The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3297: Qi State's Reform

"Something?" The Secretary of the Navy asked puzzledly.

"Yes, I saw that the whole issue was that our businessmen were attacked by the other side. This is an indisputable fact, which shows that our businessmen's interests have been greatly lost." The Navy Deputy Chief explained.

"Well, that's right, I think the whole thing should be like this." The Secretary of the Navy nodded and said.

"In this case, we have a reason to attack Suez City. Regardless of whether they are illegal or legal, they are all our Koreans. If we Koreans are attacked, we should expand and protect our interests. Take this matter away. Propaganda, and then handed over to the king to deal with, this is the reason why we continue to attack. Of course. We also have to give countries some legal explanations, or some benefits. Otherwise, they will not be so concerned." The minister said little by little.

"Yes. Sir." The Navy Deputy Nodded. But the South Korean navy discovered the city of Suez and the existence of this canal. The South Korean Navy decided to focus on the city of Suez, because it can maximize their naval advantages. Landing operations do not require too much technical content. This is their own idea. So, when this problem comes up . The South Korean Navy felt that they finally found an opportunity to start.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"This is a suggestion from the Admiralty. They think we should launch such an offense. After all, such an offense is very beneficial to us and can greatly solve our current problems. This is of great benefit to us." Zhang Liang said to Han Shu.

"Yeah. That's right. This is really good for us, but the current question is how many troops we can carry out operations. What I know is that our naval force there is still very weak, only ten. There are two old-fashioned warships, none of the new-style warships. After those warships, they have undergone a series of improvements. However, whether they can open the door to each other at once. I am still very worried.” Han Shu does not have the same effect as the Admiralty. Of excitement. She is calm, she knows. To do such a thing, she should first clearly know how to do it. Moreover, it is all other countries participating in the battle this time, and the ships of these countries may still be on the way, after all, the journey is far away. Logistic offensive operations are more troublesome. The first thing they have to fight is a big offensive point.

"This, our military strength is gradually increasing, and we can test it there first, or attack with artillery. In addition, we can also ask the navies of some countries to participate in the war. In this way, we can solve a large part of the problem. Now." Zhang Liang said.

"Well. We should be cautious about this issue, let the people of Zhao Guo fully consider it, and our headquarters should be formally established, otherwise, this issue will continue to haunt us." Han Shu said cautiously.

"Yes. King, we will negotiate this matter as soon as possible. Another thing is that Jiaozhou's oil production should be increased. And the transportation volume must also be increased." Zhang Liang took out a report at this time.

Qin officially imported a large amount of oil from South Korea. The main reason for this is that apart from being the main oil producing area, there are more developed port facilities and convenient transportation to meet Qin’s needs, and Qin’s demand for oil. Becomes very big. It's amazing. In such a situation, Qin naturally imported a large amount of crude oil from Qingcheng, South Korea.

There is another important reason. From Yueshi, Karachi, importing oil will increase a lot of trade taxes. This is something that Qin State absolutely does not allow, so Qin State had to choose such a channel to meet his own domestic needs.

"Well, I heard that Qi also has its own oil-producing area in that area?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes. That oil-producing area happens to be at the border of the two countries. I heard that the locals often have disputes with us. Although there are barbed wire fences, such things will still happen because oil is related to the locals. Economy." Zhang Liang also said helplessly.

"Then we have an advantage in transportation. Our advantage is that there is a railway. The other side does not have such a railway. Naturally, their situation is not as good as ours." Han Shu said with a smile. Qi State can also extract oil, but most of their oil is refined by themselves, and some of the kerosene extracted meets the needs of some remote areas. After all, electricity has not yet been widely popularized, and many areas still need kerosene. The sales area is these areas, maintain, they also invented horse lanterns, and steam lamps. In particular, the steam lamp meets the needs of some hand-crafted workshops. The lamp they invented by using simple knowledge of air pressure greatly boosted the consumption of kerosene.

However, whether it is a horse lantern or a steam lamp, it can only meet the lighting needs of some remote areas to a large extent. In some large cities, the consumption of kerosene is still very small, which means that Qi will lose most of the market. For Qi people. It is definitely not good news.

It can be said that Qi State itself is producing a low-priced product with no appreciation potential. Such a product naturally does not have a large market and prospects. If at this time the Koreans increase the volume of transportation and crowd out this part of the market, the Qi people's oil production will come to a standstill. This will have a great impact on the country’s oil industry. Naturally, Han Shu would be happy to see this.

