The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3307: Arms and cultural relics business

Qingcheng Naval Base, Jiaozhou, South Korea, inside the Naval Weapons Research Institute.

"Do you think it is possible?" a middle-aged man asked a young man in a skeptical tone. He believed that the young man's thinking was wrong.

"Group leader, we also know some of our difficulties in the process of developing sea mines, but I think that under the conditions of Aiji, they will also invent some mine devices, although they cannot go deep underwater, but they But it can float on the surface of the sea. In this case, the same combat effect can be achieved. I have noticed. The location of the explosion is close to the surface of the sea, not where the mine explosion should be on the keel. In that case, it will be more deadly. "Young people are members of the South Korean Naval Weapons Research Group. The main result of their group is mines. They invented sea mines, which became the best blockade weapon. When the South Korean Navy encountered mines in the Red Sea area, they were the first to think of this research team. They hoped to find some clues through technical analysis.

"But what about the detonating device? They didn't hit the ignition device, and there was no bottom fire, unless Chu people sold it to them, but can their heads figure it out?" the middle-aged man asked.

"I don't know about this, but I don't think we should underestimate them. They have their own wisdom, and sometimes they do better than us." The young man said.

"If it was me, if possible, I would do this. Put the flintlock trigger device in the mine, as long as the trigger device does not touch the sea water. But you must find a way to keep it dry. The water vapor of the sea water will cause it to trigger. The failure of the device, but it still has a certain effect." The young man told the middle-aged man some of his thoughts.

"Is it the same as the mines we make, can you achieve that with some tentacles?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Yes, team leader, in this way, we can achieve our expected goal, but if we do this, it will be effective, we still don’t know, because I think it should be like this, their mine is a kind of simple The product will never be made too elaborate, otherwise, the cost will rise. In that case, it is definitely not the weapon they want. The weapon they make may be a wooden barrel or some other thing." The young man said To.

"You'd better write a report. No, you do some experiments and then write a report. Or write an expected report first. I will hand it over." The middle-aged man was persuaded. After all, this is a possibility. After all, the principle of the structure of mines is not very complicated. If they float on them, the situation is even simpler.

South Korea must conduct such an experiment, because it is a very threatening experiment, and this kind of experiment will make their military operations encounter greater setbacks.

On the sea east of Port Seth, a Korean merchant ship is moored on the sea not far away. Some small boats are constantly transporting something back and forth. From shore to ship, they are transporting some large boxes. Large and small, it is very difficult to carry, and there is a word of caution written on it, which shows that there are some valuable things inside.

"What's in it? Let's move it carefully." asked an aboriginal from a Western colony. His Korean is very good. This also allows him to do some light work, such as counting how many boxes.

"Let's talk less. Don't ask too much, knowing too much is not good for you." A Korean stood at the bow of the boat and said. They are approaching the big ship, and all the munitions are transported on the big ship, which everyone knows. There are also some new rifles, bullets, and even weapons such as grenades.

The new South Korean army is leaving here, and there are only two infantry regiments left in the garrison here. Moreover, their organization is incomplete. In fact, the two regiments add up to less than 3,000 people. In addition, there are also some Seth National Defenders. They are Serbian troops and specialize in bad things, such as stealing, smuggling, and robbery. Taxation indiscriminately. They deal specifically with locals, but as long as it involves Koreans, they will stop immediately and immediately become another look, very docile, docile makes you want to kill them, but the locals hate them very much. Because they were also Seth people before, but they were doing things that made all Seth people shameless.

The South Korean army left. But their preparations stayed. In addition to some portable weapons, there are also some important weapons that must be repaired. Most of the weapons are left here. These are consumables. South Korea is unwilling to bear the transportation costs of these arms and weapons, because who can guarantee after they are shipped back. These weapons can be used. The most important thing is that South Korea is very dissatisfied with these weapons. They hope to be able to replace them with new weapons. So they decided to sell it to the local army. A large number of weapons have flowed into the Seth country. Not only the Seth army is equipped with these weapons, but even some tribal armed and merchants armed them are also equipped with such rifles, but this is just the beginning. The weapons left by the army cannot satisfy them. Because the number is relatively small, it can only be equipped with troops of 20,000 to 30,000 at most, but the gap in the Seth army is very large, with at least 100,000 or more equipment, which creates a big gap. The gap can only be completed through arms smuggling, which greatly stimulates the arms smugglers in South Korea. They stare at this place with excitement. A large number of weapons have been transported in. However, they are all locals who buy their weapons. Without more currency, normal trade transactions have caused a large outflow of gold coins in Seth. This has led to the emergence of the currency tightening of the Seth country, but this is not difficult for those who trade arms, because those who trade arms are all powerful people in the local area, and they will trade the arms and weapons they need through other methods. Arms, they are the local kings.

