The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3304: Inaction economy

Bangladesh needs a lot of economic infrastructure, so that it can boost their economic growth, and only economic growth can avoid more troubles. This is a problem recognized by both Bangla and South Korean lawmakers. Therefore, when a railway was built in Bangla. It was a very smooth thing, because that would greatly eliminate the huge chaos caused by the riots, and now the order has stabilized. But the problem remains unresolved.

"We should see that there is still a considerable amount of surplus labor. Their existence is the fundamental source of the riots, and their threat to us still exists." A Bangla MP stood up and said.

"And we are building a large number of basic economic projects, such as building our city, building our communications, etc., and at the same time guide the establishment of a series of railway stations, and build quite a few towns based on the railway stations, as well as various All kinds of roads satisfy the transportation of our cash crops.” The Mengla Congressman explained.

"But to do so, it will cost too much financial funds, you know. The local area still needs a lot of funds for construction, and at the same time, we also need more funds to provide some services for ourselves." A South Korean congressman opposed. To. South Korean parliamentarians have their own views. They come from the sovereign state, so they naturally have their own considerations. This is the upper house of Bangla, and the lower house needs to elect their own representatives to convince those members.

"However, we should see the situation in Bangla. Bangla needs more engineering projects. These projects can greatly solve our potential safety hazards." A young Bangla councilor said anxiously. But South Korean lawmakers shook their heads. This is obviously not their answer. In their opinion, the rioters will not get a good end. This is the case now and the same will be the case in the future. This is what they have to do, and they don’t care about it. Things are up. What they need is money. Only when they get a lot of money, they will campaign in China and then they can serve as local parliamentarians. This is in the minds of the Bangla Senators. They don’t care whether Bangla riots, whether there are such and other safe banks. From the local perspective, those places deserve riots because there is no need to care about their lives and deaths.

"Young man, stay a little behind. I'll come." A middle-aged Bangla congressman said at this time.

"Everyone here, the construction of Bangla is good for you." The middle-aged congressman looked at the many Korean congressmen and said.

"Oh." Many Korean parliamentarians looked at each other strangely. They didn't know what kind of benefits the other party could tell them to allow them to do so. You must know that they want to run for local parliamentarians. The election will cost a lot of money. If If you don't make publicity, no one knows your situation at all.

"Although in the short term, your interests have indeed been lost." The middle-aged congressman said. Rather than constantly concealing it, it’s better to admit it straightforwardly. Honesty sometimes has better results than concealing. South Korean congressmen nodded. Obviously, they were interested in what the other party said, or had a good impression. After all, this way The thing is still very rare.

"You can't get enough funds to carry out your activities, but I hope you can regard this as an investment. In the short term, you may lose and there will be certain risks. However, in the long run It can be seen that the well-built Bangla also has advantages for them. Bangla’s economy has a slight regression, but such a small regression has made a greater contribution to a big step in the future. Our cash crops can be improved from Transporting farther places in exchange for greater benefits makes us more efficient. The deepening of roads and railways can connect more areas. In this way, our economy will become more favorable, except In addition to this, there is another point that is that we can also build our Bangla Port, and the throughput of Bangla Port will be extremely large, and it will become an important economic port city. Our city functions are more beneficial." The other party said.

"And when these are done, our economy will be stimulated instead, more people have their own jobs, more value is created, and our development will develop faster. And members of Parliament, you can get Yes, a good political blueprint, a good political plan, a good plan, and a result that can be produced. When people see these results, they will be persuaded and more easily accepted in the future. Not only that The situation in Bangla is also stabilized. This is our greatest support. If we don’t do this, what will we get?” The congressman continued.

"We can't get anything. On the contrary, it is a mess. We will lose more profits, lose more economic value, and more wars will be involved. At that time, Bangla will not only be unable to produce greater On the contrary, we still need to import more military power to stabilize the situation. In that case, the local area will provide more economic support. In that case, it will be very bad. I think Her Majesty will also be right. This is very annoying. Because we are really spending too much money here. I think you will think about your own future." The middle-aged MP Bangla said.

