In the Wuyue port area, Chen Ping is inspecting the expansion of the port area. With the rapid economic development of Wuyue area, Haicheng, in particular, was officially established. The increase in trade has made Wuyue Port's cargo circulation capacity increasingly busy. In order to solve this problem, Wuyue Port must be expanded. Chen Ping thought about this issue in the early days of the establishment of Wuyue Port. As long as this problem can be solved, everything will increase great economic potential.

But now Chen Ping is not worried about this matter. It was the Suez Canal. The Koreans proposed the idea of ​​building this canal together with Chu State. Fan Zeng immediately agreed, because he felt that Chu State should occupy such an important transportation route. Although he doesn't know what this means, maybe he doesn't have a global strategy yet. But this does not hinder his strategic vision. But the problem is that building such a canal requires money. The amount of funds is terribly large. Chen Ping does not know where to get him such a large amount of money. The country needs a lot of funds for construction, such as the expansion plan of Wuyue Port. If such a thing cannot be done, it will greatly affect the economy of Chu, because more than half of Chu’s finances and taxes are concentrated here. This gave Chen Ping a headache.

"Minister. It's time to eat." His vice minister carefully said to Chen Ping. In Pengcheng. There is also an economic department, but that economic department can only be equivalent to an office. And the real Ministry of Economy of Chu State. But because of the economic importance of Wuyue area, it stays here all year round. It can be said that the Ministry of Economy of the State of Chu is actually in Wuyue, not in Pengcheng.

"Can't eat it." Chen Ping shook his head and refused.

"This. Minister, you have to eat some no matter what. After all, skipping meals like this is not a way." The vice minister persuaded.

"This is no way. The Prime Minister asked us to provide more funds, but the problem is that the funds here can no longer be resolved. If we want to provide such a large amount of funds, we must increase taxes. In that case, it is definitely not a good result for our Chu State's economy." Chen Ping said helplessly.

"Why? Does the prime minister want to add money again?" the deputy minister asked worriedly.

"Yes, the Koreans want to build the Suez Canal together with our Chu people, the canal in the Patriotic countries. This canal costs more money than building a railway. Even after the construction is successful, it is important for trade and economy. And other things are very good. But after all, it will cost a lot of money. For us, it is a huge expenditure, which we simply cannot afford." Chen Ping said, shaking his head.

"Minister, you can't do this. Our economy simply can't afford such a huge expenditure." The deputy minister said nervously.

"I also know this situation, but the prime minister seems to be very interested in this matter, which is not a very favorable thing for us." Chen Ping nodded and said.

"I don't know what the minister thinks?" The deputy minister asked the minister worriedly.

"I think that the state of Chu should not be involved in such things at present, mainly because this part of the funds is difficult to obtain. Think about it, a large amount of financial funds are still raised through bonds. Chu state has already been through the bank. The method has raised enough funds. In this case, the source of funds is limited to bank loans, or the issue of taxation. Bank loans seem to be impossible, because banks do not have much funds. The only The way is to levy taxes. In this case, taxation will cause great disaster to our economy. You must know. At present, a large part of our economic sources are mainly concentrated on this. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us." The Deputy Minister said worriedly.

"I know that our economy mainly benefits from the reduction of taxes. Once our taxes increase, it will cause an economic downturn. This may happen. No matter how difficult it is for the Koreans, they did not increase taxes. , Because they know that once the tax is increased, the situation will become difficult to control. Therefore, it will not increase the tax. It is very difficult and they will not do it. The same is true for us. Once the tax is levied, the situation will become difficult for us. Very bad." Chen Ping said.

"We need the colonies to do blood transfusion instead of finding a way for us to do blood transfusion. This thing is to reject the Prime Minister. Although the Prime Minister may be very dissatisfied with us, this can only be the case. We absolutely cannot let the economy of Chu State. Go backwards. In that case, it would be very bad for us." Chen Ping decided.

"Yes. Minister, this is a wise decision." The deputy minister said. In the current situation, what Chu can only make is such a decision. Most of their economy depends on the development of Wuyue area. Although the development here is the latest, the speed of development here is the fastest. He can provide Chu Half of the country's tax revenue is given to Chu country. Once the tax rate is raised, the situation here will become very bad. The Ministry of Economy needs to avoid such a situation. But the problem is that this part of the funds comes from localities. This is the most difficult situation for Fan Zeng.