However, the Qi State did not take action. Lou Jing had already noticed this. He had already made relevant plans for this.

"Our oil industry is still very backward, and this backward production method is terrible to us." Lou Jing shook his head and said to his ministers.

"How our oil is produced, they use primitive methods to refine oil, which is simply heating and then refining. This refining method that does not require a lot of technology greatly limits the development of our petroleum industry." Lou Jing said To.

"There is also natural gas. In the process of mining, we discovered natural gas. Some improper handling caused disasters because of natural gas explosions and various incidents." Lou Jing said dissatisfied.

For natural gas, Qin State discovered the existence of natural gas in the Bashu area at an earlier time. Through a series of pipeline facilities, Qin State used natural gas in the Guanzhong area, of course. The main function of natural gas at the beginning is not to burn, but to extract inert gas from natural gas, which can be used as a good flying gas. It is mainly used for airships. Although most airships in various countries still use hydrogen, because hydrogen is cheap, it is very dangerous. Despite this, countries are still willing to use hydrogen. Of course, there is also a small amount of inert gas used, which is mainly concentrated in Qin. As for the later use of natural gas, it mainly came from Qin State. Qin State Guanzhong needs a clean energy source, because a large amount of burning coal will cause very unfavorable factors for the pollution situation in Guanzhong. Qin State adopted a series of environmental protection before using natural gas. In Qi, the people of Qi also use natural gas. Of course, they don’t have advanced sealing tools such as plastic sheets. They use a kind of sealed leather, and the air bag made of it is very cheap. This allows them to make large-scale air bags, which can be opened and charged during oil extraction. A house-sized air bag is enough to meet the heating and cooking needs of a family for more than three days. The important thing is that you don’t need money for this kind of natural gas. Petroleum mining will consider it a bad luck when you encounter natural gas, and a large amount of natural gas is wasted. This kind of convenience is given to civilians, and the fuel they use in oil refining is obtained from this.

However, the air bag is made of leather after all. No matter how good the airtightness of the leather is, even if it is improved, it is easy to have such problems. Explosions and fires are unavoidable to the people of Qi. The Qi government strictly prohibits this, but in fact, they simply cannot do it. The work is very difficult.

"Oil and natural gas are wasteful and polluted. Large areas of arable land are unable to continue farming due to oil pollution. There is also a natural gas explosion, and the operation is considered unsafe, and the loss of personnel and property is also great. Our petroleum products. The quality of the products is very poor and chaotic, and there is no uniform standard." Lou Jing said that these are the problems they have summarized, and these problems have undoubtedly seriously affected the development of Qi's petroleum industry.

"In short, our oil industry is chaotic, chaotic, and chaotic no matter how disorderly." Lou Jing said.

"Prime Minister, we have no way at the moment. These are developed independently by the locals. If we want to develop, we will encounter resistance from the local level. It is still difficult to change." The Minister of Finance has already Having noticed this problem, the oil industry could have brought a lot of tax revenue to Qi State’s finances, but the problem is when everyone is aware of this problem. They will all participate. The disorderly development has led to the reduction of tax revenue. The main reason is that the demand has become not that much. Although Qi’s kerosene has a great price advantage in terms of price, this advantage increases with the quality of oil. The severe decline resulted in unfavorable sales. This in turn affected the fiscal tax increase. The quality of kerosene is muddy and viscous, and the smoke produced by burning is very large. In some places, it is too viscous to be ignited. Although it is cheap, no one dares to buy it. The worst is not the worst. The worst thing is that someone even added water to the oil, causing serious damage to the gasoline engine after using it. Kerosene cannot be ignited. People classify Qiguo oil as a defective product. After they buy it, they need to perform secondary processing or filtration. It can be seen how serious the defect of the product is.

"I know that these problems, places, especially villages, are the scope of local power, and our decree cannot enter them at all," Lou Jing said. Qi State has its own political characteristics. For example, in Qin State and Zhao State, due to the occurrence of a large number of land mergers, the city has been continuously expanded, which intensified the process of urbanization. This is mainly because a large number of farmers have lost their rural areas. The land of Qi entered the city, but in Qi, Qi divided the land into small pieces. Although at the beginning, this was conducive to the active recovery of Qi’s self-agriculture, with the economic development, this drawback began to show up. First, the labor force was greatly restricted on rural land. In the past, farmers depend on big landlords, because big landlords control taxation and other areas. This situation is not very obvious in coastal areas, because the impact of urbanization is very severe. Laizhou. These places in Dengzhou have developed rapidly and are prone to shocks, but they are inland. This impact becomes very big. But in rural areas, this situation is not very big. Peasants are still attached to the big landlords, thus forming a closed area one by one, and the leaders of these areas are the big landlords, who monopolize the local economy. This is very unfavorable for the development of the country.

