"This is the order from above. Let's talk about it. What shall we do?" A South Korean navy colonel asked his subordinates. Most of them are majors and captains. This is all of the Red Sea Squadron of the South Korean Navy's Western Fleet. There are also some warships that perform patrol missions and cannot return to the port. Squadron Captain Cai Lin looked at everyone, his troops were too weak. So weak that he himself felt it was impossible to accomplish such a thing.

The Admiralty’s order was for them to block the trade in and out of Suez. My God, Cai Lin wanted to laugh when he received this order, but he still didn’t laugh because he couldn’t laugh at all. If you want to do such a thing , Their naval power must be strengthened, but they are all temporary warships that come here, and they are not under his control at all. the most important is. The above arranged for them some difficult things, which made him feel very crazy. In desperation, he can only gather his subordinates to discuss such matters.

"Sir. We are unlikely to complete such a thing, blockade, and such a task. A warship like ours requires at least fifty warships to complete such a task, but we only have twelve ships in total. The ship needs to be repaired, ammunition is extremely inadequate, and morale is generally not high. The most important thing is, what is the situation of the Aiji Navy in Suez? We don’t understand at all.” A captain suggested himself. the opinion of.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and they also had concerns in this regard. After all, many situations are unknown to them. For example, the Aiji Navy, what they know is that the Aiji Navy is not small, and it is said that they also bought a large number of artillery from the smugglers in Chu State, and they also imitated various artillery. They occupy the number, and the sea area home field advantage. Look at their own side. Their advantage is not very big. First of all, after a period of consumption, their ammunition supply situation is not very sufficient. At this time, it is difficult for them to blockade. Avoid a large-scale battle. Under such circumstances, they really can't think of how long their ammunition can last. Maybe when the two sides exchanged fire, their ammunition will be insufficient.

"Sir, we do not have the advantage in number, but the advantage of warships, I think it is not very big. After all, we do not have the advantage in terms of speed. Unless we use a large number of ships and warships, our rapid-fire artillery can give full play to our advantages. , But the other party has a quantitative advantage. Such a blockade is really meaningless. If we do this, it means we have to abandon the port here. In that case, the interests of the merchants will suffer greater losses. Finally, I The worry is that if we block them, they can block us too. At that time, if we take the initiative to fight, the situation may be bad for us, plus they can use fixed forts, the situation." Chen Biao stood up and commented on his own opinion. Speaking out, many people nodded in agreement. This is exactly what they think and what they hope to express. After all, this is a battle. A little carelessness may cause them heavy losses. A squadron like theirs cannot afford such a loss.

"After all, our strength is still too weak." Cai Lin said. In fact, he did not hold any hope for holding this meeting, after all, their naval power was still weak.

"Yes, sir, unless we are reinforced by the above, there is nothing we can do to do such a thing." Naval officers said. It's not that they reacted negatively, but that their situation really made them unable to lift their energy.

"Well, I will send a request to the Admiralty, hoping that they will agree to our request." Cai Lin said. He really couldn't believe that the above task was delegated to a squadron of only twelve warships to do such a thing. They found it difficult to undertake such a task.

North Laizhou. In the experimental site of the Zhao State Navy, two airships flew in the sky. One airship was slowly landing, but the bottom was not flat, but a battleship more than 120 meters long, the weapons on the battleship. They are all rapid-fire guns, but not many, they can only defend. The length of the airship is more than 35 meters, this is the aircraft carrier battleship of the Zhao State Navy Air Force.

"The effect of the bombing is still good, but it can only deal with some fixed targets. In a surprise attack, such an effect may not be achieved." A navy lieutenant colonel explained to an officer of the naval technical department.

"It is very remarkable to have such a result. Qin also has such aircraft. I heard that they are all aircraft. In that case, how to fight?" the naval technical department officer asked. He is the relevant officer responsible for the acceptance of this naval aviation project. Of course, it is mainly to provide relevant technical guidance to the General Staff and the Navy Department. With the further development of military weapons, the Zhao State Navy also paid attention to the naval aviation force, mainly because the range of artillery was further increased. The Ministry has almost obtained a batch of artillery with a caliber of more than two hundred millimeters, but after the increase in the range of the artillery, the sighting becomes a big problem, especially for artillery calibration. On land, observers will do it, but on the sea, it is impossible to do so. In this regard, the only way is to use aviation. It was under such circumstances that the Zhao State Navy established its own naval aviation. However, their aviation was only used for artillery observation and calibration at the beginning. They also used old-style airships. The effectiveness of airships was not very great. However, with the role of aviation, especially the impact of the bombing of airships, some officers decided to use airships for execution. In the bombing mission, their target is the opponent’s core fortress. After all, sometimes the artillery of warships cannot pose a threat to those fortresses. This requires naval aviation to perform such a mission, and they can penetrate deep and far into the other side to carry out bombing. .