In the Yueshi Parliament, the government cabinet discussed the plan for importing oil from Karachi via Yueshi to enter the Qin State. The current Yueshi Railway Line 1 and Line 2 are the new lines of the original northern and southern sections of the railway. It is called, they think that the railway goods passing through their area in this way should increase a certain amount of tax. In this way, their financial income can be increased. In this way, the Yue people can build a third railway line, a railway to Indy, and the Indian government seems to be considering this plan, but they have no money, so the railway has not been able to start construction for a long time. Now the opportunity comes. Up. Some people in the cabinet advocate the levy of such taxes and fees. After all, railways also need to consume some resources.

But another part thinks that they shouldn't be like this. This is mainly concentrated in the economic sector. They have calculated that from Karachi, via Yuezhi, to Qin, the freight in the middle needs to rise a lot. If taxes are added, the price of fuel in the hands of Qin people may increase by half the price. In this way, Qin people are equivalent to being taxed. This is definitely a situation that Qin State is absolutely unwilling to see. The current transportation capacity of the Yuezhi Railway is relatively good, but the transportation capacity is far from saturated. It transports commodities from the north to the port of Karachi in the south, while the south transports a large number of slaves, but the transportation from the south to the north is not very saturated. . If they are allowed to fill in with oil, even though they earn less, they are better than the huge transportation volume. This is a long-term thought. However, many people in the cabinet disagree with this. In their opinion, it is a crime to do this. They are very annoyed to do such a thing without making good money.

The situation is such a situation. Many people agree with taxation because it is beneficial to the Yue government, but economic personnel do not think so. They believe that such a bold taxation will undoubtedly block the way, and the people of Qin will be annoyed. The decision of the subordinates of the cabinet, in the end, can only be decided by the parliament.

"Taxation will certainly help our finances, but doing so is extremely bad for the relationship between us and Qin people. How Qin people think about us, and how the economy develops, we just see the present, But we didn't think about the future. Unless we only have this generation, we will never be able to do this." An enlightened congressman objected.

"But we can't just watch our generation starving to death. The purpose of building the railway was not to meet the needs of the military." An obese congressman objected.

"Our goal is to make money, which is to bring great benefits to our finances. Now, since the people of Qin need to do this, naturally we have to treat them as a kind of business, and taxation is a matter of course. ." said the obese congressman.

"But if you do that, the people of Qin will calculate the cost. What will happen? The cost of the people of Qin has increased a lot, and they are naturally unwilling to use our plan. In that case, our railways will be stagnated, which is still true for us. An unfavorable factor is that railways usually need to be maintained. These funds come from the operation of railways. This is such a situation for our situation. We can collect taxes. But we must collect less taxes in order to satisfy our future This is a reasonable measure to meet the wide-ranging needs of the government. It is understandable to us. This is our situation.” said the enlightened member of the Diet.

"We have no objection, but it will be detrimental to us. What can we do?" said the obese congressman.

"You are the one who builds the railway, and you are the one who does not levy taxes." The obese congressman shook his head and said. Obviously, he was extremely dissatisfied with the other party's wording. He believed that the other party's doing so was an excuse, which was not what they wanted to see.

"We are not talking about not levying taxes, but levying less taxes." The enlightened congressman emphasized. And many MPs shook their heads. Obviously they are not satisfied with such a situation, and the economic situation of the Yueshi people is not very good. The main reason is that only a small part of the area they occupy is fertile land, which can basically meet some of their needs, but their economy has not improved much. They are attributed to the serious shortage of government financial funds or the infrastructure The reason for the lack of investment has been found. They naturally complain that the government's fiscal funds are insufficient. Of course, they are trying to increase fiscal revenue. The increase in revenue means that they can control more and more programs. But not all taxes can be levied.

"If we don't collect it, the Karachi people downstream can also collect tax. If they collect more. We naturally have less. This is still not good for us. So. I think we should start with this matter. Strong, this way, we can prevent our situation from becoming more complicated." A congressman stood up and said. The other members nodded in agreement. In this case, their situation is complete.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Karachi people and Yue people, they are obviously unwilling to give up such an opportunity to see what they think is good." Meng Yi said very upset. Shang Wen read the telegram and shook his head. Obviously, the Karachi people also reported a higher tax. In their opinion, they have no feelings for the Qin people. It is right to levy heavy taxes on the Qin people, and they concluded that the Qin people cannot do without them, so they increased the tax. But this is the situation that Shang Wen is most reluctant to see.

