Naval officers are not willing to risk advancing and go to rescue. They know what it's like to fall into the sea, especially in this icy sea. They keep marching northward, and the temperature is still decreasing. This is for them. Said it is an unbearable situation. If rescue operations are launched, great risks need to be taken. No one is willing to take such great risks to do such things. Therefore, naval officers rejected the request of marines officers. Although rescue operations are urgent, the premise is that they must be safe. Otherwise, the rescue cannot be carried out and they will also fall into it. This is definitely something that everyone is unwilling to face.

The Red Sea, the sea here is calm and calm. An old-fashioned Korean sailing warship is heading west. Their goal is to search and explore the so-called Suez city.

"Damn it. Since the intelligence shows that there is such a city, why don't you tell us the coordinates?" Lieutenant commander. Chen Biao is the captain of the warship of the Black Beauty. Their battleship is equipped with 30 artillery pieces, 22 large-caliber breech-loaded artillery pieces, and two small-caliber artillery pieces. The rest are rapid-fire artillery. It is possible to deal with emergencies. They are members of the South Korean Royal Navy's Western Fleet and the Third Red Sea Squadron. This fleet is mainly responsible for transportation, patrol and security maintenance in the Red Sea area. In fact, they only have 12 old-fashioned ships. Battleships, but they have a lot of armed merchant ships, more than two hundred at all. This is a huge number, but the actual troops they maintain are very small. This made the members of the Third Red Sea Squadron feel dissatisfied, because they felt very tired. But they can only express their dissatisfaction.

"Sir, I know some inside information." The senior sergeant elder Hei said helplessly. He looks strong and sharp. It makes people feel very simple and honest, and the complexion is dark. Of course, he is very white compared to Sori’s black slaves, but people are still willing to call him the old black sergeant because he cares about people and knows a lot. thing.

"Oh. Tell me, I want to know what the **** inside story is?" Major Chen Biao said. The work of searching is extremely cumbersome, and they have to constantly adopt a zigzag approach, even though they only need to advance along the coastline. But they still have to do this, because they have to get some impossible news from some local people. Or some nearby islands are the targets of their search. It can be said that their task is still relatively large. Usually such a search requires more than six warships to complete the task. But now, there is only one of them.

"Sir, in fact, our businessmen have known this news a long time ago. They just don't say it." Old Hei said.

"What?" Chen Biao was very angry when he heard the news.

"Why are they doing this?" But he calmed down because he knew that the businessmen must have their reasons for doing this. In other words, he himself definitely can't manage such a thing, he can only use some other news to see what it is all about.

"Yes, smuggling, sir, smuggling. Suez City can carry out smuggling activities boldly. There is no need to pay taxes, and the profits are very large. Chu and our Korean businessmen can participate in it. I am with a When the fellow sailor was drinking. He told me that as for the specific coordinates, only the merchant knew. They would not know." Old Hei said.

"These **** businessmen, their list is really big enough." Chen Biao said after listening.

"Yes, we didn't expect the other party to have such courage, but things have happened. Many businessmen actively conceal such a thing, because then, they get the most benefits." The other party said Speaking of.

"Well, there is no need to pay taxes, and the number of transactions is also very large. Normally, they really do this. I know the **** businessmen too well. They always do." Chen Biao said.

"Yes, sir. They are such a group of people, so we went to explore the place, but I am worried that those businessmen will hinder us. After all, we are cutting off their interests by doing this. If necessary, I think those businessmen I'm still willing to do anything." Old Hei said.

"Don't they dare to attack us without success?" Chen Biao asked dissatisfiedly.

"I think they can really do this if they can." Old Hei whispered. Chen Biao was very angry after listening. Because this is a blatant attack on government forces, which is a felony on the mainland. But in fact, the government's influence here is very small. The most influential is the chamber of commerce, and businessmen are a group of groups, individuals, and organizations chasing interests. They don't care about any government. Only interests can make them do so.

And because governments of various countries have very few military presences here. Coupled with the lack of sufficient management, the Chamber of Commerce is the most influential group here. They seem to be the government, but they lack the strict organization of the government. They exist like a gang. Therefore, there will be smuggling activities.

"Ding ding ding ding." At this moment, the alarm bell rang quickly. Everyone immediately entered a state of combat.

