In order to resolve the Bangla war as soon as possible, the South Korean military believes that they should invest in some new weapons to speed up the progress of the war. For example, the use of new-style flowering bullets. Such bullets are more deadly and can accelerate the end of the war. Is the best solution.

The South Korean military’s new weapons are definitely not just a new bullet to solve the problem, they also produced a medium-caliber, that is, a 38-caliber rifle. The power of this rifle has been reduced a lot, so that the soldier’s shoulders can be used. Withstand the recoil of the rifle, the accuracy is further improved. However, the military is still very worried, because if the caliber is reduced, it means that the power of their rifles is reduced. For such worries, the military still exists.

Inside the Parthian legion. Many Sabbath soldiers gathered, and a propaganda officer of the Sabbath Army's Party was waving a powerful arm to make a loud propaganda.

"Joining the Parthian Army Party, he can guarantee the political interests of the Parthian soldiers. It can guarantee that each of us has the right to vote and can live like Qin people. We defeat the Persians, regain our lost land, and build our new home on the land. "The propaganda staff said loudly. Some soldiers can't wait to write their names and register.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" a young soldier in his early twenties asked his companion.

"Registration, didn’t you hear? Joining the Military Party now has many benefits. Haven’t you heard? The Parthian Legion will be handed over to the new Parthian government. Where does the government come from? Parliament, and the Military Party can get more With more support, they will inevitably form their own government. At that time, they will give priority to their party members. If I am a party member, they may give priority. If I go late, there may be nothing left." The companion broke free of his restraint as he spoke and hurried to sign up. And there are a large number of soldiers gathered in the registry office, and they are all joining the military party with all their strength. In their view, this party is their own party and can represent their own interests.

But the young soldier shook his head. He didn't want to join any party. He just wanted to go home. If the Shabbat was handed over to the Shabbats, he didn't know what their situation would be.

The propaganda work of the Parthian Military Party proceeded very quickly. Under the organization and arrangement of the Parthian officers, everyone in the hands of the Parthian soldiers received several propaganda leaflets. There were propaganda posters in each barracks. This is a kind of comparison. Expensive inks are printed and distributed, but every barracks has it. This makes the propaganda cost of the newly formed Parthian Army Party very tight. It can be said that they will soon be exhausted. Fortunately, some new party members are constantly added. They provide extremely limited party dues, which cannot meet their huge publicity expenses. Now they are anxious about the funds, because their publicity offensive has just begun, even though their competitors are some old tribal leaders. They are still using traditional methods for their propaganda, establishing their own political parties, and they hold grand banquets to communicate. This method is obviously very backward. Or the efficiency is extremely slow, and the military party has started in more places, they are no longer satisfied with the Parthian legion, they decided to go deep into these tribes, in their view, the tribes are also soldiers, they can be militias, they It is also a member of the military, but if you want to promote it, you must have a lot of funds.

Under such circumstances, they had to temporarily organize some military propaganda experts to conduct propaganda among the tribes. As for the funding issue, they decided to discuss the matter with Qin State Bank. Perhaps they could help them solve this problem.

In Bangla Port, there are more and more merchant ships berthed in the port. What they unload is a large amount of rice. The amount of rice is very, very large. The locals in Bangla who work in the port area feel very surprised when they see such a large amount of rice. Excited. Because they have enough food to ensure their food safety.

"Chairman, our bank has been closed for a long time. I don't know when will it start to reopen?" A Korean bank manager on the side asked worriedly a banker in his fifties in front of him. The banker was dressed decently. The weather here is very humid, but even this kind of weather does not prevent him from dressing decently. Decent is a banker’s status symbol, and this is what he should guarantee.

"It will take a long time to wait. What do you see that are loaded on those ships?" The banker replied to the other party. The manager also knows that there will be such an answer, because the banking union has kept meeting, but they just can’t come up with a solution. I heard that a compromise has been reached in the country and they want to issue new banknotes to replace Bangla Bank of Korea. The banknotes issued by the Alliance itself, in this case, are equivalent to the banknotes being collected in the hands of the other party at once. This is for the Korean bankers in Bangla. It’s definitely not good news. In this case, the tools for them to make big money will be gone all at once. Instead, more banks will participate in it, and there will also be the presence of Qin Guo Bank, which makes the bankers feel very headache. Think that they are robbing them of a tool to make money, and they are the most hateful people.

