The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3263: Voting certificate

Within the territory of Anxi, on the temporary defensive position of the Dawan First Infantry Division and First Infantry Regiment, this is a defensive position close to the water source, and there is a small soil **** nearby. The Dawan army is here to establish its own defensive position. Their artillery is at the commanding heights, and the headquarters is also there, making it easy for them to use artillery to support all directions. Their infantry positions are mainly defensive in all directions, in order to strengthen their defensive positions. Mainly to prevent the assault of the rest cavalry. They decided to arrange a barbed wire fence, which was their greatest weapon to defend the cavalry.

"Sir, look over there, rest in the cavalry." A second-class soldier reported to his officer worriedly. A lieutenant looked at the rest cavalry in the distance. They were obviously here to spy. Because they look careless.

"Damn, they are too courageous. If it weren't for them to be too far away, I would have shot them all." The lieutenant scolded.

"Look at the sir, they seem to be rushing over." The second-class soldiers were frightened and at a loss. And his officer hurriedly waved his arms after seeing this situation.

"All enter the position, shoot, shoot quickly." The lieutenant shouted loudly. The soldiers quickly jumped into the trenches. Their barbed wire has not been set up. If the cavalry rushed over quickly, their defense would still be in great danger. If the opponent wanted to die, they would have nothing to do. In this way In one case, soldiers can only ask for blessings.

Just when all the soldiers entered the trenches. The rest cavalry suddenly retreated from one side. They laughed loudly, as if Dawan's stupid behavior made them look down on.

"Fucking, rest man, wait. Sooner or later Grandpa will make you unable to laugh." the lieutenant scolded. Their soldiers are already loaded with bullets and ready to shoot. As a result, the opponent ran away. This makes them very annoyed. This kind of attack on the Parthians was repeated many times, and the Dawan soldiers stopped building trenches to deal with this situation. In the end, their officers were very annoyed and ordered their soldiers to take military action. Arrange a special sharpshooter to hit the opponent specifically, and after a loss for the rest, they never do it again. Dawan soldiers can finally build their fortifications with peace of mind.

"The sabbath cavalry will never be so simple to finish." A captain said to the lieutenant in the camp of an officer.

"Yes, sir, I think they are testing us in today's action. If they think we can bully, they will definitely send troops to attack us. We will face their siege, but we don’t have to worry. We have reinforcements and more troops for defensive operations. They pose no threat to us at all." said the lieutenant.

"But we still have a task to find the 1st Cavalry Regiment. They don’t know what’s going on. If they are wiped out, we may have to take revenge. The question is those **** rest assured, Persians, where are they? Where? Just like today, they come and go without a trace. You can't catch them, but they can follow you, making you scared. It feels really uncomfortable." The captain was lying on his camp bed. Speaking of it.

The lieutenant nodded. He felt that his chief was right. In such a situation, what should they do? They can also defend effectively, but once the opponent is besieged, if they don't fight themselves, it makes them feel very embarrassed.

It was the first time that the Dawan army faced such a situation. They did not know how to deal with such guerrilla operations. They felt a little at a loss because they were not facing an organized army of a country, but a group of unorganized mobs. Their tactics are extremely flexible and annoying, which makes many Dawan officers feel a little unnatural.

Port Seth, the military intelligence department of the Korean New Army.

"Sir, this is the transcript report of the more than one hundred Seth officers we interrogated. We have summarized the content of their interrogation." Captain Zhang Su said. He is an officer who has just entered the intelligence department. It turned out that he was a staff officer of the regiment headquarters. Because of his serious work, especially for the classification of some materials, he was transferred to the intelligence department. The intelligence department is a special one. In the department, they are extremely meticulous about a lot of information, because a small piece of information will have a great impact on them.

"According to our questioning to them, we concluded that they are now very worried that they will retaliate against their family after hearing about such things in Seth. They are very worried about this, and they cannot go back because after they go back If they do, they will encounter the most cruel punishment. This is the situation they are least willing to face. Some of the information we have learned is not of great value to us." Zhang Su said.

"Yeah." Intelligence Lieutenant Colonel Yang Fei nodded.

"I want to know. Can we instigate them to become our people, that is, we can guarantee the safety of their families and ensure that they have a great source of wealth, but the prerequisite is that they must listen to us, otherwise, We will get rid of them, do we have such a possibility?" Yang Fei asked.