Lou Jing is also aware of this problem, and he hopes to think of some ways to attack these big landlords at least to improve this unfavorable political environment in Qi.

"My idea is to set up a joint oil company to involve the big businessmen and local people to carry out market-oriented reforms. In this way, with a large-scale organization and operation, it will still have a great impact on our development. The benefits of this." Lou Jing said.

"But Prime Minister, will this cause dissatisfaction among the locals? We must know that they have a certain influence to impact us. We will make them feel insecure if we do this. I am afraid it will be very detrimental to us." After fully considering the influence of the place, I said so.

"I also want to avoid bigger things from happening, but at this time. It is no longer possible to do this." Lou Jing said.

"If we don't do this again, the result will be serious damage to our economy. This damage will aggravate our economic contradictions. When we want to reform, we may not have such time and energy." Lou Jing said.

"Furthermore, why do we want to set up a joint company? Our intention is to bring those businessmen and local people together to do great things, and let them introduce new competition mechanisms. In this way, it will be good for all of us. The economy is a great help, and such help is very effective for us. Therefore, we should support the development of such a thing instead of opposing it, which will cause a lot of confusion." Lou Jing said. The ministers nodded. They expressed their understanding and agreement, and they also thought it necessary to do so, but as for the consequences of doing so, this is not what they can consider. To know. The occurrence of such a thing has greatly exceeded their expectations. Qi's economy needs rapid development, but the old system is constantly restricting Qi's development. Qi needs to reform and reform those old problems. Only in this way can such problems be completely solved. Although Lou Jing has realized it. The previous problems are full of difficulties, but there is no alternative. They can only do more by moving forward and moving forward.

Dawan, on a railway construction site. The soldiers who have been discharged from the barracks are eating hard-to-swallow meals.

"Bah. What is this? There is sand in his mother's rice, baah. What sabotage things." A worker scolded.

"Damn it. I was in the barracks. It was time for me to eat something like this. It was simply not for humans." The worker put down his lunch box and cursed. He is unbearable such a meal. There is sand in the rice, and there is not much starch in the meat. It can be said that there is starch in it. The most terrible thing is that there is a large piece of salt in it that has not melted. This is simply a life-threatening meal.

"Okay. Brother, don't stop eating, you will be hungry." A middle-aged man walked over and said.

"Can you eat this meal?" the other party asked the middle-aged man curiously.

"Yes. Although the food is not very good? To be full, the most important thing is to manage enough. You look at the slaves over there and they don't have this treatment." The middle-aged man said.

"Bah. What do you guys think. Damn it, the foreman has embezzled the money. You still speak for him, what are we all mixed up with. It's like a slave. I was in the barracks, and there were enough canned foods, so much? You can’t eat it and throw it away. Is it the **** thing that humans eat this kind of food?” The other party said dissatisfiedly.

"It's not that there is no way. We have food to make up for it. It's better to make more money," said the middle-aged man.

"Be quiet, there are thugs over there. Those thugs are the same as you. They all came from the army. They were cruel. I saw a guy from the barracks who had broken his legs and arms and ended up playing. It's miserable. It's not as good as a slave. You should keep your voice down and don't let them hear." The middle-aged man persuaded him in a low voice.

"This. Don't you see that the money in the rules and regulations of the **** is enough for the **** gangster to corrupt." The other party said dissatisfied.

"I know, but there is no way. People are contracted from the army. I heard that they are still relatives with your teachers. If you can do this, you must do this. If you do it like this, people are not afraid of you at all. , Tell you, I have seen complaints, and none of them ended up well. They were all miserable. Here, it is better to work honestly. Despite this and other things, people give us money at any rate." Middle-aged The man said helplessly.

Hearing this, the veteran felt very aggrieved, and he almost exploded with anger. The other party was able to say such things. He couldn't believe his ears. He didn't know if such things would happen.

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