The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3305: Crossing the Bering Strait

Don't say that the two captains didn't believe it, even the South Korean Navy Department didn't believe there was such a thing.

"Sir, do I think we should investigate something like this?" An intelligence officer of the Navy Department asked the Deputy Chief of the Navy. The Deputy Chief of the Navy is responsible for specific intelligence matters. This is also the main function of the Deputy Chief of the Navy. After all, he must have all the information. Circumstances in order to take over the relevant ministerial posts when necessary, so that the department can continue to operate normally.

"Mine?" the undersecretary of the Navy asked after reading the report. He thinks it’s very ridiculous, he thinks it’s simply impossible, because it’s a country that loves a few countries, they are equipped with backward flintlocks, how could they have weapons like mines, it’s not just that he doesn’t believe it, everyone Don't believe in such a thing.

"Yes, sir." The intelligence officer nodded.

"Do you think I should believe in such a thing?" the undersecretary of the navy asked the intelligence officer.

"This, sir, I think you should believe it once." The intelligence officer reported helplessly.

"Okay. Maybe your idea is right." The undersecretary of the Navy thought about not making some compromises, because he felt that if it was true, it would be a very mistake for them to ignore such important information and not take some measures. This approach will lead to greater losses.

"What do you think?" the undersecretary of the Navy asked next.

"Sir, I think this matter may have come from Chu State. Chu State merchants may have obtained the relevant technology. They took some measures and sold it to Ai's people. This kind of behavior may happen. It is said that Chu State The merchant once exported a lot of artillery to them." The other party said.

"Well, this is also a possibility, but you have to investigate another aspect to see if they can invent related weapons. In this case, our situation may be biased. Investigate it carefully. "The Navy Deputy Commander nodded and agreed.

"Yes, sir." The intelligence officer nodded. He is going to be in charge of this project.

North, expedition ship, beauty. Yankee changed to an expedition ship. He really didn't want to look at his chief's eyes. He liked a free life and didn't want to be depressed, otherwise he would not give up his office job and come here for an adventure. The risk here is still high.

"My dear, I know you may not receive my letter." Yang Kee looked outside and wrote a paragraph like this on a new piece of paper. He writes a letter to his new wife every day. They haven't been married for long, but he is a father with several children. Those are his concubines. Qin encourages childbirth. Men can find more women to give birth. This is not illegal in Qin, not only in Qin, but also in other countries, but Qin's wife must It is from the Qin country, because they think that only in this way can they show the orthodoxy of their bloodline. However, this also improved the status of Qin women a lot. Young people are more likely to fall in love freely. Because the development of society has broken the restrictions of the courts, the wrong things happen frequently, and people are not surprised.

"The weather here is terribly cold. We tested the temperature and, oh my god, it was able to drop by more than minus 30 degrees. This temperature is very rare in the north." Yang Kee said.

"But you can believe me, I didn’t speak, it’s early summer, but the weather here is still very cold, we need to wear thick clothes to get to work outside. We don’t know why it’s so cold here, but maybe It's the north, and the north is all in such cold weather." Yan Kee said. The indoor temperature is relatively high. But he still wore a heavy sweater and a down jacket hung at the door. This was the officer's private space, which was much better than the small room in the coffin of some sailors. He also has his own desk so that the officer can do some copywriting work. This is the treatment that an officer can have.

"Today's route has changed a bit. We have reached the end of an ocean. Our chief is a little worried about this. Because they have collected some small bottles. The small bottle's letter tells us that there is a tribe and they have already crossed here. It is said that they took ice boats to reach places they never dared to reach. Our chief thought this was a risky behavior, because there are many icebergs here, and risky things appear at any time. But some people think that they can only overcome them by moving forward. We are the Qin Army. We should not stop being afraid of such difficulties. Our purpose here is to explore. They think we should continue to move forward. Perhaps there is a continent ahead of us waiting for our appearance. There is also a wave of expedition ships behind us. Their scale exceeds six expedition ships. This is enough for us to deal with the sudden situation that we may break out. At the strong request of the subordinates, the chief had to change the direction. We must move towards one The new area moves forward. What is this area? There is a big unknown, but we are not afraid at all. We are Qin Jun. Alright. My dear, so be it." Yang Ji hastily finished writing such a letter. Everyone is waiting with trepidation, because they don't know what will happen if they continue to move east. Is there a continent there? And what happened to their expedition team? Nobody knows. They can only keep moving forward.

