” Then Lou Jing decided to give the Navy an expanded fund to purchase related equipment.

Wei Guo, big beam.

"This Chen Yu is simply Chen Dipi." A Wei countryman looked at a row of simple houses and pushed him. Speaking of it.

"Why do you say that?" a Chu businessman passing by asked. He came here to buy some goods. Wei State has a large number of industrial products. However, they were all products from small workshops. The quality was good and the price was cheap. This attracted many Chu merchants to purchase the goods and then resell them to Wuyue area. There is an important place for commercial development. The most important thing is that the development speed there is quite fast and the demand has become very large. For them. The most important thing is this.

"Oh, you don't know yet. This Chen Yu is our consul here. I don't know what the consul thinks. He actually wants to demolish our houses and say that they are going to build factories. They say they are sold to those factories. The masters produce." Wei Guoren said.

"Oh, this land is not worth money." Chu State businessman said.

"This land is not valuable, but you have to look at where it is. This is the beam of the State of Wei. The land here is worth a lot of money. Buying a commercial house or something is a lot of money. The government has not collected less money. No, there is no place for Daliang to develop. They are targeting the places where the poor people like us live. If we people have any money, if the government gives some money, we have to move. Said it is for our good." The Chinese said.

"You just moved away like this?" Chu businessman asked.

"It's okay. Originally, there was no land book in these places, and we should have left here." Wei Guoren said.

In order to increase fiscal revenue, Chen Yu had to come up with such a way of selling land to earn capital. Daliang has the advantage of a large number of laborers, and many labor-intensive enterprises have settled here. In addition, Chen Yu has reduced most of the business. Tax, Wei Guo has actually become the country with the lowest commercial tax in all countries, and the population here is densely populated, so there are still many factories choosing here.

This also satisfies Chen Yu's sale of the land for profit, but this crazy demolishing of civilian areas. This made many Wei people extremely dissatisfied with him, so Wei people gave him a nickname called Chen Dipi. Because he and scraping land are almost the same thing.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside Wenyang Bank headquarters.

"Now all countries are issuing a large number of bonds, and the number of bonds is almost showing an increasing trend." Xiao He said.

"Well, they will issue it. The problem is that we don't have that much capital to buy into so many bonds. The trend still needs to be seen. But the most important thing at the moment is that we don't have much gold reserves and we must find a solution. The problem of re-gathering a large amount of gold reserves here." Yingyu said.

"In the Western Regions, we put a lot of gold and silver coins into it. The problem now is that it is not the bond issue of the six Kanto countries, but our gold reserves. We must increase the gold reserves. In order to make the next step, for The bond issue of the six countries. Let it go.” Yingyu said.

"Good. Yes." Xiao He said. It is indeed a bit complicated for such a problem, but at present, Qin State Bank cannot break up to do such a thing at all. A large number of banks have already participated in the affairs of the Western Regions. The Dawan government plans to issue bonds worth more than five million gold coins, and major banks are eager to underwrite them. Without a certain amount of gold reserves, such a thing cannot be done at all. In contrast, the purchase of bonds becomes unimportant. For them, such things are not their consideration at all. Therefore, the most important thing for them now is to increase their gold reserves. The banks are concerned about Dawan, a resource-rich country, and the rest are not what they are concerned about.

Within the territory of Dawan. The Straight Flush airship is advancing slowly. They are constantly searching for the target below. I hope to find the right way forward.

"How far have we gone?" Lu Cai asked. He was a little worried. He hadn't eaten his lunch yet, so it was just beside him. And his sergeant has eaten two cans of canned food.

"Sir, I have calculated. We have already walked more than 700 miles. If this continues, if we can't find the target, the situation will become very bad." The sergeant said worriedly.

"Go ahead and leave the rest alone." Lu Cai said. This number has made him amazing. They are already half way forward. This has consumed a large part of their fuel, and if they can't find the target, they can't do anything.

"Is there contact with the ground?" Lu Cai asked.

"No, there is no news on the ground. Still can't contact, but we still can't find the target. Without the target, we can't land." The sergeant said.

"Damn it. Damn it," Lu Cai said. If they can't find it again, they won't be able to go back.

"Even if half of the fuel is consumed, we must find it." Lu Cai made up his mind.

Inside Li Xin's headquarters.

"Is the signal lit?" Li Xin asked.

"It has been ignited. But, there hasn't been any airship brought by it yet. Isn't it?" The staff officer on the side said worriedly. They know very well that this is a signal to send an airship to pick them up, but they are also worried if the airship does not come. After all, the weather is still very bad. The forecast said that there will be heavy snow in the future. If the rest of the people attack again, their What will happen?

"Wait. Don't worry, we have to wait patiently." The other party said.

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