Qin State, Xianyang.

"Look at this." Shang Wen shook his head, sat on his office chair, and then lay on it and looked at the ceiling.

"What is this?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen curiously.

"This was sent by Zhao Gao. Wang Shang went out to do a business and made a fortune." Shang Wen told Meng Yi. Zhao Gao suddenly found himself today and said that King Qin had something to give to him. Shang Wen didn't. He knew what to give himself, but he could only accept it. The result is such a thing, a real estate transfer letter, and a profit note.

Meng Yi picked up the bill and looked.

"The king is great. I bought a house within the second ring road of Liangliang for two and a half dollars. In less than two months, after reselling it, I made twice as much money at once. This is very good. Investment projects." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen looking at the bill.

"The key issue is not here. Wang Shang only spent eight and a half taels of money. The rest of the money was borrowed from the bank, that is, he directly paid a down payment and paid the rest in installments. In this way, Wang made twice as much at once. Money." Shang Wen explained to Meng Yi.

"What? There is such a thing, if there is such a thing, I can also participate in it." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Haha. Wang Shang has already made this investment. I checked and found that the house price of Liang Liang has risen very abnormally. In the past six months, house prices have risen ten times, ten times, which is a terrible thing. Numbers." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"Oh my God, it has gone up so much. Gold, stocks, and futures have never gone up so crazy, and the profits will be so big." Meng Yi said in surprise.

"So, the problem is very big, otherwise, the king would not tell us such a thing." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"What are the factors that caused the horrible rise in the price of Liang's house prices all at once, and what caused them. Is it speculation?" Meng Yi asked.

"In addition to these factors, there are no other factors." Shang Wen said.

"Daliang’s economic development is extremely narrow. They have their own factories, but their factories have been greatly impacted, and their population is constantly losing, which is doomed to their economic development. Therefore, they thought of some other ways, that is to do real estate. Daliang did a very good job in this area. They made full use of their own convenient transportation factors. They made large-scale enclosures and then built some cheap infrastructure. In real estate transactions, the government made a lot of financial funds from these land transactions, and then they did the same thing again in the same way. They demolished old houses and built a lot of new houses. In this way, their economy was suddenly revitalized. "Shang Wen said.

"This is very capable." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, this is very capable. If they can't develop real estate solely by relying on these, they use a brand-new method of borrowing and installment payments. As long as they are from Qin and Koreans, they can get a lot of money from their home country. A good loan, then pay the first installment, and then wait for the house price to rise, and when the house price rises, they sell it to the people behind, and the people behind bear the bank debts of the people in front. If they want to make money, they will To take on the debts of the people in front of him, and then pass it on again, the king used eight thousand and a half dollars to make four times the profit." Shang Wen said.

"This. In this way, the bank will end up with bad debts." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"This is what I worry about. The people of Wei people who come here in such a random manner will bring serious disasters to their economy, because they are constantly passing on such disasters. When the last person accepts, he will find that he He has to bear a great disaster, and this disaster is something he cannot accept. In this case, no one will accept it, and there will be a chain reaction, and among them, the last one to bear is such a consequence, that is to say, the last one to bear It must be the last person, the result can be imagined." Shang Wen said helplessly, shaking his head.

"My goodness. In this case, the situation will become extremely bad." Meng Yi said.

"And among these, the banks have undergone a lot of changes, because without them, real estate would not have so much funds to do such things. It can be said that without bank support, it would be difficult for a capital-intensive industry like real estate to develop. Get up. So, for such things, the Wei government must be warned and let them restrict such things from happening." Shangwen said.

"However, I am worried about one thing." Meng Yi said solemnly at this time.

"If we do this. Will there be a chain reaction? We restrict the banks, and the banks suddenly withdraw funds, and the entire Wei state's economy will hang in the air. In that case, the situation will become completely unsatisfactory. When they get up, they will immediately decline from mid-air. In that case, the situation of Wei State will affect us all at once. It is like a string of firecrackers. It is bound to cause our disadvantage in the end." Meng Yi said.

