Tangpu Town, this was recorded by Huang Shan, a native of Chu, through transliteration. He didn't know exactly what the name of this town was, and what meaning it had, because their guide Aser barely communicated with the locals. If this is the case, let alone their situation.

"The situation here doesn't seem to be beneficial to us." Huang Shan decided to record the situation here, because it was too hard for them to talk, though. There is one good thing that makes me very happy.

Because their silk is easy to sell. Strengthening is several times more expensive than in Bangla. This made him very happy. In fact, what he didn't know was that some Seth people in the north had already promoted things like Guo from the Koreans. Naturally, they were very surprised that they could get silk from the people of Chu.

"The language here is not working, we need to solve this problem, otherwise, business activities will be difficult to start." Huang Shan wrote in the notebook.

"The language problem has become one of the biggest obstacles, but fortunately, the people here seem to be very capable of learning. Our guides barely understood some of their languages, and our business started like this. Although the language is not familiar, but We still know some knowledge we need to know." Huang Shan wrote in his notebook.

"To the west of our place, there is about a river. It is a long river. The river flows from south to north into the sea in the north. It seems to be the Mediterranean Sea. The locals are called Nieluo River." Huang Shan wrote, actually. It’s just because the local language doesn’t understand. They don’t know that it is the world’s largest river, the Nile. But they are not interested in this river, because this river does not bring much trade.

"On the lower reaches of the river, there is a big city with a lot of people. It is a huge city. Aser said, a huge empire appeared here thousands of years ago. Oh my god, no Knowing such things and telling people in the country, will they believe that they even appeared earlier for our Three Emperors and Five Emperors." The other party wrote.

"But the situation here still requires us to do something. We must first find the city there and understand some of the surrounding conditions. The surrounding situation is that we can reach the sea after crossing the desert in the north. How far is it? It is estimated that it is about five hundred miles, or more. It is about this distance from the metropolis. The attitude of the locals to us is still relatively friendly, but I don’t know how long it can last. I'm clear. But I believe that as long as more businessmen come here and open this trade route, wealth belongs to us." Huang Shan said excitedly.

Mao Bei is talking about something with his men because Huang Shan decided to establish a business base here. Once he stays in touch with the people here, they need to solve the language problem. Second, they need to learn more about the local situation, such as the surrounding cities, local customs and so on. Finally, the most important thing is that they need such a base as a springboard for their advancement. Without such a springboard, it is very difficult for them to handle.

However, the sailors are still a little worried. After all, the ship will encounter many possibilities when returning, such as some strange things, etc. If they can't get there, what will happen? They may stay here for the rest of their lives. Who knows they will come here in the next life? With this kind of worry, many sailors rejected such a request. Even if they were given more money, they were unwilling to do such a thing. After all, they were still young and did not want to confess the rest of their lives here.

Even if they are given more money, they are unwilling to do this. Huang Shan is also trying to solve this kind of thing. He decided to pay more rewards. In order to attract the other party’s attention, he decided to give the other party some shares. In this case, he thinks he can let the other party stay here. After all, here There are still some risks. Moreover, Huang Shan believes that it is necessary to do so.

Dawanmengtian's headquarters.

"Our two infantry divisions were cut off by the logistical supply lines by the Parthians. If they were opened up, they would need to increase their troops. However, they attacked north at the same time. If we cannot resume logistical supplies as soon as possible, the situation will be bad." The staff member looked at Meng Tian worriedly.

"It's not just that. Look at this." Meng Tian gave a telegram to the staff officer.

"The Parthians are stepping up their attack on Dongzhen?" the staff officer asked after reading the telegram.

"Yes, not only did they step up their offensive, they also effectively intercepted the 3rd Infantry Division, and the 3rd Infantry Division launched an offensive desperately, but the Anthropods blocked them hard and they continued to harass the rear of the 3rd Infantry Division In that case, the situation seems to encircle and eat the 3rd Infantry Division. As for the cave town, after all, this is only a town. They have encountered a heavy attack. We don’t know the situation inside, but it may be very bad. , The Shabbat cut off their cables. I am afraid that our actions will become bad." Meng Tian said worriedly.

