The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3298: The hope of the rest

The country of Dawan is in a state of high-level economic construction. The senior officials of Dawan and the military cooperate with each other. The soldiers contract construction projects, and the soldiers act as simple labor. Contractors, government workers, and members of Congress collude with each other. A large number of engineering projects rely on nepotism. Although many people are dissatisfied, they can only limit this. They can't do anything.

The reason why Dawan was able to do so was that a large number of loans from Qin State Bank were skewed here. As a collateral, the Dawan government mortgaged their banknote issuance rights. In other words, Qin State Bank determined Dawan’s The country’s own currency issuance is an absolutely unbelievable behavior, but it happened in Dawan. This is because Dawan needs many job opportunities like this, and it needs a place where the country’s contradictions are specific. This place is economic construction. Only when it develops, no one will complain, and they can make a fortune. What’s wrong with that? that.

Qin State Bank was also crazy. They seized the opportunity to issue banknotes frantically, and sufficient banknotes brought economic prosperity. The banking business expanded rapidly. This directly stimulated the rapid development of Dawan’s economy. The Qin government believed that it was normal. This was the best proof of their economic relief to Dawan.

Qin State, Xianyang. Department of War.

"Our third wave of expedition team has already set off. But so far, we still haven't received any news from the first wave until it reaches the designated date. If this continues, we will wait crazy." The Army Secretary said worriedly.

"Don't worry, give them some time. We still have a lot to do. For example, we need to abolish some equipment we don't need. The navy has already launched their operations." The Secretary of the Army took a document and handed it to the other party. . Then continue to look for some files.

"Sir, what is this?" the undersecretary of the army asked curiously. He didn't know why his commander had to give him such a document. This document was a list of Army aviation. Among them, the bombing airship formations of two wings were marked with red crosses. In addition, the machine gun airships of the two squadrons and the airships of the other squadrons are among them. This is almost the strength of the entire army aviation.

"All abolished." The Secretary of the Army said easily.

"What? sir? This is, why is this?" Although the undersecretary of the army had known about the Parthian army for a long time, they were still worried about troubles over there. It was normal for them to abolish the Parthian army. They saw Come. The Qin Army did not need to keep a huge army, and the Qin Army was unwilling to spend more military expenditure on this. This is a normal thing, but now they are abolishing their own aviation forces.

"Because we don't need it anymore. You reorganize these equipment, and then we will sell it to the Dawan army, hurry up and do it, the naval aviation gang heard that they have sent someone there." said the secretary of the army.

"But they are aviation." The other party said.

"Yes, I know they are aviation, but what we need to abolish is the aviation. The army needs new and fast equipment. Not this kind of heavy airship, many weapons will enter the research and development state and will be handed over to some civilian factories. They will Made better. Don't worry, the number will be astonishing." said the Secretary of the Army.

"This." The undersecretary of the army obviously couldn't accept the delivery of such equipment to Dawan.

"No need to do this or that. It's so decided. We should see the future, what is the future? The future is that we have this and that opportunity, we will have better equipment, this time just to replace the equipment." Speaking of. In fact, he has approved many military research institutes to transfer technology to civilian research institutes. The project of the airship research institute will conduct research with Zhao Guo and South Korea. Zhao Guo will learn to process and manufacture gasoline engines, and they are also actively learning new materials. . Manufacturing of aluminum alloy.

South Korea has done quite well. They can develop their own good gasoline engines, but the problem is that their oil quality is not stable, which makes their gasoline engines perform poorly. Once the cooperation project with Qin State is launched, they will be able to proceed very smoothly.

The reason why the War Department did this was that they were short of money and the three waves of expeditions kept sending out. Qin seemed determined to include the North, and the War Department had to cut down some projects they didn’t need to complete the North. The project's blood transfusion project.

Inside the Xianyang Palace. King Qin looked at the huge map. His eyes have been looking at the north, and the territory of the north is constantly expanding, and many areas have been marked with the small flag of the Qin army.

"The north is huge. There is no one to occupy the large forest area." King Qin said, shaking his head.

"My lord, it is a wild land after all." Zhao Gao responded carefully.

"Nonsense, how can it be a wild land? Can the wild land have a lot of mineral resources? Those wild land is not the territory of the Qin State." King Qin said.

"The old slave deserves to die. The old slave shouldn't say such things." Zhao Gao said in fear.

