The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3302: Good things the navy did

"What kind of speculator is this Li Wen? Is he really that powerful?" Han Shu looked at the report in his hand and asked Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang is someone who knows a lot of economic matters.

"This Li Wen is the biggest speculator in the Qin State, in the financial circle of the State of Qin. Others gave him the title of a speculator." Zhang Liang said.

"Lee Wen has a very foresight, relying on his unique perspective, to speculate on futures and stocks very accurately. For example, this time the price of cotton rose, many people outside said that he monopolized the order on the entire cotton futures. This led to a drop in cotton prices. Now, the drop in cotton prices is caused by too many orders placed in his hands." Zhang Liang said.

"Do you know the past history of this?" Han Shu asked at this time. Han Shu felt very unhappy about the continuous increase in cotton prices and then the continuous and substantial declines.

"Well, I know some. He has done more than steel stocks, power stocks, and infrastructure stocks. In the Qin State financial market, he made a lot of money. It is rumored that he once made a hundred and a half two." Liang said.

"Oh." Han Shu was very surprised when he heard this. One hundred and a half two yuan was more than Qin's fiscal revenue for one year.

"This, this guy is really a character." Han Shu admired.

"Yes, King, but this person also lost a lot of money. It is said that he lost more than 20 million and a half two dollars at a time, just before the steel stocks." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, I remember. That time the Qin government warned him several times. Right?" Han Shu said at this time.

"Yes, in the end he lost 20 million and a half. However, he has made up for it this time in South Korea." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded. South Korea’s rapid development and the relatively instability of the financial market has given a large degree of opportunities for financial speculation. Under such circumstances, speculation has become extremely firm and stable, which has allowed many Koreans to join the speculation army. And Li Wen is undoubtedly an idol worshipped by Koreans. Although he is a Qin nationality and a young man, his speculative style has been imitated by many people. In their view, they may be the next Li Wen.

"For the specific situation, I want to ask this speculative kid in person. If I have the opportunity, I want to talk to him. I want to talk to him." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

"Wang, do you want to invest too?" Zhang Liang said. He is really worried that Han Shu's doing so may exacerbate South Korean speculation. After all, Han Shu is the head of state of South Korea. What happens if the capital of a country participates in speculation? Of course, it will cause bad conditions for the people.

"No, I don't want to invest. Investment is all about the bank. I just want to ask, what's the matter with this guy, maybe I can get something from him that we never thought of." Han Shushu said. Han Shu really wanted to know, in the eyes of this speculator, what finance is and why such strange things happened. He really wanted to know why such things happened. Perhaps he can get the answer from the eyes of the first participant.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the prime minister's house.

"The Dawan people have built a simple line of defense on the border, but the Restorans and the Persians seem to have no interest in their defense at all." Meng Yi said.

"They did not launch a large-scale pursuit, but a small part of the cavalry launched a harassment attack. After the poor effect, their frequency began to rapidly decrease." Meng Yi said.

"However, Dawan believes that they should not provoke the other party too much, and the Dawan cabinet did not approve the plan to use aviation to bomb them." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. I know that the other party is a peace-loving person, how can a peace-loving person agree to the war to go on." Shang Wen said, shaking his head.

"This is indeed the situation. The situation in the Dawan cabinet is that Lao Yanglin does not agree to continue the war against the Persians, because it is their own war. If they put pressure on it, they will combine the two, but If pressure is not applied, they will fight internally. Moreover, if they continue to bombard like this, they will need to increase a lot of military expenditure. They have invested more in aviation, but aviation has not formed effective combat effectiveness. It takes a long, long time to do this." Meng Yi said.

"So, Dawan didn't send troops?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes. Their domestic situation does not seem to have much interest in this war. The reason is that they regained the land of the former Kingdom of Dawan. It was the land of their former kingdom, and now it becomes their own land. They naturally don't want to do this. The adventure continues. After all, this is of no benefit to them." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. That's right, it really doesn't do them any good." Shang Wen nodded.

"I agree with the defensive strategy of the Dawan people. At present, their main task is to restore economic construction and production instead of continuing the **** war. War will not do them any good." Shang Wen said.

