The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3300: Lee Wen's sell

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"It's really a joint telegram between the Indian government and the Yue government." Meng Yi handed Shangwen a telegram.

"They want to send troops to occupy the country. I think this idea must be from the Yue family." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"Why look at it this way?" Shangwen asked Meng Yi, but he immediately figured it out. The question is very simple.

"India has finally stabilized. What they should do is to restore their national power instead of constantly consuming their national power, but now they actually want to attack the Zhanpu people. This is really hard to explain how they are now. Kind of thought." Meng Yi said.

"The only explanation is the idea of ​​the Yue family. This is the method that the Yue family came up with." Shang Wen said.

"Yes." Meng Yi nodded. Shangwen also had to agree with this view, because the economic situation of the Yueshi people is not very good. Although the cooperation between Yueshi and Karachi is quite good, the situation of the Yueshi people is based on the port city of Karachi after all. . Karachi is within the power of the Koreans, they can't move at all, and it is within the control of the Indian government. Indy also has its own port to sea, but the Indian government cannot build a larger navy. The Indian Army is not very large, with a new army of less than 50,000 people, but he employs more than 30,000 people per month. The Legion, they fought very fiercely, and their tactics were also very skillful. With these Yue Legion, the Indian government quickly put down the internal riots, and the rebellious prince was severely executed. It is said that more than 30,000 were killed. More than people. The blood flowed chillingly. And the one who can do this is the Yue's Legion. They easily solved the internal contradictions in Indy, which stabilized Indy. However, the Yue's Legion is developing very rapidly. Among the Indy New Army with less than 50,000 people, more than half of the officers are related to the Yue's. Many of them stand firmly on the Yue's side. In this way, In fact, the Indian government has half of the military and politicians. They are a force that cannot be ignored.

Most of the officers of the Yue family are from the Yue family, but their economic interests are in Indy. They have a large amount of land and slaves. With more and more military exploits, the kingdom has given more and more land, and they started their own More and more people from the Yue family are involved in plantation life, but they are still not satisfied. The main reason is that the domestic economy makes them very dissatisfied.

Karachi monopolizes foreign import and export trade, which makes Yue's economic situation neither good nor bad, but Yue's people have a lot of complaints about this. They think they should be able to do this, so they thought of a way. That is, in the vicinity of Indy, looking for their own port to break the Karachi monopoly, they don’t want to have more grievances with the Karachi people. In fact, they are not willing to have such grievances. This is what they are currently doing. situation. This is a very thoughtful idea.

However, it is not easy to achieve this. First, the Yue people must help the Indian government to obtain a piece of land, which must also be fertile, and then obtain the land they want through exchange. Secondly, the acquisition of this land must be stable and long-term. Finally, the Yue people must involve the Indian government, because only with their participation can all problems be completely resolved. In this way, the Yue family interest group has continuously encouraged some people in the Indian government to persuade some of their militant expansion elements to expand abroad, and their target area is the Champa country.

To know. Indi’s land area has shrunk by more than half. Among them, the country accounted for a quarter of it. Although the Yueshi people also occupy a lot of areas, there are more mountainous areas and only a small part of the land is fertile and large. Part of it is barren land, which is for the Indian government. It’s not unacceptable, but Zhanpu is different. He is a dependent country of India. He got rid of the control of the Indian government when the Indian government was most difficult. It can be said that the Indian government cannot tolerate the occupation. The existence of Puguo, in their view, is the shame of the Indians. If this shame is not resolved for a day, they will sleep and eat. This way, it is right to the appetite of the Yueshi people. Therefore, under the continuous instigation of the Yue people, the Indian government decided to cooperate with the Yue government to take military action to intervene in Champu. They hoped to get everything about the country.

So they are actively preparing. The Yueshi people have established related factories in China, and their ammunition reserves can reach a certain base to meet the needs of the frontline. The most important thing is that the Yueshi Railway has begun to expand and has entered the territory of India. Approval of the plan to build the railway. It can be said. Indy is also ready to attack. But this time still needs some diplomatic means. They noticed the agreement between the people of Qin and the Koreans. This agreement seemed to make it difficult for them to move forward, but they thought of the people of Qin because the people of Qin could help them solve such problems.

"There is Xie Yu between us and the Koreans. If we deal with such a problem, then what should the Koreans do?" Meng Yi asked.