"What to do?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen helplessly.

"Give up. We can only give up. Their tax collection is not very reasonable, but we must protest against them. Otherwise, they will think that we are very weak, but we cannot use our military power to suppress it. They, this will increase our burden, we can only accept such things like this." Shangwen said.

"Just forget it?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen.

"Yes. That's the only thing to do. There is no way, we can't expand the war and make our situation more complicated. You should know what this means." Shang Wen said.

"I know, but we can't give up like this." Meng Yi said. They need to avoid a war.

"We can only solve such problems through other methods. For example, we can achieve our goals through a series of things in the north." Shang Wen said.

"For example, the War Department’s expedition plan and the transportation plan that we can use in South Korea. In this way, we can achieve our goal of suppressing the other party through other means. In this way, the other party will realize that their problem is completely wrong. Now." Shang Wen said easily.

"I hope this method will work for them." Meng Yi nodded in agreement.

The Qin State Expedition Ship, May, they are mooring on a certain place in the Kamchatka Peninsula today. There are still many icebergs here, which is extremely unfavorable for their navigation. The weather here is very cold, which is far out of the ordinary. People's expectations, but fortunately they are more fully prepared, the situation is still not very bad.

"Sir. This is what we found nearby. Look." A sailor took a bottle and handed it to his officer, Marine Corps Captain Yankee. He is in charge of expeditions.

"Oh." Yan Kee looked at the wine bottle curiously. The wine bottle was made of glass and was very tightly sealed. There were some papers in it, which might record some things. The location of the glass bottle is very obvious. On a high ground, there are stones piled up there, which is very obvious. This is also the reason that the sailors can quickly find out after they come ashore.

"When we found out, we were there. There were no people nearby, traces of people living around, and some graves. That's it." The sailor then reported.

"Yeah. Go down first, this matter is very important." Yang Ke waved his hand and said. Then carefully open the sealed glass bottle. The glass bottle has a good sealing effect, which can prevent the letter from being weathered or damaged for other reasons. This is extremely critical to the preservation of letters. They have found many such glass bottles along the way. Obviously this is a good protection method.

Yankee quickly opened the glass bottle and wrote letters from the glass bottle. It was a tribe exploring the north, but because of the cold winter, they could not stay here too much. They decided to continue north because of their There is no way out. Among them was a Qin army officer. Their reconnaissance showed that there was still a large area undiscovered, for example. They decided to explore there. If the Qin Navy finds their letter, they hope that the Qin Navy can Respond and go north to support them as soon as possible. Their condition is not very good. They are advancing with great perseverance. They hope that Qin Jun will catch up with them as soon as possible after seeing this letter. They will always walk along the coastline. .

After Yang Ki saw such a letter, he immediately found his commander. A navy colonel. Yang Ling.

"We have collected a lot of such glass bottles. It seems that there is indeed such a team that is not afraid of death." Yang Ling poured himself a glass of wine and said. The weather here is still very cold. Drinking can solve this situation. The most annoying thing is that there is no one here, no one can see alive. This is the situation they least want to see, because it means that their lives are very Boring. But expedition is like this. It's not the kind of people who are determined to accomplish such things.

"Sir, we need to go north immediately. Judging from the letters we found and the situation I saw, their condition seems a bit unsatisfactory. This is not good news for us. Maybe when we find them , They have already lost a lot. This is the worst situation." Yang Kee said.

"I know, I also understand this kind of thing, but that's how it is, and I don't have any way to solve this problem well. We can only watch this happen, you see the icebergs outside. Radio intelligence showed that an expedition ship in the second wave adventurously moved forward, and when they saw the iceberg evading, they were hit and sunk. Fortunately, an expedition ship nearby rescued, but there were still casualties. We only have one ship. If something goes wrong, everyone’s situation will become very bad. We must wait for rescue or another expedition ship to join us before we can move on.” Yang Ling said. In order to achieve the effect of their expedition as soon as possible, the Qin Admiralty ordered them to conduct expeditions separately. In this case, the scope was expanded. But their ability to deal with danger has been reduced a lot, and now something has finally happened. They have to deal with such a situation, so they gather again, so that they need to spend some time. Hear such an order. Yan Kee was very anxious, because they couldn't wait.

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