"But, the oil problem, how to solve our oil problem? Although we can import a lot of oil from South Korea, this problem is still not solved well. This is a very difficult problem for us. "Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Our oil reserves have been reduced to a very low level, while oil consumption is constantly increasing. This is absolutely bad news for us. We cannot bear such pressure. If this problem is not resolved. Words." Meng Yi said while looking at Shang Wen.

"I know this situation. But now we need to calm down. Calm down and deal with these things. My idea is that we should let the Parthians do something, for example, they can unite with the locals to form some governments. The existence of these governments It has a lot to do with us in resolving the Northern Territory." Shang Wen said.

So far, the War Department’s western expedition plan is still not functioning well. Under such circumstances, the only way is to rely on the Shamans to achieve the Qin people’s own goals. However, there are great security risks, such as Persia. If the problem cannot be solved well, they will definitely have a great impact on the people of Qin. This is the situation that Qin State is most unwilling to see.

"We need someone who is proficient in politics to do such things. At the same time, the new Shaanxi government needs to have a good relationship with Tochar and Dawan. If this is not certain, things will be difficult to deal with. "Meng Yi said

"I agree with this point. Let them try and do something. If politics can solve this problem well, it will be of great help to us." Shang Wen said.

Qin State, Ministry of the Army.

"The Parthian regiment must be dismantled. Or it must be completely handed over to the rest of the people." The Secretary of the Army said of his opinions. They agree with Wang Ben's plan, and they are very happy that the other party can accept such a condition to know that such a condition is for them. It's the best news.

"What I am worried about is that those Anxi army officers will be detrimental to our State of Qin. After all, they were prisoners of war before and fought with us." The Army Undersecretary was worried about the decision to hand over the Anxi army to the new government. He was worried that doing so would increase his hostility towards Qin State. In this case, Qin State was re-establishing a new enemy for himself, which was a trouble. His idea was that it would be better to just slaughter them all. This is an amazing decision. The above will definitely not do this, the consequences of doing so are too great.

"I know this, but there is no way. This is an order. We have to do this. What we need them to do now is that we have to solve this problem thoroughly. The Shabbat is a burden. It is easier to handle it with the Shabbat, you I know. This situation is very beneficial to us." said the Secretary of the Army.

"As for the hostility. That's the business of the rest. But I don't think they can handle such a thing by themselves. The weapons prepared by their legion depend heavily on us. If we can't provide them with sufficient supplies, they Their weapons will become scrap iron. On the other hand, what they have to deal with is the Persians occupying their land and enslaving their own people. This is their enemy. If we stand on the opposite side of our Qin people If they do, their situation will get worse. If we don’t support them, we will support their opposites. They certainly don’t want us to do this. Therefore, they hope that we can solve their problems. This is what they are currently encountering. Difficulty." said the Secretary of the Army.

"Don't worry that they won't do this. They will consider the consequences for themselves. This is something they will want to understand," the Secretary of War said lightly. Then he started busying himself.

"So, about the expedition? We received the latest telegram today. They have reached a position near 20 degrees west longitude. There is not much distance from our Caspian Sea. The specific location needs further measurement." Said the undersecretary of the army.

"Let them speed up and tell them that the first tribe to reach the Caspian Sea, we will give them generous rewards." The Secretary of War heard this. Speaking immediately nervously.

"Here. I understand. Sir." said the Army Undersecretary. This is the current resource problem that Qin needs to solve urgently. Without sufficient resources, it is difficult for Qin to have development opportunities.

South Korean Navy Department.

"I hope their blockade will be effective, but their strength is too weak. If the other side launches a large-scale offensive, we will not be able to withstand such pressure. It is said that during the blockade operation, the locals were even equipped with five-inch caliber artillery. This kind of artillery poses a great threat to our warships, and the two sides have torn their faces. We." The undersecretary of the Navy reported to the Secretary of the Navy.

"What is the reaction from the Western Fleet?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Their situation is not very good. They have a lot of tasks. They need to transport troops to Bangla. And Aiji port. New warships also need to go to Chugar Port to replenish coal." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Damn it. In this case, our warships are simply not enough." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Sir, I think we should unite with the Zhao State Navy. They are also a coalition army. They have the Zhao State Navy nearby, but they are busy robbing the territory. It is said that they were in Seth Bay not long ago. They seized some rest. Although the amount of land in Seth is not very large, they have established their own strongholds there. These strongholds are still a great threat to us. If we can transfer their navy there If so, I think their actions to seize the territory will be reduced. Or it will cause a lot of obstacles.” The Navy Deputy Admiral suggested.