"Although the South Korean government once hoped that the Indian government would send troops, it was based on the integrity of the Occupy state, and the Indy and Yue people sent troops. Obviously, they would not take measures for the integrity of the Champus’ land. Yes, they will inevitably let the Indy and Yue people withdraw from the area they occupy. Although they will give some compensation, I think they will definitely not satisfy the two governments." Meng Yi said.

"From an economic point of view, the Indian war against Occupy Prussia can stimulate the economic growth of the Yueshi people, which makes them even more crazy, but for the South Korean government. This is definitely not a good result. "Shang Wen said.

"In this way, such a matter is extremely complicated and tricky to handle." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, this is the case. We must handle such a matter carefully, knowing that dealing with such a situation will pose a great threat to us." Meng Yi said.

"We must make this matter clear to the South Korean government. We must know that the South Korean government has been able to solve this problem on its own. They are building a railway to the country of Champu. This railway can greatly help them solve this problem. In the end, the native soldiers’ rebellion will be put down. At this time, if the Indy and Yue people go south, it will add chaos to us. Let them restrain themselves and do not chaos. In that case, the situation will be very bad for us. ." Shang Wen said. Regarding this matter, Shangwen believes that both sides should exercise restraint, because both sides have common interests and needs. The reason why the Korean government is dissatisfied with the Champus and started the Korean Champus is definitely not the foreign aid called by the **** native soldiers rebellion. In fact, this is just a statement of theirs. What they hope to get is a large number of markets. The population of Occupy Putra is relatively dense, and the most important thing is that they can lead to the north of India. What they need is such a market. The Koreans are very clear that the Bangla market is very limited. Expanding the market to the north can completely solve this problem, but the problem is how to solve this problem, which becomes a key that is difficult to explain.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Mengla's problem should indeed be resolved." Han Shu said while looking at the telegram sent by Qin Guo. As for the Indian and Yueshi military operations to the south, she might have tried to get the other party to participate without calculating the results. But now, the situation has changed a lot. First of all, the South Korean government can handle such things on its own, because they are free. The most important thing is that a railway is under construction. Once the railway is built into a war zone, the war can begin immediately, since the Koreans can solve such problems themselves. Why do you need the Hindi and Yueshi people to participate? This is to add trouble to yourself.

"But, how do the Indians and the Yueshi people solve it?" Zhang Liang asked worriedly.

"We have an agreement with the people of Qin. Why do they participate in our scope?" Han Shu said extremely dissatisfied.

"But my lord, that is only an agreement between us and the people of Qin, and the people of Qin seem to be not so good with the relationship between Yueshi and India. If the two countries insist on doing this, what can we do?" Zhang Liang said.

"We can't put pressure on the Qin government. We still need the Qin government to do a lot of things. Under such circumstances, I can hardly believe that we will properly handle such a thing." Zhang Liang felt that Qin people were just a symbol. Sexually controls those areas, because according to public legal documents, Qin has not signed formal legal provisions with governments such as Indy and Yue to force the other party. This caused it. The State of Qin does not actually have the possibility of restraining the other party. The most important thing is that the State of Qin does not seem to be willing to participate in more foreign affairs. Maybe this has a lot to do with Shangwen. For example, the State of Qin needs more economic The development of financial funds, and the sanctions against foreign troops stationed, and deterrence will greatly affect the local economy. This is a result that Shangwen is unwilling to endure. Therefore, under such conditions, the Indians and Yueshi seem to be unable to be strictly controlled by the Qin State. Yes, Zhang Liang was worried about this, because the Qin government was too afraid of trouble.

"You mean, the people of Qin will not take care of them. In this way, they can take the initiative to attack us. It depends on how we respond?" Han Shu said.

"Yes. Majesty, they may cause established facts, and finally have to admit that they did so. If we really encounter such a situation, what should we do?" Zhang Liang asked.

"Then fight, hit them until they go back to the border, and then we have a talk. We are not afraid of war, we are afraid that they will not come. If they dare to come, I will let them know how good our Koreans are." Han Shu is extremely powerful. Speaking firmly.

"Yes." Zhang Liang nodded. For the situation like Indi, that's all he can do.

In the suite of a high-end hotel in Xinzheng, Li Wen is watching the rise in cotton futures prices, and cotton prices seem to be embarking on a larger wave of market fluctuations. Although the daily volatility is small enough, it only rises for a while, and then falls for a certain distance, but it rises every day, which makes Li Wen very relaxed. He knows that as long as the market is not volatile, he will eventually rise to a very good price. Position up. Li Wen drank a glass of iced wine, which made him feel better.

