In North Laizhou, the Zhao State Navy is busy. More than 20 merchant ships are waiting to be loaded with various materials. Outside the port, there are more than a dozen merchant ships waiting to be docked. It was a merchant ship that was called up to transport supplies. The merchants felt a little dissatisfied, but they would get more benefits after cooperating with the Zhao State Navy. They were more accepting of this.

"Sir, we need a lot of manpower, and there are fewer parking spaces in the port." A lieutenant colonel of the Zhao State Navy kept reporting with several reports in his hand. Rear Admiral Demp looked at each other indifferently.

"I don't care what method you use. In short, all the materials that can be loaded must be loaded on the ship. I need to get there in a short time to carry out the rescue operation." Demp took the other party's documents and reported. Then he threw it into the opponent's arms fiercely.

"This. Okay. Sir." The lieutenant colonel nodded helplessly. He is only a deputy, but he has to assume the task of the principal, which makes him feel very embarrassed. This is something he never wanted to do. The above was suddenly issued. Order them to load new naval aviation. This immediately made the entire Bei Laizhou Port base busy. On the one hand, they need to urgently recruit more ships. On the other hand, they need to load a large number of merchant ships, airships, bombs, oil, and various materials. The Zhao State Navy warehouse in the port of North Laizhou It was evacuated all at once. But this is still unable to complete the quantity on the material list, which is for them. It is simply torture.

"This is the situation we are facing." The lieutenant colonel said helplessly, looking at the busy naval port. Then he had to recruit the two infantry battalions of the Marine Corps waiting for the merchant ships in the port. The navy lieutenant colonel gave the opponent a lot of supplies to improve the situation, and then asked them to act as temporary stevedores to help load the ship. This annoys many Marines because they are here to protect the naval aviation, but now they are asked to do something porters can do. This is something they cannot bear, which makes them very annoyed. , But can't say anything, after all, this is an order. They were angry and poured on those goods, and the amount of scrapped materials was not a few. But the navy lieutenant colonel can only endure such a situation, and there is no way that the entire port has become busy. They must arrange for a large task force to set off to the Ecuadorian countries in the shortest possible time. The Zhao State Navy needs to test the capabilities of their air combat forces. There is also a group of naval observers on the way, they must observe thoroughly. This battle.

Naval Air Force Major Zhao De watched the port situation very leisurely. He doesn’t care much about the number of ships loaded in the port and what they have to do. He is a naval aviation officer and is responsible for commanding a reinforced squadron. He has 18 bombing airships under his command. If necessary, they can be converted into cannon airships. Marching troops used for strafing and blocking the ground.

"Sir, where are we going?" A lieutenant asked their chief curiously. The order they received was sudden, and many people were caught off guard. Many people bid farewell to their lover, girlfriend, and family in the end. , Those who can’t say goodbye keep writing letters, hoping to send them to home as soon as possible. But Zhao De didn't care. He was a nobleman. He wanted a leisurely and loose life. He had long wanted to find a chance to go abroad. Therefore, he can look very leisurely.

"Aiji, the fighting there is very relaxed, no one cares about us, we fight as we want." Zhao De said with a smile. Only aristocrats and the children of big businessmen can serve as pilots, and ordinary people simply cannot afford the huge training costs of pilots. Zhao De is a son of a nobleman, so he can naturally accept such good conditions. Many children of the nobles of the Zhao Kingdom chose to study. They received a good education, which is of course part of the best result. However, there are still a lot of people who are swingers who are mixed in the business circle and enjoy the narcotic feeling brought about by the extravagant life. This sense of anesthesia can make them more paralyzed. Of course, there are some noble children like Zhao De. They seek freedom and excitement. Flying seems to be the best place for them. They are rich in the genes of their ancestors' adventurous spirit, which makes them even more debauched.

"That place is too far," the lieutenant said, shaking his head. Aiji is indeed too far away for them. They don't know why they want to attack such a place.

"It is, but there are many women there. I heard that they are very good. You'd better choose a few. I really don't know why you guy loves home like this, what's good in the home, and the outside world is the most exciting. Zhao De said to the other party.

"This." The lieutenant did not expect his chief to say so. His chief may only see a free place, but he didn't know that there would still be danger there.

