The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3248: Dawan's revenge

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"In this way, we can be technically equal to Zhao Guo." Han Shu said to the Secretary of the Navy after reading the telegram in his hand.

"Yes, Lord, but we can't quickly suppress each other. After all, we are still in a disadvantageous stage for the time being." The Secretary of the Navy said. Because Zhao is equipped with a 75mm artillery, this type of artillery can penetrate South Korean warships at a long distance. This makes the South Korean Navy feel very panic. If no new warships appear to suppress the opponent, their situation may be different. Further disadvantages continue, which is not good news for them.

"I understand this. But there are still some things we need to do at the moment. Besides, the technology can be digested a little bit, so we can't worry." Han Shu said openly.

"It's the king," the Secretary of the Navy said.

"I heard that this time the Zhao State Navy used a new means of communication." Han Shu said.

"Yes, King. They use radio. Although the radio technology is still a bit unstable, Zhao Guo and Chu have cooperated. They have built a lot of signal towers. These signal towers let them know in time. The latest situation." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Last time we defeated its navy, it was because the Qi navy was unable to grasp timely information sources, because we could pinch off the other party’s cable. But now, we can’t pinch off the other party’s radio. It can be said that Zhao’s side is wireless The field of communications surpassed us, but we did not catch up in time. Faced with such a situation, what else can we do? It is strange not to fail." Han Shu said.

"This is our mistake." The Secretary of the Navy said apologetically.

"Our intelligence is lagging behind. This shows that we have relaxed our vigilance on technology improvement. This is a very bad signal. We should pay more attention to these and can't wait until we are behind. Then we will do such things, in that case. , Just as passive and disadvantageous as this time. We have to strive for the initiative. All project heads are ahead of schedule, don’t worry about technical funding problems, we will not lack your funds if we lack funds, don’t worry, go ahead and do it boldly. "Han Shu encouraged.

"Yes, Lord." The Secretary of the Navy encouraged. Han Shu did not accuse his ministers of unfavorable operations. Because this was not their responsibility, after the victory of the Zimbabwe navy, South Korea suddenly floated away. Turning a blind eye to some new technologies, which is why today's passive situation appears, or their research is seriously insufficient. These are the problems encountered in the development of the Korean Navy. If such problems are not solved, it will be difficult for them to solve further. The difficulties they face. After the Secretary of the Navy withdrew, Zhang Liang hurried in.

"My lord, this is the taxes paid by the colonies and the funds they enter into the parliament. However, there is still a lack of a certain amount of funds as a whole, and we have to fight against Seth. This situation does not seem to be very beneficial to us. "Zhang Liang said helplessly. The war is too costly.

"The situation in Mengla has been dragging on for a long time. If this continues, we may lose Mengla." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"Yeah. It's still a question of lack of funds. The question is where can we get funds from?" Han Shu said anxiously. The war between Mengla and Seth put South Korea’s financial funds into an unprecedented predicament. The large amount of funds in the colony needed to be returned to the colony, and the funds proposed could not meet their further combat needs, and the funds needed there would be even greater. Many, such funding needs simply cannot satisfy them, this is for them. It's a huge injury.

"Qin people can borrow a certain amount of funds for us, do we put these funds into it?" Han Shu said to Zhang Liang at this time.

"My lord, I do not recommend this. Qin can do this with funds, but what should we do after doing this? We still lack enough funds, and the final situation is still passive, and this part of Qin Funds can allow us to do a lot more. I think the most important thing at present is to improve our current investment environment, or in other words, it can make a lot of changes in our investment environment." Zhang Liang said .

"What do you mean?" Han Shu asked puzzledly.

"My thought is whether we can find some projects to attract more businessmen to participate in them and let commercial forces enter them. In this way, our situation will be greatly changed, and only relying on financial strength to support it is really true. It's too difficult." Zhang Liang said.

"This is a way of thinking." Han Shu nodded. She began to think about how to mobilize these commercial forces, knowing that it is not easy to mobilize these commercial forces.


"How about? Energetic, right?" said a Qi countryman who sold his psychoactive drugs.

"Well, I'm more energetic. I feel there is a feeling below. This woman. Feeling." A slave trader from Yueshi said excitedly.