However, a question was really placed in front of them and they shut up completely. Because the banknotes they issued are no longer used locally. Instead of rice, rice has become a kind of stable transaction of goods. Although this seems very troublesome and not as convenient as paper money, compared with the collapse of the bank’s credit system, rice is much stronger than the waste paper issued by bankers. Banks have to issue new banknotes if they want to make money, but old banknotes have become a big mess. How to solve this mess is a headache for bankers, because if they don’t solve this problem, it will be difficult to completely solve the problem. solve this problem.

Barter exchange has great drawbacks. Although all bankers know such drawbacks, issuing banknotes is a trend in the future, but this demand will make them extremely troublesome. They must solve the mess they left before, and after cleaning up, re-establish the bank's credit system. If they follow the general method, this will inevitably cause the bank to spend a long time to establish order, which takes time, banker We are obviously unwilling to wait for such a long time. There are many opportunities now, and many places need funds. The funds they provide are indeed rice. Only by providing a large amount of rice can the project proceed, which makes them very passive.

"Rice, chairman, what I see is rice, a lot of rice." the manager said.

"Hehe, what I see is a force, a new force. Let's go, let's go back and recycle the banknotes in the hands of the Menggla people to issue new banknotes." The bank chairman said with a smile. Then they went back.

The result of the meeting was that the Korean bankers must be responsible for this abuse of banknotes. If they do not, it means that the banknotes in their hands will be completely useless. In that case, it will undoubtedly make more wealth. It's gone, and the Mengla people have long lost their illusions about this kind of banknotes. Some of them have burned the banknotes as waste paper. Their hard-earned money in the previous month was not as great as the largest denomination issued by the bank. Hunger and panic spread quickly. That is the root cause of the riot. Now they have completely treated this kind of devilish thing. Lost interest, and they no longer have fantasies about paper money.

"Aka, do you know some words, what do they say?" A Mengla asked a little girl. She could secretly go to a school established in South Korea to learn some words. This is a place that changed her own destiny. It's a pity that those schools charge a lot of tuition, and only the children of businessmen can go to school, and some of them are teenagers who look clumsy. These people are all children who are studying around, they can only find time to learn some knowledge. Because knowing Zhongyuan characters can change their own destiny. They have seen with their own eyes that a self-taught boy becomes the manager of a wharf warehouse. He can support himself without having to do heavy work every day. Many Mengla people take it When the other party becomes an idol, learning the Central Plains dialect can change your destiny. This is the consensus reached by all the people in Mengla. If you know and don't speak the Central Plains dialect, your future is hopeless. Because Zhongyuan Education is an elite education. Only by mastering and receiving this kind of education can you become a true elite.

"It said that the bank is going to issue new banknotes. I can't recognize the characters behind this kind of banknotes." Aka said.

"There is the following." Others asked. Among the locals, the names named after the locals are humble, and they will not exist among the objects of official registration statistics for taxation. It is also the reason why they cannot be registered when they are taxed. In black box operations, they were exploited, or because they could not have legal benefits. For example, many of them did not even have the right to vote. This caused their own problems to be put on hold. This is indeed a big problem in Bangla. In Bangla, only those who are legally registered to pay taxes will be given the right to vote. You can believe that in Bangla, a country with a population of more than one million, there are no more than 10,000 people who have the right to vote. It may be about nine. Thousands of people up and down. Social wealth has been severely divided by two to eight. The same is true of political rights and interests, which has led to many people in Bangla, ignorant, and poor. They cannot change their destiny.

"The following is that they will use a new type of banknote to recycle the previously issued banknotes, and the recycling rate may be as high as one to ten thousand." Aka said. She did not know many words, she had already studied very hard. In this way, she still couldn't recognize some words, which would not allow her to pass the exam. If she passes the exam, she can enter some shops or work in ports. She can act as a copywriter and can learn to record some things. This is a very good job for her, better than selling small things.

"Wow." Just then. An angry young man walked over and dropped the announcement.

"Korean people think so well. They are sucking our blood. We absolutely can't believe those **** bankers." The young man said. He is a stevedore on the dock. He is muscular and looks very beautiful, but he is sweaty all over, which makes people feel bad. People like him should go to the army, but unfortunately, the Bangladeshi new army has no plan to expand the army, because a large amount of financial funds are concentrated on the construction of economic infrastructure, such as the construction of railways and roads. In this way, many people want to change their destiny by serving as a soldier and it is impossible to achieve.

