Zhao Guoju deer. At the time when a large-scale workers' strike was held in Handan, Zhao State. Guo Kai is discussing a series of financial cooperation matters with Lou Jing.

"Stocks are very important to enterprises. In the past, our entrepreneurs valued shares too much. They believed that only 100% or more than 80% of the shares held the company. . This is too narrow." Guo Kai said to Lou Jing in the tone of a past person. After all, Qi State does not have a financial market. Qi State wants to develop the financial industry and revitalize Qi State’s economy through financial stocks. The only way is to transfer out a large number of shares in order to allow more funds to enter their company. Among them.

"With such backward ideas, our enterprise development has encountered unprecedented problems. At present, banks do not have such a large amount of funds, and our government's funding is very limited. The government can never lend a large amount of funds to enterprises. Do business." Guo Kai said.

"What the prime minister said is." Lou Jing said very politely. If it weren't for asking the other party, Lou Jing would have to do the same. Before coming. Lou Jing also got good news. The news is that Qi's merchant ships have obtained several ships of silver from Wadao Island, and these silvers can largely solve the problem of Qi's insufficient financial funds. At the same time, this silver can also greatly stimulate the development of Qi's foreign trade. These are some of the confidence that Qi can come here to negotiate.

"However, Prime Minister, I think this kind of cooperation is very beneficial to both of us. For example, Zhao Guo’s enterprise production, along with the rise in coal prices, I think the costs of some enterprises will rise. Faced with such pressure, he naturally seeks a brand-new stage to meet their requirements. I think that our Qi country has this kind of convenience. However, our Qi country lacks only such an opportunity. If we can take This kind of other mortgage of shares is done in a formal way. Attracting all parties to invest, for example, Zhao Guo’s enterprise can come to us if the cost is high. In this case, it becomes very easy for us. We are also very welcome." Lou Jing said to Guo Kai.

"Well. What the Prime Minister said is, I think we should do this, so we sat down and talked about this matter. After all, such a matter is beneficial to everyone. What we need is cooperation and cooperation. Only in order to have greater interests, right?" Guo Kai said with a smile.

Immediately, the two sides began to talk about formal topics. Guo Kai's meaning was very clear, that is, Zhao State has many advantages. For example, if you want to issue shares in the stock market, it is unrealistic and immature for Qi State to establish such a market at once Qi State does not have such ability. Firstly, their transportation is not developed. Secondly, their cables and telegraph technology are relatively backward. They are far from the already developed rivals of Zhao State, not only that. Zhao Guo's finance has a certain scale, far higher than Qi Guo in terms of experience. If it were not for these considerations, Lou Jing had to conduct such negotiations with Qi State. Although Qi State was disadvantageous, Lou Jing did not hesitate to do so, because Qi State’s development and growth really cannot do without the help of finance.

Qin State. Xianyang.

"A big event has happened in Handan. Such a big event makes us feel a little unprepared." Meng Yi said to Shangwen worriedly. Shangwen looked at the telegram in his hand. This was a telegram from the Qin State Embassy in Handan, Zhao State. The telegram described the violence in Handan in detail.

"Our military production. Especially the military orders from Dawan are mostly produced in the Zhao State Arms Factory, and their workers are holding such a large-scale strike. This will seriously affect our military orders." Meng Yi Speaking to Shangwen.

"We must urge Zhao to take measures, otherwise, this situation may develop to our disadvantage." Shang Wen said after reading the telegram.

"We are also aware of the problems in this area, but Zhao Guo has not taken relevant effective measures so far, and none of their police officers have taken to the streets to effectively stop this situation, and entrepreneurs seem to have nothing to do with such things. Don't care, this makes me feel very worried." Uncle Meng Yi arrived. Most of the military orders from Tocharo and Dawan were handed over to Zhao people for production, because the production there was relatively cheap and the quality was good. The most important thing is that Zhao has a large number of people and they can produce faster. Come out, but if the Zhao State strikes in Handan, this will greatly restrict the production of the Zhao State military industry. In that case, the entire war will be greatly affected.

"The only thing we can do is this. After all, this is Zhao Guoren's own business." Shang Wen said helplessly.

"If Guo Kai can't put down such a strike in time. I worry, as long as the factory owners don't rush to solve this problem." Meng Yi said helplessly.

Zhao Guo, Handan, police station.

"I see. I can't do anything like this." Zhao Ming, head of the Handan Police Department, said helplessly. He was only a soldier, and he was assigned here to be the police chief halfway through. His attitude towards such things is to deal with them gently. After all, there is no big deal for him to do such things.

"We have a small number of police officers, and fights are not easy. Moreover, such things need to be handled by the prime minister. Our only way is to maintain order. It is our duty to maintain order." Zhao Ming shied away. He was also very surprised when something like this happened, because it happened without warning. He wanted to solve it too late. Moreover, his manpower is insufficient, Zhao Guo's finances are tight, most of the funds are used for economic infrastructure construction, and social security is not very good. Robbery, theft, and such things happen frequently, and the police can at best keep one eye open and close one eye. What kind of things can they solve? This is the first time such a big strike has encountered such a thing, but he quickly decided that such a thing would be delayed.