"What should be said, there is no need to do this. Many people only saw the things on the land. They don't know that the things under this land are the most valuable. Few people have heard of it." King Qin said at this time.

"In southern Xinjiang, northern Xinjiang, where there is no grass, there is still oil. Don't look at these black whispers, sticky things are not very valuable, but they can make our Qin country grow stronger. "Qin Wang said.

"You said, there is nothing in that piece of land, it's all under the desert. Who would have thought that there would be something we need." King Qin said with a smile.

"My lord, this thing buried in the ground is so deep that none of us can see it. We can only explore a little bit." Zhao Gao said. King Qin nodded. There is a prospecting report on his case. They preliminarily determined that there is a large-scale oil-producing area in southern Xinjiang, but it may be more difficult to extract. Moreover, such places are too far away from densely populated areas, making mining and transportation more difficult. However, Qin's demand for oil is becoming greater and greater, more and more gasoline engines are being manufactured, motor vehicles are also growing rapidly, and the aviation industry has its own mature engines. Everything seems to be developing well in that way. Unfortunately, Qin's oil production is getting more and more unable to keep up with such demand. Oil, like food and blood, drives King Qin crazy.

At that time, Qin State Guanzhong had limited grain reserves, which led to Zheng Guoqu’s construction. Despite a conspiracy at that time, it greatly met the development needs of Qin State. However, King Qin still thought it was not enough. He believed that Qin State should have more Land, more population, and weapons must also have his own set, so he adopted Shangwen to carry out bold reforms. As a result of the reforms, Qin's national strength has surpassed any period before, but the King of Qin was afraid to launch a war of unification. . Because Qin's power situation has changed in all aspects. First, Qin has become reluctant to participate in wars. They hope to watch others fight, and their banks are faster than tigers and wolves, quietly absorbing the economic power of those countries. In the end, those areas became Qin's own areas. Although this method takes longer, it can bring great benefits to the State of Qin, and the effect of reunification will be better. It can be said that the State of Qin is gradually changing a way of reunification, and the military reunification is changing. Cheng Jing Tong. And this unity is more stable. However, there are still many places to worry about such unification. Secondly, resources, a large amount of resources need to be tilted to the side of Qin, Qin's demand for resources has become greater and greater. The big one is like a bottomless pit, no matter what method Qin uses, it can't be filled. From coal and iron, to copper mines and a series of rare minerals, then to aluminum, electricity, and finally to oil, Qin has almost occupied all important resources. It is this kind of demand that makes Qin feel a little uneasy. Without sufficient resources, this country will become extremely insecure. The last point is that the development of various countries is not far behind. Countries seem to be aware of the role of reforms. They have adopted measures to reform some of their own shortcomings. For reform, they do everything. For example, they simply imitated some of the practices of the Qin State, while constantly introducing a series of technologies to enrich themselves, and after these technologies entered various countries, they began to cause various mutations, and these technologies became an uncertain factor. , Coupled with the variation of reform measures, made King Qin feel a little more disturbed.

"My lord, we also found a lot of oil resources on the Caspian Sea. As long as we occupy the oil resources of the Qin State there, we can get a lot of satisfaction." Zhao Gao picked some nice words at this time to make King Qin happy, because The place controlled by King Qin is too big. Even the Prime Minister’s Mansion is busy every day. Now there are telegrams, but the number of telegrams is amazing. Although some telegrams are reduced by a few words as much as possible, the amount of reading is still very large. The prime minister’s mansion has to deal with a lot of things every day. The personal burden is huge. This is the massive amount of consultations brought about by information. The most important thing is that the private sector also has such consultations. The emergence of newspapers has greatly reduced the mystery of some things, and the public's ability to accept affairs is getting higher and higher.

"You are also a businessman. It is useless to mine it out. There must be a railway. The people in Dawan are actively building the railway, but the problem is that the railway is not in our hands and the safety is still controlled by others." King Qin said. King Qin is also considering this issue.

In Wang Ben's command center, some leaders of the Anxi tribe and officers' representatives gathered here. Although the orders of the disbanding army were strictly blocked, they were still known by some officers. They are very worried about where they are going. Without Qin people, there would be no them. They knew this too well. Without the control of the people of Qin, they couldn't do anything. This makes it difficult for them to accept. It can be seen that the Parthian officers and officers are still relatively dependent, and the same is true for the tribal leaders of the Parthian people. The people of Qin can bring a lot of supplies, which they have never had, and they can effectively fight the Persians, if the people of Qin retreat. , They really don’t know whether they can keep such an area.

