South Korea, Xinzheng, Han Shu's office. It's the first time for Li Wen to come to such a place. In his opinion, everything here is so strange, or in other words, it doesn't look like the Queen's office.

The decoration here is not very luxurious, and some furniture is not the best, at least in Li Wen's opinion, and some are not as good as the hotel's senior suites.

Li Wen seemed a little restrained. After all, he was a little surprised when he received the Queen's invitation, but the invitation said it was just an ordinary questioning, and there was also a lunch. This surprised Li Wen, so he came here on a rest day. Some South Korean officials in the office said, don't be too restrictive. The queen doesn't like too many rules, but just a little bit of basic etiquette will do. As long as it is not too outrageous, some can be covered up.

Li Wen looked at the decoration in the office. He wants to use these to understand what kind of person the other party is. Or in other words, what is the purpose of inviting him here? Li Wen had been to Qin's prime minister's house and was questioned by King Qin, but because he had not violated the law, he was released. Even Qin's prime minister's mansion could not say anything. After all, he felt that what he was doing was a legal business, which violated Qin's legal provisions and so on. This series are all things he should do.

"You look younger than I thought." At this moment, a female voice appeared at the door of the office.

"I have seen the queen." Li Wen knew that only the South Korean queen could speak like this.

"Don't be polite. I came to you today. I want to hear your views on the market. After all, others call you a speculator. You are a person who understands the market." Han Shu asked Li Wen to sit on the sofa. Li Wen was still a little nervous. Although he had been to the Prime Minister's Mansion, he knew that the Prime Minister was a very relaxed person.

"Relax, don't be nervous, you can taste the tea I make here, and there are also dim sums here, which I ordered specially made." Han Shu introduced.

"Thanks. Thank you Queen." Li Wen was still a little nervous, after all, all he had met were men, and the Queen had seen it for the first time.

"Haha. Okay, I want to ask, how do you do such a thing, what I want to say is, how do you make so much money from the futures and stock markets, I am very curious. . Can you tell me something?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"This. I personally think that this is the market that made me do this, or that I should be grateful to the market, it is the market that allowed me to make so much money." Li Wen said lightly.

"Oh. It turned out to be so, can you tell me your specific views?" Han Shu asked curiously.

"This is very simple, the market's intuition. The market told me to do this." Li Wen nodded and said.

"For example?" Han Shu asked.

"For example, this time the cotton market is rising, cotton futures are caused by a contradiction between supply and demand. The two sides of the contradiction are mainly concentrated on a major issue. First, textile factories need a lot of cotton, and colonies, whether it is Chu or South Korea. , None of their colonies can quickly produce large amounts of cotton." Li Wen said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded. She really wants to know what the other person thinks. This is a good opportunity to learn. It is good to be able to listen to the person's thoughts.

"That's how I think. Cotton itself is a seasonal cash crop, which is affected by many factors, such as whether the colony has disasters, weather conditions, manpower, and what is his harvest? In fact, it depends more on it. For our market, it is demand. This is the most important point. The colony has been destroyed to a certain extent. But they can still produce a large amount of cotton because there are many opportunities for economic development in the local area. If this is the case, they will not give up Such an opportunity, because the demand in the market is becoming very large, I have noticed. Seth, the opening of the market in a few countries has greatly stimulated our demand, which means we need more cotton In order to meet our production needs, cotton must increase production. However, cotton needs to be sown, and whether local farmers want their agricultural products prices to rise further, these are the focal points they should pay attention to. In this case, they are naturally willing to grow cotton, which means more opportunities for short-selling in the future market." Li Wen is a veteran in this industry. Explaining it was like self-praising and showing off, so Li Wen quickly relaxed. This is much better than what he was nervous just now.

"But textile factories now need a lot of cotton, because of market demand, the opening of the Seth market. A large amount of cotton demand has been separated. As a result, cotton planting has expanded. However, it takes some time for cotton to mature. It will make the competition in textile factories become fierce. So, considering this, I decided to go more. The final result of the market is also the same, because only high prices can make more farmers grow more cotton in order to To meet the needs of textile mills, that is to say, now textile mill owners are a buyer's market, and they will pay higher prices to increase the price of cotton. This is the reason for the increase." Li Wen explained. Han Shu nodded, indicating that he understood.

