South Korean troops at Port Seth.

"Victory. This is a victory for all of us Koreans." A lieutenant wrote in his diary excitedly. They were very excited this morning because the besieged Seth army surrendered. They were not the surrender of a small group of troops, but the surrender of all troops. This shocked the frontline troops of the South Korean New Army. But they soon became excited.

"We don’t know the surrender of the Seth people in advance, including our supreme officer. They also don’t know if they will surrender. The Seth soldiers who surrendered at first were only individuals. Our officer once told us that the Seth might Will surrender, let us not embarrass the soldiers, we have to do it, but we also have our own worries, we worry that the Seth soldiers play tricks when surrendering, they will let them attack us while surrendering, in that case, Our loss can be very large." The lieutenant continued to write. The soldiers of the Korean New Army outside have already begun to accept their prisoners of war.

A large number of prisoners of war came in batches. Before, there were only one or two. For such prisoners, they took prudent measures. They asked them to take off their clothes. Some prisoners of war were still wearing their own underwear and underwear, and most of them were wearing their own underwear and underwear. They were stripped of their clothes directly, and then they raised their hands to make a series of beatings, turned around to do their hands, and finally raised their hands up, and then the Korean New Army soldiers rushed them to a trench for the final inspection. But the situation has gradually changed. This change comes from the gradual increase in the number of prisoners of war, more and more prisoners of war gathered, and then surrendered in large numbers.

It is said that they surrendered in an organizational system. This situation shocked the soldiers of the new South Korean Army because they had not encountered such a thing. They quickly responded to their superiors. For these prisoners of war, they adopted In order to deal with it cautiously, they are no longer forced to take off their clothes, but they are all driven into a nearby trench. Fortunately, the Seth people are very cooperative. They enter those trenches carefully. They are worried about the new South Korea. The soldiers massacred them on a large scale, but their worries were quickly dispelled. Because after the Korean New Army soldiers took control of the situation, they checked one after another and then relocated them. The chaotic situation of prisoners of war in various positions for a while, which caused their commanders a headache.

"We treat these prisoners of war carefully, but now we don’t have that much relationship. Because we have seen prisoners of war continue to choose people who can form a breakthrough for interrogation. Through interrogation of them, we have learned that we have some problems. Knowing the situation. It turns out that our rocket attack caused great deterrence. We launched rockets to bombard them without warning, and they have already endured this kind of artillery bombardment. In their description , Most of them are terrible, fearful, and very heart-piercing. This kind of bombing is enough to make their psychological endurance extremely weak. Under such a blow, some of them have weak endurance. The soldiers surrendered first. Then there were a lot of soldiers, because they couldn't bear such a bombardment." said the lieutenant.

"However, there are still a small number of senior Seth officers in the encirclement. They refuse to surrender. It is said that most of the soldiers have betrayed their generals because their generals are incapable of causing this situation to happen. For such generals, Seth prisoners of war We think that they do not need to continue like this. Surrender has become their choice." The lieutenant said. Just when the new South Korean army sorted out their prisoners of war. Guo Xiang is very troubled by this problem.

Guo Xiang was lying on his office chair with his head on his forehead. Obviously, the surrendering prisoner of war soldiers disrupted his plan. This made him think the situation was very different from what he expected.

"According to our current situation, more than 8,000 Seth soldiers surrendered. Among them, there were more than 1,000 wounded soldiers. There is still a small part of the Seth army in the encirclement. They are the core and the most effective. The strong are the soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is very strong, but their commander refuses to surrender." The assistant told him with an interrogated report.

"Yeah." Guo Xiang just hummed, obviously he couldn't attract his attention anymore for such content.

"The surrender of the Seth was very unexpected. It is said that their commander has lost control of the troops. Therefore, this led to the surrender of the formed troops. However, they have no plans to return to their Seth army. It is said that if they go back, they will suffer the most severe punishment. Facing such punishment, they obviously cannot bear it. Therefore, they decided to turn to us so that they can avoid a big deal. Lost." the assistant said.

"Talking about other things, I am more concerned about their commanders. What do they mean? You know, we no longer have a negotiation object. You know, the large number of Seth people surrender means that we have no It’s a bargaining chip. We must launch large-scale military operations and occupy more land. In this case, the army will not be able to be drawn out. The above means let us draw these troops to love, not what the **** country of Seth. "Guo Xiang said annoyedly.