"I don't have any money on me. You can pick some of these slaves. I hurried to find a Karachi woman." Said the Yueshi slave trader and left. His men looked after his slave. These slaves are all from Sori, where there is fighting, and all prisoners of war are transported here. Then they were transported to the north to Dawan, Yuezhi, and Tochara. There may be more distant places. The Yue people are organizing a fleet to join the Korean slave ships, or they are acting as an armed force to help the Koreans expand their slaves.

The Karachi people who came and went were also looking at these slaves. Karachi people are building some formal factories, they mainly produce some cloth, paper, and some daily necessities, such as toothbrushes, brushes, or leather shoes. These things are sold to Seth people, Aijiren, and other Far West Tribal, national. Because Korean merchant ships dock here. They have a lot of demand. Some businessmen come to invest here, and the transportation location here is very important, so the development speed here is faster than that of Yueshi.

Many Yue slave traders come here, and Karachi people also welcome them, because their arrival can bring huge taxes. The two countries that fought against each other did not expect such a result at all, which made them a lot. People are surprised.

But these are not important. What’s important is that all people who come here can find a way to make a fortune. They are seen as wild flowers, but for these Qi people, they are a great source of wealth. They processed the purified Yapian into tablets and sold them to the locals. Perhaps it is because of the influence of Koreans, or because women from all over the world come and go. As long as there are colonies or places with Koreans, life will become extremely chaotic, and their demand for this kind of pills will change. It's very big. This is an important opportunity for Qi to sell Yapian, and Yapian is gradually being marketed as a fashion item. This is definitely a result that Qi people did not expect.

Within Tocharo.

"You want to join the assault team?" a Huns sergeant asked a pacifier.

"Yes, that is my hometown. I must go. Even if I can't participate, I must go. That's our hometown." Said the pacifier.

"Well. Okay, I'll go with you, wait for me." Sergeant Hun went to sign up as he said. The Parthians and the Huns have established a deep friendship in the mixed camp life, and they are very grateful for their great friendship.

With the high-level Qin army planning to adopt commando tactics against Persia and the guerrilla tactics of the Parthians, the Qin army in Tocharo began to form a large number of commandos. These commandos will play a very important role. Their method is Assault as much as possible, ambush, and attack the Persian guerrillas, causing their power to suffer a great loss, of course. The commando team will lose the possibility of replenishing the rear. If necessary, Qin Guoyuan chose to use air power to deliver some materials to keep their material demand at a certain amount. However, Qin Army has the strategic expectations that the commando team can achieve. The high-levels do not have too many extravagances. After all, their combat methods are unlikely to allow them to achieve amazing results at once. Coupled with insufficient understanding of the terrain and the enemy's situation, this makes the Qin army's battle very impressive. unfavorable.

"Sir, this is the situation obtained by our aerial reconnaissance. The situation is very complicated. With the constant changes of Persian strongholds, our situation may not be very good." The staff officer held a large photo paper to Wang Ben. Explained. This is the result of Qin’s air force reconnaissance. They initially carried out photographic reconnaissance on the border area and the area one hundred and twenty miles deep. For the above-mentioned areas, they conducted continuous reconnaissance, and then compared the photos, which made them feel very impressed. discouraged. Because in the same area, there will be different tribes and places of residence. This shows that the Persian combat group is constantly moving back and forth. The most important thing is that from the aerial reconnaissance photos, the Qin Army can’t tell whether it is a rester or a rest. Persians, they can only one-sidedly think that it is the Persian army.

"They are very flexible and cannot find out their settlements at all. We can only find a small part, but most of them cannot be found. Even if it is bombed with air power, the result may not be very favorable." Speaking to Wang Ben.

"Well. I was prepared for such a result a long time ago, but what I didn't expect is that the situation is worse than we thought." Wang Ben said by looking at the photo.

"Yes, sir, we can only compare by photos. Other situations cannot be resolved. Unless we bombard indiscriminately, but in that case it will accidentally injure a lot of Parthians. In that case, the Parthians will kill us. It won't work." The other party said so.

"So, we can't do this now. We must know our position and the position of the enemy. Otherwise, we will be very passive and tell the intelligence department not to worry and let them concentrate on doing such things." Wang Ben comforted his own staff. To. The country they faced turned out to be such a situation, which they had never encountered before.