"Mainland. Mainland, get up quickly, we see the mainland." Just then. An excited sailor shouted loudly in the officer's cabin. Usually, the officer would punish the soldier severely, but now all the officers rushed out. They had binoculars in their hands, and some people ran out without clothes.

"If you can't find the continent, you are dead." An officer hurriedly crossed the excited upper deck of the sailor. The sailor chuckled, he thought it was impossible.

"Hahaha. We finally discovered a new continent." On the deck, the sailors stood up and looked at the situation happily. They felt too excited at this moment. They finally got rid of the shadow, and the captain laughed. He felt that his decision was so conservative.

This wave of Qin’s expedition ship, they arrived in Alaska today. The Russians in history also arrived here through the Bering Strait. Like Russia, they crossed that strait. They didn’t know, follow this one. If they go down by land, they will find that a larger area is formed here. But they think they have come here. Should continue.

South Korea, Zhang Yidao. Because the people of Qi have discovered oil here. After the Korean reoccupied. Take control here firmly. The oil news attracted oil merchants from Jiaozhou to invest here. But after the war. A large number of businessmen build drilling platforms here, and all oil wells are developed.

"Qin's demand for oil has become a lot, and we also need it. Petroleum can be refined into gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and asphalt. It is said that the people of Qin can achieve their new resin material through some technologies. But this material is not yet available. Effective popularization. It is said to be very expensive." An oil worker introduced to an investor. There are many businessmen in South Korea. They are very rich. For example, some textile factory owners can make a lot of money by investing in textile factories, but the money is only for trade. They worry that one day this industry will not be able to continue. How to do. Some textile factories have moved some backward machines to Bangla. There is a lot of labor and it is close to the origin of raw materials, which is a good project. However, businessmen are still very worried. They are worried that they will not be able to make a lot of money. They still need safer projects. Investing in the oil industry is the most cost-effective business.

"Can the oil be sold here?" the investor asked the oil workers curiously.

"Yes, they can be sold. The merchant ships hired by the State of Qin and our merchant ships come here every day. There will be enough ships here to transport oil every day. I think that a conservative estimate is more than 10,000 per day. The most terrible thing about barrels of oil is that this number is still rising these days. It may have reached 20,000." Oil workers estimated.

"Well. Do all the people of Qin need it?" The investment businessman asked curiously. He hopes to minimize the risk. After all, it was not easy for him to get his money. Putting it in the bank was the most stupid decision. This decision would cost them heavy losses. Because paper money will depreciate, merchants have noticed this problem a long time ago, so they all buy gold, but the appreciation of gold is too slow. For more things, they still decide to invest. Only investment can do better.

"Yes, the people of Qin and our own people, you know, many places now need fuel, and fuel can generate electricity. I heard that some ships need to use fuel. If that is the case, the prospects are too broad. "The oil worker said. The investment businessman nodded, agreeing with this view. In Xinzheng, South Korea, many motor vehicles have appeared, although the wheels of the cars are still a problem. Because there is no rubber at the most time, natural tires cannot be made, but there are also some tires, such as the use of petrochemical synthetic foam, which can be used in car tires, but the disadvantage is that it is not wear-resistant and expensive. Only top-class cars will be used. Other cars do not use crawler tracks. In that case, the damage to the road is the greatest, or they use wheels to drive directly, but in that case, the speed and comfort of the motor vehicle cannot reach a certain level. Therefore, people still travel by tram. If they are far away, the rich will choose to use airships to sail, but if you do that, you need to take great risks. But these are inseparable from fuel. The more the development, the greater the dependence on fuel. Businessmen know this, so they will invest in oil business for this.

"Well. Very good, there is a ship that can transport a lot of oil. I just don't know, what about the oil fields here? If there is damage, or if no oil is produced, the situation will be very bad for me." Investment businessman Speaking of worry. This is where investors are most risky, because no one knows how much oil there will be.

"Don't worry, it's all oil here. No one can mine. I can guarantee that there is more oil here than Jiaozhou, because most of the oil here is sprayed out. This is caused by the pressure caused by too much oil on the ground. Under normal circumstances, only too much oil will lead to such a situation." The other party said nonsense.

