The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3306: Parthian Soldiers Party

The Black Beauty, Chen Biao set sail again, this time their task was to find mines in order to confirm whether such weapons existed. This poses a great threat to the future military operations of South Korea. South Korean intelligence must figure out this issue. This may be the first landing operation. They must understand all obstacles.

"Keep your eyes open, look carefully, and don't give up any suspicious targets. Do you understand?" a navy lieutenant shouted loudly.

"Yes, sir." The sailors held their binoculars and kept looking at the surrounding situation. They sailed very slowly and slowly. They can't feel that the ship is moving, and the high level of inspection work will make many people nervous. This makes them a little unbearable for such oppression.

"Sir, why do the above always choose us to do such a thing?" Old Black Sergeant poured a cup of tea to his officer.

"How do I know that we should be blown up by a mine? Damn it." Chen Biao said worriedly. Such weapons are as worrying as mines. Who knows what they are, and worst of all, how powerful they are, do not know where they are. This makes everyone feel very uncomfortable, this kind of discomfort seems to kill you at any time, making you feel very uncomfortable.

"When I received this task, I was very upset, but there was no way. The above said, the intelligence department wanted to know if there were such weapons, and how those **** lovers did this. I How do they know how they did this. Damn." Chen Biao said angrily.

"Sir." Old Hei looked at his officer.

"I know. This will plunge all of us into disaster. The Army can invent landmines, but they didn't expect it. A few people actually made things like mines. I really don't know how far the war will be." Chen Biao said. Lao Hei looked at his officer. He felt that the pressure of war made his officer's mental state very poor. In fact, war is like this. This is an uncontrollable factor. A person has been under pressure for a long time. For a long time in the environment, no one can stand such a thing. This is war. A mistake may not be one person, but a group of people. Chen Biao faced such pressure. Moreover, the danger does not know where, this is where they all worry most.

The Second Dormition of the Parthians. This regiment is a mixed regiment, with two battalions of Anxi infantry, and one battalion of Huns, Anxi mixed cavalry, and some technical troops. Engineers, signal soldiers, but among these military units, Qin people accounted for a relatively high proportion, because many people could not do such things, such as surveying and mapping, which required a lot of calculations. Although the peace soldiers had problems in communication, they wanted to It is still difficult to complete the surveying and mapping work. Those trigonometric functions will cause them headaches for a long, long time. Until they die of headaches, they can't do such things. Of course. The Huns couldn't do it either. They are naturally unwilling to spend a long time thinking about such problems. In their opinion, such problems will make them extremely difficult. They are still willing to do some simple tasks, such as repairing guns, shooting, and aiming. Although the risks are high, they feel extremely happy. This is the gap between different races. The Qin Army has done such research in this area for a long time. They believe that these soldiers from various nationalities can only be suitable for work such as infantry and cavalry, because it requires sensitivity and they Educational level limits their tactical development, that is, the development of tactical weapons. In the future, many high-tech weapons require humans to operate, and these soldiers are obviously not suitable for this kind of work, and Qin is unwilling to use such weapons. Highly educated soldiers were wasted on such operations for nothing, it is a waste, a shameful waste.

In an officer's tent, several rest officers are sitting around here. They all look serious.

"Qin's decision has been made. But don't worry, everyone." said a major officer. His name is Libert. This is the name of the State of Qin that does not sound like the name of the State of Qin. In the Parthian legion, a large number of Parthians are influenced by the culture of the State of Qin. The Central Plains dialect of the State of Qin has already To become the standard language here, how fast you master the language directly determines how fast you get promoted. For example, Libert, before, he was just a second-class soldier, but he often did some work for the Qin army, and the people of Qin were also willing to fight with him. Such a flexible young man dealt with, so, soon, he learned the Qin dialect, and then he became an officer. A second lieutenant officer, and then he learned to write and began to be promoted to lieutenant. At the same time, he could do some copywriting work, and then command the war. In short, he was constantly learning, and the people of Qin wanted to set him up as an example. It seems that they need the power of such an example too much for publicity. Many people were envious of seeing the other party rising like a rocket. Especially those who are in peace, they have begun to learn the language of the Qin country. Although some people still have difficulty in explaining the vernacular, there are basically no barriers to their communication. This is a huge improvement. However, more people began to accept the Qin culture, they changed their name of Rest and used the name of Qin to express their active learning spirit. Libert is such a person.