Guo Xiang's idea is actually very simple. It is a threat. As long as the Seth can't save their army, they can talk about it. The bargaining chip is the besieged army, and the unresolved bargaining chip is their bargaining chip. Because Seth thinks that losing a large number of troops will make them a pity, they can still accept some prices, but an accident happened. That is, I don't know why these **** Seth troops didn't obey their commander and surrendered by themselves. This was far beyond their expectation. As a result, the original plan was gone.

"Sir, I think it's a better plan." Seeing that his chief was upset, the assistant said about his plan.

"Do you have a better plan?" Guo Xiang asked.

"Sir, these Seth soldiers who surrendered, they definitely don't want to go back. They can't go back, because their country absolutely cannot forgive them for such a state of betrayal. Therefore they can only rely on us, we can They form a new army so that they can participate in the next battle against Seth and occupy more land. Or, let them participate in the battle against several countries. However, I think we should accept them and participate in the battle against the country. The battle of the Kingdom of Seth, because they know well about the Kingdom of Seth, of course. We need to let them do some new things to show their loyalty. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to control them, and then we will continue with each other Let’s talk about it. Our bargaining chips can be directly increased. In this way, the situation may become more favorable to us.” The assistant said.

"Yeah. You will write the report here in a while. And your thoughts, write a plan and give it to the country. Maybe they need such a plan even more." Guo Xiang thought for a while and wanted to say.

"Yes, sir. I will do something like this." The assistant nodded.

Just when the assistant had planned to sort out the situation here. A new shocking news came.

Commander Seth, who was in the encirclement, committed suicide. He knew that the situation was over. The Koreans will launch an attack on them sooner or later. It is better to know yourself than to wait passively, and he has already lost his subordinates. He can't even control his subordinates well, and it is difficult to continue fighting. When it was attacked by rockets. His subordinates suggested that the morale problem of the soldiers should be pacified, but he did not listen at all. He believed that the Seth army is the best army. His soldiers can withstand pressure. They can withstand such an environment. But the truth is, There are always some exceptions. Their army has not withstood such pressure at all. During the continuous shelling, the psychological condition of their soldiers has undergone great changes. Soldiers have begun to become frightened. With the addition of encirclement, and large-scale assaults, there is nothing to do. The effect, the wailing of the wounded soldiers, made them extremely frightened. They worried about their fate. They had never experienced anything like this because of the siege. It was a difference between the two concepts of combat, because they had never Have been exposed to this kind of warfare.

The Central Plains region can accept large-scale siege and annihilation, such as the Battle of Changping. This type of battle usually has great strategic significance. South Korea also saw advantageous fighters to do so, but Seth, they are Western troops. They are still unlikely to accept this kind of large-scale encirclement and annihilation operations. They are more in contact with the defeat war, which becomes of strategic significance in the defeat operation. This kind of large-scale encirclement warfare suddenly becomes unbearable for them. stand up. And their commanders didn't think about this happening at all, or noticed the psychological reaction of their officers and soldiers all of a sudden.

The rocket attack that followed was the last hurdle that completely crushed their psychological defenses. The bombardment was violent and unprepared without warning. The bombardment can also wear away their will a little bit, but the violent bombardment is Finally, it's time for their psychological defenses to collapse. This kind of large-scale bombardment, unprecedented, made many soldiers truly feel what a collapse is and what kind of feeling this collapse can bring.

But when one soldier, two soldiers, and more soldiers surrendered and were relieved, it was as if a little flood broke the dam, and the dam completely collapsed. It is not difficult to understand why the opponent has a large-scale set up army that surrenders. Because they have completely collapsed. Faced with the collapse of the Seth army, the new South Korean army can only accept it.

Xinzheng, South Korea. The telegram from Seth was quickly put into Han Shu's hands. Han Shu was a little surprised by such a telegram. It seemed that this happened suddenly.

"This incident? It was too sudden. Really, I really have a hard time understanding why this happened." Han Shu asked Zhang Liang with a telegram.

"My lord, I am also surprised that this happened, but the fact is that it did happen. There is nothing left to say. We should actively face what has happened." Zhang Liang said lightly. . The end of the siege of Seth made Zhang Liang really relaxed. He knew that the next Seth war was a half war, because they only had to negotiate with each other. Based on the comprehensive conditions, it seems impossible for the Seth people to continue a larger-scale battle. Moreover, the loss of tens of thousands of troops this time was enough to shock the opponent.