What the Koreans don’t know is that through this war, the Seth central government’s control over the localities has become lower and lower, because their army has consumed a lot of their financial funds, coupled with economic downturn, and various It is possible that localities may be further separated from the control of the central government. The State of Seth may further collapse, but this is a trend. When this trend is reached, no one can stop this from happening.

"Be careful, there are all treasures in this," said an obese businessman on board.

"Kang Dang." There was a sound of box collision, and there was a sound of broken glass and pottery, although it didn't sound very loud. But everyone heard it.

"Damn, damn," the fat businessman scolded. Then they were immediately unpacked and inspected, but the accidentally transported workers were kicked to the side.

"Damn, do you know what these are? They are cultural relics, things that can never be copied in the world. They are antiques, antiques. Do you know? Damn." The fat businessman scolded.

That's right, those powerful local figures who traded with them to buy arms, they traded some cultural relics, and there were a lot of these things. From gold and silver jewelry, wine glasses, statues, to parchment paper, pottery, and even some exquisite carpets, it is said that some people even carry corpses for trading. If it is not for the Korean taste, it may be traded. successful.

Seth has nothing to trade. A large number of gold coins and silver coins have flowed into the pockets of Koreans, and the Seth people lack enough currency to pay for these arms. The only way is cultural relics, the birth of the Lianghe Civilization Many brilliant civilizations have been created. This is an important part of human history, but there are also many important cultural relics left, such as the Assyrian statues with battles and the statues of Anche on large stones. Get those powerful people down. Packed and shipped here.

Their value cannot be measured by money. Such an approach will cause great damage to cultural relics, but that's it, this kind of thing will still happen, because they cannot be banned. What many powerful people need is Arms is security and their own power, they don't care about it at all.

The trade between cultural relics and arms is very unbalanced, or extremely unfair. For example, a piece of parchment with a large number of cultural relics is treated as waste paper, with hundreds of rolls. Parchment, dozens of boxes of cultural relics, turned out to be the price of two artillery pieces. This has not yet counted the value of the shells. If their ancestors heard such an exchange price, they would definitely be furious again.

"Okay. It's broken. Anyway, you bought it at a ragged price. Going back, you sell it to those museums and collectors. You will get dozens of times the profit at once." The captain said impatiently. To. When the obese businessman heard this, he couldn't continue the attack. The captain knew very well what these guys were doing. They bought a lot of cultural relics at an absolutely low price. The price of these cultural relics is difficult for others to accept, but even at such a price, they really exist, and then they change hands. Selling to domestic collections and museums, they will buy such things at high prices. In their opinion, these things are too good. Good makes it hard for them to accept. These businessmen are making money without losing money.

And the captain has long seen through these guys who made money from other countries' national disasters. In Mengla, and wherever a war breaks out and arms are needed, they exist like maggots. They will **** up the nutrients of this country alive, but they themselves become fat and white. They keep making money from these countries, and the captain knows exactly how much they have made. Obese businessmen know this, so naturally they can't say anything.

The business of exchanging cultural relics for arms is still going on, but these arms dealers are constantly exchanging them. The arms and weapons they get are relatively cheap, because they are large in quantity, but they get in return. Incomparable, this makes them extremely crazy. As long as the war continues, they will make a lot of money.

And in the farther east, a kind of transaction is also going on.