"What's the matter?" Chen Biao picked up his high-powered telescope to check the situation.

"Sir, direction at nine o'clock. Several ships are fighting." A sailor reported.

"Go up immediately and see what's going on." Chen Biao gave an order. The battleship moved forward quickly, and the battle there seemed to have noticed the appearance of the Korean battleship, and they hurriedly ended the battle. It seems that both sides are going to leave and retreat at once.

"It seems to be ours?" The first officer put down the telescope and said.

"It seems that the businessman is really bold." Chen Biao has already seen clearly what kind of people it is. They wear Korean flags. And the style is only available in Korea. On the other side, there are a few people in love, and the situation of the local people, both sides are retreating as much as possible. It seems that both sides are unwilling to face the government forces, and they are unwilling to see the government participate.

"Fire. Stop them for me, it's your own people, and stop those people for me, let them stop for me. Otherwise, I will kill them." Chen Biao angrily ordered.

"Boom. Boom." The artillery began to bombard, but they did not directly blast off the opponent's ship. After all, there are still people in it, and the most terrible thing is the rapid-fire gun. They kept approaching and entered the range of the rapid-fire cannon. The shells almost hit the opponent's ship. Such shooting showed that they were capable of sinking the opponent, but they didn't do so and let them surrender obediently. Whether it is a few people in love or a Korean, it seems that they have no way to survive. Because they have seen each other's intentions clearly. There was no way, they had to surrender.

The Black Beauty immediately arrested the smuggling Korean businessmen and a few people in love. Before they calmed down, the interrogation began.

"What are you doing?" a naval officer asked seriously. Chen Biao and Lao Hei were listening outside.

"Doing business." The Korean replied.

"Oh. So is there a tax certificate?" the officer asked.

"No. You can understand it as smuggling. But many of us do this." The other party said indifferently.

"Well, it seems that you are very clear about what you are doing. Now that you understand. Just explain the problem honestly. Otherwise, you will be dispatched to a farther place, such as the grassland area west of Sori, where You will enter the grassland and fight against the black people. I heard that the black people are very unfriendly to us. The captured captives, and people like us, will eat them. Brain, your bones will be stewed into ribs soup. And you The internal organs, meat pieces. They will break your bones. Such things often develop." The navy officer said with a smile.

"Okay. Don't say it. I've already vomited. I have seen those black people, and they have indeed eaten human flesh. I have also seen them eat human flesh. They are really disgusting." The Korean inside shook his head and said To.

"Oh. Let's talk about it." The officer saw that the purpose had been obtained, and naturally accepted. In South Korea, the death penalty is rarely executed. Most of the prisoners on death row will be sentenced to exile. They will be sent to the most remote areas, first in the South China Sea, where mosquitoes and mosquitoes are present, and the weather is humid, and various painful diseases are invaded. Later, it was Western, but Western could not accept so many criminals at first. With Sori's discovery, the Koreans began to distribute a large number of criminals here. And what happened here began to surpass other people’s imagination, because they discovered that there are cannibals here. They have heard of such things in Nanyang. It is a group of small races who love to do such things. They are dwarf clowns, but they love to eat. The human brain sounds very scary. What I didn’t expect is that something like this would happen here, so this becomes the best place for distribution. Many people don’t want to come here because they’re afraid that they will die. The other party eats it. Obviously they are very afraid of such things.

What can really explain this kind of thing is that the population here has increased, but their food cannot afford such a large population. Cannibalism is the best way to catch the opposing prisoner of war and eat it. The first is to solve the prisoners of war, and the second is to provide physical goods. Even if they have sufficient food, they will still do so, because they see it as the best way to digest. Koreans need a large number of black slaves, but some tribes still Keeping the tradition of cannibalism, when it comes to their festivals, they will still eat some people love as sacrifices. The missing Korean is said to be among them.

"I came here because I was afraid that something like this would happen to me. I just hope you don't send me there. Those guys are disgusting. I turned out to be a slave trader, and I have this among my slaves. One person, without watching, actually ate half a person, and the whole cabin was full of human blood. There is no way I can only throw that guy into the sea. I hope the sharks can solve these **** guys, they are so disgusting. "The businessman said.