"Well, the Qin people are mainly equipped with airplanes, which are very troublesome to use. First, they need to be equipped with pontoons, and then, their range is very limited and their fuel requirements are higher, but they are fast, but they have a heavy load. But it is very limited, unless it is a bomber with a twin-engine or a four-engine engine, but in that case, the aircraft cannot be placed on a warship, even if it is placed on it, it will not be too many, and the number of aerial bombs carried, The load capacity is very limited. It is far less cost-effective than the airship, and the airship can be stored, and the airship's skeleton can be folded and stored. These are all for us. It is a very easy task." The naval officer explained To.

"Yeah. But I heard that they had relevant combat experience before?" the technical officer continued to inquire. Obviously this question interested him, because it was a surface war, but it was fighting on the ocean. Launching an offense from the air is definitely an absolutely exciting idea.

"Yes, but at that time they used incendiary bombs and dealt with wooden ships. But in the future, warships will be made of steel. Incendiary bombs will not be able to play a big role. They use bombs and must attack those stationary and fixed Targets require precise bombing to put large aerial bombs on the battleship, and the battleship can only be completely paralyzed when the battleship is concentrated. But the aircraft cannot do this, because their ammunition is too limited. They simply can’t. Do this." The technical officer explained.

"Oh. So that's it." The officer nodded. Obviously this kind of knowledge is enough to open his eyes. As for the application of naval aviation, Zhao’s navy is also actively exploring. After all, they do not have a clear view on how to use naval aviation, but what they know is that if naval aviation exerts such power, it will definitely be better than those. The cannon still works.

The Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin.

"Zhao's navy, as well as South Korea and Chu's navy, have established related naval aviation plans. The aviation of the Zhao's and Chu's navies has been initially constructed, and the South Korean navy is also under intense planning. Future naval battles may be further elevated to the air." A navy lieutenant colonel said worriedly.

"I think we don't need to worry. They are equipped with heavy and extremely inflexible airships. Only when such airships can survive the bombing can they be considered a threat. At present, our navy can be equipped with a large number of anti-aircraft artillery to deal with it. If the enemy’s airship is not a big threat to us, the damage they do to the warship is actually because it is not a threat, because the warship is flexible. They can drive and run, and the airship wants to bomb the running airship. Obviously it was impossible, because their bombs could not catch up with the battleship, and the accuracy was very poor. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for us to understand the effect of the bombing prepared by them?" The Navy Deputy Commander retorted.

"Well. It sounds reasonable, but we also need to pay attention to this issue, especially in actual combat. We should pay attention to the threat of this weapon, especially in the case of sneak attacks." The Secretary of the Navy said. He had seen that raid launched by the Qin army using naval aviation. Although it was very immature, it was very effective, and this was the direction that countries imitated.

"Unless it is a night attack, it is difficult for them to get close to the air base because they are too large. Unless they only use bombing, otherwise, they can't do this at all." The navy deputy said his opinion. This idea has been approved by many people, and they also think so, because the airship is too big. It is difficult to make a sneak attack without being discovered by the other party.

"This." The lieutenant colonel could not explain how they carried out the sneak attack, but he believed that there was a big loophole. Although the airship cannot accomplish this, the airplane can. The airplane can fly close to the ground, avoid the opponent's aerial reconnaissance, or enter at high altitude, but this is a very different idea. This kind of thinking is a serious threat to the Navy.

In South Korea, in Han Shu's office, the Secretary of the Navy submitted two reports. For these two reports. Han Shu is very concerned.

"Our Red Sea Squadron needs additional reinforcements?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, Lord, their strength is too weak. We must increase their strength to ensure that our situation is in a superior state. Otherwise, we may have uncontrollable factors in it." The Secretary of the Navy replied. .

"How much naval power can we deploy?" Han Shu asked.