"Well, sir, yes, this possibility is very high. The situation of these prisoners of war is very delicate now. They don't know how far they will be executed in Seth, because they all surrendered privately. Their supreme commander also committed suicide. It is impossible to give them a chance to defend themselves, that is, the Seth government does not pursue them, but they cannot go back to their homeland at all, because that would cause them a great loss of honor. I know these games The Sri Lankan soldiers all have this idea. Now that they have survived, they are more willing to live. They themselves have a great fear of death." Zhang Su said.

"You are right. In fact, the above plan also plans to let us do this. Let us instigate some people to become our army and let them help us fight. After all, they know the situation in the nearby villages and towns, and let them come better than ourselves. It is much better to do some things. This is the current situation." Yang Fei said.

"Do you think they will accept our terms like this?" Yang Fei asked again.

"Yeah. It should be possible, but we need to let them do something, that is, let them kill people. Only if they keep killing people and get huge wealth, they will get rid of this situation." Zhang Su said.

This is a crime that releases the evil side of human nature. These prisoners of war fit this situation very well, because they have abandoned their own country. If they firmly supported them at the beginning, they might encounter the same bad situation. In order to survive, for the sake of their own lives, they chose to compromise, and this compromise is the beginning of the release of human sin.

"As long as they do it once, they can have twice, three times, or even more. We have to give them a lot of wealth at the same time. These wealth can make them greedy. And this greed will make them even more crazy. , We need them to do this." Zhang Su correctly analyzed the psychology of these Seth prisoners of war at this time. Their psychological defenses have collapsed. Their principles no longer exist. Because they have already crossed once, and after they have crossed once, there will be a second time, a third time, and more and more.

"Um. Very good. Do you do an experiment on this matter? If you can, I hope to make them faster, or in other words, to make them more docile, the time is running out for us. "Yang Fei said.

"Okay, sir, I'll take care of this." Zhang Su nodded.

Outside the prisoner of war camp. Seth prisoners of war looked at the execution ground in a commotion. The treatment of Seth prisoners of war was pretty good. They were here. They had prisoner of war clothes made of linen. Although they looked simple, they were much better than dirty military uniforms. Let them take a bath. Putting on these clean prison uniforms, they didn't eat too much, and only had two or one meal a day. In this case, they would have no strength to resist. But they have not asked too much. They are already very satisfied. You know they survived.

They looked at the South Korean New Army in horror. They didn’t know why this morning. New Korean soldiers rushed in and captured some soldiers. This made them panic because they thought the New Korean Army might execute their prisoners of war. But they soon stopped worrying. Because they got news that the soldiers who were captured were soldiers who were determined to escape or incited riots, and that the South Korean side only executed some of the chief evil. At the same time, the South Korean side requested that some people be executed, because this is their own business, and the South Korean side is unwilling to participate in it.

of course. After the execution of these diehards, their treatment will be raised to a high level. For example, there will be meat in their meals, and they can eat as much as they want. There is land and slaves, and you can choose your own soldiers from the prisoners of war. Their treatment will be the same as the nobles of the Seth people. If they fight with the South Korean side, they will get more trophies, and these trophies will greatly improve their lives.

Obtained all kinds of temptation promises, some Seth prisoners of war who have long lost their principles and hated this kind of prisoner life came forward. Of course, they all signed up quietly, but the executions were public. This made them a little scared at first because they didn't want to let them. Their companions saw their faces, but now they have to face such a situation. What Koreans need is a role model, not a guy who wants to maintain his reputation.

Seth prisoners of war watched in the camp. The number of executed prisoners was over 120. Many prisoners recognized each other. They were the bravest soldiers near the commander, but now they were executed. They tied their hands behind their backs and were escorted to the ground by soldiers of the Korean New Army. The Korean New Army gave them some respect. They chose to be shot. In this way, they can reduce the touch of the prisoners of war, but it is enough to shock the psychological defense of the soldiers.

"What are those prisoners of war discussing?" Zhang Su asked an interpreter, and he could hear some different voices of prisoners of war.

"Sir, they are talking about how we will execute these people. They think we will cut off the other's heads. They also say that this is the end of resistance. They can't do it in the future. Even if they don't do it, they won't be able to return. Go, since they are already prisoners of war, they should stay honestly. Only in this way can they become more comfortable." The translator next to them said.

"It seems that their situation is very chaotic. Okay. Let's get started, we don't have time to discuss these for them." Zhang Su said. Then he waved his arm to signal to start.