After listening to these South Korean congressmen nodded, obviously they were persuaded. They know that this may be an unlikely thing, but it has already happened. They were persuaded. Indeed, from my own considerations, if the situation in Bangla is very chaotic, it will not do any good for them to run for local parliamentarians. Let’s see, during your tenure as a parliamentarian, the entire Bangla is in a state of chaos. How do you explain such a thing? You can't explain. So, the situation may be something you can't do.

"Well, I agree with your persuasion, I have to admit that you persuaded us." A South Korean congressman said after thinking about it. The other members nodded and said. In their view, they were persuaded. They really need something like this, despite what they say. They will lose a period of loss, but they can greatly meet their future needs. I have to say that this is the best way for them. After that, the MPs wrote and submitted the opinions of MP Bangla as their own. In this way, their situation can be better.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"This is a report from Bangla. They believe that Bangla needs more economic construction projects, such as railways, roads, and railway-based towns. The port facilities also need to be further expanded. They believe that to do so. It is of great benefit to them. In this way, they can do many, many things." Han Shu said while looking at Zhang Liang who was quickly reviewing the report.

"If we do this, there will be a certain loss to our interests. First of all, the colony is also our own piece of land. Our definition is that they provide us with more funds. Our navy is expanding, especially our Western Fleet. They need to expand more than twelve new warships, and there are many new weapons that need to be added. In this case, we need to spend a lot of money, a lot, but the situation is that we don’t have that much money, and we still want Bangla Give us some funds. But now, instead, we have to give them money. Secondly, our local area needs more funds to do more things. This part of the funds is coming from the bank. We pledged national assets to issue banknotes. In this way, banknotes can be promoted. The last point is that I plan to combine these two points. In this way, we can solve many problems that we cannot solve. For example, we will further promote banknotes to Bangla." Han Shu said To. Han Shu is anxious to solve their naval expenditure problem, after all, the South Korean navy is expanding very strongly. They will need more funds. In this case, some of Korea’s own plans cannot be carried out. However, Han Shu has her own plan. She thinks that the two plans can be promoted and the circulation of funds can be increased by issuing new banknotes. In this way, their economy can develop rapidly. After all, the colony’s economy needs construction, and the construction must have currency. Otherwise, they will not develop like this. Under such circumstances, they must The large-scale promotion of banknotes can not only meet the needs of banknote circulation, but also build colonies. For such a plan, Han Shu thinks this is a very genius idea. And it's very concealed.

Zhang Liang knows Han Shu's thoughts, and she has always hoped to find a more concealed approach to achieve her goals. He has never opposed this approach. However, whether the current colonial economy is suitable for the issuance of these banknotes, it is necessary to know that the situation in Bangla has degraded to the era of barter.

"My lord, the solution is good, but we must also pay attention to the fundamentals of some problems. For example, the actual situation in Bangla, the local currency has once again returned to the period of gold and silver trading, and the most important thing is that people have already Lost hope, in Bangla, the payment method of local workers is rice, not our banknotes, our banknotes. It has become waste paper." Zhang Liang reported helplessly.

"Well, I know all of this. Because of this, we need to restore banknotes, because banknotes also have a significant effect on us. You should see that when the economy develops. The demand for banknotes is very large, and banknotes can be used. Satisfying the liquidity of currency can increase transactions and bring convenience. We cannot re-establish the paper currency system because Bangla lost the paper currency system. In that case, the situation will become very complicated. Therefore, for this issue, We must solve it, and only when we solve it can we take it into consideration. The economic construction of Bangla can re-establish order. You still need to come up with specific plans, such as impacting their material transactions, allowing a large amount of rice to enter the market, and impact Their transaction status. At the same time, let the bank reissue banknotes, exchange the previously issued banknotes, and then re-establish the bank issuance of banknotes. Not only that, we need to set up relevant banking departments or central banks locally. In order to effectively control these situations, we should not stop using them because banknotes have a bad influence. For us, this is the most unacceptable thing.” Han Shu said.

"Yes, King." Zhang Liang nodded and agreed. Han Shu was right. If South Korea wants to fully develop the colonial economy, it cannot do without the support of banknotes. Without banknotes, South Korea can do nothing. At the same time, they can also steal their resource advantage from the colonies. This is why the Korean government wants to promote it. This is for them. This is their best way.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Look at this." Meng Yi handed a newspaper to Shang Wen, and Shang Wen took a quick look.