"Well, I think, let's go back and buy more rice. If I get hungry again, I can't stand it." Some people said.

"But if you buy too much rice, it will be broken. In that case, we still can't save it." Some people said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. It's better than starving to death." Many people said. After experiencing a disaster, they have an instinctive resistance to hunger, or in other words, they instinctively begin to have an indescribable fear of hunger.

"Good news, good news. The prices of grain and rice have fallen. They have fallen a lot, and we can get more rice." A coolie who ran back from the port shouted loudly. Many people are very excited to hear such news, so that they will never be hungry again. This makes them feel very excited. But this is exactly what bankers want to see.

Dawan Country. Inside Yang Lin's office.

"How was this incident reported? Our people were very angry when they saw such a report. I am very worried that under such an angry situation, they will produce very bad results." Old Yang Lin said worriedly. To. Behind this worry is more anger. He knows that if this matter is not controlled well, their situation will become very unfavorable.

"This, I, I am not very clear." The Minister of Defense knew that it was the content of the front page of the Xinshidu Times, which said that the border between Dawan and Wanhua was constantly being harassed by the Persians. Their attacks are very random, sometimes in the daytime, sometimes at night, and more in the evening. When it gets dark, people tend to relax at that time, and more people are in their sleep. Was killed. Many checkpoints are killed in this way. Although the loss of troops is not a lot, three people will be lost today and two will be lost tomorrow, but over time, problems will become prominent. This is the situation they are currently experiencing. But there is no way, because they need to maintain a long and long border. This border has only one infantry division and one cavalry regiment to defend it. The disarmament and abolition of the country is very powerful. They only have one infantry. Division, two infantry regiments, one cavalry regiment, and one artillery regiment, one engineer battalion exists, two infantry regiments defend important cities such as Xinshidu, the artillery regiment is stationed in the capital, and the engineering battalions are arranged in other areas. The organizational system was still dismantled because they needed surveying and mapping. The military strength of the Dawan people is very tense, but their defense area is too large, they can only disperse their forces. If this is the case, they can't defend it anywhere, and rest in peace, the Persians, they can enter Dawan recklessly and grab some. Supplies, rifles, ammunition, soldiers' clothes, and blankets were all taken away. Because they are too lack of such things. They are guerrillas and cannot get any supplements. And Dawan is the only place where they can get supplies. This is where Dawan is constantly harassed.

"If we continue, our situation will be very bad. We must do something, for example, to be able to change this situation, or the fundamental way to solve these problems. Think about it, what kind of solutions do you have? Solve this problem." Yang Lin said.

"The only way is to use aviation to carry out bombing in accordance with the methods of the Qin State Ministry of National Defense. If we can bomb their strongholds. Inflict heavy casualties on them, and then carry out large-scale propaganda, I think we can achieve this goal, but If you do this, it may cause huge retaliation, and we cannot deal with such retaliation." The Defense Minister said worriedly.

"Furthermore, if you do this, the money spent will be further increased." The Defense Minister said.

"Although we will spend more money, we can solve the problem. Public opinion is a big trouble. If they break out, it will be difficult for us to solve this problem." Lao Yanglin still has a consistent style, despite the peace and peace. The Persians caused some trouble, but compared to the domestic, the trouble would be even greater. First of all, the people would continue to oppose him, and it would be difficult for him to concentrate on solving many things.

"However, Prime Minister, I am worried about the issue of military spending. Without sufficient military spending, it will be difficult for us to guarantee the use of our aviation. If we want to use aviation, we must increase military spending." The Minister of Defense said worriedly.

"This, we will increase military spending, as long as we solve the problem, but the question is, how do we ensure sufficient military spending. This is what we care about." Yang Lin felt that this problem seemed to be more troublesome.

The Dawan Army has its own air force. They have established two squadrons of aviation airship bombing squadrons, and a special squadron, which is mainly engaged in military activities such as reconnaissance, photography, and transportation. If necessary, they can also participate in bombing operations. This is what they must do, but they must have more military expenses to use them, because their affairs cost too much money. Especially fuel, aviation bombs and so on.

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