"We all know." The other officers said worriedly. When they heard about the disbanding of the Parthian Legion, all of them were very nervous. They were very worried. When they heard the news, they were worried. They were just prisoners of war before. They were homesick, and their fighting morale was extremely low. Many people did not want to fight, nor did they want to fight, but after joining the Qin army, their situation changed, even though many of them had their hometowns destroyed. Mainly caused by the **** Persians, but they found a very important factor in the Qin army, discipline, or the military hierarchy of discipline maintenance. This hierarchy allowed them to retrieve the honor of the soldiers. As well as a symbol of their status, but the establishment of the Parthian Army Corps was too late, and the time was not very long. Among them, the highest rank was a major. Many people are lieutenants or ensigns, and there are very few captains. It can be said that they are only low-level officers, but they are eager to use this opportunity to change their situation and make their situation better. What they have to do now is such a thing.

"Okay. Now that everyone knows it. I will tell you such a news, the chief above said. It is better to dissolve the Shabbat than to hand over to the Shabbat government as a whole. They hope that we can be prepared to take over." Libert said To. The other officers looked at the major surprisingly. He is their largest officer here, almost the highest officer of all the rest. They are talking about military rank.

"If we accept such a large army, we will have our own strength to build our own country. This will be a very good way for us. From then on, we will have our own position in the end." Speaking of special. Others nodded in agreement, and they also thought it could be done. After all, this is related to their interests, which is closely related to them.

"But. Sir, what should we do? You know, our biggest supervisor is a major. According to the standards of the Qin people, we can only manage one battalion." Lieutenant Ying said worriedly. His name is Zhao Xi. He is a prudent man.

"Okay. Shut up, you fellow, never think for the good. If we do something like this, we can naturally do a lot of things. We can accomplish this kind of thing." A captain said impatiently. His name is Li Lingsi, and he is a flexible and sophistical guy. Many people don't like such an officer because he thinks too much and does things flexibly for him. It is easy to be sold. The soldiers didn't like such a guy, but in desperation, he was promoted very quickly and he has become a captain.

"So, we promote ourselves." Major Libert said.

"This." Many officers were surprised. However, Li Lingsi immediately became happy after a brief surprise.

"Yes. Yes, sir. In this case, the sir can be the marshal. If we can control the entire Sabbath officer, it is also possible to establish a Sabbath nation." At this time, Li Lingsi said some surprising words. , Marshal, if this is the case, he can say it.

"Haha. Thank you for your kindness." Liebert is obviously willing to accept such words. After all, everyone wants their military rank and official position to be greater, after all, this is for them. There are great benefits. This is where their interests lie.

"But it is not the time yet. We need to control the rest officers of all people, and control all the rest sergeants. Only in this way can we control the rest officers. When the Qin people retreat, we can peacefully accept the rest of the army." Li Bo Speaking of special.

"Sir, what should the Huns do?" Lieutenant Zhao Xi said at this time.

"If they are willing to join, we welcome them. If they don't want to, we don't force them. We can let them leave. I don't think the people of Qin will take care of them." Libert said.

"Then, on the Qin people's side, what I know is that the Qin people are still negotiating with some local tribal leaders. I don't know why they do this, but there must be their own reasons." Zhao Xi said.

"You are right. The people of Qin want us to form a political party and then a government. For the soldiers, I plan to form a party of peace soldiers and join the party. Then you can become a future government official, and you will all enter. Parliament, this is what the people of Qin want to do. Our goal is to control the Parthian legion. As long as we control the officers and noncommissioned officers, our affairs will be much easier." Libert said.

"Sir, we still need the support of the people of Qin, we can't do anything without their support." Zhao Xi said at this time. And Li Lingsi on the side hated the other party to death. He felt that the other party was simply a trouble. Asking questions constantly, is this to show that his mind is thinking too much? The other party looked at each other dissatisfied.

"We will do it on the Qin people's side. As long as we control the army, we can do our things well. A government without an army can't guarantee security, and we can do all this well." Libert said. In fact, he still needs more things to do. For example, negotiating with the people of the Qin people, they need the help of the people of the Qin people. Once they leave their help, there are many soldiers in the Parthian army, and logistical supplies are a huge difficulty. They will suddenly It is definitely not what they want to see if they are caught in financial difficulties. They are too unwilling to see such a situation.