"However, if this continues, the workers' strike will have a huge impact on us, and our losses will be very large." The factory owners found the police chief and said.

"Moreover, the current prime minister will definitely take some decisive measures. We also have our own difficulties, but if things happen bigger, it will cause more inconvenience." The factory owners said.

"How do you want to solve this problem?" the other party asked.

"This. Our solution is to adopt some special methods. In short, we need the support of the police. Only with the support of the police can we solve this problem." The factory owners said with a smile.

"This. Okay. I think you may be right. But we will try our best to maintain order, as to how to solve it, or if you can solve this problem when the prime minister is aware of it. I will not What did you say?" Zhao Ming said. For these factory owners, he is also a person who can’t afford to offend, because he knows that these large companies are backed by congressmen. How can ordinary people have such capabilities? The most terrible thing is that they can have a lot of funds. Do whatever you want, because a lot of wealth, manpower, and funds are in their hands. He is just a small police chief, and there is nothing they can do about it.

More and more teams of workers are on strike. With the gradual expansion of the team, the number is also increasing. What's bad is that almost three-quarters of Zhao's factories were forced to close, and only a few workers were working inefficiently. This seriously affected the interests of the factory owners. They are very dissatisfied with this.

The police are responsible for maintaining order on the periphery. After all, it is impossible to persuade such a large number of people. What's more, the workers' demands are not very excessive. From the police's point of view, everyone is doing things with money, and the factory owner's practice is actually very excessive. The workers just get back the benefits they deserve.

"These workers are also right." A patrol officer said to another patrol next to him.

"Speak quietly and don't let the reporters around you hear it. Didn't you see, are those reporters shooting with cameras?" another police officer said. According to the normal point, at this time they should rest their feet and drink tea instead of holding truncheons and standing at the intersection with their guns still watching these people making trouble here.

"To be honest, I don't have any good feelings about these factory owners. These grandchildren make all the money. Workers are deprived of their wages, and they make enough. But now you look at it. ." Another policeman said.

"These people are too bad. These workers should be gangsters." The police said.

"Yes. That should be done." Another policeman supported that they are actually better than workers. They still need to deal with anything. If they encounter some ruthless characters, they will lose their lives. Up.

"Go away. Go away." Just when the two policemen were discussing their dissatisfaction with the factory owner, some people in the community pushed away the two patrol officers. In their opinion, these patrol officers were nothing. Because sometimes, the patrol officers don't care about their affairs at all. When they encountered them killing, the police saw them and left quickly without seeing them. Why did they dare not do it because they were backed by the factory owners and no rich people supported them.

"Fucking. They are all impatient." A lot of people in society quickly passed by them, their waists bulging, it seems that they brought the guy.

"This. There are a lot of people." A police officer said after watching the social workers walk by with worry. There are more than two hundred people in them.

"Don't talk about it, they still have a guy. You didn't see, waist, bulging, what is that, that is a pistol." Another police officer said nervously.

"Well, what are they doing here?" the patrolman asked nervously.

"I, how do I know." Another patrolman watched those people leave. They didn't dare to enter the team directly, because many people hated them extremely, and they knew this very well.

"I, I understand. Are they making things worse?" Another police officer said in horror.

"They won't kill people here?" The patrolman said. They all know that these people are some ruthless characters, they don't care about them, as long as they think they can kill, they must kill, and they won't care about what inappropriate things happen to you.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." At this moment, gunshots suddenly sounded. And it sounds very dense.

"Damn it. It's really coming." The patrol yelled, and the striking workers began to have a lot of chaos. Some people ran away because they heard the gunshots, and some people rushed forward. They I want to know what happened. Some people who knew the situation shouted loudly. They didn't know what they were shouting. All they knew was that in many cases, many people ran away again, and the scene suddenly got out of control.

Giant deer. Guo Kai was temporarily called out by his assistant. The meeting went very smoothly. Guo Kai felt that Zhao Guo took a lot of money this time, and Qi Guo had no choice. Although they had many advantages, such as population and labor density, they did not have the technology and capital. It is not very sufficient. This has a great impact on them. Without strength, there is no qualification for negotiation.

"What happened?" Guo Kai said very dissatisfied. He was still immersed in an atmosphere of joy.

"The prime minister, look at this, something big has happened in Handan. The strike, and some people shot and slaughtered the workers, causing a lot of casualties, and the situation is a bit out of control." The assistant said worriedly.

"What?" Guo Kai seemed to be struck by lightning.

"This, when did this happen?" Guo Kai felt that everything in Zhao Guo was normal, why did such a big thing happen all of a sudden.

"This is just the time. This is the situation just sent by the police station. I think we should enlist the army into Handan, otherwise, if the situation gets out of control, it will cause great riots throughout the city." The assistant said.

"Damn it, this broke my good deeds at a critical time, really, **** it, I really want to shoot them." Guo Kai said fiercely.

"The prime minister's anger, the prime minister's anger. The most important thing at the moment is to stabilize the situation, otherwise, once the situation gets out of control, the whole situation will become very unfavorable." The assistant persuaded helplessly.

"Okay. Immediately mobilize the army to maintain order, martial law, and martial law must be enforced. I must find out about this matter." Guo Kai said angrily.

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