Huber's command battalion is out of account. The Pai soldiers were divided into two groups, one of which was helping the Pai residents to retreat, but many Pai soldiers were unwilling to evacuate. This is their homeland. They didn't withdraw when the Persians came. Why did the Qin army come? Just ask them to withdraw. Many rest-inhabitants resorted to resistance or delaying tactics, which made many rest-in soldiers feel annoyed and frustrated, because they were also rest-holders, otherwise they would go to war, but let them retreat their own compatriots. This makes them very uncomprehending. They think that the order issued by their chief is wrong, or that they shouldn't do it, while another group is constantly explaining something. People like local chiefs don’t. Stopped shaking their heads, obviously they didn't want such an explanation, they just kept rejecting, and then kept rejecting, they said they would fight the Persians to the end.

"How is it?" Colonel Huber asked his subordinate, a captain officer.

"They don't want to leave here, they said, it has nothing to do with them, they have to fight to the end, as long as they give them a certain amount of support, they will go on. They don't want to retreat. Sir," the captain said.

"Damn it. Can't you force them out?" the captain asked.

"Can't be an officer, this will make our soldiers feel very embarrassed. Our sabbath soldiers all want to continue fighting instead of gathering everyone together." said the captain.

"Tell them that we are going to adopt a cage policy, that is, to gather them together. We will provide them with a lot of food, water, food, and housing. They should be happy to take it. Damn it." Colonel Huber scolded. . He was also very annoyed by the order given from above. He couldn't understand what a concentration camp was. What he knew was that his army was very troubled with such a task. Now they have arrived here, but they can't do anything. This is an important reason for his madness. Otherwise he would not have such a thing.

"Sir, this is the situation. We can't do anything about it. They can't get together, it's possible to provide support, and we can't kill them. This embarrass us." The captain said.

"Stupid order. Damn it. Damn it." Huber cursed angrily, but couldn't do anything. This is where he is most annoyed.

Compared to Qin Jun's, what can't be done. The situation of the people in Dawan is very bad.

Dawan 1st Cavalry Regiment, inside Chen Zhang's headquarters.

"Sir, our 1st Cavalry Battalion was attacked. I don't know if it was a Parthian or a Persian. The loss was relatively large. More than 20 people were killed in the battle." A lieutenant reported.

"What?" Chen Zhang almost jumped up anxiously when he heard such a report. It is really hard for him to believe that his cavalry battalion will encounter such a loss. You are not mistaken, is this our loss? "Chen Zhang asked worriedly.

"Yes, sir, I’m not mistaken. We just entered the territory and encountered an ambush from the other side in an impossible place. When our follow-up troops came up, they had retreated. We watched them retreat. The follow-up troops launched a chase. As a result, we found the attack again and suffered heavy losses." The lieutenant said.

"Damn it." Chen Zhang waved his arm to let the lieutenant go down. He really didn't expect that before they had wiped out many Persians, they would have been severely injured by an enemy who didn't know the enemy and me. He really couldn't figure it out. Who is it? Why did you do this? The loss it caused him was quite staggering.

"Sir, are we going to retreat and tidy up? We don't know what's going on there?" A staff officer walked over and said to his officer.

"Retreat, kidding, we are here to open up the situation. The entire forward is ours. If we retreat, the entire Dawan army will have difficulty advancing. Maybe the Qin people in the south have already launched an offensive. They are madly acquiring land. , And we get nothing." Chen Zhang said.

"But, sir, the current situation is indeed unfavorable to us. We don't know what to do? We don't know many places." The other party said.

"These are my natural ways. But the current situation is that we must change some strategies. These strategies are that we can take some measures to solve the problems we are currently encountering." Chen Zhang said.

"What do you mean by the chief?" the staff member asked his chief in a puzzled way.

"Kill, kill when you encounter a living person. Didn't they adopt such a tactic for us? Well, as long as we find their tribe, we kill, whether it is Persian or rest, kill them all. In this case , They will not cause us a lot of trouble." Chen Zhang said.

"Sir, doing so will cause us a lot of trouble, and such tactics are extremely rude, which is simply not achievable for us." The staff officer said.

"Would you like to see our casualties increase further? If this continues, our losses will increase further, which is even worse for us. If you want this to happen, then don't stop it. Something happened." Chen Zhang was already annoyed. Perhaps all the commanders of the cavalry regiment have such a hot temper. They are good at offensive operations. Once they encounter a setback, they have the opportunity to be very annoyed because they cannot accept such a loss. Once such a loss occurs, it means their The offense encountered a big setback. This is a situation they don't want to see. Therefore, facing such a situation, their only way is to retaliate. Do not hesitate to retaliate.

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