"Then talk about your business." The navy officer said. The Korean was also vomiting, and Chen Biao listened outside and looked at Lao He curiously. He nodded and said that something like this did happen. Chen Biao said nothing. He really did not expect that such crazy things would happen in this world, which was far beyond his expectation.

"We are mainly smuggling. Such things happen frequently. It is easy to understand. As you know, a piece of silk can be sold for a very high price, and a few people need this thing, so we smuggled like this. According to me As far as the smuggling situation is known, many people are involved. There are not one thousand, and at least 800 businessmen. I am talking about businessmen, and they have many employees involved.” The South Korean confessed.

"This time our transaction didn't go well. We followed the introduction of a **** lover. They gave us a buying price of 20 gold, and we were also very greedy. Usually they only gave us 10 gold. The highest was 15 gold. What I didn’t expect was that they actually blacked us, **** it, they were really not humans, we fought with them. They were equipped with better equipment, I don’t know where they got large-caliber artillery. One of our ships. The bombardment went on. A lot of silk was lost. The cotton was fucking, we lost money." The Korean continued.

"Where did the artillery come from?" the officer asked curiously at this time.

"I think it should be sold to them by the people of Chu. They don't know where they got the large-caliber artillery. It is said that some of our warships are sold to Karachi, Yueshi, and the Indian Navy. , The artillery can’t be sold to them too much, they disassembled it, and then resold it to those who need it. A few people can afford this price, so naturally they are sold to a few people, I think, it should be like this Those Chu people are very poor in food, and they do any kind of business. They are also in the female slave business, and they specialize in selling women to the country. They need such women." The other party said.

"Well, do you know Suez City?" the other party then asked.

"I know. It's a relatively large city. It is said that our goods are diverted from there and enter the very Aiji countries. We trade here. It is said that the transactions here are more than five times that of Aiji Port. After the transaction here, the local lovers will transfer the goods, and they will transport the goods to the north through a canal." The other party said.

"How much do you know about this canal?" the officer then asked.

"Well, what I know is that this canal is very important to the couple, it is an important trade canal." The other party said.

"We also know this, and we want to know something we don't know." The officer said.

"Well. Well, we also listened to the locals. They said that because of their own abilities, this canal can only take punts, not big boats like ours. If a big boat like ours enters, it will The whole canal is blocked. This is the situation. Some parts of this canal cannot be walked and need to be renovated. I heard that their government has such an idea, but it has been repaired once before and can barely pass. We are like this. The ship is absolutely impossible." The other party said. The officers looked at each other, obviously this was not the result they wanted to see. Because this news is still not useful enough for them.

"What I know is that one of their major port cities can be reached directly through this canal. In addition, they go straight up along a river. There is their important agricultural production area, and then their capital, in an impact delta region. However, they have been attacked by many countries, and their situation is not very good. They rely on trade to maintain a current balance. They are equipping a large number of troops. In addition, they will buy warships from us to maintain their naval status. Wait, that's it. A few people don't say much about these, we know this." The other side looked at the officer and said.

"Is that all?" the other party asked.

"Yes. Sir, I want to know, can I not go to those marginal places for what I said?" the other party asked cautiously.

"I don't know. If you remember anything, you may be exempted from punishment. I just hope you can cooperate with us well." The officer said. Immediately, the South Korean navy arraigned many people, and they also asked about the situation in Suez City. The canal is to the east of Suez City. In fact, they may have already passed there. Then there was news about that canal, the situation in Suez.

But Chen Biao didn't care about these news. He felt that an incident might be caused behind this incident. He seemed to feel that the senior management needed something like this.

"We are relatively close to Suez City. Sir, if we are in danger, we should report the situation to them and let them decide. In this way, we don't have to bear too many consequences." Old Hei suggested. .

"Yeah. Go, let's go back and tell our chief the situation here. Only the chief can decide on such things." Chen Biao nodded and said. Soon they started to leave here. What they need to do is to report the situation to the above, and only the above can decide this matter.

The telegram was sent out soon. The South Korean Admiralty is aware of such things.

"Damn smugglers. They almost broke something big." The Secretary of the Navy scolded after reading the report.

"Sir, I think we can use such things to make some articles, for example, we can use them to provoke some incidents, and what we need now is such incidents." The undersecretary of the Navy proposed.

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