"Sir, we have recently noticed the volatility of ore prices. It seems that they have reached a very good bottom. Especially iron ore, because recently many countries have the idea of ​​establishing their own steel centers, which directly led to the start of iron ore prices. They have risen to a very good level." At this time, the assistant handed a report in his hand to Li Wen. Li Wen lay on the sofa enjoying himself, which could calm him down, and he looked at the report in his hand.

"Oh. Damn." Li Wen suddenly discovered that the trend of iron ore is really good. Okay, he couldn't help but want to participate. But the problem is that he now controls a lot of cotton futures. This took up a lot of his funds. The assistant just smiled, he also felt that his opinion was correct, in fact, he had secretly participated in it. For a small profit, it is naturally a good thing to be able to follow this speculator often. Li Wen looked at the report in his hand in detail.

The construction of railways, especially the Chu and South Korean governments have realized that railways have an important contribution to the development of the colonial economy, because the local colonial economy needs railway transportation to connect their economies one by one. In this way, the colonial construction of railways The possibility is very high. A large number of basic projects are being actively promoted. As for cement, the demand for steel will increase after a wave of futures prices, represented by copper ore, have fallen. The entire ore market is in a downturn, including iron ore, but with the development of the colonial economy, especially the construction of infrastructure, coupled with the downturn of iron ore, this has just stimulated the further development of the steel industry. , From the original Handan, Qin Guoguan central north, Taiyuan, Shangdang and other places of the steel plants, all at once expanded to a series of steel centers such as Laizhou, Dengzhou, Yanguo Liaodong Steel, Queen Island Steel and Wuyue Steel The establishment. This kind of stimulus is huge, which allows Li Wen to see that the demand for iron ore has become very large, the inventory, and a series of demands will eventually lead to the price of iron ore soaring.

"This is the role of the economy. We should pay attention to the rise in iron ore." Li Wen said after reading the report.

"Sir, we have paid attention." the assistant said.

“It’s done very well, we should do it, but we must first solve the cotton market. If cotton does not solve this problem, we will not be able to completely solve our problem. Cotton will be on the market at least until autumn comes, listen. Said that Dawan also planted a lot of cotton." Li Wen said.

"Yes. Sir, Dawan people are also actively expanding their railways. In this case, the transportation situation is very optimistic, which is very impactful to suppress cotton prices. Are we selling some?" the assistant asked Li Wen.

"Well, cotton has risen a lot. Exempt one-third, and if necessary, another one-third." Li Wen thought for a while and said. he thinks. It is unlikely that cotton will continue to rise like this. Affected by the stimulus of foreign trade, the demand for cotton cloth is huge, because silk does not have a great impact on the demand for cotton cloth. These are two different markets, plus the liberalization of the Seth Country market. South Korea and Seth have officially signed a memorandum of understanding. And a series of related agreements. This allows Korean cotton cloth to easily enter these countries, while Chu silk does not. This is great news for Koreans.

Under such stimulus, South Korea's textile industry developed rapidly all at once. The demand for cotton has become larger and larger, and this is the reason for the rise in cotton. Affected by rising cotton prices. Most of the economies throughout the colonies grew cash crops, cotton, and flax to meet their economic needs.

Although the supply of cotton is contradictory for a period of time, as time goes by, there may be a large harvest of cotton, which will have a great impact on cotton at that time, but this is not what they have expected.

In the following days, the price of cotton rose suddenly at first, and suddenly rose by 20%. Many people who believed that it was too high made short shorts too quickly, which caused their prices to rise too quickly, causing them to suffer heavy losses. But the subsequent situation surprised them again, because the price began to drop continuously. It is said that it was Li Wen. This speculator from Qin Guo had a foreboding that the cotton crisis would come, so he sold a large number of long orders and such a large amount of funds. All of a sudden, the rising momentum of cotton was overwhelmed, and cotton fell sharply, which made many people feel very worried. Because later news confirmed the correctness of this judgment, cotton did fluctuate. There has been a large-scale bumper harvest of cotton from the western continent. This means that as long as the shipping conditions on the market are good enough, a large amount of cotton will arrive at the port, and the price of cotton cloth will fall, and cotton cannot support the arrival of such a huge cotton.

Cotton futures prices began to fall, and textile companies also breathed a sigh of relief because they were under great pressure, despite the good market performance. But they are under great cost pressure, coupled with rising freight costs, which makes their situation not very good. If cotton prices fall, their condition will be much better. This is for them. It is a very good and good choice. However, more speculators are dissatisfied because they attribute the decline of cotton to Li Wen's sales rather than the market itself.

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