"Well, that's right, we really should have noticed such a situation. We need to talk to the Seth people so that they can end this war as soon as possible." Han Shu said.

"My lord, the telegram also explained the surrendering of the Seth army. In their view, these Seth people are rebels. We can use them to attack some nearby towns in a big way. They help us occupy some areas. After obtaining these areas, we can increase our bargaining chips. The more intense the attack, the more chips we get.” Zhang Liang suggested. Obviously Zhang Liang has given high support to the plan in the telegram.

"Oh. Tell me your opinion." Han Shu asked. She needs to listen to Zhang Liang's specific ideas in order to give real support.

"Those rebels surrendered without the order of their chiefs. According to our thinking, they are rebels and it is difficult for them to return to the mainland. I think their country can hardly tolerate the existence of such people and will inevitably punish them severely. And they seem to know this too. Their only way is to take refuge in us, because we can accept them. In this way, we can control their army with a small amount of troops and let them expand our territory for us. In this case, we both To be able to be in a favorable position in the next battle, and to gain great initiative, this is the highest result for us." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. That's right, this is indeed the most beneficial result for us." Han Shu agreed to Zhang Liang's suggestion.

"We can also carefully control them, disperse them as much as possible, and at the same time make it difficult for them to organize effectively. As long as they ransack these nearby towns, they will never be forgiven by their people. With the support of these local people, we can use them to fight against the Seth people. After all, it is the Seth people who understand the Seth people. With the support of such people, I think our next battle will become It’s extremely easy. During the negotiation, we will be extremely advantageous. At the same time, we should actively encourage them to bring more people like this to help us do this kind of things, and spread this influence to the game as much as possible. Go to Sri Lanka. Let the Seth people play the Seth people." Zhang Liang said.

Zhang Liang’s idea is that the locals beat the locals. This is also the most widely used tactic by the Koreans in colonial rule. This tactic is to draw a group of locals to attack another group of locals. As long as the contradictions between the two sides can never be reconciled, So Koreans will always have the opportunity to take advantage of it, so to speak. Serbian traits appeared in the country of Seth. It is precisely because of this kind of evil that the Korean rule will become extremely stable. Zhang Liang's method is to balance, and in the balance to do the most valuable things with the least cost, in such a military operation, a large number of locals will inevitably be used. Although their actions have made the Koreans feel shameless, they have to say that their methods are the most effective. It is these people who made them feel shameless to maintain the rule of the entire colony. Without them, the Koreans might need it. Greater military power and resources are consumed on this.

Han Shu finally agreed to Zhang Liang's suggestion. After all, South Korea is unwilling to continuously consume a lot of power on this. In that case, for the Koreans. It is extremely unfavorable.

In Xianyang of Qin State, the price of wheat continued to fall, which caused some unstable social turmoil in various countries to stabilize again. At the same time, because countries dispatched troops to stabilize overseas interests, the attention of the people of various countries was diverted. Some people were positive. The army that supports them expands abroad, and patriotism makes them inflated.

"Support you, you are all good." The soldiers of the Second Infantry Regiment of the Zhao State who passed through the city on the streets of Handan were very excited because they had never been treated like this before, and the people kept spraying him. Flowers, ribbons, and the people's support for them exceeded their expectations. Fine wines are also being delivered continuously, and if there is no order, they are likely to get drunk on the road.

"I have never encountered this kind of treatment in my life. Many people respect us. They give us thumbs up and say that we are all good. Let us work hard. This is far beyond our expectations." The sergeant of the Second Infantry Regiment recalled. They will leave Handan by train, and they will take the train with the Korean New Army to Qingcheng. There will be Zhao Guo's warship escorting them to a Korean merchant ship. Their destination may not be Aiji, because according to the plan, the Korean Navy plans Expansion of many areas they think cannot be occupied, and then the remaining troops will arrive at Aiji Port and fight against Aiji people. These are not things they have never considered. What they think is what Aiji country is. They don't know much about this kind of place, and their commanders try to collect some information for them from various places as much as possible, so that they can stabilize their soldiers and maintain a high morale.

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