"Haha. That's good. That's good." Petroleum merchants finally decided to invest in the oil industry here. After all, this is a promising project and they must be prepared for this.

South Korea, Xinzheng. After a period of volatility, cotton rose again. This time they rose very rapidly and unscrupulously. They rose by 2% at the beginning. Many people who scared them did not dare to enter, because they felt that cotton rose this time. After rising, it will definitely fall, but no one knows where the falling point is. No one knows this. Therefore, they can only watch cotton rise. But Li Wen knew. This is the last moment. They must be prepared after Li Wen is sold. In the low price position, he has continuously eaten a large amount of cotton and more orders. Most of the increase this time is the result of him, but many people in the market are following the trend to buy, but at this time Li Wen has begun to quietly deal with him. Orders are made. He knows that once he crosses the previous high point, a large number of buyers will appear, and then he can easily sell the multiple orders in his hand, and those orders will overwhelm him.

"What's the matter with the domestic railway stocks in Qin State?" Li Wen asked his assistant during the lunch break. He noticed the quotes in the newspaper. Steel stocks rose for a while, and he knew that was a sign that they would rise in the future. But what he noticed is that the railway, which is closely related to iron and steel, has risen a lot at a sudden, and they seem to have the possibility of continuing to rise, he knows. The problem here is huge.

"I heard that it is a railway project of the Dawan people, and that the Qin State wants to build a large northern railway. This is the plan of the Ministry of War, because it can greatly control more areas and achieve a large number of advantageous positions. , And the minerals and other resources within 20 miles of the two sides of the railway are all railway departments. It is said that the ultimate destination of this railway is an oil producing area leading to the western region of Qin State, although it is not known whether there is Oil, but many people have already determined such a thing." The assistant explained.

"So they have risen a lot?" Li Wen found out that a lot of things had happened during his absence from Qin State.

"Yes. Sir, we have also noticed such a situation, but it happened suddenly, and most of our funds are in it. The development of railways is closely related to oil." The assistant said.

"Well. It seems so. Can you collect relevant information?" Li Wen said at this time.

"Of course, sir, I have collected a lot of information in this regard." the assistant said.

"That's great. You did very well, very well." Li Wen praised. His success is inseparable from the help of these assistants, otherwise he would not do such a speculative business.

Dawan State, Prime Minister's Office.

"Qin people's views are very consistent with ours, and the parliament is also the same." The Defense Minister reported to Old Yang Lin. On the issue of the border war, some patriots think that they should continue to keep it, but the problem is that if they do, it will take longer to do such a thing, which is for them. Obviously it is an unbearable thing, because a large number of infrastructure construction projects have been launched. If they do this, they will need to spend too much money for them. This is the most unacceptable situation. Therefore, on the issue of war, they hope to use the air force and maintain a low-level combat, as long as their military expenditure can be effectively accepted.

"But if we use the Air Force to solve problems, we still can't effectively solve these problems. This is a very difficult thing for us." The Defense Minister said helplessly.

"The key to the problem lies in politics, and the key to politics lies in the economy." Old Yang Lin said a lot of philosophy, but all the ministers didn't know what his purpose was.

"My opinion is that the key to the problem lies in the Persian resters. As long as they don't fight, all problems will be solved. My idea is that we might solve this problem through peaceful means." Old Yang Lin seemed unwilling to look at it. As for all disputes, once there is a dispute, he decides to take a peaceful way to properly resolve it. It seems that only in this way can he be kind to him.

"But, Mr. Prime Minister, we need to make a lot of efforts. We can no longer properly resolve this issue with them. As you know, the current situation is that we cannot negotiate with them. We have a lot of hatred with us, and the other party They are all tribes, they are all loose guerrillas. It is difficult for us to find a very suitable object for peace talks." The Minister of Defense put forward embarrassingly.

"Although the purpose of the peace talks is good and the best way to solve the problem, they must find the right target." said the defense minister.

"Yeah. You are right. If you rest in peace, the Persians will have their own government. Unfortunately, they are too loose. It is so loose that we don’t know how to negotiate with them. This is for us. . It's not a good thing." Old Yang Lin said helplessly. The Dawan people want to end this endless border harassment war because it will cost a lot of national defense costs. If this cost can be saved, they can do a lot of things.

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