"It seems that Li Wen will become famous soon. This speculative kid is too powerful." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, what I didn't expect was that this speculative kid would be interviewed by the Queen." Shang Wen said after reading the newspaper.

"Yes, but the content is about market remarks. Maybe the queen also has her own inspiration. For example, she repeatedly emphasized freedom, freedom. Free economy, market economy. etc." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, the market has its own choices. We cannot interfere, and we cannot let the market do this. You can look at Dawan. This is how they are in the situation. Old Yanglin doesn't care about anything. It is said that they The Dawan people call it the inaction economy." Shangwen said.

"Wuwei economy is very good, but I am worried whether there will be any problems with such development. After all, if nothing is done, nothing will happen, and some situations will cause serious consequences." Meng Yi worried. Speaking of.

"What kind of consequences?" Shang Wen asked.

"For example, corruption and corruption. It is said that many such things happen in Dawan. Those who undertake the construction of these projects are the relatives of some parliamentarians, and many subordinates are also involved. Corruption and corruption often occur. Yang Lin doesn’t care at all. The government has become a big contractor, and all government officials are doing the same thing. They are doing the same thing on a large scale. The people below are very complaining about this, and their media have also complained about it. Such criticism, but some media reporters have also been bought off. That's how they did things." Meng Yi said.

"This is the inaction economy." Meng Yi said.

"Haha." Shang Wen could only smile. He did not know how to answer Meng Yi’s question, because this question was difficult for him to explain, and it was also more difficult to explain clearly. It is precisely because of this that free economy has the disadvantages of free economy, and Meng Yi has this problem. Some doubts.

Love the few harbors.

"How is your situation?" a major captain asked Chen Biao, who came by. He asked for a double sip of sugar and wine.

"Unlucky." Chen Biao said angrily.

"What's the matter?" the major captain asked curiously. He didn't know what happened to the other party.

"Our warship was hit by a single shot. The worst part is that that shot turned out to be so accurate. It knocked out a lot of our mast, and the **** one was killed. It's really bad luck." Chen Biao said angrily.

"Haha. Okay. Your situation is pretty good, do you know? There are still some warships that were attacked by the other party before they hit. Our warships patrol the coastal areas. They hope to intercept some flat-bottomed merchant ships, But I didn’t know what was going on, so I was attacked by the locals. I still don’t know what’s going on.” The other party said.

"What's going on?" Chen Biao asked curiously. Because things like this are usually abnormal.

"I don't know. Anyway, it was the cabin that was blasted with a big hole. The hull was seventy-five degrees. If it weren't for their timely rescue, plus their luck in the smoke or area, they would ran aground quickly, otherwise, The warship sank," the captain said.

"How could such a thing happen? What the hell, a big hole might be punched in that position." The other party asked puzzledly.

"I am not very clear. According to the memories of the crew, there were no such or other artillery attacks nearby. At that time, there was no ship on the entire sea. If they saw it with their own eyes, they repeatedly searched the country. There was no ship at all, but why did it explode? Burst a hole, that's what they don't know." said the major.

"Damn it, I know, this is a mine, it must be a mine, there is nothing wrong, I remember we have such a weapon." Chen Biao shouted at this time.

"What? Damn, what are you talking about? How could this be possible, mines, how could this kind of thing be in the other side's situation, you know. They wouldn't be able to trigger the device to do this." The captain retorted. . He thinks that the other party is simply nonsense. How could the other party have weapons like mines? They know about mines, but they have not seen them. After all, the number of mines they make is not very large, and these weapons have not been distributed to them for use. , But how could it be possible to love a few people more advanced than them to use weapons such as mines, this is simply an impossible thing.

"Whether it is possible or not, we should pay attention to such things. No matter what, I think there must be something like this, whether it is not provided by us or invented by themselves, no matter what? I think this We should be more careful about things. Write a report and hand it in. We must do this." Chen Biao said suspiciously. Compared to being knocked off the mast by the opponent, he himself was more careful.

The captain shook his head. He felt that these were impossible things. How could the other party have weapons such as mines? This was simply the most unbelievable thing that he could not think of. Relying on the other side's head. They can come up with weapons like mines. This is simply impossible.

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