"It seems that this matter cannot be resolved in a hurry. We must warn little by little and solve this matter properly, otherwise, Wei Guo's problems will cause all catastrophic banking problems." Shang Wen thought for a while. Speaking of. Meng Yi's worries were not unreasonable, but too reasonable. The bank lends a large amount of funds, most of which are concentrated in various links, such as Dawan, Zhao’s coal and electricity, South Korea’s technology industry, etc., if Wei Guo has a problem with bank lending funds, it will go further. It will inevitably lead to a credit crisis of the bank, a run, and a large number of bank failures. This is what Meng Yi is most worried about, and it is also what Meng Yi tried his best to avoid happening. Shang Wen knows this very well and naturally does not want to see such things happen.

"This matter must be discussed with the Wei government. Their crazy behavior will make us feel very passive." Shang Wen said helplessly. Meng Yi nodded. They can only do this, hoping to resolve such contradictions under the intervention of the government. Once this contradiction is further stimulated, everyone's situation will enter the abyss of a huge disaster. This is definitely not the result they want to see.

On the outskirts of the city of Bangla, a large number of Bangla people gather here. They don’t know what they are doing, but they know that as long as they continue to work, they can have food and if they do well, they will be paid a certain amount. For them, it is a very cost-effective thing, because they can survive.

Meng La worked well and his enthusiasm showed no signs of slacking at least.

"It's not bad. If we continue at this pace, we will soon be able to reach the northern war zone." A South Korean congressman arrived after inspecting the construction site.

"It's just that we need to transport some steel from the local area, and some machinery and equipment can be further completed. For this, we need some support." An engineer reported.

"Oh. This is not a problem. We can get what we want soon. Don't worry, the country supports us in doing this." said the South Korean congressman.

"Well. That's the best." The engineer nodded and said.

"When the road is completed, it is the key to solve the problem in the north. The war is not only a guarantee of money, but also a large amount of logistical materials. The railway and highway are the guarantee that we can do this further." South Korea The councillor said. What the engineer said is correct, but they must solve the related problems for him. What he knows is that there is only one company that can produce rails in South Korea, and that is Qingcheng Steel. If you want to produce more durable rails, you can It must be imported from the country of Zhao. South Korea has also made breakthroughs in related steel technology, but the output cannot meet the needs of South Korea. Most of it is concentrated in military use, especially artillery and shipbuilding. Because warships began to use iron armor and artillery The demand for steel has become even greater. In this way, only by increasing steel production can the production capacity tasks be further broken down. Otherwise, their projects will not meet such requirements at all. This is no small torture for them.

Zhao State of Handan. Within the Iron and Steel Association.

"According to the relationship between South Korea and Zhao, we should not export so much steel, but if there is business but no profit, do we have hatred with money? Besides, the relationship between the two countries has just been restored, and we don’t need to be like this. Do it," said a member of the association.

They received an order from South Korea. For such an order, there are two voices in the association. One is opposed. They believe that the Koreans are their enemies. They should not accept such orders. They should cancel such orders. At least they should not do this, but there is another voice. They cannot be so narrow and biased. At the very least, they should respect each other’s interests. In other words, they are businessmen, entrepreneurs, not politicians, and politicians consider things, not They should be considered by entrepreneurs, so they should do this kind of business, and at the same time they should take notice. South Korea is a potential big customer, and they must satisfy each other's needs.

"There are two ways for the current expansion." A member of the association gave a report.

"First, that is that we expand the scale of production, which requires us to invest some capital, machinery and equipment, and manpower. This requires too much investment, and it takes a longer period of time. It is difficult to meet this amount of time. Orders." The member said. The Koreans ordered quite a lot of railroad tracks and steel construction materials. These materials are mainly satisfied with Bangladesh's economic infrastructure. However, these orders have brought Zhao's production capacity into a state of saturation, and they can only further meet such demand by expanding their scale.

"The other kind is cooperation. We can cooperate with Qi people to help them build a low-end steel industry and let them produce the same products. Then we brand them and sell them. Qin people have done this, and we can do the same. The benefits of doing so are very obvious. We can meet our production needs in a short time and achieve the mission goals of the Koreans." The other party said.

"Because these countries have relevant industrial equipment, what they lack is technology and skilled craftsmen. We have all these things. As long as they are counted as shares, it can be very beneficial to us, and we can earn long-term dividends. Also. In other words, we can make a lot of money without doing anything. This is the most cost-effective one." The other party said easily.

"The most important thing is that the production cycle is shortened a lot at once. We don't have to worry about losing such orders at once, and at the same time, we can meet the needs of building materials in other fields." The member said.

Other members started discussing this plan, and they thought it was very fruitful, or in other words, very effective. They believe that this is the best result, because in this way, their needs are met to the greatest extent, and this is for them. it's the best.