"Well, my lord, we have calculated that at most we can transfer more than 20 new warships there. However, our artillery and long-range offensive capabilities are seriously inadequate, and we cannot be equipped with large-caliber artillery like Zhao Jun. Naval warfare is okay, but if you want to attack the opponent's fortress area, I am afraid that the strength will be weak, which is extremely detrimental to landing operations." The Secretary of the Navy said worriedly. The new warships of the South Korean Navy are still prepared for rapid-fire artillery with a caliber less than 50 mm. This type of artillery may have an advantage in dealing with the opposing navy, but when attacking the fortress, the problem of their small caliber is exposed. Unless the opponent's defense is extremely weak, but what they have to deal with is a fortress city like Suez, and their artillery is extremely weak.

"Yeah. I saw our naval air force was established. Why not let them participate in the battle." Han Shu said after reading another report.

"My lord, they have only just been established and how many battles there are. We still don't know about this, but if they really do this?" the Secretary of the Navy said worriedly.

"I know that it is because of this that they are allowed to participate in the battle. If they do not participate in the battle, what is the meaning of our establishment of naval aviation. And they use some heavy aerial bombs, even if they tilt a lot of bombs on their heads A very powerful thing, unless your navy can solve the problem with heavy artillery." Han Shu said.

"This." The Secretary of the Navy still felt that such new weapons should not be used on the battlefield all at once. After all, it took a long time for the Naval Aviation to be established. It is still an unacceptable thing for him to spend it like this.

"Don't worry, we are just checking whether this weapon is useful, and if it is not useful, we will improve it." Han Shu comforted.

"Yes." The Secretary of the Navy can only agree. For the naval aviation, the Secretary of the Navy has always been regarded as his own treasure, because it is not easy to establish. Because it needs to occupy a certain number of warships, this naturally makes naval aviation difficult.

Zhao Guo, inside the staff.

Li Mu looked at the relevant information about naval aviation from the Ministry of the Navy.

"The best troops should be tested on the battlefield, otherwise, they will never be able to adapt to the war." Li Mu said after reading the naval aviation information.

"What do you mean by the chief?" Li Zuoche raised his head and asked Li Mu.

"Let them participate in the battle, love several countries, and take a look. Only in this way can we decide the future development direction of the naval aviation. Otherwise, no one knows how useful they are. Such naval aviation should do this." Li Mu Speaking of.

"Yes. Sir, I understand. I'm going to notify the Admiralty." Li Zuoche said. Li Mu nodded. Instructing the other party to do this, Li Mu also gave great hope to the new type of naval aviation unit, but these weapons must exert their due effect. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to play their role in establishing new arms. This is Li Mu's view that even the best weapons and arms must be tested by war, otherwise they will have no value and meaning to exist.

In this way, South Korea and Zhao's idea of ​​using naval aviation coincides. In their view, the use of such weapons is a huge change for them.

However, Li Mu obviously did not pay more attention to the fuel problem of naval aviation. In his opinion, Zhao should have such reserves and can purchase related fuel through Qi. But South Korea knows that such a thing is very difficult.

State Qin, Ministry of National Defense.

"This is an order from South Korea. They need a lot of new fuel, all of which are high-octane gasoline. This gasoline can provide a lot of power. I think this may be an important part of South Korea's use of aviation forces. Proof.” But when officials of the Ministry of Defense of Qin State received a military order from South Korea, they knew it. The possible dynamics of the South Korean Navy.

"Yeah." Wei Liao looked at the report.

"Sir, we don’t have much fuel, and we have to export it to Dawan. Dawan is also actively establishing its own aviation and air force combat personnel. If we provide such a large amount of fuel to South Korea, the situation It may be different." The official said worriedly.

"The situation is just such a situation." Wei Liao said.

"For the Koreans, they may be of great use. But we need to pay attention to their aviation dynamics, which is very important to us. If we don't do this, they won't be able to rely on them. Give them." Wei Liao waved his approval. The project was approved, but the official shook his head, obviously still dissatisfied with the decision.

"I know. You are worried about the fuel reserve. Don't worry, the fuel we consume from South Korea will be refilled from them. There is nothing to worry about. They have unearthed a lot of fuel in Port Seth, just It's just that they can't be transported in time. Give them some time. When our fuel goes out, that's when more fuel comes back." Wei Liao said.

"Furthermore. We have no fuel-consuming troops. Most of them abolished and handed over the equipment in their hands to the Dawan people." Wei Liao said. If these forces existed, Wei Liao would definitely not dare to do so.

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