Not long ago, the Parths surrounded Dongzhen in an all-round way. This was the main force in the south of the Parths. Their order was to eat the Dawan army who resisted them along the way, and Dongzhen, relatively speaking, became It's important. Some supplies were gathered here, and the population was relatively large. There were tens of thousands of people. When the war broke out, some of them escaped, but most of them did not escape because they thought that the war would not reach them, but as a result, now They are surrounded. Meng Tian gave a symbolic rescue, but the situation was not very optimistic. The rescue force is too thin. They are simply unable to solve such problems.

"Sir, sir." At this moment, a major staff officer ran in extremely nervously and said to Meng Tian. Then he handed Meng Tian a telegram.

"Sir. Dongzhen heard that it had surrendered. However, there were some militiamen who broke through. These news came from them." The staff officer said at this time.

"You mean." Meng Tian became serious after reading the telegram. The telegram came from the 3rd Infantry Division. They reported that today, they accepted some militiamen from Dongzhen. They reported that they all escaped from the siege. of.

The residents of the town chose to surrender. After all, they still have many children and old people. It doesn't make much sense for them to resist. The mayor wants to avoid such a situation. They decided to surrender, and some militiamen were unwilling to surrender. They believed that the rest of the people would not let them go, so they chose to break through. So they found a large number of militias breaking through in this direction, and the Parthians did not seem to have any further blockade. They want to eat up the materials in Dongzhen progressively.

"This." The staff did not know what to say. This is a huge defeated operation. But Dawan couldn't meet this demand either, after all, they still lacked more mobile power to rush to help. This is definitely not a simple rescue to solve the problem.

"Let the people of Dawan take care of this. Next, our situation will not be good. The Parthians from the south will be inserted directly behind the two infantry divisions. In that case, our situation will become very different. It's not good." Meng Tian said. If the Parthians from the south came, they would first cut off the back path of the First and Second Infantry Divisions. In fact, their back path had not been cut off. After a period of siege, they would definitely eat the reinforcements.

"Sir, the only feasible way at the moment is to immediately retreat the ground infantry divisions and let them retreat along the railway line for defense. Only after the Parthians strengthen the defense here, they will turn to eat the two infantry divisions in the north. We guarantee that they will get close to the Golden City and enter the Golden City as soon as possible. As for the logistical supplies," the staff officer said worriedly.

"We can only hope for air power," the staff officer said.

"Is the bombing power of the heavenly army in place?" Meng Tian asked.

"Well, they just went to the vanguard squadrons of some squadrons and carried out large-scale bombings, which was not very effective yet," the staff officer said.

"Let them participate in the battle, and order the two infantry divisions to quickly move closer to the Golden City and enter the Golden City at all costs. Their current situation is very dangerous." Meng Tian said.

"We must buy them some time to bomb. The only way is to bomb them from the air. We must finish bombing them." Meng Tian ordered.

"Yes, sir, I have recorded it," the staff officer said. For the Dawan people at this time, the situation is very bad for them.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"Check, this matter must be found out, are their heads crazy? Going to kill people, isn't this making the matter worse?" Guo Kai said annoyedly to his ministers.

"The Prime Minister, what we have to do at present is to quickly stabilize the situation of the workers, otherwise, the situation of the workers may become extremely unfavorable." The Minister of Finance said.

"I know this, but how to appease them? This needs to be discussed with the factory owners. What are they doing? This matter will affect our negotiations in Julu. Without a stable rear, how could it be possible? Let the people of Qi believe our situation." Guo Kai said anxiously. When the negotiations were critical, domestic affairs suddenly affected Guo Kai's layout, but they did not know the significance of such a layout. Guo Kai is really anxious to his death. He can't wait to strangle those who fired.

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