Also busy is the South Korean Navy’s Qingcheng Naval Base, but the order of the Koreans is much better than theirs. Their port has only undergone a series of expansions before, and their civilian port was built very large from the beginning. Some ships also have some lifting equipment on them, which increases the ship's loading and unloading capabilities. These are the goals that Qingcheng was developing towards ten or twenty years when it was planned. However, in the past few years, the development here has met the demand for facilities here. If it is developed for a period of time, the port may be Can't meet their needs anymore.

"Be careful, those are valuable things." The pilots of the South Korean Navy Air Force went to the dock to watch the loading and unloading of their equipment. For those handy stevedores, they could not wait to go up and load and unload them. They also did the same. Like Zhao Guojun, the order came very suddenly. But they didn't panic at all, because they had formulated a plan long ago, and everything was proceeding in accordance with the plan.

In the waters outside Suez, some punts were advancing along their coastline. They loaded Korean and Chu goods and transported them to the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal, even though some sections of the canal were already impassable. But fortunately, there are their commercial transport teams there, and they can make a lot of money by crossing those passages and then transporting them to Alexandria or their capital. The merchants from Loma are very fascinated by silk. They think this silky fabric is a good thing they have never encountered before, and this kind of thing can only be enjoyed by their nobles. Although the price of silk is very expensive, almost equal to gold, they still need such things to show their wealth and status, which stimulates the continuous import of this kind of goods by the businessmen of the country, but they are still not satisfied with such profits. They hope to expand their profits through smuggling.

Just when this group of flat-bottomed merchant ships from several countries were sailing. Two Korean warships quickly inserted right in front of them. This made Aiji businessman very worried, after all, the firepower of this kind of warship equipment still made them very worried.

"Damn Korean. Get out of it." Ai Jiren shouted loudly in the Korean dialect they didn't know much about. They hope that the Korean warship will not provoke them.

"Bang. Bang." Just then. The Korean warships suddenly fired artillery, and they quickly entered a state of combat. Ai Jiren never thought that the other party would fire a cannon. This was the situation they were most reluctant to face, because they were loaded with goods, and once they were hit, they would quickly be in great danger.

"Bang. Bang." The artillery kept firing. It was the rapid-fire gun of the Korean warship. This kind of artillery fires very fast, and people in love know this artillery. They also wanted to introduce them, but they didn't have any way out. Because Chu and Korean merchants couldn't get such things, naturally they couldn't give them to them, but the power of this artillery was still known, mainly because the rate of fire was too fast.

"Boom. Swish. Swish." The flying shell directly hit a punt, and the punt was overturned on the spot. Large amounts of silk were ignited or blown up. Aiji people are very distressed, but now they are desperately docking, or leaving this ghost place, but the Korean warship does not seem to give them such a chance, they keep shooting, as long as they can defeat the other party, they All think of ways to attack the opponent.

"Yes, that's it. It's a good fight. It seems that your gunners often train." Chen Biao said while holding a telescope and looking at the miserable situation of the couple.

"Sir, sir, are we too close? If this goes on, it will be a bad result." The chief officer said to him worriedly.

"Regardless of these, our speed is faster, they are some cumbersome cannons. It's weird if they can hit them." Chen Biao put down the telescope in his hand and said disapprovingly. It seems to him that this is a trivial matter. His subordinates are not easy to say anything, after all, such a thing has already happened. They must also accept this fact.

After discussions with the South Korean Navy’s Red Sea Fleet, they believed that they should request reinforcements, so their reinforcement report went up. As a result, the Admiralty was very dissatisfied and accused them of negligence. This is a very serious behavior. Although their logistical ammunition is not sufficient, this is definitely not an act of avoiding the battle. So under the strong order of the South Korean Admiralty, they had to face the battle again, and finally they chose a safe one. The plan was to block the opponent’s channel, and then it was the matter. After all, their ability was very insufficient. They attacked the opponent’s city of Suez, who knew how many artillery there would be. Moreover, the smugglers gave them powerful weapons that they didn't know at all. This was where they worried the most. Therefore, in the face of such a situation, they chose a safe plan to block the other party's channel. So as to achieve their purpose of sending troops. After all, blockade has great freedom and high security. They can also be considered attack. Who made their power weak?

"Tell our men, pay attention, it's better to capture some boats, don't you **** sink them. We get some trophies." See the silk floating on the sea. Chen Biao felt distressed, his mother, those are valuable things.

This is the advantage of the blockade, because the blocked merchant ships are all carrying goods, and they will intercept all the merchant ships that come from Suez, because they are full of goods, and the merchant ships coming from the direction of the canal will choose to give up. Who knows if there will be anything valuable above, if not, it is very bad news for them.