"So, what's going on with the decline? In your opinion, is the cotton market going to decline?" Han Shu asked worriedly. Because doing so, it will inevitably affect the interests of their colonies. For example, the colonial economy will cause the collapse of the cotton market because it does not require a large amount of cotton, which directly leads to the collapse of the colonial economy. You must know that the current colonial economy has emerged as a single economy. They all choose to grow a large number of cash crops, such as sugarcane or cotton, to meet their local demand. However, once this demand is reduced or reduced, the situation will cause a great crisis for them. This is Han Shu The results that I don't want to see will be extremely bad for the economy after all.

"This. Not for the time being, the price of cotton may continue to rise." Li Wen said. This is the result of one of his research, because he saw the queen, so he had to say his research results like this. Usually he is reluctant to say these, because it is useless to say them.

"This. Why?" Han Shu asked puzzledly.

"Because of transportation, demand will not be met all at once, we know. It will take some time for the cotton to be harvested, transportation, and the final product. Orders will take time. Without time, this is impossible. . Therefore, under the current circumstances, cotton still needs a certain amount of time to constitute a factor of decline, so under such circumstances, cotton will continue to rise." Li Wen said. Han Shu felt relieved after listening. After all, this is good news for her.

"But." Li Wen turned.

"From the perspective of future expectations, I believe that cotton should be falling. After all, in the autumn and the mature season, a large amount of cotton will be on the market, and demand will become weak. Because the supply is large, the demand is At this time, there will be a contradiction. If this contradiction is resolved, it will take some time to replenish the situation. Only in this way can the balance of supply and demand continue to be maintained. This is what we want to do now. A result of consideration." Li Wen said.

"Oh." Han Shu was thinking, waiting until cotton fell. For textile factories. This is good news, but for the colonial economy. But it’s not good news. In that case, it will harm the economic interests of the colony. The price is really a double-edged sword. She finds it unbearable to cut to the other side, but it has already happened and he can only accept this fact. .

"What should we do until this happens?" Han Shu asked Li Wen. She knew that Li Wen's research was here, and he could say something like this. This shows that his research is very in-depth, which is much better than what economists want to study.

"This. I don't know yet, but my experience tells me. We should respect the choice of the market, because the market has its own choices. The market makes you make money. You make money. You can do whatever the market makes you do. These are all It is the result of the market's self-selection. It is not something we can intervene artificially." Li Wen said.

"Well, you are right, I think so. After all, the market is invisible. In many cases, he can always exert his magical power." Han Shu said. Why cotton prices will rise and why they will fall? These are all indications, and they are controlled by the market, not by them. This is for them. Should accept the market's instructions to do, rather than let the market passively do what they do, this is what they have to do.

"Yes, it should be so. Many times, I can get rich if I abide by the market conditions. If I fail to abide by market decisions, the market will punish me. It will make me lose money." Li Wen shook his head and said with some chagrin. Obviously this is something he doesn't want to recall.

"If you don't mind, can you talk about it? There should be no problem." Li Wen said.

"For example, steel stocks. I saw electricity stocks, infrastructure stocks, and steel stocks. They all fell a lot, or they consolidated for a long time. I thought it should continue to fall at that time, so I went short. , And then boldly went short. When I sold short, the stock fell. But when I stopped, the stock resumed its rise, which made me very annoyed." Li Wen said.

"Then I continued to short again and continued to fall. I stopped shorting, and he went up and made me lose money. I always thought it was a short market, and then I kept shorting. As a result, I suffered heavy losses. Until I saw the bill, I just knew that I did something wrong. I decided to give myself a holiday, and then take a good rest, then I looked at my market, read some newspapers, until now I know that the situation for us is a What a terrible result." Li Wen said at this time.