"I know what you are worried about? Are you worried that the Qin people will sell you?" Wang Ben said straightforwardly.

"Yes, sir, we do have such concerns. After all, such things are very likely to happen. We can't watch such things happen. The situation of our rest people is still very bad." A representative of the military officer said worriedly. To.

"Yeah. I know, but you also need to learn to be independent. This is something you must learn. The Qin government plans to abolish the establishment of the Parthian legion. Some of you can follow our merchants to fight, and some of you, you You can also adapt to the new life as soon as possible." Wang Ben said.

"What, what about this? We don't know how to deal with such a thing." Many people said worriedly.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there are certain arrangements, don't worry like this," Wang Ben said.

"Actually, it's very simple to deal with this kind of thing, you can do that." Wang Ben said.

"The Qin government will let you people in peace set up a government by themselves, and manage themselves by their own affairs. This is the best result, and Qin can also concentrate on some things and do some things that he can do. This is for everyone. It is good, and we hope that the government established in peace is a democratic, united and unified government." Wang Ben said with a smile. Everyone was surprised after hearing this. This was the first time they heard such words. They had never thought about the establishment of a rest government, but some military officers heard the words, what is unity, unity, or, What is a democratic government, they really know what this means. This means that the Shabbat government will no longer be their previous Shabbat kingdom, empire, but a new government.

"You have to set up a parliament and a prime minister's house. It is your responsibility to set up your own army to fight the Persians, of course. The Qin government will help you as much as possible, but you must first clean up the presence of the Persians." Wang Ben said. Then Wang Ben said a lot, but some people didn’t know what Wang Ben said. Of course there was a language barrier in it, but they also had to consider one thing, that is, the news that Qin people told them is amazing, which means They want to form their own government.

When news of the disbandment of the Legion came. The officers and soldiers are very anxious. What they are anxious about is their future destiny. They don't know how to deal with such a situation. They don't know what to do. The hesitation after losing support has shattered everyone's hope. They were very worried, so they decided to discuss with Qin people, maybe Qin people didn't have such plans.

However, after hearing that the top commander did have such an order. Everyone's psychology is unbearable, and they are extremely scared. In other words, they are completely hopeless. But the people of Qin State immediately gave them the shocking news that they could set up their own government, which made everyone's hopes burn again. The government, what it means, wealth, rank, and their status. They are officers in the Parthian legion. The army is a place with strict ranks. The Qin army's military rank system is still the same. This is too big an impact for them. Many military officers were shocked when they heard such news. They accepted many things from Qin and knew the advanced nature of Qin. It was simply too easy for them to establish their own country. If they can fully accept the entire Parthian regiment, with the support of the army, they can easily build their own army. For them, the government, the country, such things have become too simple.

"I can't believe it, it's true." said an officer. He himself didn't know how to end the meeting, from disappointment to hope, and this hope became more and more ardent. This makes them feel very excited. This is the first time they have heard such good news.

Aijigang, the temporary station of the Red Sea Fleet of the South Korean Western Fleet, has seven warships here. The sailors are busy scrubbing the floor and tidying up their old warships, while the veterans are constantly running away. In the women’s house, every time they come back from a mission, they will go to such a place for recreation. The recruits are very interested, but they have to finish their work. Under normal circumstances, officers should go to such a place because of the great pressure of combat. Many officers can hardly bear such a great pressure, so they will go to have fun, but this time is different. The officers are all called to a meeting urgently, which makes the soldiers a lot easier. They guess whether there is really a need to fight. beated.

"These **** floors, and the weather, let us scrub such floors, there are slaves over there, why not let slaves do it." A recruit complained. As soon as they were assigned here, they were arranged to wipe the floor. They did all the work.

"Hurry up and work, let's go happily after we're done," another recruit said. He had a large tattoo on his arm. He himself didn't know what the tattoo was, but Chu's navy and sailors did it like this, and he thought it was fashionable, so he got one. This makes him look very different. Actually there are veterans.

"Okay, why are we going to do it now?" the sailor asked puzzledly.

"It's very simple, it's about to fight a war. You don't want to taste women how to fight, or you are too bad. And packing up a few women, it is very exotic. Anyway, I am going. Do you love it or not? Come." The other party said so. When the sailor heard this, he immediately became excited. His floor was wiped very, very fast, and everyone wondered if this guy was in heat. So excited. Many people shook their heads and continued to work.

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