"Yes, this is the psychotropic drug you need. This drug can make you more powerful and can make the war extremely bloody. Your soldiers will explode more than ten times the fighting power. A Qi businessman does not Stop introduced. And the two ships he brought, one of them kept unloading goods, what they sold to the Seth people was a kind of psychotropic drug, in fact, it was a relatively high-purity Yapian extract This kind of extract can make people emit a kind of crazy power in a short time. This madness can make them forget the pain and forget the hurt. They are constantly excited. Only by constantly erupting power can they become extremely powerful. Crazy, war has made the Seth people lose their rationality. The Persians are a difficult opponent. They have become extremely difficult to deal with. They are patient and stick to their positions. This makes the Seth people crazy and annoyed. But I was also very scared, because many Seth people are unwilling to die. Such a dead end is an extremely unworthy thing. In their view, only fools will carry on this kind of thing, but war needs them. Such fools continue to fight, and the fight has become unforgettable.

But the Seth people have lost their will to fight, and many people have become extremely fragile. They cannot withstand a cruel blow. This is a torture to the Seth people. The Seth people felt very annoyed. And this time. The people of Qi State sold them a drug to advertise that they could get rid of this dilemma.

In fact, they also achieved this effect in the region. Before the war, they distributed alcoholic drinks to the soldiers, and the alcoholic drinks added this kind of medicine, and the dosage of the medicine was increased several times. A moment ago, they began to explode with such power. Death makes them fearless, because their brains are congested and it is difficult to control their thinking. They become very powerful, they become very fond of killing, and they become crazy and uncontrollable.

The results of the experiment made the Seth people very satisfied. They believed that they finally found a good effect. As for the side effects of the medicine, they completely ignored it. In their opinion, these are irrelevant. What they need is a mentally increasing drug. Soldiers should explode with such results for the injuries to soldiers. Only by letting them explode with such results can they be better. To solve such a thing.

"Those are your goods, we need more, hope you can bring more, more drugs. We need them." Said the people friendly. The Qi businessman returned home with a full load, he was so happy. These things are very cheap. Now Yueshi is constantly planting them without too many people. As long as you buy a piece of worthless land, you can achieve the same effect. The Qi businessman happily sent him away. He has his money.

Drugs and cultural relics are also being traded, because this is the need of war, and war makes everyone's mental state very bad. The Seth people need such psychotropic drugs, which has given birth to the spread and proliferation of this drug. A larger-scale demand may change with the war and directly affect a future development.

South Korea, Zhang Xiongdao Army rifle test site.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang." The sound of various firearms burst out continuously, and the sound of bullets made people's heartbeat.

"Look at this." A South Korean new army major held a large wooden board and placed it in front of a colonel.

"This is just a hole." The colonel said strangely after seeing it. The plank is very thick. This is a plank designed to test the power of bullets. Under normal circumstances, such a target can clearly mark the power of the bullet, of course. There is also another weapon that will be tested on some iron plates, but the bullets are still not up to this point.

"Sir, look at this again." As he said, the major turned the board around.

"Oh. My goodness, a big hole. How did you do it? Did you invent a strange bullet?" the colonel asked curiously.

"Yes, sir, Qin people invented shot bombs, but they don’t know how to make that kind of ammunition. Qin people call them dum bullets. We have relevant data, but we can’t find such results. Later we continued to explore. , Invented this bullet." said the major.

"When hit at a longer distance, the bullet can cause a lot of damage. In the front is just a small opening, but in the back, it is a large opening. The target that is hit will quickly lose motivation. They are If you don't die immediately, you will lose your combat effectiveness immediately." said the major.

"Yeah. Yes, what is the name of such a bullet?" the colonel asked curiously.

"The people of Qin are called Dum Dan, and we call Fire Bomb." The major explained to the side.

"Very good, very good." The colonel looked at the bullets excitedly. This is a flower bullet developed by the Koreans. This bullet is very powerful and can kill with one shot. The most terrible thing is that it can produce a lot of destructive power. This is a bullet that no one dared to think of. Then the colonel experimented. He felt that the power of the bullet was indeed very good, and it was better than he thought. Think about it, the soldier can solve the problem with one bullet instead of firing more bullets indiscriminately. The most important thing is Yes, the opponent can be killed with a single shot, even if it is seriously injured, it will lose combat effectiveness. This is the result that all officers want to see, because this is the most cost-effective economic account. The officer will not object.

"I think we may use this kind of bullets in the next Menggla recovery battle. The more such bullets, the better." The colonel was very satisfied after the experiment, and he said to the major. Nodded, if the military can make large-scale purchases, this is the best result.

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