Qin State, inside the office of Wenyang Arsenal.

"This is a sample report handed over by Zhao Guoren. They changed some of our designs. For example, some simple stamping equipment can be used for manufacturing. However, there is no problem in quality, but the price." A supervisor took The report said.

"There is no problem with the quality. As long as there is no problem with the speed of their production, it is fine." The manager read the report and handed it to the other party.

"But. Director, this way, the cost of the other party has been reduced. Should we adjust the price. After all, we have sold a lot of technology." The supervisor said.

"If it makes sense, just say it, if it doesn't make sense, then forget it. I think, let's forget it." I want to say it after being ideal.

"But, manager, how can this matter be like this." The supervisor felt very unreasonable.

"What is our main thing now?" the manager asked. The supervisor shook his head and didn't know.

"What we need now is a large number of orders. Dawan needs a lot of orders. Therefore, we need these orders to be completed. Don't cause trouble because of some small things. In this case, it is a very troublesome thing for us. "The manager said.

"So, we mainly do the order work. Also, Dawan has ordered again. There are a lot of landmines. I really don't know if the above is crazy." The manager said. Because the number of orders is very large, it exceeds one million mines. He didn't know how much impact would be caused if so many mines were laid down.

"So many mines? Did the Dawan plan to put all the mines on where?" the supervisor said.

"Okay. This is not our business. Let Zhao Guoren do this, and we can produce other things." The manager said.

State of Zhao, Handan. A bullet production plant.

"Qin people's grenades do not require the use of black powder. In that case, the power of the grenades will be greatly reduced. Not only that, but also their mines." A supervisor in charge of production said to his factory director.

"They want to use high explosives?" the factory director asked.

"Yes, we have contacted the gunpowder factory. They can produce, but a lot of orders have been placed. For example, they can still meet the bullets, but they can't produce grenades because they still have a lot of mines. Mainly Yes, nitric acid and sulfuric acid cannot be met, so they felt that our demand has become a bit larger. However, if we import, we need to raise the price. This cost is very high. Unless." The supervisor said.

"Unless what?" the factory director asked.

"Unless we can produce it ourselves, in this case, we can quickly reduce the cost. This is a very good thing for us. According to the current situation, we will definitely need a lot of nitric acid in the future. And sulfuric acid," the supervisor said.

"Of course. Even if we don't produce these things, we can still produce other things. This is a good thing for us." The production supervisor said.

"Yeah." The director nodded. He is seriously considering this matter. After the smokeless gunpowder technology was obtained, Zhao and South Korea imposed a strict blockade. But many things cannot be produced by them. For example, large-scale production of nitric acid, the current chemical industry in Zhao State can only produce some crude ammonia. To produce a large amount of nitric acid, some new technologies are needed. In addition, they need a lot of sulfuric acid. They can produce some sulfuric acid, and the purity is fairly good. It is mainly sulfuric acid obtained from some sulfur-containing coal, which can be said to be some by-products. However, the output of nitric acid strictly limits their production unless they use some rough technology to manufacture them in large quantities. The amount of saltpeter required for this is extremely staggering. In this case, the cost is very high.

"At present, without these nitric acid, we would not be able to produce such a large amount of smokeless gunpowder. The current demand for smokeless gunpowder is very high," said the supervisor.

"We are a bullet factory. Without smokeless gunpowder, we would not be able to produce so many cannonballs. In the future technological competition, we may be in an absolute disadvantaged position." The supervisor said.

"You mean, let us introduce such equipment and technology?" the factory manager asked.

"Yes, the director," the supervisor said.

"Okay. Listen to you, we will occupy the commanding heights. In this way, we can sell the bullets and shells we produce, and we will do it like this." The director decided.

Zhao Guo's chemical industry started very late. They still can’t make many things, such as nitric acid, because nitric acid is more troublesome to make. It is difficult to make without a certain chemical basis. Although Zhao Guo can make sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid can also be made, nitric acid, To be manufactured on a large scale still requires some technical foundation.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"New-style gunpowder?" Fan Zeng asked the Secretary of the Army.

"Yes, new-style gunpowder. The Korean three-inch gun. Why can it penetrate the iron-clad ships of Qi people? Ordinary black gunpowder is simply unable to achieve such a goal. We have done such an experiment, and the result is that we can't at all. Machine armor. Or it is the result of our close proximity, and the caliber of the artillery must be larger, at least four inches or more. However. If we use a three-inch cannon, we cannot penetrate the armor at all. Unless we use a new type of propellant. "The Secretary of the Army said solemnly.

"But, we don't have such a technology, nor a formula for new-style gunpowder. How to produce it?" Fan Zeng said helplessly.

"Prime Minister. We can introduce this kind of technology, and this kind of technology is currently available in three companies. Zhao, South Korea, and Qin, the price of Qin people is relatively high. But as long as there is competition between South Korea and Zhao, we can still get it. Such a technology." said the Secretary of the Army.

"Well, I will solve this matter. I will think about it." Fan Zeng knew. In the end, this question boils down to one word. Money, without money, they can't solve such a problem at all.

After the Secretary of War left. Chen Ping, who hurried over, handed a report to Fan Zeng.