More than one hundred and twenty executed prisoners of war knelt on the ground. They could not make a sound and were stuffed into rags. And all kinds of things, in short, many people still want to struggle, but they are held by the new South Korean army. At this time, the fear of death makes them uneasy. One of the prisoners of war was given a flintlock. It was a weapon that they turned in. It was filled with one bullet and another bullet was given to them. This was for them to replenish the gun. The Korean side Knowing that these guys have some changes in their psychological endurance, they sent them a bullet. The caliber of the flintlock rifle is very large. If it is shot at close range, it usually kills with one shot, unless the accuracy of the head is too bad. The opponent will become extremely painful because of a shot at close range. In order to reduce the pain, this is the best way to make up the gun.

The first prisoner of war came up with a gun and passed by.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded, very simply, the executed prisoner of war fell to the ground, the opponent's head blossomed, and the heavenly spirit caps flew out. The bullet is very powerful, and the brain is mixed with blood and water to make a cooing sound. The sound of such gunshots caused some tremors in the surrounding prisoners of war. Obviously they heard such a terrifying sound.

The second place may hesitate for a while, the sound of Caracalla kept coming out of the musket in his hand, and his legs were trembling visibly.

"Bang." A Seth prisoner of war in the back executed one, but it may be because of the influence of the first place, because he felt that he should be faster as soon as possible. In this case, I won't hesitate anymore. Maybe it was thinking too much. He didn't kill the opponent with a single shot. The bullet hit the opponent's back. A big hole appeared in the opponent's chest. The executed prisoners were still convulsing and struggling. But the other party was a little panicked, he could only reload the rifle, the order of loading the bullets, and the speed were very slow. The more anxious, the more difficult it is. Sure enough, when the shot was fired again. I don't know what went wrong, but the gun couldn't be fired. The Seth prisoners of war watching from a distance did not laugh. There was no other sound. They just watched silently, because they were a group of monkeys. They felt that they were executed just like themselves, and their psychological defenses had collapsed. Up. They simply cannot launch an effective counterattack.

"Bang." The excited prisoner of war suddenly waved his rifle butts and smashed the opponent's head one after another. For a while, blood flew across, and his brain splashed all over his face. The other party just kept smashing and smashing. Maybe this way he can calm down.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The latter went smoother, the psychological tension had passed for a while, and many prisoners of war were executed one by one. Their pain is less. But the second place hasn't been executed yet. He has been unable to shoot, and the prisoner of war who smashed the opponent's head with the **** of the rifle has been dragged down, and the opponent's spiritual world may have collapsed.

Zhang Su just looked at each other, he was looking at a poor guy, killing prisoners of war more and more quickly. In the execution of prisoners of war. Some prisoners of war were lying on the ground before they were executed. Obviously the other party was frightened by such a terrified way of execution. His body convulsed constantly, and finally he was executed. Ended his mental pain.

"Bang." The prisoner of war shot. The bullet didn't hit the opponent, but the man went crazy.

"It seems that the situation is much worse than we expected, but they have no turning back. We will arrange some food for them, improve their treatment, and then arrange to go to the Shazhou cavalry. We will let them kill some. People are stained with some blood. Only in this way can they know what they want stably." Zhang Su said with a smile. His men quickly arranged to go.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The prices of ore in the Western Regions are indeed falling, such as copper mines, gold mines, etc., but some iron ore prices in the eastern region are rising." Shang Wen said while looking at the report.

"Well, the eastern countries are building their own steel centers. Qi and Zhao Guoren have jointly established some new steel centers. Zhao Guoren has a large part of the shares with the technology in their hands. Qi Guoren are also willing, because they have established The people of Chu are also doing this. Yan and South Korea are cooperating to upgrade their steel centers. The people of Chu are also busy. It is said that the Koreans want to build more steel in other areas. As a result, the demand for iron ore and coal has become a lot. Zhao Guoren export a large amount of coal resources, and Goguryeo is also exporting. With the convenience of shipping, they can fully promote the rise of iron ore." Meng Yi said .

"Because the shipbuilding industry needs a lot of steel, boilers, and various mechanical equipment, plus infrastructure construction, such as Bangla. Korean Bangla is also under construction, and they are building a new railway. A railway can promote their control of the Bangla area, so that their demand will become more and more." Meng Yi said.

"Well. This explains why iron ore is rising. It seems that the demand for iron ore will become more and more." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, but there don't seem to be many places where iron ore is produced at present, and this demand will become very large." Meng Yi said.

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