"Boom." An ancient voice came. Only those old-fashioned cannons can make such a sound.

"Swish." Then they heard the sharp sound of shells.

"Wow." A big hole appeared on the side of their warship, which was the effect of the cannonball hit.

"Damn it. They would actually fight back." Chen Biao scolded angrily when he heard the sound of the shells. Soon, their sailors reported their loss, and a rapid-fire cannon on one side was knocked out. Five gunners were also killed at once, and a sailor happened to observe there, but was also killed. They use a five-inch caliber artillery. This type of artillery is very powerful, and even the use of solid bullets can pose a great threat to them.

"Sir, we should be careful. Killing those artillery will be good to us." The first officer suggested.

"Fast forward, move and shoot." Chen Biao said angrily. I originally thought that the opponent would be equipped with some small artillery, but I didn't expect that the opponent would even be equipped with a five-inch caliber artillery. This hit them too hard.

The ensuing battle became fierce. The South Korean navy focused its firepower on the flat-bottomed boats equipped with five-inch artillery. This is the cleverness of Ai Jiren. They loaded large-caliber artillery on the small boat. In this case, Can play a role at critical times. Although they can't form a lot of fighting power, they can scare the opponent to leave here. This is the only thing they have done that can make them happy.

When the South Korean Navy’s attention was focused on the flat-bottomed ships, the other ships ran away. They can say that they managed to escape, but for them, they were really lucky. However, their situation is still not very good, because they suffered heavy losses, and the Korean warships resolved the battle. They are salvaging their trophies from the sea. Those are their goods, but now they are the trophies of the South Korean Navy, which makes them very annoyed.

The South Korean navy has also formally submitted their blockade requirements. They demanded that the Irish countries loosen the terms of trade as much as possible, and the tariffs are adjusted to zero. At the same time, they hope that the two sides can cooperate in the joint development of the Suez Canal. These conditions require approval Love a few businessmen forwarded to their government.

Qi State, near Jiaozhou, South Korea, is an important oil-producing area of ​​Qi State. It can produce a small portion of Qi State’s commercial taxes and profits. Every household has oil refining and oil extraction industries.

"You tell me, what does the government mean?" In a large courtyard, more than 50 people were seated. They were drinking tea water, and the tea water was specially added with sugar. This is a good thing, they added. It's all brown sugar, and only rich people use white sugar. There are also some pastries, which taste very soft.

"This, I think, the government also wants to get involved, they may be, they don't want to watch us make money." A thin man first expressed his opinion.

"Yes, I think it must be the idea of ​​those big businessmen. You read this document." A farmer-like person said in a thick voice.

"Those big businessmen have to participate. Why do they participate? They must have paid for it." The man continued. Many people nodded blankly. Qi's oil-producing areas are still relatively primitive, there is no uniform standard for oil, the production is very poor, and their organizational model is also very backward. Many people extract their own oil. Then sell it to the big landlords. In this way, they can do their own things, which can solve some of their problems, but for them. This is the worst result, because this is very inefficient, which is a very unfavorable result.

"I see, that is the government's red eyes. You know. Now there are so many places where oil is needed. Qin people once asked us to ask for oil. Can the government not be jealous, no matter what? As long as the government wants to treat us Take away the oil. Let’s never do it.” A young man stood up and said.

"Yes, it should be done like this. The government wants to take it away, no way." Many people stood up angrily and said. But the big landlord shook his head helplessly. There is no one to discuss. They only look at their own affairs, but the big landlord has his own ideas. He also read the newspaper. He saw from the newspaper that Qin and South Korea had reached an agreement of their own. The purpose of this agreement was to transport a large amount of oil through Qingcheng Port in Jiaozhou, South Korea. In this way, the people of Qin can get their own demand from Qingcheng, and there is a railway there. In contrast, they cannot compete with each other in terms of oil quality or transportation conditions. If this is the case, their market will be further improved. Shrinking. Now they have encountered such a thing. Therefore, he also wants to change. Perhaps the government’s good intentions are here. However, these ignorant guys are thinking about their own interests and will not let go. They think this is robbing their resource advantage, which makes him very helpless, of course. . No one wants to give up what they have in their hands. This is something he never dared to think about, nor did he dare to do it. After all, their interests are still the same. It takes some time to change some things, otherwise they really can’t do this. It made him feel very helpless. The big landlord can only listen to the noisy voices, making his mind quiet.

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