The Iron and Steel Association finally passed the last plan. This is the most cost-effective solution.

Qingcheng Port.

"Oil, oil, the oil extracted from Zhangyi Island can no longer meet our needs." Zhang Qing told the Minister of Transportation.

With the use of some internal combustion engines, South Korea’s demand for oil has become more and more, and the oil produced in Jiaozhou has not been able to meet the local demand. South Korea needs to import some fuel from Qi and Qin to meet this. In this way, fuel The price has gone up a bit. The main reason is that the supply is too small. Zhang Qing is very clear that only by raising the supply of oil by one level can all their problems be completely resolved.

"Well, but the current oil supply is relatively tight, mainly because a large number of transport ships go to transport food. In terms of oil, our extraction does not meet our needs, the main aspect is investment subsidies, and the scale of production is very limited. We can get sufficient oil investment. Otherwise, it would be difficult for us to further change this situation." The Minister of Transportation analyzed the situation. He is just a Minister of Transportation, and oil production matters are not in his control, and he can't control that. In a far place, you must know that the oil production in that place belongs to the Nanyang Fleet. That is a military matter.

"Well, write a report. I will submit it. You don't have to worry about this." Zhang Qing said.

"Yes, sir." As the Minister of Transportation said, he put a report on the other party's desk. He had already written such a report. Zhang Qing glanced at the other party, but didn't expect the other party to have such preparations, which surprised him.

The demand for oil is getting bigger and bigger. Qin State has the greatest demand. Qin State has a large number of motor vehicles, followed by South Korea and Zhao State. South Korea has certain motor vehicles. At the same time, they are also looking at internal combustion engines, their internal combustion engines. The efficiency has been greatly improved.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"How about? This is our own tractor produced in South Korea. This kind of crawler tractor can greatly meet our agricultural needs, and the price is much cheaper. According to Qin's money, it is only 7 and a half taels. , The Korean won also needs 22,000, which should be affordable." The director of a locomotive manufacturer introduced their experimental products. He needs a lot of people to place orders, and only by ordering can they sell their products.

"Things are better, much better than manpower. Now that the price of slaves is constantly rising, there is money but they can't be bought. All of them are sold out by Yueshi and Tocharo. Once the slaves arrive at Karachi Port, they can't get there at all. Here." Some farmers said. The farmers near Xinzheng acquired a large amount of surrounding land. The agricultural land in South Korea is only concentrated in the hands of a few people, but unfortunately, their output is very uneconomical because they require a lot of labor. The labor force is extremely tight, because more labor force is concentrated in textile factories. The money they give can also satisfy each other. This time, they decided to produce more cotton, but more people were needed to grow cotton, and they suddenly didn't have that many people. In desperation, they can only spend money to buy machinery. They hope that these machinery can help them a lot. In this way, they can do a lot of things.

"It's just that I don't know this fuel. I heard that the price of this fuel has increased a bit." A farmer said worriedly.

"Oh. Don't worry about this. With this fuel, most of us are that you didn't see Zhang Yidao. We also found oil. As long as the oil is transported here, we can do anything." The other party introduced this way. The farmer didn't believe it, but he could only buy it cruelly, because they had bought a steam engine tractor before. That kind of tractor was cheaper, and coal was more cost-effective than fuel. But there are too many problems, no one is walking as fast, and there are always problems. In the situation of agricultural stress, how can such problems be allowed to occur, but in desperation can only choose this new machine, and the other party promises Repair, no problems. The price is also cheap. After much consideration, the farmer decided to buy it. The internal combustion engine was first used in agriculture. This is also caused by rising prices of agricultural products.

Inside the Korean office.

"The demand for oil has become more and more, and the fuel that Qin can provide us is very small. They themselves need such a lot of fuel. It seems that we need to expand the demand on Zhangyi Island." Han Shu said.

"Well, King, we still need to establish a special transportation team to meet our production needs." Zhang Liang reminded.

"Yeah. That's right. We not only need to produce, but also transport. We don’t have to worry about other places. The transportation is huge. In addition, the establishment of an oil refining center in Qingcheng will increase our For the refining of this oil, only refined oil can meet our demand for internal combustion engines. Let them do this." Han Shu said.

Zhang Liang recorded that this requires commercial investment, and royal investment can drive such commercial investment.

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