"Infrastructure stocks. The rise in power stocks will drive the rise in steel stocks, because Zhao Guo built a large number of steel frames for transmission lines. Steel production will rise rapidly, but the demand will be further and very strong. In this situation Steel is difficult to meet their needs, but when this demand decreases, we have other markets. For example, Dawan, I later learned that Dawan people will continue to build a railway, and this railway must meet They control the demand for new land. Even if there is no such demand in the country, the facts later proved it abroad. South Korea also needs to build a large number of railways. As a result, the demand for steel has become greater and greater. That led to such a result." Li Wen said. Han Shu nodded. She understood this. After all, she personally participated in the decision-making, when Li Wen told him what the market was all about from another angle. She felt that the market was right beside them. He had never noticed it. Although the market looked very emotional, she could change a lot of things. This is the power of the market. The market has its own choices and its own consciousness, and they cannot change anything.

"As a result, I lost a lot. You see, this is the trouble caused by non-compliance with the market results. We should abide by the market. I always reflect on myself because only introspection can have further development. This is what I want to do "Li Wen said.

Then Han Shu asked a lot of relevant economic issues, but in this regard, Li Wen shook his head and he was not very clear, because he was just a market speculator. Speculators don’t need to know more about it, they just rely on it. Some intuitions tell them what they should do, or what happened in the market that caused the market to change, these are what they should pay attention to. As for the others, it is really not what he can understand. The situation is such a situation. Although Han Shu still wants to know some answers she wants to know, Li Wen is only a speculator after all. He cannot answer all these questions, and those economists are often willing to use some very profound knowledge. To explain. This is something Han Shu doesn't like, because that would interfere with her making the right decision.

In Bangla, the construction of the railway is proceeding very smoothly. They have already built the railway to the war zone. With the completion of the railway construction and the massing of a large number of troops and materials, South Korea can finally solve what they should do. But at the same time, the Bangladeshi Parliament is also considering some new issues.

"We should continue to build a railway. This railway should connect deeper places. We should see. Bangla needs so many railways and more land to obtain more economic benefits. At the same time, the construction of railways, It can solve the work needs of many people and let them participate in the construction of the railway." A Bangla MP stood up and said. Many Bangla parliamentarians saw many benefits brought about by the construction of railways, that is, the war destroyed the local economy, more remote rural areas, and the destruction of slaves. More and more slaves, those who lost their land to escape the war, joined the refugee army. They became the cheapest labor force, and they could easily deploy to their newly occupied land.

The war gave Koreans and Mengla people, it should be a chance for a small number of Mengla noble parliamentarians to cooperate. They seized the opportunity to seize a lot of land. The effort of paper took away their land and all their wealth. They will grow cotton, rice, sugarcane, flax and other cash crops, and they will hire some simple labor to do such things, those labor force can be said to be no money. Because if they don't do it, they will be starved to death. This was something they had to avoid, so many people signed up to become a member of the farmer. But the problem still exists.

Because there are still a large number of people who have lost their land, they have become proletarians. They must live. The only way to survive is labor. They must become laborers of railway construction to solve this problem. Only in this way can they complete the construction.

"If we end the construction of these projects now, more than half a million laborers will join the rebels. The destructive power they cause is amazing. We should clearly see this. We should be clear. Seeing this, otherwise, when the situation is very serious, what we can do will be nothing. This is the worst and most helpless thing. We don’t want this to happen, and we naturally don’t want to happen. , We need a new development process, and only in this way can we solve such problems.” Mr. Meng La said.

"For our stability, we still need to continue to build more railways, or we should provide more urban facilities for us to do so." Bangla members said.

However, some South Korean congressmen expressed opposition. If this is the case, it will bring great unfairness to our taxation. This is a result they absolutely do not want to see. The most important thing is that they do not want such heavy taxation. Moreover, the country has stated that they need more funds, and these funds must come from the colonies. In this case, they will be under great pressure. This is the last thing all colonial Korean parliamentarians want to see. However, if these funds are not built The project will cause bigger things to happen. The situation in Bangla has finally stabilized. Under such circumstances, what else will they do? If they stop, they will rebel because they have no survival. Possibly, this is what they have to do.

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