"This is a good idea, but will they agree? They must know that their task is to seize as much territory as possible, so that they will not participate in such boring activities." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"If there is sufficient interest, I think they are still willing to participate. For example, we said that there are crude oil resources. Maybe they can participate?" said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"I hope they can be fooled." The Secretary of the Navy said helplessly. The navy of Zhao Guo has been working hard recently. They keep occupying all kinds of territories. As long as South Korea and Chu are not occupied by anyone, they will occupy them, regardless of whether the land is barren and fertile, even though doing so may allow them to do so. The troops are even more scattered. In fact, Zhao Guoren has already encountered such a problem. On average, their several Marine Corps infantry battalions only have one infantry squad in one place. For example, in an uninhabited coastal area of ​​the Parthian nation, where there is a desert, even fresh water needs ships to be too late. Food is lacking, but that’s it. Zhao Jun still arranged an infantry squad there. The soldiers of the Zhao State Marine Corps were very distressed because they were guarding a piece of land that was meaningless and worthless, which made them feel Very annoyed. But they must do the same, because this is what they must do.

Zhao Guo, Ministry of the Navy.

"As for the situation of the Koreans, we will continue to seize all kinds of territories. We still need to emigrate from there. In addition, we still need to expand in many places. As for the issue of the dispersion of forces, that is a matter for the Marine Corps. "The Secretary of the Navy said, buried his head.

"But, sir, our forces are horribly scattered. Moreover, the naval forces sometimes cannot guarantee their condition." The navy deputy said worriedly.

"But let them take care of the Marine Corps' affairs. We can't control it. My task is to seize more land and territory. That is the order of the Prime Minister's House. If I can't do it, you, the Deputy Commander of the Navy. I can't do it anymore," said the Secretary of the Navy. At this stage, the matter of the Navy Department is still to seize more territory, and other things are not things that they can be responsible for.

State of Zhao, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"What are the places that the Admiralty has seized?" Guo Kai looked at the map in his hand very dissatisfied and said.

"Look, these are some places, there is no water, no food, even the land is sand, desert, next door, what the **** can you grow?" Guo Kai said.

"Even the **** rats, they won't immigrate, there is simply a place where they won't go, damn, let me emigrate for them, how can i emigrate?" Guo Kai cursed. The Admiralty is desperately expanding its land, but their land is really not good? The most important thing is that the superior land resources among them are not in their hands. In fact, Zhao's navy is equivalent to picking up land. They are constantly looking for places that no one wants, and those places that no one wants are deserts, land, saline-alkali land, and even lack of fresh water. Such land is impossible to emigrate on a large scale.

"This, the prime minister calms down," the assistant persuaded from the side.

"Quite the qi, can this qi disappear?" Guo Kai said dissatisfiedly.

"You know what kind of places we need, and how great the domestic pressure is. Those noble children are very difficult to arrange. They all want to be in politics. However, Zhao's land is small and it is difficult to have a large number of parliamentarians. Only by expansion can our land demand be expanded. Under such circumstances, we too need a large-scale land resource." Guo Kai said.

"But take a look at what kind of places our army occupies. Deserts, deserts, Gobi, damn, what can be grown in these places? It's good if you don't die of thirst if you go. Can anyone?" Guo Kai said. The assistant also felt helpless about this, there was no way, they were late. The Kingdom of Chu and the Koreans had already occupied all the land they could occupy. For those deserts, the Gobi and the others are not interested, but the Zhao Guohai navy occupied them like treasures, and they were still stationed there. This naturally made them very annoyed.

"The situation is such a situation. We still need to find a way to solve this problem." The assistant said.

"How to solve it?" Guo Kai asked.

"We can go to other places, not necessarily in places with deserts. If we follow Koreans and Chu people, we will never get any benefits. Why not go to other places, such as the South. Or occupy an important point in the Red Sea," the assistant said.

"Yeah. That's right, his mother, those guys from the Admiralty Department are doing something, a group of people who eat and eat." Guo Kai cursed. He felt very dissatisfied with the navy, and he believed that these were the navy's failures.

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