"We have already measured it. If we need to build a railway, we need to build a bridge on the Yangtze River. This bridge must be built with steel structure, which can be manufactured by the people of Qin. Our steel plant can produce steel rails, and of course rails can also be built. , But for some special steel, we still need some Zhao Guo’s technology. However, with this technology and if this problem is solved, the train’s traffic capacity will be greatly improved. This kind of thing will come to us. That said, it is very beneficial." Chen Ping's recent busy schedule is to build a bridge across the Yangtze River. If you were to build such a large bridge before, it was absolutely impossible, because firstly the materials could not be solved, and secondly, the carrying capacity. It is difficult to complete such a large carrying capacity. The load capacity of a train is difficult to bear. Finally, the design of bridges. With the establishment of a large number of railway bridges, many bridges in railway engineering have been successfully constructed there, from the iron bridge at the beginning to the reinforced concrete bridge today. To the specially constructed steel bridge. These are all requirements for new construction projects.

"These all cost a lot of money," Fan Zeng asked.

"Yes. But such expenses are still okay. We can issue part of the bonds in Wuyue area, plus part of the taxes we collect in the colonies. I think it can be dealt with." Chen Ping has been pushing Chu State to establish a policy. The railway from Pengcheng to Wuyue area, in this way, the north-south economy can be opened up. With such a railway connection, goods from the south and goods from the north can be reached, which can greatly promote the economic growth of Chu.

"We still need some money to expand our navy." Fan Zeng said.

"Can you solve this part of the funding problem?" Fan Zeng asked.

"This. I think about it, maybe we can have a way to solve such a problem." Chen Ping knew. The development of the navy is very important to them.

Dawan Country, surrounded by the circle.

On the defensive position of the 3rd Infantry Division of the Dawan Army, they were responsible for defending against the offensive of the Parthians in the north. The Dawan soldiers increased their vigilance. Because they are warned that if they relax their vigilance, they will be cut by the rest. This is a huge disaster for them. In order to avoid such things from happening, they can only raise their vigilance.

"You said, what are those big bonfires used for? Isn't it a waste of fuel if this continues? Also, if it keeps burning, isn't it telling the rest that we have someone here, let them hit us, we can I suffered." A Dawan second-class soldier worriedly asked the veteran next to him.

"How do I know, what I know is that there must be a reason for doing so," the veteran said.

"But, it's too wasteful. It's better to give us the fuel. The weather is too cold. If it's snowing, it will be very difficult for us." The second class said.

"However, there are some things, I think it's better for me to tell you. I heard that this is done to make the airship fly down." The veteran said.

"Now the encirclement is the same as the iron bucket, and we are running again. There are more than 20,000 people, and this material can't come in. If the Qin people can bring the material in. We can continue to hold on." The veteran said.

"I'm afraid that the officials will run away. Especially the people of Qin, you and I know, we will definitely not be able to stick to it next." The second class said pessimistically. The wailing of the wounded soldiers made them extremely sensitive.

On the Pai people's position, Zheng Yun took a telescope and looked at the Dawan people's position in the distance.

"The positions of the Dawan people are arranged in multiple levels. In this case, it is difficult for me to break through, and the Qin people implement mobile defenses. They have quite a lot of reserves in their hands. Unless we launch more offensives, it is difficult to consume the opponent. The reserve team." Zheng Yun said.

"We have no way. Now we can only mobilize troops from the rear. We have once again recruited more than 100,000 people to participate, and the number of rockets is not very large, only about more than two thousand. One attack is enough. We are. It is difficult to launch a larger-scale battle." Murdor said to Zheng Yun.

"Well. The situation seems to be a bit bad for us." Zheng Yun said.

"What is that? Sir." A guard next to Zheng Yun said to him.

"Sir, look over there." The guard said, pointing to a position in the sky. Zheng Yun looked around, and then picked up the binoculars in surprise.

"Oh my God. It turned out to be, it turned out to be an airship. Qin's airship." Zheng Yun said in surprise.

Heaven. Straight Flush.

"How much fuel do we have?" Lu Cai asked.

"Sir, it's less than ten percent. It's going to be over soon." The sergeant looked and shook his head and said.

"Have you not found the target yet?" Lu Cai asked loudly to the corporal below. The corporal was looking carefully with a telescope. The previous weather was very bad. The fog was so foggy that he couldn’t find the target, and the airship consumed several times as much fuel as usual in bad weather. At the same time, they traveled more distances. In fact, they had already traveled more than 1,500 miles. . This has reached their limit. If they can't find the target anymore, they can only make a crash landing, or drift downwind. In that case, it will become extremely dangerous, and no one knows what will happen.

"No. Sir," the corporal replied.

"Sir, we should still be prepared for an emergency landing, or we can find a way to enter the encirclement, maybe there is a way. Or yes." The sergeant has already made a plan. If they make an emergency landing, they need to destroy the airship.

"Target. It's the target, I found it." The corporal shouted loudly just then.

"What?" Lu Cai asked excitedly.

"It's the target, you see, the smoke, and the fire. This is the predetermined signal. There are many more. I will contact you immediately," the sergeant said.

Lu Cai picked up the telescope and confirmed it. Just when they were sure that there was nothing they could do, an accident suddenly appeared. This was a great thing for them.

"Preparing to land. Preparing to land." Lu Cai shouted loudly.

"I finally know why the people in Dawan are burning so many fires. That's a signal. A **** signal." Zheng Yun said helplessly while looking at the airship that was about to land. He knew that the situation of the Dawan people had become more favorable, and the people of the Qin country could use their air superiority to complete huge logistical supplies.

"Sir, good news, our airship, the airship is here." A lieutenant told Li Xin excitedly.

"Airship, is it coming?" Li Xin asked.

"Yes, sir, just landed. They finally found this place." The lieutenant said Ou.

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