But negotiating with the Qin people requires capital, or in other words, you must have a bargaining chip in your hands. Without a bargaining chip, it will be difficult to further achieve the goal of the negotiation. Controlling the Parthian Legion is Libert's bargaining chip. He is a soldier, and he knows too much about the importance of a soldier. Those tribal leaders have difficulty facing the offensive of the Persians, and the Qin people have their own goals. They want a government close to the Qin people. Libert is very clear about this. The leaders only receive some favors and have a good impression of the Qin people, but There is obviously no sense of intimacy. Therefore, the Qin State needs the Parthian Legion to form a political party to manage the interests of the people of the Qin State, but they also need to check and balance each other. Otherwise, they will become lawless. This is something that the people of Qin must pay attention to. Therefore, the Qin government requires the establishment of a parliament. , To help the Anxi government transition, but no matter what, as long as they can represent the Qin government, they can quickly gain control of the government, because they have the army in their hands, and the tribes, they will not constitute a big Threatening.

Inside King Ben’s tent.

"I know, everyone is very worried, very worried that the situation will change greatly." Wang Ben said with a smile.

"But, is there any way we can do it in our country, but when we leave, we will arrange everything." Wang Ben said with a smile. And the leaders of the Parthian tribes, or the battalion commanders of the Parthian concentration camps, that is a new management system, because several of their tribes are mixed together, or their tribes are completely broken up. Under such circumstances, they were mixed in the concentration camp of the Qin State. The original intention of the concentration camp was to solve guerrilla operations, but this turned them into a new management system, which intensified the emergence of new administrative units and officers. The battalion commander is such a chief executive.

"You will establish your own country. Don’t worry about this. The people of Qin will help you a lot. The army is ready. The Parthian army is your own army. The people of Qin are just taking charge of it. You can expel it. Persians, you can form a powerful country. These are the things you need most. Don't worry, you should get everything yourself." Wang Ben said. He said that he motioned to these people to drink tea. But for the Anxi tribe and battalion commanders, this kind of tea is really not good to drink and too bitter. The people of Qin people seem to like to drink such bitter water, but for them, they can only swallow this kind of bitter water. They are very worried about leaving Qin people. What will happen to them, you need to know. They are all soldiers, but they are just tribes, some tribal leaders that have been defeated. Their financial situation is not good. Many tribes have no income. This greatly limits their political discourse power, and now they are worried about such a thing. They hope to get help from the people of Qin, because with the help of people of Qin, they can get more convenience.

"It's just, rest in peace. After we set up the council, how should we enter?" a leader asked Wang Ben more worried.

"This, this is very simple. As long as you unite, form a political party, and run for elections, you can enter. As long as there are enough people in peace to support you, you can enter the parliament. You don't have to worry about this. You can discuss the rules by yourself. , After all, rest is your own.” An Xi said.

"So, Tocharo?" Another leader of the Rest tribe said worriedly. The situation of the Parthians is very bad. They have Tocharians to the south and Persians to the north. Both sides look at them and they are not very friendly.

"It doesn't matter. The people of Qin will solve the Tocharians, but first you must develop before you can talk to the Tocharians. We will solve this problem with the Tocharians. But first, you must solve Persia. People. This is an unchanging prerequisite, okay. It won’t delay your establishment of a political party. You have to think about it after you go back. The establishment of a political party has too many benefits for them. He will represent your own. Interests." Wang Ben explained. The tribal leaders nodded in agreement.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The establishment of the Shah government, I think, the first objection is not the Persians, but the Tocharians. They hope that they have their own territory. Expanding their territory is their greatest hope, but now, this hope is shattered. They are. We will find us from the Qin country." Meng Yi said to Shangwen worriedly.

"If the Tocharians can get more economic benefits from annexing the land, they will certainly do so. The problem is that they will not do so if they have developed so many places and it is of no use to them. "Shang Wen said instead without worry.

"Why?" Meng Yi said.

"If the Partisans set up guerrillas to continue their dealings, the military expenses will be very high. The high is scary. Under such circumstances, can they afford it? Obviously not. I think this is just for them. It is difficult to bear, so I think they should not do this. They must carefully consider this issue." Shang Wen said calmly.

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